One grapevine wreath, SO many possibilities!

November 29, 2017

I'm back with the first Christmas project of the year! I've had so much fun decorating this house for the holidays. It's coming together so beautifully. :) 

This is a SUPER easy and quick Christmas wreath project that I've had in mind for weeks now. I picked up the only two items I needed to buy a few weeks ago. 

I sing the praises of the inexpensive grapevine wreath often...I'll link to the ways I've made over this same wreath for each season at the end of the post. They are so easy to change up!:
Grapevine wreath made over for each season

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You can find them at any craft store and I got mine for half off, so I think it was around $4? Maybe $5? (Here's a 12 inch version online too.) They look like they'd be delicate but I fill and refill this thing throughout the year and it holds up great. 

I already had the greenery for what I had in mind -- I just used little sprays from my stash and stuck them in at the bottom like so:
How to create a Christmas grapevine wreath

I like that it gave it the look of a laurel wreath. :)

By the way -- I find greenery I like and use wire cutters to snip off the sprigs. Then you can use them anywhere you want to fill in areas -- wreaths, mantels, anywhere you want to add some festive touches. 

I picked up a berry spray at the craft store too -- total price $3. I pulled off the leaves and then stuck that right in the middle: 
Christmas grapevine wreath DIY

I think it looks pretty just like that! I'm all about simplicity lately. But I had something I wanted to add to it that I found at the Target dollar spot. 

These skates were $5 for the pair (funny how that dollar spot keeps inching up!) and I knew they'd be adorable in a wreath: 
Dollar spot wood ice skates

I wanted the laces to pop a little more though, so I just replaced them with some red ribbon:
Dollar spot wood ice skates

I hung the wreath with a command strip and then used the ribbon to secure the skates to the front:
DIY Christmas grapevine wreath with skates

Those strips are so helpful this time of year! (You can use this trick to remove your command strips if they ever get stuck.) 

I absolutely LOVE our new front door and I was happy this idea I had in my head came together so well:
Easy inexpensive DIY Christmas wreath

It's been SO fun to have a real front porch!! I'll be sharing the whole thing soon so stay tuned for that.

My wreath cost me $8 because I had the wreath and the greenery -- but even if you didn't you could come in under $15 easy. You don't need much! And of course anything goes! Bells would be cute inside, a holiday banner, ornaments, whatever!

Do you make a wreath for the holidays or buy one? I've done both. :)

Here's a look at the same wreath for each season. 

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  1. I love it! I need to visit the dollar stores around here!

  2. Oh I love it. I keep forgetting to check out the $1 section at Target. This looks so pretty.

  3. So cute and your front door is beautiful!

  4. Love such a simple idea I may have to go out to Michaels. Love the exciting anticipation of your lovely new home

  5. I have never seen the wooden skate cutouts before! So cool!

  6. Love it! I'm a little nervous to try command strips on the front door but I miss hanging wreaths. I stopped hanging wreaths with an over the door hanger because it was chewing up my molding.

  7. LOVE! I snagged the "hi" idea from you a while back and now I have my Xmas wreath idea! Thank you!!!! Love your style...

  8. Love your new house. And thank you for telling about the Black and Decker vacuum. I bought one when it was marked down with free shipping and I love it. It works better than my more expensive one.


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