White square paneled accent wall

February 10, 2016

Last I left you with the guest room I shared the new bed that makes hearts pop out of my eyes when I walk in the room: 

I've been contemplating a small change in the room and the addition of the bed made it clear I needed to do it. This photo has been (loose) inspiration for me over the years as I've worked on this space: 

I don't want to replicate it exactly -- the best part about inspiration photos is tweaking them to work for your own space and taste. But my takeaways from this are that I love the green, black and white combo and the contrast of the three. LOVE. (By the way, if anyone has an original source for this, let me know!)

The Softened Green wall color in this room was inspired by this photo. But as you can see in the pic, that white wall behind the bed really makes everything pop. So I decided to finally change that back wall to white. What I thought would take a little over an hour ended up taking more than four, but more on that in a bit. 

The other part of this photo that I loved? That lamp! I work with Better Homes and Gardens every other month to show off their products and I was SO excited when I found this one online that was so similar (I actually like it even more): 

You can adjust this in two spots -- the big arm and then the actual light: 

The description says it's bronze but it's more black to me. I think it goes so perfectly with the cottagey feel in this room! 

I love that you can adjust where the light goes so easily -- I like these lamps for reading in bed: 

Because I love symmetry I got one for each side of the bed: 

I absolutely love them against the new white wall! Contrast is my JAM. 

Although as hard as I try, not having matching nightstands is not my jam. I've tried to do it over the years and it makes me twitch. I am a lover of symmetry and just need to go with it. So one of the last changes to this space will be to find simple matching nightstands. Not an easy feat as I'm trying to redo this whole room on a very small budget. 

I'm so so so happy I painted that back wall white. Love it. The green is so beautiful but it was feeling a little heavy. My husband loved it all in green but as soon as he saw the white he commented on how much brighter it made the room: 

The power of paint is strong my friends. The white ties everything together in here -- the wall across from this one has the big sliding closet doors in white as well. It also ties in the pretty window woodwork I added last year.

I was hoping because the trim work on that wall is so thin that I could just use the paint roller right over it, but no. I had to use a brush and cut in around all that trim. Sob. It took forever!! But now that I'm done, it was worth it. :) 

I recently put one of our black dressers up in this room (you can see a bit of it in the photo above) and it looks SO GOOD. I'm so stinking happy with how this room has come together. The next time you see this space it will be completely done -- I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks or so. My goal this year is to finish the spaces I've started in this house and this one will definitely be knocked off the list! :) 

Here are some more posts about this room that you may find helpful!

I received compensation from BHG at Walmart for my time and participation in the BHG Live Better Network. All experiences and opinions are my own. Follow BHG on TwitterFacebookInstagram or Pinterest.

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  1. I *think* I found the source of your inspiration image!


    Looks like it might be by Tom Stringer Design Partners!

    Fun tip: you can use www.tineye.com to do a 'reverse image search' to find a photo's source! With the advent of pinterest and houzz, you'll have to dig through other people's use of the same photo but it took about 3 minutes to figure out the original source.

    1. I will check this out, thank you! I use that site and did for this one -- it must have been buried! Thanks!

    2. That's it. It says Photo Credit: Werner Straube.

  2. I really love that pea green chair. It's such a pretty addition. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  3. What about an Ikea rast hack for your nightstands? I would LOVE to see what you would do with those!!

  4. I pinned that same image of this blog http://betweennapsontheporch.net/tour-a-beautiful-light-filled-historic-cottage/

  5. I guess he pelmet from the mattress to the floor is hiding stored items. If you can find room elswhere, nothing under a bed like that is awsome! (I have one similar in white and it sits on a wooden floor).

  6. I like the white wall as well as it definitely brightens the room. Your black side table looks suspiciously like a sewing machine cabinet! I like the contrast of black and white.

  7. I am a matching nightstands person too. I bought 2 Ikea Tarva nightstands for only $39 each. I then stained mine with Minwax Special Walnut. My bedroom furniture is Broyhil Pleasant Isle, but they not longer make it. I needed nightstands for years, but never found anything. I like that my nightstands match each other, but are a different color than the rest of the furniture. I'm planning to stain some picture frames to put in there as well.

  8. My favorite color is green so I love that as well. Love the new wall. If looking for an inexpensive side table I bought something similar to this years ago (Mine does not have the bottom curves): http://www.hicksandhicks.com/hicks-and-hicks/rattan-butlers-tray-table.aspx
    I loved the wicker and needed (matching)bedside tables but couldn't spend much. I used them but hated how the stuff sat inside the tray and you couldn't see it. I even tried stacking books--it just didn't work. So I flipped the tray over and then added a wood tray to each for solid bases. Does that make sense? I love them so much more now--they are functional and pretty! The great thing--inexpensive and they match. A guest room would be good for this as they are not super sturdy but add a lot of warmth and texture which I love.

  9. I LOVE this room! The contrasting colors are so clean. Could you share the coor of the white paint? Picking out white paint is what makes me twitch! Thanks :)

  10. We painted ours white too. Made a difference and helped the accent wall stand out in contrast. It also made all the other things going on feel more cohesive.

  11. Did you stain the sunburst mirror? The color looks different.

  12. Lovely! The combo of black metal with all the white looks amazing. Might just have to try it out at our home too.

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE that inspiration pic...I pinned for myself...I am a huge fan of anything green and that shade of green on that chair is just YUMMY!! Thanks for sharing..I've tucked it away for inspiration for our room. By the way your new bed is so pretty. I don't think I can talk the hubby into buying a new bed, but I might just paint my current one black!!

  14. I LOVE the inspiration picture, that bedroom is gorgeous! I really like the green on your walls, the white wall, your bed and lamps. All together, it makes for a very pulled together look. Since your green is so soft, I think it would be really pretty if you added a bolder contrasting color for the bedding and pillows. Is the decorative pillow on the bed a blue shade?

  15. Tom Stringer Design Partners did the black, white, green BR...2014, I think. It's been the inspiration for my twin BR since first sight.

  16. I'm obsessed with that bed! Awesome!

    Mel | www.thegossipdarling.com

  17. Wow the white really makes a difference!! The room is looking great and I can't wait to see the final reveal :)

    Lauren | Lovely Decor

  18. The bed is gorgeous! And yes, the white background works nicely. Green accents? Bring them on.. beautiful!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

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