One jar, three easy and cute gifts

December 10, 2015

I'm sharing some super simple gift jar ideas and I've got a little something for one of you at the end. :) Tis the season of giving and I absolutely LOVE figuring out fun, expensive gifts for friends and special people in our life. 

So that I did. And I want every one of these for myself. :) 

First up, I came across these glass jars with wood lids (affiliate link, the ones I used here are no longer sold) and knew I had to incorporate them somehow. They are too cool, I love the wood lid! 

By the way, the lid seals well and these come in three different sizes (they would be great for baking supplies on your counter!):

I got to thinking about those in my life I'm giving to this year and came up with a few inexpensive treats for each of them. First up, for my sister, the new mom:

Hello…who doesn't want to relax in a soothing hot bath, especially a new mama? 

I love each one of these items myself (we use the lavender Epsom salts all the time) so I gathered my supplies and put them together in the jar:

This is the small jar and it's plenty big to hold all kinds of stuff! And…it's just adorable:

You could make this stuff go a long way -- one bag of the salts and a box of the beads would make quite a few gifts. You would just need poofs and a container for each one. 

By the way, I didn't buy plastic bags to make this look cute, I just cut the top off my Ziploc baggies:

Then tie them shut with twine. Easy!

The second one is for that person you don't know quite so well, but want to gift something nice. 

I went with the plug in wax warmers because they are awesome!:
I know, I've professed my love for these a few times but it's because they come in really beautiful designs and they work well. 

I also love that they work as a lovely nightlight because they glow. :) 

I took this one out of the package and it fit perfectly, even with a few sets of wax cubes added: 

Perfect for the teacher, coach or bus driver!:

And finally, one for the friend -- use it as an excuse to sit down, talk and have some hot chocolate together: 

Those stacker marshmallows work so much better in your hot chocolate because they take longer to melt. :) 

And I'm not even a mint fan, but one peppermint Hershey kiss dropped in a hot chocolate is my absolute favorite -- it's just a hint of mint! 

This is such a busy time of year and it's easy to let life get crazy. What a nice way to slow it down for an hour or so: 

You could easily fit a cute mug in here too! 

The possibilities are endless with these jars -- and I love that they'll have it to keep and use anywhere in the house: 

So easy, so fast! And the price is good too -- the small jar is less than $10, and the most I spent on a gift was $26 (for the warmer ($10) and wax cubes ($2). 

Again, the hot chocolate and relaxation gift could be spread out to quite a few people, so you could make each one for less than $15. 

Here's a handy image to pin for later if you'd like: 

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  1. I would get some cute baskets and pillows. Any maybe some of that Pioneer Woman stuff. :)

  2. Love the jars and the hot chocolate idea! I would probably get something for my grandson!

  3. These are adorable! Kim B.

  4. I would donate it to a local elementary school!
    Joanne G.

  5. Those jars are too cute! $100...I think I'd splurge on myself. I've been shopping for others and could use a little something for me. Maybe a nice throw blanket and some cute pillows to help me relax after endless last minute gift shopping. :)

  6. Flannel sheets, a new fancy wreath, wood lid jars!

  7. I'd get pretty warmers and some wax squares for my mom and grandmother and my boyfriend's mom and grandmother for Christmas. They love smelly good things :)
    Lauren dot Amburn at yahoo dot Com

  8. Great gift ideas! I am checking them out right now; will probably keep one for myself..... put cashews and use the lid as tray....
    [puppe at Verizon dot net]
    great giveaway; Love, Regina L.

  9. i would spend it all on BHG and Pioneer Woman stuff.
    vlynam dot state dot de dot us

  10. I would spend it on Christmas clearance items for next year and some nice candles to enjoy now!

  11. I would buy new kitchen stuff, maybe some new towels too.

  12. I'm totally boring. I would buy groceries!

  13. I would buy some of the BHG baskets and these jars, plus maybe some pioneer woman stuff! :)

  14. Love your gift ideas! I think I'd buy a bassinet for the new granddaughter that's on the way.

  15. I would buy some flannel sheets for both my girls! They love my bed and I'm trying to make them love theirs more!

  16. I would use it to make these adorable jars for my staff - too cute!
    mandycandy7118 at yahoo dot com

  17. I LOVE these jars! They would be perfect in our kitchen. We just installed open shelving and butcher block, so I think they'd match really well on the shelves! I love the look of a display pantry with fancy jars, so these are exactly what I'd get!


    Tahiry at CreatingPrettyPhotography

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I would spend it on stuff for my daughters' rooms.

  20. I would spend it on stuff for my daughters' rooms.

  21. We are in the process of transitioning our daughter to a big girl room, so I'd definitely buy stuff for her!

  22. Great ideas!! Love the hot chocolate for neighbor gifts! I would spend on others:) this the season!!

  23. I would probably use part of it to buy diapers for our newborn & maybe a cute throw pillow for myself!! Love me some throw husband however, does not :(

  24. I hate to say it...but I would probably end up spending it on diapers. :( Oh well, someday they will all be potty trained!

  25. I would probably spend it on BHG and Pioneer Woman stuff! And diapers...can't forget those

  26. I finished my Christmas shopping, so I would spend the money on a celebration gift for myself! I think I deserve it :) lindsaymortensen at yahoo dot com

  27. I would try to spend it on christmas presents... and probably some necessities. Love the hot chocolate idea - hope to use it for teacher gifts.

  28. I'd love to spend it on lots of things! LOL! Probably a few gifts for the kids and then myself a little treat. Have you ever had the peppermint peeps with the chocolate bottom?! To die for!! :) deena dot clarke at gmail dot com

  29. I'd love to spend it on lots of things! LOL! Probably a few gifts for the kids and then myself a little treat. Have you ever had the peppermint peeps with the chocolate bottom?! To die for!! :) deena dot clarke at gmail dot com

  30. I think I would get the whole set of jars! I love the wood tops and they'd look great in my kitchen. mmbanks at q dot com

    Thanks for the chance!

  31. I would spend it in my kids of course :-)

  32. I think I would get the whole set of jars! I love the wood tops and they'd look great in my kitchen. mmbanks at q dot com

    Thanks for the chance!

  33. Those jars are adorable! I'm needing some cute new hand towels right now though!

  34. I love those jars! It would add warmth and functionality to my kitchen. And I might get a new quilt for my bed..BHG has a beautiful one I have been eying. Triciahobbs at gmail dot com

  35. I love those jars! It would add warmth and functionality to my kitchen. And I might get a new quilt for my bed..BHG has a beautiful one I have been eying. Triciahobbs at gmail dot com

  36. I would spend the money on some new pillows for our bed! Mama needs a comfy place to lay her tired head at night!

  37. I would spend the money on some new pillows for our bed! Mama needs a comfy place to lay her tired head at night!

  38. I love the warmers and the wax cubes. I'd get some of these for teacher gifts. Thanks!

  39. I would spend it on the house. We bought a foreclosed house last year and have been fixing it up little by little.

  40. Organizing things for my closet...I'm so sick of stuff being everywhere!

  41. I would get the wax warmers for gifts and maybe one for me!

  42. Love the gift ideas! Giving something with multiple uses is such a bonus, like two gifts in one :-)

    I'd spend it on cute stuff for my house. Or to finish up last minute Christmas shopping. Or cute stuff for my house ;-)

  43. How cute!! I would use it for gifts, but probably find something special for myself as well! ;)

  44. I would get the wax warmers for gifts and maybe one for me!

  45. I love those wood top jars! I would definitely get those!

  46. I would stock up on the wax cubes (I already have an adorable owl warmer I got last year) and I would buy some stuff for our master bedroom that we're renovating!

  47. I would get those adorable jars and some wax melts. I'm obsessed with the wax lately!

  48. My wonderful sister-in-law just had her 3rd baby girl - I'm thinking she needs all 3 gifts!

  49. I would totally snag some of those awesome jars! Right now I have frosted glass ones that are impossible to clean cooking grease off of!

  50. I would pick up few warm jackets from walmart and donate it to the warm coat drive!!

  51. There's a rug at Walmart that I have been eyeing for my daughter. Her bare wood floors are cold on winter mornings. This would cover the cost.--Stacy

  52. I love those jars!! I'd love to buy the big ones for flour, sugar, etc and leave out on the counter.

  53. I'd probably buy jars and baking supplies to make gifts!!

  54. A coworker of mine (great guy!) just passed away at a very young age. I think I'd give it to his wife and kids. (mccrayka[at]gmail[dot]com)

  55. I would definitely spend the gift card buying gifts for others. I'm broke as can be right now and waaaay behind on Christmas shopping. Anything that would help me get caught up would be greatly appreciated! omotet at yahoo dot com

  56. I would love to use the gift card towards diapers... and some new slippers for myself!

  57. I would totally buy BH&G home decor stuff! gigagiggle at hotmail dot com

  58. I would probably add to my collection of BH&G Christmas dishes.

  59. I've had my eye on some BHG lamps, but I haven't been able to pull the trigger yet. I'd definitely go for those!

  60. I would buy more of the wax melts and warmers! Love the BHG line. They have the best throw blankets too!

  61. I'd spend it on my kids, its been a rough year, husband had surgery and hasnt worked for most of 2015. No christmas money, it would be great to be able to buy presents for my kids.

  62. I was just looking at the warmers recently but didn't buy them yet.

  63. Those are such great ideas! I have had my eye on the Pioneer Woman dishes and serving pieces, especially the big batter bowl. SO cute!

  64. Ooh, I would totally spend it on myself. Well except for $17 worth so I could buy new furnace filters. Other than that it's all for Mrs. Claus!
    Happy Days!
    Jenn M

  65. I love the BHG items - I would buy some for myself!

  66. super cute ideas! and if I had the gift card, Id probably buy some new pillows - we desperately need them... and who knows what else - probably let the kids pick out something - that would be a huge treat for them!

  67. I would love to update some of my older decor. A little bit can go a long way! jrp357{at}charter dot net

  68. Sarah, I have been reading your lovely blog for about two years now, and never commented. But, I will chime in today! I have seen you reference the BH&G wax warmers before and wanted to buy them when money wasn't so tight. This would be my chance! Would also be able to buy my niece something for her birthday and Christmas. (We adults don't gift each other, we have a large family and it's too expensive.)Thanks for the giveaway.

  69. I would use the gift card on something to spruce up my new office (starting a new job on January 4th!) - maybe a small plant, pretty filing folders or fun desk supplies.

  70. These are great gift ideas!! For Christmas or any time of the year. And those jars are perfect!

  71. I would use the jars for my craft room.

  72. I would buy some of the Pioneer Woman plates and glasses! So cute!

  73. I would buy he BHG Grayson Ottoman Storage Bench! I've had my eye on it for a while! :)

  74. Would love to purchase items to organize my kitchen and family room. We remodeled them this past year. Also, maybe afew gifts. Love your site and decorating ideas. Thanks for this offer!

  75. Love that jar too! I never think to just use mason or glass jars but I'm going to do more of that next year for sure! aprilesmith at hotmail dot com

  76. I love these gift jar ideas. I love everything Better Homes and Gardens. I would update some items in my Kitchen. Thanks for the opportunity.

  77. Love this! We've just moved so I would spend it on a much needed rug!

  78. I would probably buy new linens, pillows, etc. to go with the new BHG couch & loveseat we just purchased (and love so far!) - thanks for the tip by the way.

  79. Great ideas! I would most likely spend it on my children...

  80. Great ideas! I would most likely spend it on my children...

  81. I would use it for gifts and a few items for the home for me!

  82. I love the wax melts and the jars are a great storage idea!

  83. Love your ideas! This year has been a really rough one for my family and I so if I won I would spend it all to spoil my girls!! They have gone through so much this year and it would be a wonderful experience to have a mini shopping spree with them!

  84. Wow, those are so cute and versatile! If I won, I would spend it on my nieces who don't have much money this year and I learned of a shelter of sorts that helps rape victims. I would buy clothes and blankets for them! Tis the season to help others. :) romarachel at g mail dot com

  85. Hi Sara,
    I love containers and gift giving ideas. Would love to win the giveaway and spend it on my daughter who is a new mom this year too! She needs some special pampering. Thanks for all you do.

  86. I would spend a gift card on something just like your cute jar ideas for occupational and physical therapists as well as neighbors! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  87. I would love to get some of the Pioneer Woman stuff!

  88. I would spend it on new bedding.

  89. I would use the gift card for new pots for my kitchen and some household items for my daughter.

  90. I would want to use the gift card for organizational stuff. Such as the better homes & gardens basket & bins. Love the jars too!! Also would probably get teacher gifts as well. Thanks again!!

  91. I would love these jars to use on my kitchen counter!

  92. A bike for my daughter for Christmas! And, maybe some fun home stuff for me if there was any to spare :)

  93. I would buy some curtains and a new bedspread for my guest bedroom - it needs a makeover so badly! Thank you so much for the opportunity and for all of your encouraging posts all year!

  94. I would definitely use it to buy some stuff to decorate around the house.

  95. Those jars are awsome! You got me hooked on those great wax warmers last year. I'd most likely use a gift card for other fun household-type goodies - pillows, sheets, baskets, etc. I can never have too much of that kind of thing!

  96. New towels

    Jellie bean 1304 at aol dot com

  97. I would totally use it for bath salts, a warmer, and some of the mint kisses! (all for myself, of course. :) kristina.mcfee at

  98. Christmas gifts for teachers, friends!

  99. I would probably buy my niece some new pot and pans that she wants.

  100. I love these gift ideas! I might try the wax warmers, the one I have now is big and bulky. Definitely going to have to find the BHG jars!

  101. would totally buy some more canning supplies...they have the best variety of the stuff we use

  102. I would spend it on new towels and blankets! We have three animals (2 cats and a dog, all rescues)and they are rough on those items!

  103. How fun!! I think I would spend a little bit on everyone. Maybe something fun for the whole family! A tent maybe? Kids have been wanting to "camp" in the backyard, so this would be perfect for getting a tent. donna.l.fisher.88 at

  104. I'd definitely refresh my tired set of pots and pans with the new Pioneer Woman set!

  105. love the containers, thats what i would buy, love your kitchen also, you are my dream girl, you did a great job with all of it

  106. I love all of these ideas. Definitely a gift contender on my list.

  107. I'd buy some cute seasonal baking pans! tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  108. I would buy some gifts for our grandkids. Love your new kitchen!

  109. I would split it. Some for food for our holiday meal, some for gifts for daycare and the rest on family gifts to round out our stockings. We are on a tight budget so it would be great for us to get to do spouse gifts which we had to give up this year.

    Srbarnes at frontier dot Com

  110. I live the wooden lids, too! Thanks for the gift ideas!!

  111. I'd buy a few of those jars, and make some spa gifts for my sisters & girlfriends!

  112. I would buy more gifts. BTW, I love my scent warmer, thanks to you. I bought one for my mom for Christmas, too.

  113. Pillows, a cozy throw, some wax melts, and of course the peppermint kisses. Something cuddly for the fur kids also.

  114. So clever! Who wouldn't love receiving any of these?!
    I would purchase similar items to prepare "handmade" thoughtful gifts for all my friends!! Thank you for this creative idea! :)

  115. I would use to pick up things for our Grandchildren...

  116. I would spend it on my kids' teachers!

  117. What a great idea :) Thanks for sharing! I love the idea of jar gifts!

  118. Things for my home ! I Love better homes and gardens stuff:)

  119. Perfect teacher gifts! Thank you!

  120. I would get my neighbors and teachers all their gifts!!!

  121. The lids on those jars are very pretty! I've never used a wax warmer before so I'd probably get one of those, among other things for the house! cgora1290 (at) gmail (dot)com

  122. Well....I love those jars. Plus I would buy some ball jar canning supplies and a few live house plants. Melinda(dot)wold (at) gmail (dot) com

  123. Oh- I could think of tons of things to spend it on. We are moving into a new house in January- so probably some new BHG decor or Pioneer woman decor.

  124. Although I can think of a hundred things to use the gift card for (love the jars!), I would probably give it to my mom. She loves to shop but is on social security and doesn't have much money. Fingers crossed!

  125. Those jars are adorable! Would love to pick up one of those and probably some last minute gifts!!

  126. I have the warmer.. fabulous!
    would love the gift card!
    the jars are awesome!

  127. Those are great jars! I'd spend the card on my son and grandson. He's a single Dad and has physical custody ... no extras in his budget. Thanks, Sarah! waters7989 at yahoo dot com

  128. Wonderful wonderful gift ideas i would love to make and share! I can think

    of lots of things to buy and share with that $100.00 Happy Holidays!

  129. I would finish up my Christmas shopping for some family members and hopefully have some to spend on something for

  130. I would buy some toys and probably those jars. They are so cute!
    Beth at firepipes dot org

  131. I need a pack and play for when my grandson visits! thanks for the giveaway.

  132. I would buy those cute jars for my craft room. I need to do some organizing in there.

  133. What a great giveaway! I would set these aside for Mother's Day gifts - I love the pampering idea!

  134. I would use to finish my christmas shopping. :) ander660 at gmail dot com

  135. Such lovely ideas!! LOVE your blog!!

    I would give it to my sister who is a single Mom and struggles. Ginny_15012 at


  136. Great gift ideas! I could use some of those jars in my craft room.
    nwilcox95 at comcast dot net

  137. I love the jar ideas, but if I had an extra $100, I would buy some new Christmas decorations. We just moved into a new house and I am realizing how tired my old decorations look in my pretty new house. ellen.mcgee -at- gmail. Com

  138. Cute jars! If I had the gift card I'd use it for extra presents for family :)

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. I love all of these gift ideas, I'm sure my friends & family will be receiving a few of them from me this year! joey.inscoe at gmail dot com

  141. Love those jars! I just did a huge Walmart shopping trip and wish I had known about them then :-).

  142. Cute jars! I would use the $ to get some new accessories for my built-in media center shelves.

  143. I would love to spend it on the BHG wire chalkboard baskets for my pantry. Or the BHG cube organizer in the weathered finish. But in actuality, I'd probably just spend it on groceries :).

  144. I would love to spend it on the BHG wire chalkboard baskets for my pantry. Or the BHG cube organizer in the weathered finish. But in actuality, I'd probably just spend it on groceries :).

  145. I could find all kinds of stuff to buy at Walmart! That would be easy!

  146. Such great ideas!
    debhib at comcast dot net

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. I will definitely spend $100 on buying those wood lid jars and maybe kitchen towels.

  150. Oh I love the jar idea! That is so neat and creative! Would be perfect for his teacher this year! Love it! I really love their Better Homes and Gardens 8-Cube Organizer! That would be wonderful to help me organize for the new year!
    landfjacobson @ charter . net

  151. love the jars! How fun for gifts! sheilabme at sbcglobal dot net

  152. I'd spend it on photo-posters: my older son is getting into photography, would love some cash to use at Walmart Photo and transform his work into posters for his room! aorzoff at nmsu dot edu

  153. I would love to spend it on some of these gifts for teachers and others. They are such cute ideas.

  154. These are cute! Great gift idea for teachers, Girl Scout leaders, etc! I would first buy my husband his favorite but snack from Walmart, and only found St Walmart, the Cajun trail mix. Then I'd have $94 left to possibly purchase the thick yarn...if they carry it, I've been wanting to try arm knitting!

  155. Some form of home decor. Thank you.

  156. Totally doing this. The jars look so big! What a great idea. I'm an educator, and I've been contemplating what to get my closest colleagues for the holidays. Some goodies and a gift card in this reusable jar will make the perfect thoughtful gift.

  157. I love these! Great idea for gifts.

  158. I am a teacher and we have several new students at our school who really need clothing and a toy or two from Santa. They are new to our country and probably have never had hot chocolate so the idea above would be a great treat for them as well!

  159. These are all such great gifts, those jars are amazing. I'm pretty sure I could spend all that money just on the jars. I would use them to make the most beautiful organized pantry.
    Thanks so much.

  160. I would totally use it to go toward that awesome BHG recliner...

  161. I would totally use it to go toward that awesome BHG recliner...

  162. I would go straight to the cake baking aisle and buy new tips, cake boards, and fondant tools!! I LOVE Wally World bc prices other places just don't compare!!

  163. A nice heating blanket!

  164. Your gift ideas are so cute and useful! I would use the the gift card toward some more presents.

  165. Forgot to include email address in my comment.

  166. The jars are timeless! They would be so awesome to add some fake snow (I use baking soda) and set up a little Christmas display. The lid would keep curious little hands out:) As for the gift card, I would probably spend the money to buy my son the scooter and matchbox cars he wants for Christmas.

  167. The jars look great! I like your idea that they could be used for baking supplies. Leaving them out on the counter or in the pantry! Either way, they look great!

  168. Great ideas! I've got to get some of those stacker marshmallows, yum! I'd probably buy the supplies to make these gifts for people on my list. Thanks for the chance to win. xo

  169. This is a great idea. I would buy the supplies and make these darling gifts for a few of my Golden Ladies at my church. Thanks much...

  170. This is a great idea. I would buy the supplies and make these darling gifts for a few of my Golden Ladies at my church. Thanks much...

  171. Awesome jars/gift ideas. I wouldn't have thought of the wax warmer w/cubes one! Should I win the gift card??? I'd give it to my son (a single, struggling Dad) so that he could buy Christmas gifts for his little one. Linda (

  172. All this gifts are so pretty, simple and thoughtful! Thanks for the ideas and the giveaway.

  173. $100 to spend at Wal-Mart....hmmmm. I do spend a lot of time in the fabric and yarn area...and there's a few Pioneer Woman dishes I've been eyeing....and my car always needs gas...LOL. Thanks for a chance to win.

  174. I love these ideas and would love to win. Thanks for sharing your creative gift ideas and the chance to win. :)

  175. Id love to get some of those jars for my kitchen, and I need new kitchen towels and oven mits... mine are 11 years old and look terrible, this would be a great way to replace them!

  176. Thanks! I would print out photos.

  177. I would totally gift this to my 9 year old father in law! Walmart is the only place he shops!

  178. What fun gift ideas! Love those candy cane Kisses. I've never seen those stacker marshmallows before, though. Where have I been?? I give my son Walmart gift cards so he can get food and other supplies whenever he needs them at college, so this would be great for him. :)

  179. Love those jars! Wouldn't they be fun as snow globes with a candle on top?!

  180. Your timing is perfect!! 13 teacher gifts, six days before school lets out for Christmas break, tight budget, plus complete inability to come up with ideas...then I see your post! Whew!! It was like, "Bippity Bippity Boo!!"
    Thanks for the practical, very pretty ideas. Thanks also for the chance to win the gift card, with which I'd buy an assortment of these handsome jars, and a supply of the suggested items to have on hand for birthdays, Valentines Day, Easter, and end of the schoolyear gifts, as I've decided to make these fabulous jars my signature gift!

  181. Oops! My email address is

  182. I would use the gift card to "pay it forward", and make some gifts as you did for some of the elderly people that do not have anyone at Christmas. I know several people that I could do this for.

  183. Thanks for the great ideas! You do a wonderful job of sharing your creativity! Your kitchen and house look like such warm, inviting beautiful spaces - and doing it with some elbow grease and thought and saving some $ make it all the better! I would get some more plug in warmers, since I just stocked up on wax melts and rug and some Christmas gifts!

  184. Those jars are so cool! Would definitely get those for my soon to be finished kitchen. Thank you.

  185. I would buy some of those adorable jars! kmg_14 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  186. I'd love to get some storage bins!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

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THANKS so much for reading!