Master bathroom reno plans!

September 26, 2016

Hello there! I hope you had a lovely weekend! We spent the day yesterday at IKEA and Kings Island -- a little something for me, a little for our son, a fun day for all. :) I've been eyeing an item at IKEA for about a year now and I went head and purchased a couple for a future renovation. I don't usually buy that far out but I'm getting excited about some changes I want to make next year. 

I've mentioned that we don't plan on tackling our master bathroom for another couple of years. I know it will be a costly project (even with DIY projects, bathrooms add up) and I want to focus on finishing up another bathroom and other rooms next year. 

But for the first time ever, I'm actually inspired to do at least a little something in this space! I don't start a room makeover until I see the vision of what I want it to be in my head. It's a weird thing for me -- I just can't go into it unless I know exactly how I want the end result to look. Just recently I've been finalizing ideas in my head and decided I will most likely go ahead and tackle some of this room next year. 

It will be in phases -- the vanity area, toilet room and paint will be first. Those alone will be a huge undertaking. The tile and tub area, ceiling treatment and more lighting, and then shower makeover will happen later on. So it will take a couple of years to finish up the whole room but I'm fine with that. This way we can still use the bathroom during the makeover as well. 

My big project will be our vanity area. I picked out all of the finishes in this room years ago but of course my style has changed since. I've never been in a hurry to do this room because it's certainly nice enough and it's really roomy. It functions well so it's just not been high on the list: 

(By the way, the walls aren't THAT green -- the lighting was not great in this pic. The true color is in the photo below.) The only thing that drives me crazy about our bathroom is the height of our vanity. I mean, did we get taller as a population over the past 12 years or what? It's SO very low. I want to raise it up at least five inches, maybe more. I dream of the day I can lean over to brush my teeth and not feel like I'm touching my toes. 

As I said before, the finishes are just not me anymore -- I was really into the dark bronze for so long so every light switch, outlet and all of the hardware is my old beloved…oil rubbed bronze. :) Remember when I sprayed everything that color? I was obsessed! I still love some ORB but in smaller doses:

We have tons of storage under the sinks but rarely use it because they are so low and awkward to get to. I may add a skinny storage tower in between the sinks for our everyday items. (I want to get rid of the shelving up there.) My hope is that having the vanity up a little higher will make it easier to access underneath so we won't need any other storage on top. 

So this beauty is what I picked up yesterday for this area:

It's the Stockholm mirror from IKEA and I ogle it every time I go in. I love the wood trim and the size is quite large -- it may be too large. I got two, one to go over each sink. I have to decide if I want to add sconces by the mirrors or just do smaller lights above -- we only have one light there right now and I'm looking forward to more light for sure.

I do plan on replacing our inexpensive countertops and sinks with something else but not sure what yet. To use these mirrors in our bath we may have to move the plumbing over because the sinks are just a tad too close to the wall for these to work as they are now. Not sure I want to spend the money to do that so these may go in the Bub's bathroom instead -- I told you about my plans for that room here. (I do plan on getting that room done next year.)

I should have taken a photo of the walls in our bathroom so you can get an idea of why I've only painted this room one time. Yikes, they are tall. I honestly can't believe I did it last time since I'm not a big fan of heights. They go up to roof height and we LOVE how open it makes the whole room feel.

I'm planning something lighter for the walls, and I may go with this Sea Salt color:
Credit: Studio McGee

I see it a lot and it's a lovely blue green, but it may go too green for me. I've had our gray green walls in there for too long now and don't think I want any green tones at all.

The vanity will most likely go black. I have yet to paint our interior doors upstairs but they will all go black like the rest of the house. I'm considering a sliding barn door but I think it may be too bulky.

Looky what I found -- a dark vanity with a similar mirror to what I picked!:

I love when I get validation about the ideas in my head. ;) 

Here's a look at a similar wall color (this one goes more blue than Sea Salt) with the black vanity: 
Credit: BHG

I think that is such a soothing, pretty combo with the light blue and black!

Earlier this year I made some simple updates to the tub area (during another no-spend month!) and this area will stay the same for now, other than perhaps a new tub faucet and of course the new paint color: 

I'm getting really excited about finally updating this space! So much so I'm forcing myself not to pick up a paint brush and get started immediately. Other projects are calling my name first. :) 

I hope to share a room update with you later this week -- I'm so thrilled with this little makeover and can't wait to show you! 

Have any of you tried Sea Salt? Is it green in person or more blue? 

You can see our smaller bathroom makeovers in the basement, powder room and small changes in the Bub's bath that made a big difference here: 

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  1. I have Sea Salt in two bathrooms, and it's a true chameleon. In one bathroom, I have a warm white light on it on one side of the mirror, and a pure white light on the other side, and the warm side looks very slightly greenish and the pure white side looks like straight up light blue.

  2. I have sea salt in two bathrooms. One with natural light and one without. It reads gray/green in both. I have it paired with marble in both and I love it.

  3. I have SeaSalt in my living room and love it! As another reader commented it does change and read differently depending on how you pair it, but I've found it to read more blue in my room. Definitely has the spa feel!

  4. When we first moved into our house, we painted my son's room Sea Salt. I loved it! It definitely read more gray-green in there, but that room doesn't get a whole lot of natural light, and the only window faces north. We've since had to repaint when we switched the kiddos' rooms, and I miss it!

  5. I've put Sea Salt paint chips up in several rooms and each room has read green. None of the rooms have a lot of natural light so as others have mentioned it seems to be light sensitive. I really like the light blue with black pic!

  6. We used Sea Salt in our daughter's bathroom and I absolutely adore it. It is so beautiful against the white trim and the tan/brown marble look tile. It does not read green to me at all, but this bathroom does not have any natural light, so I'm sure that would be a factor. Our master bath is like the BHG bathroom you showed. We have espresso cabinetry, with light blue walls. It's very soothing and spa like.

  7. I have Sea Salt in 2 rooms in my basement which have natural light in them. I love all shades of blue and this one definitely reads blue to me. I love it so much that I wish it weren't in my basement where I rarely see it! Hmmm, it might be a good choice for my master bedroom which is overdue for a makeover!

  8. I wanted to share our bathroom renovation in our last house- probably a bit more modern than your style, but we used a barn door and I loved it! It was perfect for a master bathroom that didn't need as much privacy as other bathrooms in the house!

  9. I was going to use Sea Salt but was also worried about it looking too green. I ended up using Silver Strand and love it!

    1. I painted our family room Silver Strand and it is absolutely gorgeous!

  10. When we painted our main living area, i thought Sea Salt was my color! But when we tested it, it turned way too green for us. I ended up going with SW Rainwashed as its still a blue green, byt leans more to the blue side in our home.

  11. I have Sea Salt in our Jack and Jill bathroom and I love it - I don't get the vibe that it's too green at all. It's a gorgeous bathroom color. The inspiration photo of the dark vanity with the round mirror is one of my favorites as well! So sharp and crisp - I love it! Can't wait to see what you do in here!

  12. I put Sea Salt in the kitchen, dining room, and living room at our beach house. It gets lots of natural light with two story windows in the family room. Honestly, I think it absolutely reads green. I wouldn't say it ever reads blue, in my opinion.

  13. I have sea salt in my master bedroom, and I absolutely love it. It changes color throughout the day, but it never reads green to me. Sometimes, like right now, it's blue-green, but I have never walked into the room and thought it looked outright green. Perhaps it depends on the kind of natural light in the room. But I can't recommend sea salt enough!

  14. We have SW sea salt in two rooms that get East light. It reads as a lt green. No gray or blue tones at all. It has 2 coats on the wall with primer underneath.

  15. I did use Sea Salt once, I lived with it for a few weeks but it ended up being too green for me. I ended up using Rainwashed lightened 50% and love it!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sarah - where did you get the fiddle leaf fig plant that is by the tub?

  18. I've tried sea salt too-- wanted more blue, and we ended up painting our dining room SW tidewater. I love,love it. So much so that we moved and I painted my dining room tidewater again, but did half strength because it's a large room and I wanted to keep it not overwhelming.

  19. The inspiration photo with a pretty combo of light blue and black vanity is what I love best! Looks elegant and soothing to eyes!

  20. Sea salt is a color that plays blue or green depending on light! It's such a special color! I've painted it in several places and it doesn't look at all like the same color in any of the 3 rooms!

  21. SS reads green in my master bedroom.

  22. The BHG picture is Earl Grey by Sherwin-Williams. I think I just found the new paint color for my master bath!

  23. Definitely try Rainwashed. It's a lovely calming blue gray. I considered sea salt, but it felt too green.

  24. makasih bos infonya dan salam sukses

  25. terimakasih gan tentang infonya dan semoga bermanfaat

  26. I have sea salt in my kitchen/living room area. I never see it as green. I have lots of windows though (10!). I wish I loved it more. Such a lot of work! I think I like a more intense color. Love your bathroom ideas.

  27. I recently got the Stockholm mirror for my master bath and I'm obsessed with it--I love that it's over-sized, and the little rest area at the bottom is great for my phone :). It's also nice to have a circular shape in a room where so many things are already squared.

  28. I painted our master bedroom sea salt and I LOVE IT!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!