The BEST Pet Stain Remover {For Anything Animal-Related}

February 09, 2025

Our favorite pet stain remover spray that gets everything out with NO scrubbing! 

I'm sharing a quick post about a pet stain remover we've used for years and LOVE. We can't live without this stuff now! 

This isn't a sponsored post, I just like to share things that work. If you have animals I think you'll find it worthwhile.

Just a warning...these are the worst pictures you'll ever see on the blog. 😂 I can't get around not showing you so you can see how it works, so bear with me.  

Our little chihuahua dog absolutely HATES going out when it's really cold out. He's fine most days, but when it's bone-chilling cold he will go in and out as fast as possible. I can't blame him! 

This time of year we will occasionally find a little pee spot: 

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About eight years ago I found a non-toxic pet stain spray called Furry Freshness on a Facebook ad of all places. I decided to try it out based on the raving reviews. 

It really is a miracle solution. I've never used anything like it! 

You just spray the spot enough so that it's saturated:

And by the next day the stain will be gone (well, usually). Sometimes we have to spray again, but it's just the same process of saturating the stain. 

We've used this so many times in our house and I can't even find the spots where we sprayed. 

Let it sit for the best results -- don't scrub it into the carpet, don't do anything! 

This was just a few hours later:

By the next day it will be gone! 

It works on everything animal related. We haven't had to use it for #2 thank goodness, but our kitties do vomit occasionally. 

Tip: I've learned to let the vomit dry, then vacuum up any dry bits and spray. It's much easier to clean up. 

This was puke one of them left us on the carpet the other day:

See! I told you these are the BEST photos ever. 😂

I had already cleaned up any of the solid stuff. Again, just saturate the stain really well:

As you can see, it immediately starts working on the stain. (The carpet color looks different, I know -- these were taken at different times and with lights on and off.)

This is after a full 24 hours, and I'll spray again to get the little bit of discoloration that remains:

That's pretty impressive for such a dark stain! And this is standing right up on it -- when you walk in the room you already have to look for where it was. 

It doesn't contain any harsh chemicals or dyes (and is scent-free). They describe the formula as a form of stabilized oxygen that breaks down and vaporizes bacteria that causes the stains and smells.

I don't recommend using any other cleaning solutions before or in combination with Furry Freshness, as it won't work quite as well. (It will take more applications.)
In my nearly five decades of "owning" animals, I've never found a pet stain remover that works as well. 

You can get Furry Freshness here if you want to get it quickly:

It's worth it to order the gallon size on their site

This product is not cheap, but it WORKS. We get the gallon size and refill the spray bottle as we go. You can use it on hard surfaces as well, as it kind of melts everything and makes it easier to clean up. 

A gallon lasts us at least six months, even with four animals. The extra cost is worth saving our carpet and rugs. 

They do say that the solution can cause a smell while it cleans, but it goes away. It just smells "clean" to me, so we've never had an issue with that.

Have any of you tried this solution? We LOVE it! Can't recommend it enough!

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  1. Thanks for the advice. I love my 3 dacshunds but they do have a few accidents. we also had a ‘circle of death’ poop incident recently that was NOT fun. I’m ordering this now to try!!!

    1. haha we have 3 "semi" potty trained dachshunds. I completely get it! Hope this works, I am thinking of trying it as well.

  2. Thank you for this information. I just discovered an 'accident' on my guestroom carpet. Not the first for my little long-hair Doxie and I haven't found anything else that will work. I'm going to order this right away.

  3. I love Folex , available at big box stores. Including BB&Beyond. It is around $7 works exactly the way you describe. spray , vacuum repeat if necessary.

  4. Thank you so much for this post!! I have a 17 year old cat who is having accidents almost daily and a dog who has a tender tummy and I am in need of something better...I've tried DIY and Resolve Pet...but they both leave stains and my OCD is in overdrive!! Will be ordering asap!!!

  5. I also just ordered this. I have a dog who gets anxious when I'm gone and leaves evidence of his anxiety for me to see when I return. I'm not finding that the oxy cleaners are removing the stains very well and I can't stand the toxic Spot Shot odor when using it. Here's hoping this truly works since it's pretty pricey.

  6. This isn't a pet cleaner but for the past 2 years we have been using Puracy and I love it. My husband hates vinegar which I love to use and my girls clean a lot too so I wanted something safe. But this cleans better then many other chemical cleaners we have used. We get it on Amazon with subscribe and clean.

  7. Does this eliminate the stains from showing up under a blacklight?

    1. Jessica...a CSI unit is on the way!

  8. I wish I had this while my kitty was still with us - she so loved to puke...

  9. With three pups in the house now I've tried my share of products - my current favorite (for the past few years, actually) is Oxi Clean Carpet & Rug Stain Remover in a spray bottle. I order 6 at a time from Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get free shipping - so I'm good for a while! Although my old girl is having more accidents...and my new rescue doesn't love to go out in the you know how it is!

  10. Thanks for the info. I have raised five litters of kittens in the last three years. They urinated on a box of new floral stems. Good times is right. Sometimes when cats vomit, they upchuck gross stuff which is hair. Give them some Vaseline or that liver tasting hairball treatment from the pet store.

  11. How does this compare to the "My Pet Peed" product you previously recommended? I bought it after your post and it works pretty well. Does this one work even better?

    1. I haven't heard of that one! It looks very similar though.

    2. I have tried My Pet Peed and wholeheartedly recommend it. (We have three cats who don't care for each other and will mark the carpet or furniture to show how they feel!) My Pet Peed is also oxygen-based and it removes ALL evidence of pee and poo--even the smell! It's not cheap, but the price is WELL worth it because it works so well.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

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THANKS so much for reading!