Softened Green in the Bedroom

May 05, 2015

This beautiful, soft green is so soothing and pretty! Softened green is the perfect neutral green paint color and looks great with white and black accents. 

The last time I showed you our guest room, I shared the new bedding – it made a big difference in here!:

green ombre squares accent wall

I love it! But as I mentioned, I was ready for a change on the walls. 

I painted that wall of green ombre squares a couple years ago and it was a HUGE upgrade from the bright colors we had when this was my stepdaughter’s room years back.

They were fun for sure but hard to decorate around. And if I wanted to change the paint color this would be a LOT of taping off again! So I went looking for the color that I saw in my head. I loved the green, I just wanted something a little more deep and with some gray tones to it.

I have had this photo tucked away as inspiration for years: 

traditional-bedroom (Tom Stringer Design Partners)

I have loved this green and black combo since I saw it! I wanted to go with a more gray green than in the photo, and use the color on the walls too (instead of white).

I found three gray green colors that were good contenders. From the left my picks were Softened Green, Contented and Comfort Gray:

grey green paint colors

I know, the middle and right look blue or gray here, right? It’s so funny how colors look alone and against each other. When you see one by itself you’ll think green with some gray tones and when you see it next to others it looks like a gray with greenish blue tones. Each of these were with the greens in the paint book.

A quick tip to figure out the underlying tone of the colors on the paint chip – look to the darker colors and you’ll see the base. For greens it can range from olive to blue to brown.

I got a sample of each one to see how they looked in the room. This is so important if you’re not 100 percent sure about a color! I usually recommend to paint it on a poster board so you can move it around the room. The color will even look different on each wall because of the light. I was pretty sure what color I was going with so I didn’t do that:

picking out a gray green paint color

From left to right the colors are Softened Green, Contented and Comfort Gray.

Also, don’t judge the color just yet! It will change colors as it dries and gets darker:

gray green paint colors

You know how I said I was pretty sure what color I wanted? I was wrong. :) I was surprised at the one I loved the best! I went way more green than I was planning. The Contented and Comfort Gray were way too gray for what I wanted, and even had a bit of an aqua tone. 

Before I decided for sure I did some research online to see the colors in action. Blogs and Pinterest make that so easy! Here’s Contented:

Sherwin-Williams Contented

And here’s Comfort Gray:

Sherwin-Williams Comfort Gray

Linda McDougald Design

Much too blue and gray for what I wanted. (But very pretty!)

Thankfully Sherwin-Williams also has a handy dandy light box in the store so you can see your color in both natural light (left) and incandescent light (right):

tips for picking out paint color

Isn’t the difference crazy? Make sure you either leave a sample up on the wall throughout the day or try this out. Natural light (or not) in a room will really change how the color looks.

I grabbed another green color to show you how different the greens can look too:

Sherwin-Williams green colors

When you see it against that one you can really see how the Softened Green has some gray tones to it.

When I was sure of the color I picked out the finish – I’ve tried most of these and decided on the Emerald finish that I used on the master closet last year:

Sherwin-Williams paint finsihes

I use eggshell on all of the walls in our house. I find it washes best and can be touched up easiest. Flat has come a long way as far as durability, but I won’t use it on walls again after having it for years. It was a disaster with a young child (it’s not easy to clean). 

Anything shinier than an eggshell or satin will be glossy and will show a lot of imperfections in your wall. I use those for trim and my board and batten walls but that’s it. :)

Even though I’ve used this paint for years now, I was a little worried as I started painting over the squares. The white part was the original wall color so when you first paint it really shows the difference:

painting over stripes

But as you can see if you look to the left, when the paint dries you can’t see any difference in the paint color! I was honestly a little shocked and quite impressed.

I’ll show you the whole room reveal next week! I’m so happy with the space and I did it within a super low budget too. :)

Until then here’s the peek I shared a few weeks ago when I showed you the new window trim I installed:

gray green color

I absolutely, positively LOVE this color. It is so soothing and pretty and still a little sophisticated. 

Have you ever tried this Softened Green? Ever started painting and hated the new color? I’ve been there for sure. Hopefully these tips will help to avoid that! :)

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  1. LOVE the green! And love the way the paint hides the squares! Can't wait for the full room reveal!!
    NancyDave590 at gmail dot com

  2. I love your use of green in the room--- a color you don't see every day in the design world. I'm excited to see the final reveal since everything you do is gorgeous! sconnor273 at gmail dot com

  3. I am a Sherwin Williams customer too Sarah!! One of the things I like about SW is that they can mix any paint color. Looking forward to seeing the finished room. BTW, I am off to SW to ask for help with a color for my front door. Like you, I have an idea but I am not totally sure...they also give great advice.

  4. I've always been a Behr paint fan. I've never painted with anything else, but would love to try Sherwin Williams. I've heard good things.

  5. We have a Sherwin Williams where I live, but I have never been in reason really, not sure why. I have some paingting to do thanks to builder flat paint and a 3 year old! Would love to try SW!

  6. Oh, I'm moving later this month and have a whole house to paint up! This would be wonderful!

  7. Beautiful color. I may try it for some painting projects I have coming up.

  8. We spent a lot of time last year painting the downstairs rooms of our new (to us) house, now to start on the upstairs rooms. Love the Softened Green shade!

  9. Soo pretty!! Sure to be very relaxing for your guests!

  10. I desperately need to repaint my den! I love these colors.

  11. The softened green looks beautiful!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  12. Sherwin Williams is my FAVORITE! I love going into the store, they know their paint! We just painted our half bath from a really dark Riverway to a much lighter color. It has been quite the change and I am still getting used to it! lindseynstorm at gmail dot com

  13. Great color! I have more than once picked a color and decided against it, sadly it's usually after the whole room is painted.

  14. Ooooh, love the color you chose. Sherwin Williams is great and I was SOOO glad to find out the other day that Lowes now carries SW paint. Now I can get the SW at my fingertips easier and closer to home. Yay!

    1. Oh forgot, my email address is srodgers1969 at yahoo dot com. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. My husband and I swear by Sherwin Williams -- it's the best! Can't wait to see the entire reveal:)
    marymcretu at yahoo dot com.

  16. I can't wait for the reveal! I'm sure it'll be great! This is one I've been looking forward to for a while. leslie901 at yahoo dot com

  17. Such a pretty color! I love green and that is right up my alley!

  18. Picking paint colors is so hard! Looking forward to the reveal.

  19. I love Comfort Gray! It's so funny to me how many different colors it can be, though! I painted my daughter's room that color, and sometimes it's super gray, sometimes kind of an aqua color, and other times it looks straight green! It's crazy how much it changes, but honestly, I love every shade of it throughout the day. jessicabuben at yahoo dot com

  20. I LOVE SW colors! I'm not a fan of green, but I do love the shade you chose. I'm in the process of repainting all of our bedrooms and bathrooms, so this giveaway would come in very handy. TamaraRN13 at yahoo dot com

  21. I can't wait to see the reveal. The color looks beautiful! We are in the process of trying to figure out a paint color for our office/den area. Sherwin Williams has so many wonderful choices.

  22. I'm in the middle of painting my kitchen cabinets with Sherwin Williams, and a gift card sure would help out! :) Thank you!

  23. Just finished our nursery/guest room. Now to tackle the living areas. Love your new color!!

  24. I have actually been planning a big painting project but haven't committed to a color yet. Maybe this is the push I need. :)

  25. A gift card would be wonderful.

  26. megmcneely@yahoo.comMay 5, 2015 at 10:10 AM

    I love Sherwin Williams paint - its by far the best coverage!

  27. SW is my favorite paint - won't get anything else!

  28. Love, love, love that color in your guest room. It looks beautiful! I also love the Contented color. I have been hunting for the perfect gray for my son's room, and this just might be it. I'll go buy some samples and check it out. As far as the $100 Sherwin Williams, that would definitely help with that project, so enter me in the contest jarcourtash at msn dot com.

  29. Lovng the room so far!

  30. I don't have as much green in my home as I used to, but I love it with the black!

  31. Love this room, so comfy!

  32. I too use Sherwin Williams for almost all of my paint projects. I love their colors, coverage, and overall product. This color you chose is beautiful, I really like how it has the gray tones...but isn't JUST gray. The slight green hue in it is so soft and perfect for this beautiful spring weather. Gorgeous!

  33. The green is very soothing and calm! I love it. I Amlooking at blue greys right now to redo a faux stone panel - it's now a yellowed limestone color and needs new life

  34. It looks beautiful. I can't wait to see the reveal. I am using sea salt in my whole downstairs. I'm so excited to get started.
    luvpeach01 at hotmail dot com

  35. My two sons and I just moved into a new huse and I would love to paint their bedooms. Always use Sherwin Williams paint. It's the best. My email is slgrds at comcast dot net.

  36. Love Sherwin Williams! The staff is always so helpful!

  37. I'm getting ready to paint our living room/dining room/kitchen (it's all one open space) and want to use a beige-ish or gray color! Would love some SW paint! kehsinclair at yahoo dot com.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I love both the green and the grey.We'll be finishing our basement soon and I'm not sure if well go with another beige/taupe/putty like the rest of the house or if we'll try a warm grey or something different- green maybe? Thanks for the post-I'll be trying the paint out on poster boards once the dry wall goes in.

  40. Gorgeous! Would love the chance to win. littleoakcreations at gmail dot com

  41. Love your green...would be a good option for stained wood trim too, meaning it would complement the look of the stained wood.

  42. I love how your cats are such photo hogs! And I would also love to win paint! ~

  43. I'm looking for an emerald green and one of the samples I plan on trying is Sherwin Williams! I have tried 5 samples already and they aren't the right green. :( haleymirandarose at gmail dot com

  44. I've been itching to paint my living room, my décor is very cottage beach feel, and this Softened Green, has the stormy ocean feel with a touch of gray that I was looking for...thank you. And I love the new blog look, well done!!!
    fingers crossed on the gift card :)

  45. I love how paint transforms a room! I would paint my family room, it needs it :) p51mustanggirl at gmail dot com

  46. Really want to try some sherwin williams paint. jengarbett at gmail dot com

  47. Beautiful color. Our master bedroom is in need of a makeover and paint would go a long way to starting that!

  48. Love your walls and love Sherwin Williams paint! drpep66 at bellsouth dot net

  49. We just painted our half bath, and was amazed to see what painting can do to transform the space! We also used Sherwin Williams paint and lvoed it! toracoco at

  50. Love the color. The room is looking so soothing and comfy, can't wait for the final reveal. I've always been a Behr fan and finally tried SW. Love it! I'm always painting something so the gift certificate would be great. tuckertini at gmail dot com.

  51. Love Sherwin Williams paint, it has become our go to now that every room in our new (to us) home needs painting. The latest project is the dining room and searching for a true gray color. We've finally found it and can't wait to start painting.

  52. I also saved that same inspiration photo! I love how simple but welcoming it is. Can't wait to see the whole room reveal!
    katy@kelfleindesign (dot) com

  53. Always use Sherwin Williams because the store employees are so helpful. Would love to pick out an updated color for my living room.
    sfettig1@bis dot midco dot net

  54. I have the same inspiration photo saved! Love the new color.

  55. Great color. We could sure use that gift card giveaway!

  56. My next project is Board and atten and I will need a lot of paint!

  57. i plan on using SW for painting my kitchen cabinets---this would definitely help soften the budget! :) the_shaw_shack at hotmail dot com


  58. I love this color! thobbs at

  59. Love SW! Always use them for our home DIY projects. Can't wait to see the room!

  60. You picked the perfect color! I love it! I hope I win so we could repaint our daughter's room. You're so inspiring.

  61. Sheriwn Williams paints are my favorites! My email address is drlaurawilliams (at) sbcglobal dot net

  62. I love it! Question - we currently have stripes in our bathroom and were quoted a LARGE amount to sand and repaint. Did you have any trouble with the "elevation" in the areas that were originally taped once you painted over all of it?

    rayeann6 (at) yahoo dot com

  63. i love the color you chose. i am trying to pick out colors for a bedroom & 2 bathrooms, so your hints & advice will really help me.
    sparkle40175 AT hotmail DOT com

  64. I have painting in my very near future too!
    outside & inside.

  65. I sooo need to paint my upstairs hallway! There are paw prints on the wall! Our painting was put on hold because my DH backed into the garage door. Grrr!

  66. I love your choice. It is a beautiful shade of green...or at least it is on my monitor!

  67. When I started reading your blog post, I thought for sure the grey with green undertones you were going to announce was either Sea Salt or Rainwashed by Sherwin Williams that seems to be all over Pinterest and blog land right now. I went in just this past Friday to get samples and surprised at how flat grey they looked after seeing the beautiful spa blue pictures on my computer screen. And that they had such a green base, as evident from the bottom of the color chip like you said. I've also had the same thing happen when painting over a wall that was different colors top and bottom - looked like the paint wasn't going to cover the colors the same but it magically dried all one color.

  68. I would like to paint my living/dining room. This gift card would help a lot. I love your decorating style. -J
    paws at vaxxine dot com

  69. Love the color and could really use the gift card as we are getting ready to move to a house that needs.paint.everywhere. (Can you say very, very dirty and ugly.) Also appreciate your hints for color selection as the home has a totally different vibe than our old one and I'm going to be starting from scratch on paint colors.
    qikchange at gmail DOT com

  70. Love me some SW paint! I've definitely started painting, thought "Oh my goodness no!!", and then been completely relieved when the paint dried and I had the perfect color. amanda DOT fenyves AT gmail DOT com

  71. Just got a new SW store one mile away! Yeah! Painted the whole basement recently! Love their colors.

  72. That is a beautiful green!!!!!!!!! holleylampley (at)

  73. the color looks great. cant wait to see the rest of the room.

    I have never used sherwin williams paint but would love to give it a try. thanks!

  74. I also exclusively use SW paint. Love it! Thanks for the giveaway. Rachel dot A dot Farley @

  75. Love how your guest bedroom is coming along. I am working on ours as well and the guest bath and laundry room, they are all in the same are of the house. Having a terrible time with colors have a lng list of SH colors. Thanks for the info re the lighting box I am going to make a point of spending some time at the store to narrow my choice.

  76. Would love a gift card as the dining room is next on my list, I have been looking at a green paint colors lately for this space, which would be a huge change from the sponge paint that is currently disgracing the walls. Hope I win! Belinda bbjorklund01 at gmail dot com

  77. We are moving into a new (to us) home at the end of the month and I already have all my SW paint colors lined up for painting rooms. What a blessing this would be to win!
    Our current home is all Sherwin Williams paints. I LOVE Sherwin Williams colors, the paints offer great coverage and are so durable. Relaxed Khaki and Rainwashed on the first floor. Cityscape in our bedroom and different grays in the kids rooms.
    PICK ME!

  78. Love the green. Would love to paint my bedroom one of these shades. Vlynam at state dot de dot us

  79. We used SW to paint the kitchen island and were very pleased with the coverage and the durability. We have used Dover White on all of the trim. Love your green, soft and pretty.

  80. Never thought I would like a green tone color. But it looks so soothing! Thank you for sharing.

    Yaniradelvalle at aol dot com

  81. Love this room! We are 3 months into a short sale purchase so I am itching to pick out colors and paint! Especially for the nursery for our first baby due in fun! The white walled apartments need to go! :)

    morgan_basketball at yahoo dot com

  82. The green is gorgeous, and I'm a blue girl all the way. Can't wait for the full reveal!

    I've hated the beige walls in my house since we moved in almost 4 years ago...but I hate the thought of painting 20-foot walls more than I hate the paint!

  83. Love the color and SW paint is my favorite! brissister (at) yahoo (dot) com. Your blog is so very inspiring...

  84. I would LOVE to win this! I used oyster bay (one shade darker than comfort gray) in my kitchen and I absolutely love it. I am not a green person at all, but it's my favorite color in the whole house. Jlschroll at gmail dot com

  85. I love it! I tend to stay away from lighter green colors (like sage) because they seem dated to me but your bedroom has kind of changed my mind; I'll give green a second look next time :) snpelech{at}gmail :)

  86. Looks beautiful! I'm a new(ish) reader and I've been really enjoying your blog. Thanks for writing!

    I am really loving the "comfort gray"... I want to use that! megan.e.ward at

  87. Looks beautiful! Christiehilton at gmail dot com

  88. Love this color - thinking about it for my master bedroom.

  89. I have painted all of the rooms in our house at least twice and I cannot find a master bedroom color that I am happy with. :( :( :( Would love to use a SW gift card to get that fixed!

  90. Can't wait to see the results...we're painting our whole house this Sherwin Williams's very high quality and the color choices are unique and refreshing.

  91. Love this color! Love SW paint; we are nearly complete with our lower level remodel and would love the $100 credit for paint as the finishing touch!

    Lisachristineleonard at gmail dot com

  92. What a great color! would love to try it out.

  93. I live about 1 miles from a SW so they are usually my go-to for paint. They always do a great job. My next painting project is our living room.

  94. I always use SW paints... they are the best! Your new web site design is great.

    1. my email... nwilcox95 at comcast dot net

  95. Started using SW paint last fall & LOVE it! markvalerie at yahoo dot com

  96. would love to win this! katieleerose(at)gmail(dot)com

  97. I can't wait to see the room. And I LOVE Sherwin Williams paint as well! niehausal at yahoo dot com

  98. I am in love with your green. We have been looking to paint a dining room and kitchen wall...this is a great opportunity for me, and I thank you!!!
    Be blessed,

  99. When you were walking us through the steps of your color selection I was not sure I would like the color you chose, but when I saw it on your wall I love it! I have a lot of difficulty selecting wall colors and I will certainly use your tips the next time I select a paint color - thanks!

  100. I love Sherwin Williams! Just painted my office with their duration paint!

  101. Room is looking great! I have been wanting to get some sw paint for my kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanity. I've read such great things. Kylepluskatie at Gmail dot com

  102. Room is looking great! I have been wanting to get some sw paint for my kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanity. I've read such great things. Kylepluskatie at Gmail dot com

  103. That color really is beautiful! theadventuresofjamc (at) hotmail (dot) com

  104. Room is looking great! I have been wanting to get some sw paint for my kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanity. I've read such great things. Kylepluskatie at Gmail dot com

  105. I love, love, love this green! Can't wait to see the room reveal.

  106. Love the green - it is so soothing. Great for a bedroom!

  107. Great color! We close on our new house Friday! I CAN NOT wait to start painting! Rekrupa at yahoo dot com.

  108. I agree on the color and I'm not a fan of green. Good job.

  109. So great! It makes me want to paint a room, then curl up and read a book!

  110. Looks great, can't wait to see the whole room!

  111. We built our home two years ago and painted the interior in two SW colors: either Tatami Tan or Cafe Au Lait. I really, really want to paint the laundry room (now CAL) Bold Brick or Bravado Red, but since it's only been 2 years someone thinks there's no need to re-paint already. I say Nay, Nay!

  112. Love the color. Picking out paint for my MB & this would really help terryk421@gmail

  113. Your guest room looks great! I have ALL white walls in my house and I'm ready for a change!
    aimeenielson at Gmail dotcom

  114. I painted my guest room a soft green too! All my guest love it.

  115. I can't wait to see the rest of the room!

  116. Love the color you chose! I am so into greens and grays these days!

  117. Love the color you chose! I am so into greens and grays these days!

  118. We painted our bedroom Chat Room by Sherman Williams. It's a beautiful soft green and I LOVE it. Black furniture, beige carpet and white and grey bedding. Now to paint the 1st floor.....
    marylouandbob @ gmail dot com

  119. We are in a new house that only has the standard blah builders grade white. We need some color!!

  120. I'm a huge fan of SW paints, and this would be great for some cabinet painting projects I have in the pipelines!

  121. Love the color! Makes me want to paint....

  122. I like greens. We used SW 0013 Majolica Green in our kitchen/morning room area.

  123. Choosing paint is so hard, especially if it includes Grey! We moved into our house a year ago and I am slowly getting it all painted. Some of my choices I regret a little bit...good thing I can just paint over them right?!

  124. SW paint is awesome. I love how it glides on, has virtually no spatter, and covers in one coat. Painted our Master BR in a soft green (Koi Pond) and looks good no matter what light.

  125. This would be the greatest opportunity for my son. He is working on his Eagle Project for boy Scouts. We happened to visit our local Sherwin Williams and they donated several primary colors for the project, which is wonderful. But along with the painting you need supplies to paint with. He is creating an outdoor reading garden at the elementary school with flowers, benches, and a fence painted like crayons. It is going to be very whimsical and fun. Keeping our fingers crossed.

  126. Oh I would LOVE to win this (as everyone else would!!). Sherwin Williams is the best paint! I have had a color horror story before. I started painted my entry way and stairwell a color that was supposed to be a grayish brownish color and when it dried, people told me it looked anywhere from purple to pink to gray to brown. Huh?!? It was horrible--and it's still on my walls because it took FOREVER to paint. This gift card would help me take care of that!

  127. turner3897atgmaildotcomMay 5, 2015 at 2:02 PM

    We just finished painting the exterior of our house with Sherwin Williams emerald paint. The color is Fawn Brindle. It looks great, I love it. It was an expensive project but what a difference it made!

  128. Color picking is so frustrating - the Comfort Gray in my home looked more green than aqua as it did in your post. More art than science!

  129. Paint is the quickest fixer-upper there is! sally (dot) lustig (at) yahoo (dot) com

  130. I just spent a pretty penny at Sherwin Williams. We painted most of the rooms in our home Mindful Grey. If I won, we would use the money to get paint for the outside of the home!

  131. I just spent a pretty penny at Sherwin Williams. We painted most of the rooms in our home Mindful Grey. If I won, we would use the money to get paint for the outside of the home!

  132. i would love to do my bedroom! my mom worked at sherwin-williams before she passed away so it holds a special place in my heart! she LOVED it there. thanks for the giveaway! i love your decorating sense! classy and clean!

  133. Few years back, I painted my guest bathroom in Mocha. I am soo over it and ready for a new color. bsuragimath at gmail dot com

  134. I have been trying to update my laundry area....painting is included in that redo! Pick me!

  135. looks great! i picked a terrible green color for my guest room and i've been meaning to repaint it for THREE years. maybe i'll get around to it one day...

  136. I would love to be able to repaint our living room! Thinking of going gray!

  137. Just used SW paint for the first time in our master bedroom. Loved the results and cant' wait to keep refreshing our walls!

  138. Beautiful room! I'm the worst at choosing paint color. So hard to choose!

  139. Love SW paint. using it for the outside of our house currently!! BECCABAJOREK@YAHOO.COM

  140. When trying to find the perfect color Sherwin Williams helped me to review the makeup of the color understand how it was made and will perform. Good service.

  141. Wow I cant wait to see the room reveal! I would have never picked softened green from the paint chip but it looks so beautiful on the wall! I use SW superpaint and pro-classic and will never use any other brand :-))

  142. Looks lovely so far. And Thanks for the "choosing the right color tips". I am about to begin a whole house re-do project & I like your idea about the board & setting it in different places in the room.
    When we built our home 15 yrs. ago, I asked a professional painter & he said to use only Sherwin Williams & we were very happy with it & have only used SW since. Back in that day, it was popular to do the whole house in one color... so we went with it, beige, beige, beige.... I now need color!!!! Thanks for the chance...
    Looking forward to your whole room reveal..... K. (

  143. Love SW paint. I actually go to their stores because the service agents there know their stuff. I had a back porch patio to paint and they recommended Comex because of its durability. Just painted last week and I have a whole new patio. I love it! Nadine @ peacockfamily .com (Leave out spaces)

  144. I never comment but I do have many upcoming painting projects this would get put to good use. What a great giveaway! I have been following your blog for several years now and its definitely a favorite. Thanks for sharing so much with all of us.

  145. Looking great so far. It's so crazy how much a color can change in different light. sambinder at hotmail dot com

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Love your blog! This would come in very handy..... I'm getting ready to make over my laundry room. Thanks! Mpierce0602 at MSN dot com

  148. would love to win

  149. I would love to win - we are already big fans of SW paint around here!

  150. Googling rooms with the color or using pinterest have been my favorite tricks of late. It really helps me imagine how it will look beyond a chip or a small bit of wall. Great resource.

  151. Love the color you chose! jenbaker79 at gmail dot com

  152. Planning a guest room update too and can't decide on wall color - love SW paint.

  153. Oh how i would love to redo a few rooms in my house! We only have boring builders paint and really need to change things up!

  154. Planning to do a whole house repainting extravaganza! I so need to win this! :)

  155. I actually have a bedroom painted softened green! It's so pretty!

  156. I've been needing to repaint my downstairs bathroom, my dining room, my son's room, and our loft, so a gift card would be fabulous. Thanks for the giveaway! keshacagle at yahoo dot com

  157. I love Shermin Williams paints and need to repaint a few things!
    Sarah K at sayrahk at yahoo dot com

  158. Love this color! I need some color in my Master bed :)

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry, forgot the email address, added new comment below. Love that the cat got worked in to this post.

  160. I once painted my kitchen a horrible mustardy yellow. The very next morning I headed to the store for new paint!

  161. Please, please, please pick me, we just moved in to a new (to us) house and this hideous dark orange-beige has got to go ASAP and I'm in love with Halcyon Green (but of course I will sample first)!

    Jenny McKeague
    jmckeague at gmail

  162. I rushed to paint my whole house prior to move in. Regretted every.single.color. I have 15 foot ceilings and I'm afraid of heights. Needless to say, I'm going to have to hire out. :-(

  163. Sometimes I think I just want to copy exactly what you do, because it's that awesome. And I'm that un-creative. Ha. I think I just pin every single thing!

  164. love the color. Am also loving the comfort gray

    lisatrav at sbcglobal dot net

  165. What a pretty color! I love Sherwin Williams paint! I think it's time to paint another room - you inspired me! Kaitlynbird(at)optimum(dot)net

  166. I need to paint the guest bathroom. It's a room all guests see but the room I've done absolutely nothing to. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Kamden80 at Gmail dot com

  167. When I bought my house every room was a shade of pink or orange, completely not my taste! I was in such a hurry to change it that i didn't wait to see what my color choices looked like in my home before buying. The colors I chose for my dining room, laundry area, and bathrooms look horrible! Due to financial reasons I haven't been able to change them so it would be amazing to win. I've also never used Sherwin Williams and would love to try them out. mooncow728 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  168. I love green! I need to paint my kitchen cabinets this summer...
    jrkoch84 at Hotmail dot com

  169. What a lovely and peaceful color!

  170. I love a good gray green, may need to redo my family room in this color! HiddenTreasureAcres at gmail dot com

  171. Beautiful! Sherwin Williams is wonderful paint.

  172. I love Sherwin Williams! We had our house painted last year and used Sherwin Williams Black Fox. It turned out beautiful. LKullma1 at i cloud dot com

  173. Thanks for the helpful information

  174. I currently have a similar color on my walls that is based on a historic palette from the National Register. I am thinking of lightening up things with a creamy white so you have given some great tips.

  175. This is so funny---I have been deciding on color for our family room and narrowed it down to Softened Green!

  176. We just picked out Sherman Williams Rosemary to paint our entire exterior... $100 would pay for some paint!

  177. These are such great tips, thank you! I've come a long ways from the first room I painted, but I feel these tips will help even more as I start again with painting my new-to-me house. I have only used Valspar paint, but it sounds like I need to try Sherwin Williams :). Thanks for a giveaway!

  178. These are such great tips, thank you! I've come a long ways from the first room I painted, but I feel these tips will help even more as I start again with painting my new-to-me house. I have only used Valspar paint, but it sounds like I need to try Sherwin Williams :). Thanks for a giveaway!

  179. We are Sherwin-Williams loyalists! I would love to win the giveaway for paint for our master suite!

  180. I am looking for a paint color that has a spa feeling for my bathroom. I would love to try Sherwin Williams paint.

  181. Love the color! I have been at a lost of what type of finish to choose so I'm glad you mentioned the eggshell and what not.

  182. Love this color! Perfect for a bedroom! deanna underscore byrne at msn dot com

  183. I love this color. I would try it for my bedroom

  184. So pretty! We only use SW paint.

  185. Soooo pretty! And I loved Contented on the cabinets in the photo you showed too. amys09 at outlook dot com

  186. Oops! Forgot my email address: teresacline2001(at)yahoo(dot)com
    I said: So pretty! We only use SW paint.

  187. I have had swatches on my walls for a year trying to decide the right color. Maybe this is the answer. would love this gift card!!

  188. Love the new color for the guest room! Can not wait for the reveal! I would love to win the giveaway as we are planning to switch our kiddos' bedrooms and will need some paint =)

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.

  190. Softened Green would be the perfect color for my entry way. I have 3 other rooms to paint whose walls have not been touched in 27 years! Would love to win the giveaway so that I can give my tired house a lift! Vickie (

  191. Love the color - so fresh and clean!

  192. I love the color!!! I can't wait to see the full room reveal!!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!