Tour of our Cozy Christmas Basement!

December 15, 2023

A full Christmas decorated basement tour!

It's about that time! It's been a minute since I've shared a tour of our basement -- our favorite spot in the house this time of year.

This is always the first space I decorate for the season because we spend so much time down here, especially in the darker, colder months. 

The warm and moody colors and decor make it feel extra cozy, even more so with the Christmas decor added in! 

This is a tour of the holiday decor in the family room, dining/game area and kitchenette I finished up (well, mostly) earlier this year. 

I'll add links to some of the big projects I've tackled down here as we go through the tour, but let me know if you're wondering about something specific. :)

I always display the Letters to Santa Claus book this time of year. I still can't believe I stumbled upon my childhood letter to Santa in this book a few years ago: 

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A few years ago I tackled this huge wall of built ins around the TV. This is still one of my all time favorite DIY projects ever: 

It is SO fun to decorate those shelves for the holidays. This year I didn't go crazy with the Christmas decor because our Christmas village display is so busy. 

I added a few holiday figurines like trees and reindeer, but for the most part just kept to some evergreen and pine cone touches, as well as a few of the holiday Lego sets our son has put together over the years:

We've been adding to our Christmas village for about 20 years now...this year's addition was a holiday-themed Home Depot. 😂

This bench under the TV serves as extra seating, but is also perfect for our Halloween and Christmas displays. :) 

We light it up every evening when we watch TV: 

I shared some fun and easy tree decorating tips a couple weeks ago. This year's tree is one of my favorites I've ever decorated. The beautiful tree definitely helps!: 

I always hang that cute reindeer and Santa garland on our giant world map. I think it's fitting: 

large IKEA world artwork
Find out more about that map artwork here.

I added some greenery and berries around the the vintage console table as well: 

The basement is definitely where I have fun with our Christmas decor! I like a little more of a refined look upstairs on the main level, but I use a lot of color and comfy touches in the basement: 

Earlier this year we changed out our smaller coffee table for this larger, softer square ottoman. I love it! It comes stuffed and ready to go: 

A few years ago we had a wall put up down here to separate some of the spaces. So glad we did that, because it created this cozy spot where we added a table and this DIY fireplace wall

I go back and forth on adding a mantel above the fireplace (usually just during the holidays!), but I still like it without. 

These glass and metal chargeable lamps are SO pretty! I absolutely love them. They are great for low, ambient light, but also great additional task lighting for Legos or puzzles:

These chairs were from Big Lots of all places! They are SO comfy and the quality is excellent. (They've even held up to cat claws.):

We love this cozy spot so much!

Earlier this year I shared our finished basement kitchenette. We feel SO lucky to have this awesome space for us, but for entertaining down here too. 

There are a few more projects I plan to tackle in this space. I built this room from the ground up all of last December and January last year, so it's nice to relax and enjoy this year: 

The DIY brass gallery rail and shelf above the tile is the perfect spot for some Christmas themed artwork. 

Our "Count Your Blessings" art is my favorite. White Christmas is our go-to movie every Christmas Eve and that song always makes me cry:

The Mickey Mouse garland is adorable! It sings a Christmas song and the faces light up. It's obnoxious and I love it. 😂

Years ago I made some cute holiday mason jars, and I like to reuse the decor in different ways. This year I placed a few trees and decor items under a cheese plate glass dome: 

I found the cute glass gingerbread house and snowman at the Target dollar spot, and the tree at Walmart: 

Just a few little touches make this spot feel festive and fun!:

I hope you enjoyed this holiday tour of our favorite spot in the house this time of year! Now I need to get to wrapping and get some presents under that tree! 
gray walls and built ins with TV

I'll be back shortly with a tour of the rest of our holiday home. :) 

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  1. Your basement looks amazing with unique Christmas decor! Beautiful tree too!

  2. This is SO beautiful! I’m sure your family must appreciate all your hard work (they’d better!!)! Thank you for inspiring us.

  3. So cozy, warm and inviting! Would you mind sharing the screen saver you have on your tv?🤍

    1. Thank you! This should take you to it...

  4. Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for the inspiration! Love all your decorations.

  5. I love the cozy feel your basement has, Sarah. Nice job with all the decor. I am envious of your DIY skills!
    I noticed that you have a rug on top of the carpet. I did the same in my basement, and despite having a pad under it and some furniture on top of it, it moves around very easily. Considering it is not our hangout space, the rug moves a lot. I am hoping to avoid using "carpet/rug" tape because in my experience it leaves a residue on the carpet. Any tips or is that just the nature of putting a rug on carpet?

    1. Ours is a pretty heavy wool rug, so I think that helps, along with the heavy sectional. Maybe there are options for carpet tape?

  6. lovely and plush; what about the upstairs living room; no matter; Thank you for sharing!

  7. Love your Christmas decorations! Can you tell me where you bought the 3 wooded trees on your shelf and the sign behind it? thank you!

    1. Thank you! The trees were from HomeGoods and the sign was from Big Lots -- both a few years ago.

  8. Where did you find your carved wood trees? they are favorite.

  9. My favorite pic is of Peanut snuggled under the blankie. I'm a sucker for old dogs with their white faces.

  10. Everything looks so nice! It makes me sad that I used to have so much to decorate with, but had to give it up when we downsized and moved.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!