Mud room bench with shoe storage

January 31, 2014

The built in mud room bench made with kitchen cabinets is done! 

Last I left you it looked like this:

DIY built in bench

Not bad but not done.

I shared how to build this bench with shoe storage underneath, and I felt like all I had to do was paint those cabinets and slap on the hardware and I’d be done. 

But there was more. Lots more.

I’ve shared how to paint cabinets here but I’ll share the basics again today. Cause I’m in a good mood. :) I was starting with unfinished cabinets so I didn’t use a special primer, just a basic one:

tinted primer

So I experimented this time with a different color primer. Every time I prime unfinished wood it takes SO many coats to get nice coverage on it. So I tried using my tinted gray primer this time, thinking it would coat better at first, giving me a better base.

It did! But it still took three coats of white paint like usual. :) So it was a wash. But I learned. Something.

Anyhoo, after applying one coat of primer, be sure to sand everything lightly between coats:

painting cabinets

The primer and paint (mostly the first coat or two only) will pull up the grain on the wood:

painting cabinets

So you want to knock that down a bit.

So I used my basic white paint (off the shelf) I use for all of my trim and built ins but I could tell it was getting old. I noticed on the basement kitchenette that it was getting thick and hard to work with. So after attempting one coat on the bench I went out and got some new white paint, this time from Sherwin Williams:

proclassic sherwin williams

This ProClassic is AWESOME – I used this on our kitchen island and it’s held up GREAT. It’s their base white called Extra White and it went on SO easily and so smooth. Love it! (And no, I’m not paid to say that, I have just become a die hard SW fan over the past couple of years.)

I did three coats of white on the cabinets, then put the doors back on. It was then that I realized that the bottom trim looked like poo:

built in bench

It was flush in the middle and but not on the sides so it looked weird. I had some scrap trim that I used for the base so I just placed that right over it and I’m so much happier with it!


Another big project was installing the trim around the top of the beadboard. Once I was done I knew I had to address the corners. I don’t have a table saw so I scored my beadboard down to make cuts to fit into the inside corners and outside corner. The result was crappy but I knew I would fix it:


beadboard cornersbeadboard corners

See the big gaps? I use dowel rods to fill those in. I shared how I did it years ago on the kitchen island here. It’s the perfect solution since it just looks like the “bead” of the beadboard.

Now with the dowel rods and some caulk you can’t even tell there were gaps there:

IMG_8210 IMG_8211

After all that, and touching up some more paint, it was time to poly the bench:

poly on wood

I did one coat, sanded lightly and then did one more.

And here’s the final result…finally:

beadboard and built in bench in mud room

I still need to paint the trim around the doors, and a ton of other stuff. But the bench area is D.O.N.E. And I am H.A.P.P.Y.

I’m really proud of myself for making this happen. For the months years that I was planning this room I didn’t think I’d be able to do the bench myself. I knew I could build a bench, but a bench with storage I figured I’d have to hire out. I’m SO pleased with how it came together:

Bench made out of kitchen cabinets

That center panel I was worried about between the two cabinets is now hardly noticeable, with a lot of sanding, spackle and paint. :) If I could do it again I’d have the cabinets next to each other (and no space between) but I couldn’t figure out how to get them secured to the wall if I did that.

I’m in love with the hardware in here too – it was all from Lowe’s. I went simple with the hooks so I could fit them on the trim:

brushed nickel hooks

I originally planned on four along the back but decided on three there and then one on each side too. I need to go back and get one more for this side:

DIY mud room bench butcher block top

I figure the back ones will be for coats and bags and the side ones can be for keys and dog stuff.

I got a shot straight on with the help of my wide angle lens:


white mud room bench with stained top  


Now…to decide on what’s happening above. I thought I had something in mind but now I need to think on it more. I want lots of storage up there so I’m just figuring out how much I want to be open and how much closed. (My plan is both.)

For now I’ll take a break on this space and just enjoy it! The cost for this area was about $300 – that includes the additional beadboard, the trim, the butcher block from IKEA and the cabinets. I used scrap wood for some of it too.

I am looking forward to adding some decorative stuff in here down the line – but for now just being functional is pretty awesome! Especially considering this space used to look like this ALL THE TIME:

Have a GREAT weekend!! Whoot! 

P.S. Here’s how I built the bench and here’s an in between update if you’d like more info on how I did this project.

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  1. Looks so much better!! You did a great job!

  2. What a transformation! I love it!

  3. It looks amazing!!!! I love the blue color you used. I am not sure if you are up for suggestions for your upper wall BUT.... Uppercase Living has some AMAZING options. They have sayings and big graphics and you can even have pictures made into wall vinyl. (I do not sell it this is my consultant that I shop and party with)

  4. Oh Sarah, it's gorgeous! Beautiful transformation!!

  5. Love it! I have been wondering what to do when you need to do corners with beadboard, so I've learned something that is really going to come in handing when we do the kitchen! Thanks!!!

    1. Ooops! I meant handy, not handing... Why is it that you always catch the typos AFTER to you hit publish? LOL!

    2. Another great way to cover the corner pieces on the beadboard (that stick out) is to run a piece of corner moulding down the pointed out edge. (technical terms--I know.) It is cove moulding? I don't know but it covers up the edges that stick out. We use it on all our home projects.

  6. Looks fabulous! I have plans to do something like this, but first we have to move our washer and dryer which I'm ot looking forward to.

    1. It's funny you say that... We have to move our washer and dryer too to do something like this, and I can't wait to do it. It's my HUSBAND who is not looking forward to it!!! LOL

  7. You did such a great job! Love it!

  8. Looks fantastic. Love the color choice for the bead board.

  9. Congrats! What a great update to the space, and even more awesome because you did it yourself! I bet you smile every time you walk by it..

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Love it! and I too think Pro Classic is amazing! I painted a friends kitchen cabinets last summer and it stands up great!

  12. Wow, I would so love to help my son do this in their family's house!

  13. Can I ask what you used to install the edging and ledge on top of the beadboard? It looks like a thicker straight piece on top and a thinner piece laid on top of that?

  14. I am in love with this stain! We looked in Lowe's but couldn't find it. Where did you get it, if I may ask? I have to have it!

  15. Gorgeous Sarah! I love how it came together and am so impressed with the end result! So beautiful, and super-functional too. My favorite combination! Well done!

  16. My name is Diana and i live in Sao Paulo. I found a great spell caster online who helped me find and brought my birth parents back to me. He did a lot of things in my life and my entire family, am happy now I visit my birth parents every weekend cause of the help from this great spell caster. Thanks Prophet of GODDESS. If you need any help or spell, you can email him on He is in the best position to help you and i have gotten my lost job back. I wish you good luck and success.

  17. Oooh! It has really come together and worth every penny! Love the color. Jane

  18. absolutely beautiful...and very inspirational!

  19. This area has been so wonderfully transformed! I love the dark blue colour -- I've been thinking of trying something like this in my entry, too. I also love your simple hooks! As for the bench ... how that baby shines. :)

  20. You did a great job! It's amazing how much more space you have with the washer and dryer moved.

  21. You did a wonderful job and I love that color blue. The thing I loved the most was your little tip about the dowel. We will be doing this soon and that is the best tip we could have gotten. Thank you.

  22. The bench is gorgeous! The hardware, the stained top, everything! I definitely have mud room envy!!!

  23. Great look and so useful. You will love having this space to use and keep organized!

  24. I LURVE it!! Looks awesome. Great job!

  25. Freaking awesome! You are very talented!!!

  26. That looks amazing!! Love the paint colour on your beadboard.

  27. congratulations! It's beautiful. I still think the stain color on the wood is my favorite piece. You paid attention to every detail and it really shows.

    Hello i am John Kelvin,I am out here to spreed this good news to the entire world on how i got my ex love back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another boy last month,But when i meet a friend that introduce me to GREAT HERCULES the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to GREAT HERCULES about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director. I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world on how GREAT HERCULES help me grant my heart desire. If you need any kind of help contact GREAT HERCULES at the following email address: and get all your problem solve. No problem is too big for him to solve. Contact him direct on: and get your problems solve like me.

  29. Looks great! Love that you stained the top. The contrast looks great in the space!

  30. I love this! one day I will get enough room to do this! haha and I will come back here for sure!

  31. It's look FAB, Sarah! Great job on the bench and trimming everything out. It looks awesome. Don't you LOVE the butcher block from Ikea?! We used it for countertops in our last house and loved them. I never would have thought to use it from a bench. Brilliant! Can't wait to see it all done!

    - Tasha @ Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body {}

  32. Fabulous! You are a DIY rockstar! Loving that blue beadboard, too!

  33. Am Ramsey, my aim of been here is to tell every one about a spell caster, a man i met here who was introduced to me by my elder brother to help me in my life affairs and relationship and that man helped me like i never thought, i have met some other spell casters before but none like my helper.. he is the truest spell caster i have seen and he is a good listener and always willing to help the less previledge i want to thank this one man that has brought so much joy to my life and that man is the WORLD GREATEST, LORD WAKAMAN. he is the man among men. he is so true and kind. I owe him lot of respects for his works. what he says he will do. friends out there search nowhere else for help so you don’t continually get scammed. the real spell caster is here and he is LORD WAKAMAN, a moment with him will convince you. feel free and contact him on for any problem whatsoever. he can handle it i promise you and I TRUST HIM.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!