EASY Faux Carriage Garage Door Makeover

June 10, 2023

How to give your plain garage door Craftsman details in seconds.

I'm always looking for easy exterior updates to make our home stand out from the rest. When you live in suburbia many of the houses can look similar -- but there are so many ways to add some character and beauty without spending a ton of money.

This easy garage door update does just that! I've done this a couple times over the years and I'm always surprised at how much it really changes up the doors.

I loved our garage doors with their gray and white paint and trim:

But I knew this easy addition would make them look even more unique.

You can buy metal garage door accents that give it a Craftsman or carriage door look, and they are super easy to install! Our home has a modern Craftsman exterior so I knew they would fit in beautifully.

I had to use hardware you attach with screws on our doors: 

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Most of the sets I've found come with two handles and four "hinges." 

At first I only had one set of hinges up on the top trim, but I later added the set at the bottom and it really completed the look:

If you don't want to drill into your doors there are magnetic options that are even easier to install! I bought a set of magnetic garage door accents at first but realized that the trim on our doors is wood, not metal. Oops.

They don't interfere with the operation of the doors at all. Most have a rust resistant coating that holds up great outside. The set I put on our garage doors at the last house has been up for more than ten years and haven't rusted at all!

Here’s our garage door at the old house before the hardware detail:
updating plain garage door
This is the set I found for only $10 at the hardware store: 
metal garage door hardware
That exterior had a cottage look and I knew this would look great! At first I was going to tape them up to see how I liked them, but the tape wasn’t holding, so I just drilled them into the metal door.

They are really good quality -- nice, heavy metal and I liked that the screws came with black heads to match:
DIY carriage door hardware
I loved how these look!: 
DIY carriage door hardware
If you want to keep going, you can add another carriage door detail with faux windows on the panels across the top. I've seen people paint it on, or you can use these magnetic faux windows

When they’re on they really look like real windows!

It’s not a huge change, but on a street of plain garage doors, yours will stand out!
easy exterior update with carriage door hardware
I love a simple and inexpensive update! Have you tried changing up something on your garage door? Added hardware or painted it? Anyone tried those faux windows? Do tell!

There are a ton of magnetic options! This one is a great price  and this magnetic hardware is as well. Both are under $20!
This set isn't magnetic but it's enough for two garage doors
Here is a set similar to ours that you drill in

This DIY landscape lighting tutorial is another exterior update that will make your house look way more expensive!: 

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  1. We did this on our house for the same reason and love it! We found a magnetic kit online!!!!!!!!!!!!! No drilling. It was amazing.

  2. I love your new garage door hardware! I would love to add some hardware, too, but I am WAY TOO AFRAID to drill holes in my home's garage doors! -- Lauren at MomHomeGuide

  3. I bought the same thing for my door three months ago! It's still in the packaging sitting in the garage. :( Thanks for lighting a fire under me - so I can light a fire under my husband to do it.. haha!

  4. it looks great!! FYI--they sell magnetic ones on ebay if you have a metal garage door. And I think $25 or so.

  5. Wow! What a difference that makes. Looks great!

  6. I quite literally just did the same thing a couple months ago! Same exact package! We love it! http://hfamilyhappenings.blogspot.com/2013/04/get-carriage-garage-door-look.html

  7. Looks great! What about adding some house numbers on the white space above the garage door? That might add a little somethin, somethin too!

    1. I've had an idea in mind for that space for years...just need to do it! :)

  8. I love it. It's the simple things that can really add the most impact. My neighbor did it all, added the harware and oainted the faux windows, and his house sits close to the street. You can't even tell, i stared and stared, trying to decide if they were real or not.

  9. Love the look! I've been contemplating doing something similar to our 1 car garage, now I might just have to. :)

    As for the comment on your "blue" cement: have you tried changing your white balance on your camera? Just a thought, I know many of my colors have been off in my pics at times and it's been the white balance.

  10. Looks nice! our neighbor just did this to his garage door too.

    One request...can you post a picture from the same vantage point as your first (non-mustached) picture? I get a better perspective when seeing actual before/after from the same view instead of another angle.

  11. It's a really nice touch, in fact I really like it. Do others on your same street have gussied up garage doors too or are most of them simply plain jane garage doors? Maybe you will start a new trend?

  12. Looks great! I really like the change it made! We have a separate garage that needs some love...

    Not to be a negative nelly - but would the "windows" work since your garage door has inset panels all across the top? I feel like that might be weird? Or maybe I am picturing it wrong!

  13. I really like that! It's amazing what a few little details will do towards making your house feel more like your own! I love the brickwork around your garage door, too... that gentle arch is lovely!

    Our garage door is standard-issue poo brown. It's horrible. I need to read back through the covenants, but I've noticed some people down the street have a deep purple garage door, and some others a turquoise one, so I'm thinking about just painting it some fun color and if the HOA screams I will point out the others in the neighborhood.

  14. I love that you added the hardware to your garage door. We did this to our as well and it really does make all the difference. I love detail!


  15. I love the look of this. There is a new subdivision down the road from us and 90% of the houses going up have craftsman garage doors. It looks so smart! If we ever get a garage one day, I definitely want to do this!

  16. First of all I must say I stumbled upon your blog last week, and love, love, love it. Thank You!! Secondly, we put these on our garage about 2 weeks ago, and wow what a difference. We have not put up the windows, only because I have to save some $, as they quite a bit more pricey than just $10. I've heard good things about them. Looks Great! Thanks again for your lovely blog. :)

  17. Details make the difference! Looks great!

  18. It looks so good! I love these kits. I've been meaning to do this for so long, but I've been procrastinating also.

  19. Been wanting to do this for some time now. Thinking this is the shove I needed.
    Thanks :-)
    Hugs, Gee

  20. I have been wanting to do this too! I have a 3-car garage. Would you have done both doors if you had a three-car? Just curious........thx

  21. I love, love, love it. How fabulous. I don't quite see the mustache, but I will go along with it. Looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  22. It looks fabulous. I just wanted you to know that last night my son went to a concert at his girlfriend's high school. Listed in the program was a performance called "American Barndance" by Richard L. Saucedo from a festival of bands in Indiana. I think this is your hubby? Am I right? I remember reading somewhere that is your last name. So cool...

  23. Oh....I bought the same kit last summer, and then let it sit there. In February, I decided I wanted two kits (I have a double door like yours), so I bought another one. And now they both sit! I was scared one kit would look a little sparse on the big door, but I like the way yours looks! I AM putting mine on THIS weekend!!

  24. I bought a couple of kits myself. Man it is very stressful drilling those holes. :) I did mine while my husband was out of town, so I didn't have double stress....LOL I blogged about my installation as well. Think it sure takes a garage door from dull to awesome. Thanks for sharing your installation...sounds like we both stressed about the same. :)

  25. Love that idea! Our neighbors just had their garage door painted to look like a gorgeous wooden garage door. Looks amazing! I could totally see that working for your door with the brick, etc.

  26. Do tell where your $10 bargain was found?!

  27. Well, I am SO GLAD I crawled out of the rock I've been living under to learn about this awesome trick!! I had no idea this even existed!! I will be at Home Depot first thing tomorrow to look for these!!!

  28. I love this! There is a house in the hood being flipped right now (they are trying to sell it for a hundred grand more than they bought I for. . . pssshaw) , and one day I jogged past and bam they painted the garage to look like wood and put "mustaches" (hee) on it and it's like a whole new house!! That looks so great!

  29. It looks grate!!!!! Can you tell me where you found them online? Thanks!

  30. I've wanted to add those to our garage since I saw them in Home Depot months ago.

    Hubby said he thought it would look too fake.

    Well, you've convinced me! I just ordered a magnetic kit for under $25. If the hubs still thinks it looks fake it will be easy to remove.

  31. It's such a big impact for $10. Great idea. ;)


  32. Oh they look good on your door, good job

  33. I have the same thing, lying in the garage for weeks now, ready to go on, I also got mine for $10 at HD! Yours looks great!

  34. We just did this few months ago! I love it!

  35. I love the look!! It really added a great touch!!

  36. I love how this came out! I have been thinking of doing this and adding molding to my garage door for years, absolutely love how yours looks!

  37. I just saw these at HD and they will be going on our new home (when we find it)! I love how they changed the look of your garage door.

  38. We did the same hardware and faux windows. Ours were coach house accents simulated garage door windows that I bought on amazon. We did it on a 3 car garage. It is amazing how real they look. All my neighbors thought I had new doors. My husband installed them and it was really easy. We have laughed because they are so realistic that he has tried to look in a couple of times then realizes what he is doing!

  39. Our carriage door was the best part of the house we sold last year. I couldn't deal with a plain door, so I ordered magnetic "hardware" like yours online. It helps a lot!

  40. I love, love, love this! I have been wanting to do it and happened to see this exact same kit at my home depot, except it was on sale!!! I snagged it for under $4 with tax! I plan to install them with the hubs this weekend. The company that makes this hardware also has faux windows you can install. They are $100 per two windows, so I'm planning to install those when I get the extra cash! Love your home and blog!

  41. Great idea! We added the hardware years ago and then last summer it was time for new doors! Love this look Sarah! Sharing on the weekend edit.

  42. Such a small change makes a big difference!


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