Easy Crafty Christmas Knock Off Projects

December 06, 2012

Easy snowy Christmas ornaments and metallic nutcracker crafts for the holidays.

There have been a couple crafty Christmas ideas that I've wanted to recreate for a while now – one was a project I saw last year and one I just saw a couple months ago (because the decor comes out in October – gives me time to plan!). 

Of course, I was able to do both for MUCH cheaper, and the result is JUST as cute, at least I think so. ;)

The first was a pretty glass ornament from Target:

Target snowy ornaments

I can’t remember how much it was – I think $6? Not too bad I guess, but if you want a bunch of them that’s going to add up fast. 

For this one I was lucky to have everything I needed from Christmases past (ha):

easy snowy ornament craft

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I had the glass ornaments, the little teensy pinecones (so cute!), some glitter, sprigs of faux greenery, and fake snow.

I actually started with some Epsom salts we had, but it was too heavy looking.

I ended up with my go-to fake fluffy snow as the first step:

glass ornaments with fake snow

You kind of have to push it down in there through the funnel. I used scissors to get it in there.

Then I cut off the little berries and pine cones from the wires and dropped them in:

tiny pine cones and berries

These small holiday stems have the pinecones, berries and greenery in one! 

I added some glitter, and then one little sprig of greenery in each one:

glass ornament craft

They are TOO cute! I love them! 

I cut down some of my real greenery I’ve been using around the house and laid them in it on the bookcases:

DIY glass snow ornaments

I love how they turned out!:

DIY snow ornaments in greenery 

I had the epsom salt one leftover and just hung it with a ribbon from my manzanita branch:

DIY snow ornament

I love the texture of the snow with the pop of green and the natural little pine cones! Best part – they didn’t cost me a dime. Hoarding craft supplies has it’s benefits, fo sho. ;)

The next project was inspried by an idea I saw last year over at Michelle’s place

Her inspiration was the West Elm nutcrackers:

west elm nutcracker

A couple months ago I picked up a set of small nutcrackers from Hobby Lobby, $4 for six of them (got them half off):

small wood Christmas nutcrackers

I tried to find some last season and they were loooong gone. Hopefully you’ll be able to find some! 

I primed them first (on my Goodwill sheet turned tarp) and honestly, the spray painting took FOREVER. They are so detailed, I had to keep turning them every which way:

priming Christmas nutcrackers

I was going to do a festive red, but I’m loving my copper spray paint so much, I went with that. 

I knew I wanted to use these in the bookcases as well, and I like to do brown and green decor in there this time of year:

copper spray paint

Again, this part took FOREVER. Gah.

I didn’t even finish the backs (helloooo, are you surprised??):

spray painted nutcracker

I nestled them in more greenery and love how they turned out! They are small but mighty!:

painted nutcracker Christmas decor

I have quite a few more projects I’d like to tackle this year, but only time will tell if they get done. :)

Here’s a few of my crafty ideas from years past – my Anthropologie knock off jars:

snowy Christmas anthropologie jars

I still can’t believe how expensive those are in the store. Cannot. believe.

And my simple glass candleholders wrapped with paper are still one of my favorites!:

candleholders covered with scrapbook paper

And I think the cutest by far is the Santa hat craft from years ago:

santa hat cone craft

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  1. I have always LOVED your santa hats craft! They have been a long time favorite. Happpy Holidays!
    Tami @ Curb Alert!

  2. Excellent ideas. Especially I like the one with balls. They seem to be almost transparent, and staff is surprisingly stored there. Great!
    You can catch up some ideas at my blog, as well.

  3. Ooooooooooo, now I want gold ones. Thanks for the link love! :)

  4. The Santa hat craft has always been a favorite of mine. I love the ornaments you made this year. Very cute.

  5. Hooray! I have a bunch of clear bulbs that I wasn't sure how to use up from another craft project and here we are! This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hey, come by my blog and see mine! I made some out of puzzles, but next year, I am coming back here and making the snow globe ones. Very cute!

    Love your blog by the way, I added to my blogroll!

  7. I love your Crafty Knockoffs, lol! The nutcrackers are so adorable and I love the metallic color that you went with. And I love the snowy ornaments all nestled in the Christmas greenery. Beautiful!

  8. The Nutcrackers are fantastic! I just completed new stockings and some pillows for our home....and I'm about all sewed out for the year!

  9. I love all of these ideas! They're all so pretty! Pinning!

  10. Fun Ideas..Love the ornaments filled with winter stuff and the nutcrackers are adorable.

  11. It's all quite cute! BUT, I have to say those little soldiers are what I am eye-balling. Love soldiers at Christmastime.

  12. What a fun menagerie of projects! It is nice to see simple projects because I have such a hard time fitting them in this time of year.

  13. So many great craft ideas! Now I'm motivated to go craft something!

  14. Where, oh where, did you find those adorable elephant bookends??? ~ Dee@deeconstructed.com

  15. LOVE the snow globe jars... and the glass ornaments... and the santa hats... ok.... love them all! Great job!

  16. Love it all! That's it, that's all I have to say, it's all cute!!

  17. I love ALL of your projects. Last year's Anthro jars and paper and glass candle holders are going on my to do list! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Love these! Where did you find the manzanita branch??

  19. Dee, aren't they awesome?? I found them at a local antique/thrift store. I saw them, left without, then obsessed about them for weeks, went back and they were still there. It was meant to be. :)

  20. Weigh, I found that branch at HomeGoods! I was surprised to see it there, it was a great price. I found these online and the prices are even better!: http://www.bloomsandbranches.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1820

  21. I'm inspired, once again, by you! Love the nutcracker idea. Last Christmas, my dept. was in charge of our work party. We took the clear balls, put glittery snow inside, and rolled up the cash bonuses and stuck them inside the ball...and wrote everyone's name on the outside with glitter paint....it was fun!

  22. those ornaments are so fantastic - great work. also loving the little nutcracker guys.

  23. omg the nutcrackers are awesome! what a deal! i didn't see them at my hobby lobby when i went the other day. jealous!! anyways love it.

  24. Sigh. I'm convinced everyone around these parts loves elephants as much as I do because I never, ever see anything of the sort at local thrifts. Should you ever want to part w/those puppies IN is a hop, skip & a jump away from WI! :) ~ Dee

  25. Those nutcrackers are too cute! I had no idea they sold those plain wooden ones..I"ll have to keep my eye out!!

  26. i really like your project, especially the jars. It is less expensive to make a decor out of it and you can simply make a fantastic design inside.. i will surely make this at home..

  27. Love each and everyone of these ideas! I've been pinning for next year -- gotta get an early start!

  28. I'm a huge fan of recycling my older decorations from years past. This blog post has some great [url=http://furniture.theroomplace.com/blog/chicago-blogger/own-the-season-with-holiday-decorating-tips-from-the-roomplace-part-1]holiday decorating ideas[/url] for reviving old stuff into new decor, but I think your ornament project is my favorite of everything I've read! So pretty.

  29. I love the Christmas globe ornament above! I also love to make christmas ornaments of my own. A good twist on the above idea, is if you have been away somewhere hot recently (e.g. I went to Barbados about a year ago) and you have a bunch of small shells and perhaps even some sand, you can make a christmas ornament in the theme of a beach scene. All you need to do is add some sand, the shells, and write the name of the destination across the globe in sparkly red paint. This was a great way to clear out some clutter but still be able to think back on such fond memories each year you are pulling out your christmas ornaments. Making your own ornaments are inexpensive and fun!


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