Craft Room/Office Loft Reveal With Built in Desk

September 07, 2016

Alrighty. I'm excited!! A little exhausted too, not gonna lie. I still have a few things I'd like to do in the loft but I told you I'd share it this week so I'm sticking to it. The remaining projects are minor in comparison to what I've accomplished in this space. I'm super, SUPER proud of what I've created here. 

First up, let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we? This room first started as a lounge space for my husband and me, waaaay back in the day. Then our boy was born and it morphed into a playroom as well. I looked back at this post and got a little teary. It's not my style anymore but seeing the old room makes me feel happy: 

This reminds me of such a sweet time in our lives. I have loved our home every single step of the way. 

Then I started simplifying things a bit. The toys moved downstairs, I took down the picture shelves and added some board and batten: 

It was looking a little bland, now that I look back. But I was so happy to see those shelves go -- they were feeling so heavy to me. 

We had the walls in most of the house painted (and contrary to the look of this photo they are not green) and then added my inexpensive DIY craft table

That thing worked well for years! 

The room was OK but we really didn't use it like I knew we could. It's a big room with a lot of potential for storage and better functionality. I had a plan in place for two years before I finally started tackling it. This was mostly because we knew all along we wanted to extend our hardwoods into this space -- I wasn't able to do much until that was finished. And that wasn't finished for years because, money. And finishing kitchens and such. 

So the day before the floors were put down the room looked like this: 

And now? Now it has TONS of storage, a bunch of places to sit, a massive desk and beautiful planked (or shiplap as the kids call it now) walls. I am so beyond thrilled with this room, I can't even tell you: 

Revealing a room is like presenting my new "baby" to you all -- I forget all the hard work (OK, that's a lie, I haven't forgotten just yet. Too. soon.) and just revel in how pretty it is and how much I love it. 

It's been mostly done for a couple weeks, I've just been working on smaller projects. So we've been using it for awhile and it's been a joy. I wanted this to be a space for many things -- work, crafting, wrapping and lounging. We have some of the lounging accomplished with the window seat but later we hope to add a sofa up here along the opposite wall.

The desk is HUGE. I had butcher block cut down into three sections -- two for the countertops and then one large piece for the desk. It is three by six feet and I love it. As you can see two of us can sit and work comfortably. The Bub comes up after school and does his homework here most nights. My husband plans to use it as well:

It is nice and big so we can spread out work, have plenty of room to craft, it will be a great spot to sew and I am already looking forward to wrapping Christmas presents here. :) As you can see the desk is taller than the average height. I knew that going in but most rolling desk chairs (including these) adjust to the perfect height. I HAVE to sit with at least one leg underneath me but these are roomy enough to do that and surprisingly comfy. 

I built the bookcase at the end for support and more storage. It is a fun spot to display items too. I had so much fun going down to our storage room after the room was complete -- I've had so many items sitting down there for years waiting for my vision to be complete! 

I'll go into more detail about the functionality of this space very soon. The organization in here is AWESOME. 

I've shared the other side of the room over the past couple of weeks, but here's a before of that area: 

And how it looks now: 

Excuse the cat. 

I will share all the sources and project links later this week for this room, so please let me know if there's something you're curious about! For now I'm just going to share eleventy billion pictures with you, because I AM TIRED but so proud:  

(If you are on mobile you may have to click on the photos to get a clear view.)

The DIY chalkboard makes such a statement in here and is one of my favorite parts of the room:

I rearranged the doors to the cabinets so that they open the opposite way under the desk. They are still really easy to get to, but I've put my seasonal craft stuff in there so I don't have to access them often: 

I usually sit on the opposite side of the desk so I can watch TV. ;) We have it on a mount that moves back and forth so I can lay on the window seat and watch too: 

I have everything I need within reach and I love it. My little dollar spot craft caddy I made years ago goes perfectly in here: 

It spins so either person at the table can access what they need easily. 

As you can tell, this is by far the girliest (most girly?) room in our home. Even so, my husband and son love being in here. The natural light is amazing! It's just a happy space:

I shared that Goodwill stool redo years ago. I had it on the other side of the room but placed it here because it's a perfect perch for a third person to work here. We can just move the caddy and there's plenty of room for everyone. 

Have I mentioned all of the awesome storage in here? Yes? Well, that's because it's awesome:

I have used the DIY gift wrap station and LOVE it. I've always wanted one and it put this wall space to good use:

That little table belonged to my sister-in-law when she was little. I painted it years ago for our son. He's so big for it now but still loves it and sits there often. If I'm up here when he comes home from school he'll come up and eat his snack here or at the desk with me. Love. THAT is what I imagined for this space. We've already used it more in the past few weeks than we have in months. 

I haven't finished the half walls on the other side of the room, and I have no idea when I will. I did finish up the door trim on the double door: 

You can kind of see our printer there -- we have one in the basement and one up here now and it's SO nice. When we get a sofa I'll show you more of that side. 

This is the view when you come up the stairs -- I LOVE it!: 

I've worked so hard on this space! I think it was even more labor intensive than the kitchen, believe it or not. So. much. painting. 

Here's a full view from our stairs: 

The sofa will go where the bench is (to the right) eventually. 

I almost forgot to include the nighttime photo! I love the sconces so much and they add much needed light in here at night: 

Oh my. OK, I think I'm done for now. :) Of course I have to wrap this up by sharing another before and after, my favorite! Here's how this room started out years ago: 

And here it is before I started: 

This is how it looks today: 

WHOOT! Now bring on the fall crafting projects! Yay! Can you believe I got this room done in three months? I seriously think that is a record for me. I didn't hit my goal of being done before school started but I was close enough. Now I am free to focus on the upcoming holidays and I'm thrilled. 

If you have questions about anything, please let me know in the comments. I'll either answer you there or be sure to address it later this week when I share resources and project links. 

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  1. Wow, your craft room looks amazing! Such an incredible transformation from what it was to what it is. Love the planked walls and combination of white & wood with the touches of blue & black. Happy crafting!

  2. love the room, where are the rolling chairs from>

  3. Chalk paint? What brand did u use? How many coats did u have to use? Can u write on it nicely and are u pleased with how it erases?? So many questions ;)

  4. How did you make your chalkboard wall?

  5. Very nice. Where did you purchase your butcher block - IKEA? Is it counter depth?

  6. WOW! what a difference- it looks so fresh!

  7. that looks amazing! i especially love the desk set up and the built in bench. and the kitty of course.

  8. It looks great, well done and all that...but I have one question - did you purposely paint the bottom of the planter basket the same height as the baseboards? With all the beautiful details in the room to look at, that's where my eye kept landing. :) But really, it looks amazing!

  9. I'm adding cabinets to my kitchen and I've looked all over the blog for the diy cabinet base built I video and i can't find it. Please tell me where that video is. I think the one i remember the step by step for was the foyer book case.

  10. I'm adding cabinets to my kitchen and I've looked all over the blog for the diy cabinet base built I video and i can't find it. Please tell me where that video is. I think the one i remember the step by step for was the foyer book case.

  11. I'm adding cabinets to my kitchen and I've looked all over the blog for the diy cabinet base built I video and i can't find it. Please tell me where that video is. I think the one i remember the step by step for was the foyer book case.


    question: are you going to plank the half walls that are currently trimmed out?
    also, is there a reason you didn't centre the tv on the wall beside the window?

    and, just a note of caution--I'm not sure about how hard your floors are, etc., but look out for damage from your office chairs on the floor--i had this problem in my old house, and unfortunately there was a lot of scratching, etc., before i noticed it. you might not have this problem--it probably depends on the type of wood and finish, etc., but i thought i'd mention it just in case. such gorgeous floors, it'd be a shame to damage them!

    anyway, i love it so much. so, so, so much.

  13. It looks beautiful! This gives me so much inspiration to start working on my house that's almost finished being built.

  14. It's just beautiful! You've given me the inspiration to finish out the boys cave in my house :)

  15. Love, love, love. That is all.

  16. One word...WOW! This turned out amazing! I need a craft room/office/gift wrapping station now! Great job.

  17. I just have to tell you that you are, hands down, my favorite home blogger and this kind of post is the reason. I love how you show how your style has changed over the years, but always speak of your past decorating decisions positively. I love that you don't put down your past style, but truly love and appreciate your home in all its stages. It motivates me to make improvements in my own home, knowing that at some point I'll want to make changes, and that's okay.
    I love this loft and all the hard work it represents—thanks for your beautiful blog!!
    Jennie Johnson

    1. I have to agree with Adam/Jennie. What I love is that you always say how much you love your spaces. You're always so positive and it's about what YOU love and want. But I also love that you're not a perfectionist, and how you will say "It's not perfect, but nobody but me will notice that". I'm sure that's why you love your spaces so much. You feel accessible and I come here every day to see/read what's going on. Thank you! I love the room. But I really love how laid back you are and how appreciative you are of your process and your own style.

    2. That really means a lot to me, thank you both so much! I have the loveliest readers and I appreciate that you take the time comment!

  18. Beautiful Sarah! It's a dream room. I love it all! finishing in three months is amazing.

  19. Where can I put a giant chalkboard in my house??!!! I love this so much!

  20. Congrats, Sarah! What a fun and functional space. Great job!:-)

  21. You are such an inspiration! AMAZING!!! I'm so proud of you and your ability to plan and execute! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  22. Love the space so much! You did a great job. I NEED the gift wrap station! I always tease my girls that I will finally get my gift wrapping room when they go off to college - now I don't have to wait!


  23. OH MY GOSH are you kidding me??? That looks soooo rustic & fresh!!! I love the lights & especially the two-side desk & chalkboard!! Such a dramatic, yet simple makeover!! Love it & the night view is sooo cozy!

    Happy Wednesday!

  24. Seriously so gorgeous! You did an amazing job!

  25. GORGEOUS!!!!!!! What a beautiful, light, inviting space! Can I come work there? :)

  26. I have been following you for a few years now. I have to say, I'm happy that you are so happy with your work, however, when I see the before and afters, I think the after shots, everything looks cold and very cluttered. The before shots are so warm and inviting, and the newer colors are so bland and cold. But that is your thing, so that's fine. Just not a fan of the cold grays and blues. I like a warm room.

    1. That is the beauty of sharing ideas -- I share what I love and you can take or leave parts of it for your house. This is the look that I love in our home and I don't find it cold at all, quite the opposite. There's actually no gray or blue in this room though. It's more colorful than most of the rooms in our home, which are filled with those colors. :)

    2. Linda, I'll bet your space is as appealing as Sarah's, reflecting your own style and color palette. I'd love to see how you've designed it. As Sarah says, that's the beauty of sharing ideas, there is always something new to learn and inspiration to be had.

  27. THIS is why I follow your blog!!! Amazing! So inspiring!

  28. Oh I love it Sarah, it turned out wonderful.

  29. This is amazing, Sarah! Such a happy vibe. I've been following along for awhile now and am so glad that you decided to go ahead and reveal the "after" even though you still have a few projects to complete. A room is never completely done for us DIYers though, is it? ;)

  30. Rather than looking cold and bland as a previous commenter said, I think it reflects a maturing in decorating. My house looks vastly different than years ago because I want so much less stuff in it. Pared down is okay. We don't need to cram every corner with stuff. This looks incredible. I would craft all day/night in there ;)

  31. Wow, you did a fantastic job! The shiplap walls and DIY chalkboard are my favorite part and really make the space. You should be super proud of your hard work! Now, relax and enjoy the gorgeous space!

  32. Love seeing the evolution of this space. I am totally inspired to refresh and orgaise my office space now too.I love that way you have updated the room now. Reminds me of my fave show Fixer Upper!
    Best regards,

  33. Amazing transformation. I love that you didn't take the shiplap all the way up to the ceiling. It gives it such a great accent. That large chalkboard is amazing too.

  34. I would love details on the wood counters! I am building some fireplace builtins and want to duplicate the counters! Thanks!

  35. Absolutely amazing transformation! Top notch renovation in my book!!

  36. Sarah, what a fabulous makeover and I know it was well worth the time, energy (what's that) and money (we all have lots of) to accomplish your mission. (We don't care about stinkin' deadlines). Absolutely love the butcher block counter. I can barely type today after painting a weird add-on room in our house, but I HAD to give you kudos to another successful project. Keep inspiring!

  37. This room is gorgeous! You definitely have a new follower. I have been slowly working to turn my "craproom" back into a "scraproom" and can't wait to check out your other ideas!

  38. Oh, my gosh, I LOVE it! What a gorgeous but practical space to work in. This transformation is absolutely amazing, Sarah! :-)

  39. I love this room so much! I have a game/pool table room at the top of my stairs that no one uses. I think I may have to do this!!! Great job.

  40. What a fantastic space, Sarah. It's obvious that you gave a lot of thought to how you would transform and use it. It reflects the amount of work you put into it. Well done you. It's beautiful and wonderfully multi-functional. Cheers, Ardith

  41. I just LOVE this! Great job, as always, Sarah! I love all of the in between pictures too - it's fun to see how rooms evolve. It's a process that's for sure! :)

  42. I wish I had the creative genius that you possess. What a fabulous job. Bravo!!

  43. I am also curious about the butcherblock. Where did you buy it and did you have to cut it down yourself?

  44. That is amazing! My oldest daughter just moved out and I have converted her old room into my office. Still a work in progress, but you just gave me inspiration to get it finished!

  45. You have created a truly beautiful room! It's both peaceful and practical and seems like a wonderful place to be creative and productive. I just used the under counter led light strips that you had described from your kitchen over my crafting desk. I love them. My 13 year old daughter loves them too, so I've ordered more for over her desk (we have old, repurposed upper kitchen cabinets over both of our desks). Thanks for the great ideas!

  46. Beautiful!! I'm wondering where you got your it!

  47. Love this space. There are so many ideas I would like to use in our own office/craft room. Can't wait for the source list/project links. Thanks for sharing.

  48. Just stunning! When I saw the desk my eyes popped out of my head! You are truly a master. When you do the round up of products would love to know about the clock and lamp in the pretty green. And that blackboard REALLY is amazing!!!

  49. Wow, what a transformation! This is HGTV-show-worthy, Sarah! Just stunning..... I love it. Can you take on work in the suburbs of NY? I'd love a space like that in my home; serious envy here. Love your blog! So stinkin' cute!

  50. This room is absolutely perfect!!! Love the style, colors, etc.. Would you mind sharing where you got those two wonderful black sconces?

  51. YOU. ARE. AMAAAAZING!!!!!! I absolutely love EVERYTHING you do...even if it is cold gray and blue ;) You're such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing, please don't ever stop!

  52. Wow! An incredibly beautiful space! What a great job you did. I bet it was a lot of hard work, but worth it! Congrats :)

  53. This is perfection! 👌🏻 I love it all! Now you can sit back and relax! Oh that sounds good, anyways! Job well done!!' Bravo!!!

  54. This room is fantastic! Great job! Can I come craft too?

    I would like to know where you got your butcher block, what size did it come in, and how did you treat it? I just bought that delicious chevron butcher block from IKEA, and I have no idea how to protect it. Also, I have another future project that I want to use butcher block on, but I can't use IKEA because I have to cut the depth to about 16", so covered particle board won't work.

  55. So beautiful!! I've been following you since day 1- when "social media" was just your blog! :) You truly do inspiring work and I love your writing style (PR major here too) and how you keep it REAL. That's truly my favorite part! We do DIY projects and there's always something left to finish or tweak. It's so refreshing to know we are not the only ones! Thank you for all you do for so many of us! ❤️❤️

  56. Wow!!!! Absolutely stunning. I love the functionality of this space, too. You thought of everything. Great job!!

  57. Wow!!! That looks utterly amazing!! You have such a great vision, that it comes together so perfectly!! Truly beautiful. Enjoy your new space!!

  58. STUNNING...... love it all! Your vision is so inspiring and your work ethic to accomplish this as well. Hope down the road after you rest, you plank the half wall(where the little table/chairs are). I think to leave the trim is out of place and conflicts with your beautiful walls of planking and the style of the room. Take a well deserved break! AWESOME!!!!

  59. I LOVE every room you do!!! The new craft/office/lounge area looks amazing. You are an inspiration. After each of your big reveals I find myself looking around my home thinking where can I add built ins (your dining room turned library) or planked walls *and* lamps *and* double desk... Thank you for sharing with all of us. Reading your blog makes me happy- and motivated :D

  60. Love it and would love one, too. You did an amazing job as usual. Get some rest, girl!

  61. I love all of the changes. How about I bring a pitcher of homemade sangria and we get crafting?😃

  62. I LOVE it Sarah!!
    AND I spy something I sent you that is in the before & after :)
    Hugs from Iowa,

  63. Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous space!! I can definitely sit on those chairs and work away on my laptop! It is the perfect spot to generate creativity!!

    Mel |

  64. Good job. You must be so proud. We have space envy. I wish I had a room that large for my floral work. I finally understand how you used the upper kitchen cabinets for those cabinets. Love it. Not sure I could make the base though.

  65. Sarah! I love it so much! I need to come up and we can have a craft party! xoxoTraci

  66. This is such a great space!! I LOVE it! So much inspiration when I start our home renos! :)

  67. Can you please give me a link or instructions and materials needed for the diy chalkboard? It's so great! Thank you!

    1. Here you go!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!