Our new sofa in the living room!

January 23, 2017

Well hello! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Ours was mostly very low key, other than some basketball. JUST the way I like it. :)

I'm SO excited to share our latest furniture purchase with you! We don't buy many larger pieces anymore -- what we have I love (for the most part) and have right where it works. Our floor plan doesn't allow for moving stuff around much so when I find a good spot for something it stays. Foreverrrrrr.

It was fun to add a little something new again! You may remember the slipcovered sofa we picked up a couple years ago for our living room:

I took a chance and moved things around in here back then and LOVED how it came together. It completely transformed the room.

You won't even believe where that sofa is from either. I'll give you a second to go look at the transformation of that room and the resources here. I'll wait. ;) 

OK so we really do like that sofa a lot. It was really inexpensive but plenty comfy. Many ask if it's the Ektorp from IKEA and it does look similar -- but I find it to be way comfier. (I think I'm the only person on Earth who doesn't care for the IKEA sofas.) 😬

But two things happened. I have to say, I'm not a "fancy room" kind of person. I want every room to be used and I don't want to worry about any of our furniture getting use. But I did find myself wanting something just a little bit fancier in here. Just a bit. 

AND our plan for the completed loft called for a sofa. That was the one thing missing when I finished it up last August. Since then we've found we really want to have a spot to sit and relax up there other than on the window seat or at the desk. 

SOOOO. I've been looking for the past few months at various places. Mostly online and HomeGoods. Although we did buy the slipcovered sofa online, I usually shy away from that. I need to sit on it in real life to see how it feels. One evening in December we were running around and I saw a new store called Urban Underpriced. I think they're just local (for you Indy folks, they are in the old Pier 1 store at Castleton). 

Anyway, I saw a sofa I loved and decided when the budget allowed I would go back to see if it was still there. I had to wait a little over a month and it was still there...but I found another one I liked even better. :) The original price was $799 but they were having a sale and I got it for $550! Considering our slipcovered sofa was only $50 cheaper, that's pretty incredible for the quality: 

There's a close up of the fabric. I LOVE it. It's very soft and I love the color so so much. As you know, we have many animals in this house and the dog has already found his new perch on the back of this one. They told me I can clean it myself with a mild soap if needed. 

(I will share the brand name of the sofa at the very bottom of the post with some other details, so check that out if you are interested!)

We don't use this sofa EVERY day so it doesn't get nearly as much use as our family room one. But man...it is SO comfy. I love it!! It's way deeper than the other one: 

It actually measures just a couple inches shorter in length...but it looks so much bigger because of the depth. This size works so much better in here with the tall ceilings. 

I swear it's the size of a twin bed: 

We like our naps in this family (well, at least the adults) so comfy couches are very important around here. The first day we had it my husband took one and when he woke up he said "I LOVE the new couch." 

Nap approved. :) 

I am in love with the more modern feel -- I've determined over the years that I don't like big arms on sofas or chairs. I'm all about using as much space in a room as possible and they take up too much of it. I regret getting one with such big arms for our family room. But these are perfect: 

And I like the more modern feel mixed with our traditional pieces. I am switching out the coffee table and when I do I'll show you (and explain why). Maybe even this week if all goes well. 

The old sofa is upstairs in the loft now and it's awesome to have one up there! This coffee table will go up too. We've lived in our home for almost 13 years and just in the past year I'm starting to feel like the rooms are filled just right. It takes time my friends! 

Now...the important question. It's all about the pillows -- I actually quite love the ones they sent with the sofa, which is very rare. Usually I don't use whatever comes with the couch. But when I put my old blue ones on there I think they look lovely on it too: 

Here's a rare aerial shot for you -- I love this angle! Here are the original pillows: 

And the new ones:  

I like them both for different reasons. As much as I love the new ones I'm leaning towards the original ones. The new pillows look really good up in our loft on the old sofa too! I'll let you know what I decide. Because these are the deep things that matter in life. ;)

I hope to share the coffee table change up soon!

P.S. The brand name of this sofa is Fusion and again, our store is called Urban Underpriced. (VERY cool store with great accessories, but they are expensive in relation to the furniture.) I found Fusion online and it looks like they have reps you can contact to find out a local store. Our sofa color is called Grassroots if that is what you are interested in and they had a loveseat that matched. It is 83 inches long by 41 deep. :)

OH and we've had the new rug since last year and I got it at HomeGoods. Our dog ruined the old one. :(

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  1. I love your new sofa and the new more colorful pillows! They really add a little "something" that was missing before! :)

  2. Love your new sofa, Sarah! The color, the size, an those pillows. Yeah, both sets of pillows work, but I'm also leaning toward the originals, at least for winter. I'm also in the look out for a sofa, this one might be a bit too big for my room.

  3. Looks great! I like the original pillows. They look more formal. I think the colorful ones would be best in your loft area.

  4. I love it all. The room is the perfect combination of elegant and cozy and the warm light streaming in from the windows is the best accessory of all!

  5. I love the new sofa. Also, my vote is for you to keep your older toss pillows on it. The new pillows look good, too, but to me they have more of that "came with the sofa" kind of look--you know what I mean?

  6. i looove those new pillows, i can't believe they're the ones that came with the sofa!

  7. I so appreciated your closing comment about the dog ruining the old rug. We just had a rug suffer the same fate, and I am afraid that no amount of cleaning can wash away the sins it hold :) This is why I cannot invest in rugs that are more than $2-300.

    Oh and love the couch too! :)

  8. Love the new sofa..and you aren't the only one who doesn't like IKEA sofas..they just aren't comfortable...too hard for me and not nap worthy,

  9. The sofa is gorgeous! I absolutely love the fabric! And for only $550!?!


  10. Looks great ~ I like the old pillows better. Will you share a photo of the old sofa upstairs?

  11. It looks like the majority vote is for the old pillows and I completely agree! Is the couch loose pillow back?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Talk about a score, Sarah, this is one great couch. Congratulations. It looks perfect in its new home. P.S. I like both sets of pillows, but the new ones have that little zing of red that adds some spice to the room. Cheers, Ardith

  14. I love your new sofa and the pillows but I miss your beautiful round coffee table.

  15. Awesome deal and it looks fabulous. Both sets of pillows look great. I am in the minority as I am leaning towards the new set because I am loving the extra pop of color and the more ethnic feel if that makes sense.

  16. I have to redo our living room. Thanks for this dose of inspiration. P.S. I have two Ektorp sofas from Ikea. With two boys (three including my husband), it's the only sofa that has stood up to their abuse and messes.


  17. Ohh I like the new couch! I love the deeper couches they are just so comfy.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!