How to Create a Feature Wall With Wallpaper

April 08, 2021

Hey there! I just have some minor tweaks to make in the laundry/mud room and I'm DONE! I'm hoping to share it with you next week. :) Whew, this one has worn me out, but I love it so very much. It's SO pretty. This latest addition on the big empty wall has made the whole space!

When we moved the upper cabinets, I knew this wall would feel pretty sparse. Even with the added DIY shelf over the washer and dryer, it still needed something: 

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I already knew what I wanted to do -- when I decided to tackle this room weeks ago I ordered some wallpaper samples to see how they looked in person. **Just like paint, I recommend seeing wallpaper in your space before ordering. 

When you have a big wall that needs something...wallpaper is a great go-to! It creates a BIG statement for the money. Of course you can always do an accent color on the wall, or trim work. But wallpaper really fills the space visually and you won't need to do much else!

This one was the winner -- it was perfect! It's the York Candice Olson Botanical Fantasy peel and stick wallpaper in blue/beige: 

It was love at first sight! I knew it would be perfect with the dark blue and white cabinetscreamy backsplash tile and other parts of the room that were already in place. 

If you search for this online be sure to include the pattern number PSW1106RL. Use a wallpaper calculator to figure out how much you'll need -- you'll want to make sure your rolls all come from the same batch. 

I've shared how to hang peel and stick wallpaper before and it's not bad at all! I've installed pasted wallpaper and this sticky stuff and they both have pros and cons. I usually prefer the peel and stick -- it just seems to lay better on the wall and I like that I can rearrange it a few times. 

This stuff is absolutely gorgeous! I love it SO MUCH: 

I've found it a bunch of places online so be sure to shop around! Right now the best prices I've found are here and here

After I got it on the wall I added a couple little DIY projects on the wall. We already had that metal IKEA drying rack, but I wanted to give it more substance against the wallpaper. 

I used scrap wood to create a horizontal planked back and framed it out with 1x2s. The rack isn't sold at IKEA anymore, but I found this metal laundry wall rack that seems to be very similar. I love ours -- it holds a lot, is strong enough to hold wet clothes and folds away to take up no space at all. 

I wanted a spot to hang clothes on hangers but didn't want it to be crazy big -- so I cut a small piece of dowel rod and screwed one of these wood pieces onto the end: 

I spray painted the whole thing white and then screwed it into the side of our bench cubbies: 

It's perfect! 

The only other art hanging on this wall is this laundry sign I reworked a bit: 

I found the wood sign at Hobby Lobby but wanted it to be a little more substantial. I grabbed some scrap wood and painted it the dark blue like the base cabinets in this room, then painted some scrap luan in the bright white. I nailed them all together and now that small sign has a lot more impact!

This room is a mix of cream, white, gray and dark blue colors and all of those are in the wallpaper. It goes perfectly with the accents and colors I already had in here: 

😍😍 So lovely! Even my boys like the wallpaper in here -- my son was horrified when he first saw the sample, ha! But he admitted that it looked great once I got it up. 

I love the design, the colors and that it makes such a HUGE impact in here! Whether you love or hate wallpaper, it's an addition that will set your home apart from others. 

Here are resources for most of the items pictured!

Pretty washable laundry labels on jars
Fabric cubby bins and laundry sign are from Hobby Lobby
DIY laundry shelf over washer and dryer (baskets and jars are linked there as well)

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  1. I love the wallpaper. It looks beautiful on your wall and the laundry room turned out gorgeous!

  2. That wallpaper is stunning! I have too much texture on my walls so I always have wallpaper envy when others do it LOL The room looks great!

  3. Stunning! I love that wallpaper and miss Candace Olson’s shows on TV.

  4. Love it! Where is the cubby/bench diy or where did you buy it?

  5. WOW! That looks amazing. It's so on trend and interesting and fun!

  6. Yay, good Canadian girl designer for the win! (love Candace from way back on Divine Design) Gorgeous wallpaper, you've done an amazing job, as always :-)

  7. I love that wallpaper. It's really made the room come alive.

  8. I'm in love with everything about this.

  9. I love wallpaper and want to use it, but have textured walls. Have you (or anyone else) ever put it on a textured wall? Can you see that it is not smooth?

    1. I've been wondering this as well. Were your walls left untextured when you built your house, Sarah? It's the scraping down texture that is daunting to me as opposed to the wallpapering! Yours is absolutely gorgeous, Sarah! Beautiful!

    2. We don't have textured walls, but if it's not SUPER textured and you have a more matte wallpaper, I think you'd probably be OK. You can also use a wallpaper liner that is supposed to help with rougher walls! I didn't even know it was a thing till a couple weeks ago. I'd look into that if you want to add wallpaper! :)

    3. Thanks Sarah! I'm happy to hear of that wallpaper liner!

  10. Love that creeper! 😂 This room would make me Want to do laundry!!!

  11. It’s beautiful! Are you concerned at all with using the peel and stick in this room? I’ve heard that the humidity can cause it to come down . I want to wallpaper my laundry room also, but just concerned a bit.

    1. Hello! No not at all! I've used it in bathrooms as well and had no problem. :)

  12. Your wallpaper is gorgeous. Absolutely love it. My laundry room is similar style and I'm having such a hard time finding a wallpaper. My upper cabinets are white just like yours, but my base cabinets are a dark cranberry red. Any suggestions?!? What paper would you choose??? Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and all your resources! - Ana


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

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THANKS so much for reading!