Gorgeous green guest room reveal

May 11, 2015

I’m so in love with our new beautiful guest room! I shared the process I went through as I picked out the paint last week. The new color is called Softened Green and it so soothing and pretty – absolutely perfect for a bedroom.

As a reminder, here’s a couple before photos. The WAY before, from ten years ago:

grid wall with painters tape

And then the more recent look with new bedding:

ombre wall

I was so ready to get rid of the ombre/square look though! I was a little nervous when I poured the new paint color in the pan because when wet it looked really light (which is what I had before). But it dried to a lovely color -- a slighter deeper green tone with some gray to it.

When I was done painting I had to deal with an issue that I knew was going to be a problem from the start. Because I had taped off this wall (twice) and painted the squares, there were tape lines to deal with:

First of all, you’ll see in a minute that this is not a good representation of the color. It’s so crazy how they can look different with settings and light. It appears much grayer in this photo than it really is.

Anyway, see those lines? It’s not a paint issue – the paint covered beautifully. I’ve tried many things over the years to cover those lines after the fact. With a bit of sanding they can be minimized and a coat of primer helps too.

I had something in mind for this wall anyway, so I wasn’t too concerned with it. I wanted to do some kind of trimwork, similar to our master bedroom, but I didn’t want to spend as much on the mdf to do so. So I went with my favorite wood “planking” product – underlayment. It’s seriously so cheap, only $13 for a four by eight foot piece:

cheap wall treatment materials I had the folks at the hardware store to cut it down into strips (one piece was just enough for the whole wall). The painter’s tape I used years ago was two inches wide so I went with 2.5 inch strips of underlayment so they would be sure to cover everything well.

This stuff is great – I’ve used it numerous times now (you can see it on the kitchen island here and fireplace here) and I usually only need to use one coat. I think that’s mostly due to using good paint. ;) It’s such a big time saver.

I just used the strips of it to cover where the taped off lines were on the wall and when I was done it completely changed the look of the room!:

DIY paneled wall treatment

I love using this underlayment – it’s a lot thinner than the usual mdf I use so it’s a little more subtle. I did sand down the edges because they were rough from being cut down. I also used a lot of paint along the edges to get those filled in and give it a more finished look.

I have to tell you – this is my new favorite room in the house. I think I say that every time I work on a space but for real, it is such a calming, pretty space. While I worked on it I would just stand in there and look around. It was so pretty!

Before the back wall had four colors and the other walls were a lighter color. It helps to soothe the room a bit to have it all one color:

softened green Sherwin-Williams

I shared some small additions a few weeks back, including this free wifi printable for guests:

gray green wall color

Remember when I showed you that inspiration photo last week of the green and black accents in a bedroom? That’s always been my goal here – the combo feels fresh to me. The bedside table is really an old sewing machine table I grabbed from the side of the road years back:

inexpensive wall treatment ideasI cut down the legs to make it into a nightstand. It’s still one of my favorite furniture projects ever. :)

If you’re like us the guest room is the catch all for random furniture in the house. I tried my best to make it all work well in this room. This side of the room is my favorite: 

DIY craftsman trim around window

The artwork is just inexpensive frames with scrapbook paper inside. So easy! They look so good with that white popping against the green!

I showed you the process that took this window from the basic before:

To the pretty after by adding window trim. It never ceases to amaze me the difference it makes:

thick trim around window

The crisp white with the green makes me so happy. Pretty. :)

Remember how I told you how much light can change the look of a color? On the day I took these it was really cloudy outside so the color went more green. When the sun is out and it’s brighter it goes more gray. I love both versions. :)

The tall dresser used to sit in this corner but I moved things around to lighten the view a little bit when you walk in:

softened green paint color

The cedar chest is an antique I found thrifting years ago and it’s great for storage in here. The light was for a future project but because we don’t have an overhead light in here I wanted something in this corner. I LOVE how that little spot came together. Simple and functional (a great spot for luggage!) but cute.

Here’s a better look at the bench:

moveable arm lamp

It just feels so much better without the bulky dresser in that corner!

I moved that to the other side of the room and added some life to the top:

I have plans to paint the dresser (it is a real mess up close) but honestly, I don’t mind it at all now!:

colors that work with cherry cabinets I think it will be a stunner in black so it will happen someday. But this goes to show how good this color looks with cherry wood. If you have maple or cherry kitchen cabinets this color would be lovely on the walls!

The major costs were $20 for the window trim and $13 for the wall treatment. With a few new accessories and art, I transformed the room for less than $200!:

wall treatment behind bed

I didn’t include the bedding in that since I’ve had it but it was a crazy good deal too.

I wouldn’t mind spending a night in here. :) It’s such a relaxing space and feels a bit more sophisticated now too – just what I was going for!: 

Sherwin-Williams softened green

LOVE it. Paint and a little trim were the biggest projects in here – it does take some time but it such an affordable update with a BIG impact I’m totally OK with that.

If you’re looking for a gray green tone, this Softened Green may be the one for you! Have you tried this color?

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  1. Beautiful transformation! So soothing and calming. And great idea to hide the tape lines- well done!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! I love the paint color and the board and batten wall is fabulous. Great job!

  3. Oh, it is beautiful! I like the underlayment as the trim! Your house is amazing!

  4. So pretty and serene. I love the color and the wall treatment. I have a chair similar to the one in the corner in my daughter's room. Ours is blue with chrome nail heads, but the same style.

  5. Great job!! It looks fantastic. Very cozy and welcoming.

  6. Ahhh. So peaceful. So lovely. It's just beautiful. Great job as always! You may have addressed this before, but I am curious if you have a problem with your cats eating your plants? Mine just love to chew on them. I always make sure I don't get something that would hurt them, but after they chew on them, the plants just aren't so pretty anymore. They can jump anywhere so putting them up high doesn't work.

    1. Yes! Ours only seem to eat the palm varieties though (like this one). I use a cat spray on them occasionally that smells and tastes yucky to them and that helps!

  7. The room is beautiful! I'm not familiar with underlayment. Is it available at the big box hardware stores?

    1. Thank you! Yes, it comes in a big sheet and they can cut it down for you. It's the stuff that goes under flooring.

  8. love the room. but the scale and placement of the starburst mirror is off to me.

  9. So beautiful and calming. The paint almost has a light sage look to it (on my computer screen) and I love it!

  10. I will be using underpayment for ALL my wall projects now😊

  11. What a beautiful, serene retreat. Your guests won't ever want to leave. Fantastic idea to use underlayment. I love that I always learn new tricks from reading blogs.
    To Cathy M - my cats eat every plant and flower that comes into the house. The only place they are safe is on the kitchen counter since they have been threatened under penalty of death if they ever jump up there. Right now I believe they are chomping on some lilacs that I just cut and placed in a vase in the living room. Sigh.

  12. Wow! Hard to believe it's the same room. Great makeover!


  13. I am a huge fan of trim and moldings. The impact it made on your guest room wall and around the window exemplifies how it can really elevate a room's design. Lovely room!

  14. Looks so serene and peaceful , Sarah:). Molding looks awesome, did u nail it or used the glue?

    1. Thank you! I nailed them up but they are pretty lightweight!

  15. Just wondering about the lamp above the chest. Is it a desk lamp and how did you hang it up? -J

    1. It's a wall lamp from Lowe's and they give instructions on how to hang (just with screws) -- pretty easy!

  16. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! You've solved a long-standing problem for me with this project.

  17. First I would like to say this room is gorgeous! I love everything you do!!

    I have 2 questions:

    1. Would you consider building another headboard and, if so, what color would you make it?
    2. Where is that lovely stainless steel lamp you have mounted to the wall from?

    Many thanks,


    1. Thank you Mimi! I almost made a headboard but I'm not sure it needs it or not -- I'm still deciding on the color if I do it. Probably something with blue or white. The wall lamp was from Lowe's. :)

  18. I like the wall treatment since it added interest without needing to add art work in a guest room. The paint color is great - never used it, but I am thinking of using a green paint to a room this year.

    I've never painted any furniture before, but I have a few finds that I am starting to think about painting black and finding some fun outdoor fabric to recover the cushions. Hmm so many things to play with - thanks for the inspiration!

  19. LOVE IT!!!!!!! I love grey-sagey green shades. Your feature wall is gorgeous. Beauty of a room!

  20. LOVE IT!!!!!!! I love grey-sagey green shades. Your feature wall is gorgeous. Beauty of a room!

  21. I can't figure out how to pin from your new site. The pin it button isn't on your photos anymore...

    1. It's still there, just smaller in the upper corner. I'm working on getting it back to normal. :)

  22. That looks awesome!!! I love the green walls :) Can't wait to see what you do to the dresser.

  23. Love it! That green (I call it a sage green) is one of my favorite colors. I used to have a velvet duvet cover in sage green and I really loved it. I have fond memories of that bedding. It's such a soothing color.

    The room looks great, I would definitely love to stay in it as a guest! In fact I can't remember the last time I stayed in a guest room! I'm thinking that nobody wants us to stay with them since we have 4 kids. :D

  24. I would love to know some more details about the install.....are the boards nailed or glued? Looks great. :)

    1. They are nailed on -- the boards are really lightweight but I try not to use glue on anything (because it's a total pain if you ever want to take it down).

  25. I am loving this color for our kitchen! I can't WAIT to get to SW! I love that you're selected for opportunities like this... Your take is SO honest and thorough! Thanks for sharing, BFF in my head.

  26. I love what you did to your guest room. It feels so "FRESH". Thank you for sharing all the details.

  27. This looks beautiful! Love the planked wall - and that green paint color! I also have plans to paint a brown dresser black... love black furniture! Your makeovers always look so great!

  28. Question: I thought painter's tape wasn't suppose to leave residue.

    1. It's not residue, it's just a difference in elevation.The squares have been painted a couple times so the paint makes a line where the tape was because the wall is ever so slightly thicker there. With one coat it's not as noticeable, but two makes it more obvious.

  29. I love the look you achieved by adding the molding! And the color is perfect-it looks like a relaxing retreat :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  30. The whole room is just perfect now, such an amazing job! I will be (blatantly!) copying off your craftsman trim tutorials for my whole house, starting in a few weeks. Just had two quick questions -- 1. Do you use a 16ga or 18ga nail gun? I'll be buying one solely for the trim work, using 1x4 pine, and the other articles I read online were vague on if 18ga was sufficient or not. 2. I'm local (Carmel) - where do you get the lattice/stop piece for the bottom of the header from? I looked in lowes and menards and must have missed it or been looking in the wrong spot because I couldn't find either for the life of me.

    Thanks so much!!

    1. Thank you! My gun is an 18 -- it's very small but gets the job done! Lowe's has the stop for sure -- you have to go to the end of the aisle. There's usually eight feet and ten feet but you have to look for them. :)

  31. You did a beautiful job on that room! I think the dresser will be stunning in black and there's no need for a headboard with the wall done up that way, to my way of thinking.

  32. Very nice! I am especially impressed with the treatment of the stripes from the former wall decor. I like the effect of the material you covered them with as it gives texture and interest to the wall, but is still only one color--not as busy. And the molding added around the window makes SUCH a difference. Lastly, what a clever idea to use the art paper in the white picture frames. You have really good ideas, lady! Thanks for sharing them!

  33. Thanks for all of the inspiration! I've been buying testers of green paint because I was thinking about painting my kitchen with words cabinets green. I'm going to try this one!

    I also love the texture you like on the wall!! Ice been debating on adding trim on my windows, too. My main issue is that Mr trim is wood and I'm not sure if I want to start painting it all white. Yours looks so good, though!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!