Pros and Cons of a Glass Front Door

April 10, 2012

Considering a glass front door? Check out this post first!

I’ve had a front door idea running around in my head for a while now. I think about it EVERY. single. day. lately and can’t shake the thought of it.

Every time I walk by our foyer, especially during the day, I think of how awesome it would be:

interior black door

For years now, I’ve been wanting a screen or storm door on our front door. The desire for one intensifies 100 fold this time of year, when spring has sprung and I have this overwhelming desire to have light pouring in everywhere.

Sooo…for years I’ve figured I can rectify that with a screen door of sorts. But I’ve found I don’t care for how they look from the outside. I don’t particularly like most storm doors I see either. I haven’t looked a whole lot, mind you, but I love our front door and don’t really want to block it.

So HOW do I get this light pouring in that I so desperately want and NEED? (OK need is a little much, I know.)

We had a chance to have sidelights put in when we built the house, but you see…I have a problem that is causing a major internal struggle when it comes to my idea.

You see, I do not like to answer the door if I don't want to. (For random strangers, not people I like. As far as they know.) The thought of someone being able to see inside my house creeps me out. And if I want to sneak up to the door to see who’s on the other side without answering, well, that’s my prerogative (they say I’m crazy, I really don’t care…).

But now, for some reason, I can’t get the idea of a front door with glass out of my stinkin’ head:

black glass front door

Can you even imagine all the glorious light shining in that house? I can.

I’m positively drooling at the thought of it:

front door that lets in light


I love my black interior door, but this blue door is totally fun:

partial glass exterior door

Sarah had a door company put a glass insert in her front door and it’s gorgeous!:

full glass front door (source)

Lucky for me, I have a contact for glass inserts. ;) So I could totally do this.

But the full glass door…well, as much as I love it, I just don’t know if I could. I ask you, how do you hide from people with that?!

Maybe normal people don’t hide? It’s just me?

So now I’m thinking. I wonder if the door company could just do a smaller insert? Something like this perhaps?:


Or this? (Check out this gorgeous house from the inside too!):


I think I could handle that. This shot is what I imagine ours would look like from the inside:


Although I’d probably only do six panes, not nine. Or maybe I could frost the glass like on our pantry door?:

glass pantry door

So the light would still come in, but it would offer a bit of privacy?

Cause I’m totally in the one percent here:

I’m just saying. At least I recognize my insanity.

Soooo…I MUST KNOW. Do you have sidelights? Glass in your front door? A FULL glass front door like (brave!) Sarah? If you a ninja like me, could you do it? For the sake of natural light?

Do tell! I think I may at least call my contact to see what the possibilities are and what the cost is…I think. It doesn’t hurt to call…right?

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  1. I would be with that 1%. I actually sneak into the front room to peek out of the blinds to see who is at the door. We have side lights, but I don't like the thought of people seeing in. We have sheers covering them, but I'd prefer shutters over them or something.

  2. I have full glass them! It's like another giant window! Of course, I am in the middle of the woods with only the deer and bear peeking in.

  3. I am the 1% also. Mainly because I don't feel I live in the safest town. And sadly in the world today, when someone rings the doorbell and I'm not expecting someone, it instantly puts me on defense mode! I don't think I could do the glass door. Even partially. Maybe, maybe if the glass was frosted, but you can still see shadows. I think I would be too worried about people breaking in. And I would guess that it would be easier to break in, since it's just glass, not a thick door. Which is sad, because I LOVE the doors you've shown. Good luck deciding!

  4. No joke...when I saw the title of this post I squealed. I have been wanting a glass front door for AGES but my husband is totally against it. He has very few strong opinions when it comes to decorating our home so I usually give in when he does have one. I so so SO want a 6 or 9 pane front door though!

  5. I have side windows on my front door. And i still think its to dark. Every spring! I just asked my husband about a storm door two days ago. I figure its a spring thing and i will get over it. I have every other year. I love the glass door but occassionaly can be found running naked looking for a towel so its probably not for me.

  6. Our front door has a round glass pane in it as well as the sidelights. While I love how nice and modern it looks and all the light it lets in, I hate them. I feel like we have no privacy and I hide when the doorbell rings. The sidelights are frosted but the glass in the door is not. The only solution I've come up with for privacy is putting a big old wreath on the door. That gets expensive though.

  7. Why don't you get a full glass screen(ish) door to so in front of the nice black front door? That way you have the option of open door or not open door.

    1. That's what we have and I love it. The full glass storm door is a heavy security door. I open my main door whenever I'm downstairs and want to let the outside light in!

  8. I, too, would love the light! But I waltz around in my chones out to iron a shirt, or grab coffee, etc. far too often. It probably wouldn't be good. hehe

  9. My entryway is dark too and I've thought this exact thing!! I'm definitely a Ninja. And it doesn't have to be a masked intruder to trigger my cat-like hiding skills. It could simply be an annoying neighbor and dishes in the sink. But I think I could totally do a smaller paned section towards the top. (At least I wouldn't throw out my back trying to get down to the ground. LOL)

  10. I am totally the 1%, lol.

    My house faces north too but I have the slim glass inserts next to my door kind of like your first picture. It's a happy compromise between a light filled dining room and feeling like people are staring at me ( never mind that I live on five acres in the middle of nowhere, lol)

  11. We have a full glass window in our very old 1907 built home and I have it covered with a curtain so no one can see it. We are looking to replace it with a door with the very small 6 pane windows that are at the top of the door.

  12. Noooo! Don't do it!! :) They look amazingly beautiful yes, but deep down you'll miss that privacy. Yes I can read your mind you didn't know? I HATE answering the door, and rarely ever do, and I too would fall into the 1% and run around like a ninja. Seriously. I've been known to call the cops for solicitors too that won't leave and keep ringing the door bell and knocking. For reals, that happened!

    I'll be scared for you if you get a glass door! We do have the sidelights though and I love those--but we frosted them so that's why I like them. Our neighbors have them with plantation shutters and the sidelights look amazing with them. One day...

  13. I have been wanting the same type of door for like a year and have been having my doubts also. We do have sidelights and those don't bother me as much, but sometimes I bop down the stairs not so covered and our stairs are right there. I was thinking of doing seeded glass in the window panes. BTW, you gave me the floor referral and Tim was out last week and resanded our existing floors and laid wood in 3 more rooms and it looks gorgeous. Thanks so much. He was $1,000 cheaper than Griffin Floors.

  14. I have a glass front door and love it. It floods the space with light and I can't imagine not having it now. Yes it means you can't be a complete big pig but you get use to it....

  15. I have a glass oval in my door and HATE it! Yes, it lets light in, but I don't feel safe - maybe its from where I grew up... I would rather have a glass screen of sorts, so I can choose when to let the world see inside my home... I would say though it depends where you live, the type of neighbors you have, how safe you feel, and how often you just don't want to answer the door if you just don't feel like it.. Good luck! Those doors are pretty though!

  16. Count me in the 1%. I went from a colored glass panel that you couldn't see thru, but light could come in. To a 36" by 6" window. Its not clear glass, but can definitely see thru it. I kept it covered with paper for a while, but ended up with a little curtain that I can peak around. Offers me a sense of privacy anyway.

  17. I am in the 1% too so don't feel lonely! We do have sidelights but I covered them up because I couldn't stand people looking in. I would LOVE glass paned door though for the same reason - I want the light. I would frost the glass if we had the option (we don't - we are renting). We do have a full glass screen door though and that is great when I feel ok about how the house looks!

  18. I had double full-glass doors when I was in my previous house. I'd say I was formerly in the 64% (when I had a peephole), but after I got the glass doors I adopted 1% practices, more to avoid solicitors than masked murderers. BUT, I had rain glass (that kind of pebbled style) put in so the light could come in but you couldn't see exactly who was in the house. In your place I'd look for half-glass with some kind of textured glass that would be a nice compromise between daylight and security.

    And I LOVE the black paint. :)

  19. I'm one of the paranoid. I don't want any glass on my front door that can be broken.

    When someone knocks - and I'm not expecting anyone - I look through our peek-hole. Though people know I'm here 'cuz I've cussed out (at the top of my lungs) the three dogs I tripped over getting to the door.

    I think that my solution for dark areas is to do the tubular skylight things.

  20. We have a 12 pane glass door and sidelights and LOVE it! We have a pretty open floor plan, but with the layout of some walls in the dining room and family room, you can't see us when we are in the kitchen and family room so it makes it easy to hide. I have been known to just ignore the person at the door even when they can see me (of course, I also make sure my security alarm is always set when home too). We had ours installed 6 years ago and have never regretted it.

  21. Our original door was one of those fan lights at the top (no sidelights). When we replaced it, we replaced it with a door with a skinny decorative window with really wavy beaded glass that's hard to see through and a small plain glass fleur de lis motif in the center (found at Home Depot). A couple of months ago, the doorbell rang while I was home alone. Since I was upstairs on the second story, I headed down the stairs to answer the door. When I rounded the bottom of the stairs, whoever was at the front of door started pounding! I realized he had OPENED THE STORM DOOR and was pounding away at the front door itself! Who does that?!? I didn't recognize him through the wavy glass, nor did I look twice! I pressed myself against the wall until he went away. He was probably a harmless salesman from the newspaper or a roofing/window/siding company, but I was utterly creeped out and thankful for that semi-private front door that afternoon!

  22. Hahahahah! Before I scrolled down and saw that you had the heebie jeebies I thought: "EEEK how scary people can see in!" :-) ... then I continued on to read and saw that you have it under control. Half-glass...maybe. But ideally no glass, peep hole, and extra strong locks!

  23. We have small glass inserts in our double doors, but they are frosted so you can't see through. I couldn't do a full glass door for the same reason as you!

  24. We have a door similar to this and I really love it! It's a compromise between having a glass door to let in the light while keeping some privacy.

  25. I am also in the one percent. We live in the country and have a side door like the ones above that is half glass, like the nine pane ones in the pictures. You'd be surprised how many strangers pull up to the house even though were in the sticks thinking someone else lives here or looking for directions. When a car comes down our road, I grab my daughter and cell phone and go in our room and don't answer the door. I don't come out until I hear them drive off. I think being in the one percent is smart and I think you would regret a glass door. We had it installed six months ago when we moved in and I've been searching ever since for some way to cover the glass because I feel too exposed.

  26. 1% here. I want light buuuuttt then I would always have to be dressed (and not running around in jammies) and since my main door opens straight into my dining room (the quirks of a 131 yr old house)--I will ALWAYS have to keep this room clean.

  27. I don't like glass doors because I would be afraid someone would break in by breaking the glass. If you do want a glass door and not have to answer it, get a camera installed on the porch. My boss had one and it was amazing. The video could be seen on the TV in the kitchen. It made my job, as their nanny, safer. I could look and see who it was without any worry. The feed was also picked up on every TV in the house. Its high tech and fancy though. :)

    I'm glad my squirrel comment made you laugh. I felt all special that I made you laugh because I am a dork who considers bloggers celebrities. ;)

    -nessa the procrastinator

  28. Count me in the 1% also. We get too many sales people coming to the door. If I'm not expecting someone, I won't answer it. But I do look out the peek hole and make sure it's not someone I know. I'm with you on the sidelights too. I love the thought of a glass front door, however, I would worry constantly about break ins. It just makes it too easy and they are costly to replace if broken. I love light. Can't get enough of it. Our front door faces North. Love the north/south breezes during the season changes. I would suggest a phantom screen door. We got one and it serves us perfectly.
    It's not glass, but it's out of the way when not needed.

  29. We have a huge window next to our front door. It's wonderful during the day because it lets ton of light in but at night you can see through our whole house! A curtain for it is on my to do list. Love the light hate having to answer the doorbell to every neighbor kid!

  30. We have a huge window next to our front door. It's wonderful during the day because it lets ton of light in but at night you can see through our whole house! A curtain for it is on my to do list. Love the light hate having to answer the doorbell to every neighbor kid!

  31. My door is glass just the upper half with 9 squares and the side windows and then a beautiful transom above that folds in to clean. It is a lot of glass and no privacy, we do live in the country so we do not get too many unexpected random visitors. The downside is when hanging a wreath you have to be careful not to scratch the glass. Although beautiful, I think I would have opted for something frosted or a little more private. Good luck! Mine is also painted brick red.

  32. That is too funny! I am totally in the 1%, even when I know who it is ha ha! I love the doors and would maybe lean for one of the ones with only the top in glass, that way you could still sneak around ;-)

  33. I have the sidelights, but I live in the woods. No one comes without notice. Have you thought about frosted glass, or stained glass? They also have something called Gallery Glass that is glass paint that looks like stained glass. I have that on one of my side doors.

  34. Our house also faces North, and we do have sidelights, but they are a goldish yellow which I hate (but they are 'bubbled' so you cannot see through. I also wanted air circulation in addition to more light. My husband and his friend made me a beautiful screen door with wood, which I painted one of the accent colors on my house. Best (and cheapest) move I ever made. I open up the door, have a screen and so I have light and air.
    I have a picture, but don't know where/how to post it!

  35. I do the ninja too. I actually changed from glass to solid. I like the last ones though....but I would stick with solid and a pep hole.

  36. here is my facebook page (I think lol) If I did it right - if not it's under Jan Waldron Ambrose

  37. I don't have any light in the front of my house, no windows or the door or anything. We bought a storm door, just all glass and I like it because I can see out front and I have a large porch so from the street it looks dark and you can't really tell I have a storm door from there. My parents have glass in their door and they have been broken into, just break the glass and unlock the deadbolt and you are in. They probably make something keep that from happening. Anxious to see what you do cause I know what happens when you make up your mind! ;)

  38. I have open glass heavy doors and hated it....people would come to the door and could see us in the house. They were there looking in before they rang the bell. It's natural for people to peek in the window/door but I grew tired of it and did feel a loss of privacy. I ended up with Roman shades to prevent any more peekers.

  39. I can totally relate. I think glass doors are awesome, but I don't want anyone seeing inside the house. And just like you, I don't like answering the door unless I'm expecting someone. My front entry hallway is very dark during the brightest of days and I'm planning on getting a new door this summer - one with 1 or 2 rows of small windows at the top. I'm planning on putting some kind of privacy film so no one can see clearly inside, but allows for the light to still enter the house.

  40. We have the storm door. Full glass insert that can be switched out for a screen. I think it looks nice with our peacock blue door popping out behind it. That way, I get all the light and breeze, but can still shut the door if we want privacy. Best of both worlds.

  41. I would not want a glass door--for the privacy issues. But we have a screen door that I LOVE. Here's a link to Lowe's for it. It looks really nice because it's all glass, but the glass slides down and the screen retracts. So, in the fall and spring, I get the nice breezes and sunshine, but in the winter and summer, the door still looks classy, not like a typical screen door.

  42. I love that six-paned version! Our front door has a glass insert--it's a little dated, but I do love the light it lets in (it's decorative; you can't really see a lot through it). I'm always amazed when I take the Christmas wreath down how much brighter the room gets!

  43. So, I HATE to answer the door if I don't know who it is. I am a 1 percenter! I get around it by going upstairs to spy who's out there. If I can't get upstairs, I just don't answer. My friends will call and ask WTH? My next door neighbor calls 1st, or hollers from her deck to my window - she can see me from her deck when I'm sitting at my computer drooling over the decorating blogs. I SO want a glass front door or sidelights. Hubs says NO WAY - too dangerous. He's a cop. He wins.

  44. I have glass inserts at the top of our front door. We don't want any more glass because of the risk of break ins, as others have mentioned.

    Call me even more paranoid and even unfriendly, but I always make sure to make my presence known because I have heard several stories of residents who don't answer the door only to be broken into because whomever was knocking believed no one was home. So I talk to people through the front window and basically ask them to leave since I have a No Soliciting sign on my door.

  45. We have a sidelight on one side, and it isn't frosted or covered or anything. I actually use it to my advantage. If someone comes over that I don't want to answer the door for (generally salespeople), I just stay where I'm at. If they look in, I stare right back at them. They get the hint that I see them and want them to go away. It funny and mean at the same time. :) Also, you aren't weird for thinking about glass doors. I fall asleep thinking about such things, too. And I totally think you should call.

  46. We live in the BOO-NIES, so hardly anybody comes to our door, but I always get annoyed when they do (mostly because of the aforementioned rarity of it).

    Part of our door is glass, and I never gave it a second thought (see BOO-NIES reference), but I think I would have a hard time with it if I thought I might get more frequent traffic.

    All that beautiful natural light though...


    I saw hone your ninja skills and get those lights in the top half.

    You get the light and the (semi) privacy...

    Best of both worlds!

  47. I have had both...a house with glass door and one without. I hated having a glass door. I am with you...I don't always answer the door but with the glass door you don't think that option. And the neighbor kids use to always peek in, plus I didn't feel like I had privacy, especially at night because everyone could see in. So while it is great to have the light coming in, I am more for the privacy of it. Good luck deciding.

  48. keep the door, but add a storm door. Leave the dark door open during times when you want the light let it, it's a welcoming look yet fairly secure with the locked storm door. I never answer the front door and just let my dogs bark at them. People who know me can call me and people you don't want to see can leave a advertisement . I do love the pretty choices ..oh and I decided anyone who would want to break in doesn't need the door to be secure cuz they could get in any window if they seriously want to.

  49. What a great question. Ours is full glass and mind you, it's an 8 footer too. It does have it's pros and cons however. To answer your question though, it has a type of tinting where we can see out but no one can see in (exept at night), but we're upstairs by that time, so never really matters. It's a little funny though when people check themselves out in the door without realizing I'm laughing my butt off on the other end. Anywho, shoot me an email if interested in a pic.

  50. I love the look of them and if I lived in a house that was immensely private I would definitely go for it. But I live in the ghetto and we have crack addicts already trying to see in through the tiny window at the top of our door so I know there's no way that we could get away with it at this house.

  51. In one of my previous homes we had a half glass door and I covered it with a roman shade. Was absolutely gorgeous and gave me the option to have light or privacy. I wish, wish, wish I could find a pic of it, but this one is close.

  52. We have a full glass pane in the center of our front door and its annoying to me for one simple, but really really annoying point; you can see the back of whatever you hang up there- wreaths, etc. You can see the back of whatever is hung up on the front door when you're sitting in the living room and I HATE it. Also, some of my door hangings are of the quick-done in an hour variety and I dot want to have to worry about what the back looks like! Something to consider?

  53. We too have sidelights, but we have horizontal wooden blinds so I can have privacy. If we didn't do that, I would have had them frosted. Lots of light, but still have privacy.

  54. I'm the 1%. I even put a magnet over the peephole in our front door so that no one can see if the light is on inside... because you know how sometimes you can tell if the light is on inside and someone looks through their peephole and it momentarily goes dark? Yeah. I'd rather they just not know I'm there at all. I'm weird like that. I don't think I could handle the glass doors. They're beautiful, though!

  55. I have a full glass paned door like your first example. My house was built in 1931 and this is the original door. I love the light it brings into the room but I do not like that if I go to the door people can see me. Sometimes I just peek out a window. If I'm not expecting any one and its a bad time for me. I just do not answer. My friends all call before they come and if it's my Mom she'll come to the back door. Yes, perhaps its rude not to answer but every time I do answer when no one has said they were coming it was a waste of time any way. Someone selling something or a political campaign.

  56. I think doors of windows are pretty, but like you, I don't wanna be seen 99% of the time.

    & I live in a safe area, but would just feel too exposed (& less safe) w/windows...

  57. When I was growing up in the 1950s/60s we lived in a smallish town in the South. Most people in town had only the screen door at the main entrance during the day and 90% of those weren't even latched!! It let in lots of light, an occasional breeze.... plus every kid (plus a few dogs)in the neighborhood!! lol!!

    Oh how times have changed. Sad, isn't it?

  58. Too funny! I'm also in the 1%. I agree in perhaps going with a part glass screen/security door. Then you can have your main door open or closed, depending on who you are hiding from or when you feel like hiding! Thanks for the laugh! x Julie

  59. I have dogs, so I don't know where I fall into lol I'd go with the glass you can always add a sheer curtain to keeep people from looking in. As far as safety-get a dog or do the screen door thing. Cheers

  60. I am definitely in the one percent also! When someone is at my door, I drop to the ground and to the window to see who it is, if I'm not expecting someone. Anyway! I think a door like that would look fab in your house, but I would definitely frost the glass! I realize this is totally not what you are talking about, but a friend of mine that lives in AZ has a screen door type door that is full glass, and she can see out of, but you can't see in! For the life of me I can't find a link or website, but I will ask her and find out the brand and such if you are interested.

  61. I spent 4 of my growing-up years in a house with a full door of window panels. The door had honeycomb blinds that we lowered when we wanted more privacy, but they still let through a ton of light. So, there's that option, or you could frost the glass, maybe?

    I'm totally the 1%, too, so I can relate to not wanting a glass door!

  62. It looks like you have quite a bit of space above your door. What about a fan light, or transom style windows over the door?

  63. I think that the very best idea is mentioned above, that of having just one line of glass at the very top of the door, which would allow a lot of light in, and still conserve your privacy.. also safety as it is also a long way up from your door handle.. if it was me, that would be what I would do, and its fairly easy to get it done on your original door...good luck, hugs from across the pond, J

  64. I have a glass front door very similar to the first one pictured in your post. I have a roman shade (of sorts) at the top of the door. In the evening, I drop the shade because not having it covered at night would freak me out. I open it in the morning because I NEED the light! (I do peek around the curtain at night if someone comes to the door.)

  65. The first thing I did when we moved into our current home was replace the double solid doors with double full-length glass doors.. The light is glorious!!! I have installed roller blinds at the top of each door and placed mirrors strategically in the surrounding areas so I can detect exactly who it is knocking on my door before they see me:)
    Best thing I ever did in terms of decorating!

  66. How about a full glass door with an enclosed mini blind. Seems like the simple solution to me! :-)

  67. We have double doors in our home with oval glass inserts. You can get the inserts to provide as much privacy as you want but they will still let in all that glorious light. I highly recommend. BUT with that said if someone knocks on the door there is no ninja like stealthing as they will most likely see a shadow heading their way. LOL!
    Have a great day.

  68. What about the option for a roll down shade above the door on the inside? You can roll it down at night, or whenever you want the extra privacy (around time maybe?). That way, when you choose to have the door exposed, your can at least be aware and rady for the possibility of unexpected people Stopping by. I would also make a cute little sign for your front lawn or outside entrance to say that solicitors, etc are not allowed. I too hate when solicitors show up, especially because my kiddos love to run to the door to see who it is.

  69. We had a solid wood door that was not only ugly but kept out much needed light to our living room. I replaced it with a gorgeous fiberglas door we painted red. It has 3/4 leaded glass which is frosted and a few clear. I LOVE IT and it is so classy looking! I do not answer my door if not expecting someone unless its a box being delivered. I do have a storm door too for added security or to let more light in. I too creep like a ninja to spy out the bathroom window. I laughed with this post.

  70. We have a mostly solid wood door (it has a small set of 4 glass panes at eye level) but side lights really help offset that. Lately, we've been fixated with he idea of adding a full-view "storm" door to the outside so we could leave the wood door open more often.

  71. We have a 3/4 glass front door, no sidelights, but the glass is art glass, so it's not totally clear when looking through it. But it does let in a lot of light. I live in a small town, country club neighborhood, so people coming to the door doesn't happen much unless it's family or an expected visitor. When the doorbell rings, if I don't know them, I just ignore it and don't answer. Of course, I can usually look out the den or kitchen window without them seeing me, and I just don't go to the door if I don't want to.

    I love that light, though, so I couldn't have a solid door. One thing I do recommend is having a two way deadbolt lock with a glass door. That way the glass can't be broken and a hand reach inside and unlock the door. A key is required to unlock it from the inside. We keep an extra key on a shelf several feet away as one is walking to the door in case we need to get out quick.

  72. we have a storm door that is all glass with wrought iron details BUT there is also a wood door behind that. there is no way i could live in a house without it! i would be so paranoid at night and unable to sleep! but i love being able to open the wood door and see all of the yard and so much sunshine.

  73. I couldn't do the full glass, even though the light would be so nice! I want a door like this!!

    Michelle has one like it: it looks like it might be frosted? can't wait to see what you choose!

  74. I moved a year ago from a house where I'd lived for 21 years. I had a beautiful leaded glass front door and I really came to dislike it because of the lack of privacy. People coming to the front door would actually cup their hands around their faces to see into the living room. I had a break in about 6 months before I moved out and I always thought that the house would have been easy to case. I moved to a condo where I have a glass storm door and I like being able to open up the solid door and have a huge "window" to let in light. While the glass doors are pretty, I'd have to vote against them!

  75. I am SO that ninja!! Always check out the window first (we don't even have a peephole) but like you I'd love more light in my foyer area too. I like the "windows at the top" idea...still gives some privacy, but lets light in too. Can't wait to see how it goes :)

  76. Oh my god, I have a door with a big glass oval in the center that came with the house and I HATE IT. It looks RIGHT into our living room, so even if I was going to try and pretend I was not at home, strangers can come up to the door and watch me sitting on my couch watching TV anytime they want. Last summer, when our AC went out, and it was 115 degrees and I was sitting on the couch in my underwear DYING, that is when some door to door salespeople arrived and it was one of the most awkward moments of my life.
    I am not totally against doors with glass in them - I got my solid back door replaced with a glass panel to make the kitchen brighter. But I HATE having a full length glass oval in the door. I want one with two little windows on the top, above my head, and that's IT.

  77. I have to admit I am in the 10% category but with a disclaimer.... we live in the country between two police officers and there are times I might or might not have a weapon nearby (or on me.) Plus I'm too short to properly see through the peephole in most doors... :) This house has a solid door but we are seriously considering changing it out. In the past we have had side lights as well as a door with partial translucent glass which I loved. But once again we live in the country so privacy is not an issue! You might not enjoy it so much if you have full glass and it is clear!

  78. We have sidelights and they drive me crazy even with curtain covering them. I thought about frosting, but I keep thinking if I walk up to the door, the boogey man on the other side would see my shadow....No glass, I just can't stand to think someone may be peeping at me. What about the roll away screens? I think the website is It wouldn't obstruct the pretty of the door when not in use.

  79. I LOVE my glass door. In our last 2 houses, we switched out doors to have glass paned doors. This house already had one. It has 9 panes, and some of our neighbors have 6. LOVE the 6 panes. Makes the door look taller and bigger from the outside. We live in a quiet subburban neighborhood, so I've never really had a problem with it. Many in our neighborhood attach a roman shade inside, and lower it in the evenings.

  80. HA!! Stealth Ninja here too! I have a composite wood door with a leaded glass oval insert. Dark no sun entryway...

    another negative-I have no sidelight or window that will look onto my I OFTEN ignore my door. My friends know to call first. Anyone else, doesn't get an answer.

    I even have a very nice "absolutely NO soliciting or religious visit, do not ring bell, baby may be sleeping" sign up on my entryway.

    My hubby said it makes us look crabby. I said, I think my house is my HOME and SANCTUARY. I don't want people ringing the bell, making the dogs bark (and they bark whenever anyone is near) or handing me literature I didn't request.

    :) I like my privacy!

  81. I have a full screen door with lots of light and I like it but even that I don't keep open during the day when I am alone with the kids bc I dont always feel safe. I don't think you would like the door you are looking into because of that and quite honestly aren't you a little afraid of blog stalkers looking into your home? Oh, you didn't think of that angle? Oh. Sorry. I think about silly things like that all the time....I know, I need help. But I would just worry about the break in factor with having so many windows. I think the doors with the windows at the top are a great compromise. I do love these doors but until I live in the woods with a good security system, I will stick with my steel door. :)

  82. We have glass panes in the top half of our front door. I have a semi-sheer fabric on the inside (the kind that is stretched between two skinny rods top and bottom-don't know what they are called) Anyway, it lets light through but people can't see in. We also have a full view glass storm door. Occasionally I will leave it open to that, but only during the day-time, if my house is super clean and if I don't see anyone walking around the neighborhood with a clip-board! :-)

  83. I'm most definitely the 1%. Our daughters (now grown) still talk about how I would make them be quiet and crawl around with me when the doorbell rang. We had sidelights and still do! BUT...and this is a BIG BUT (haha), we recently built a lake house and our front door is a double door with glass panes that are about 2/3 of each door and I LOVE IT! Now, it still creeps me out a little bit when the doorbell rings and someone is standing right there that I can see and can see me. So I've tried to learn to listen better to driveway noise. Seriously. What is wrong with me? My advice is to do it. It makes a world of difference in your home. When we're here, my foyer is so dark and I miss our lake house doors. And now my mind is obsessed with switching out our door here in our main house with some glass! HA!

  84. I am the SAME way! I don't go near the front door if I'm home alone. We have glass panes in our front door but, thankfully- our master closet is upstairs directly above it. So, I'm the crazy paranoid girl who hides in the closet peeking out the window when the doorbell rings!

  85. Our front door is 50 years old, like the rest of the house, and it has a bottle glass insert. It lets in light, but still gives a lot of privacy. In fact, if someone stands to the side when they come to the front door, I can't even tell someone is there because they blend in with the hedges. :-)

  86. Do it! It will be gorgeous!!! I will be getting a new door someday and it will be full of glass!

  87. This post made me chuckle lol! We have sidelights, but I do love the paned glass doors you posted. Another thought is just a solid glass storm door and then you can open the main door and let light pour in that way. We still may do that at some point, because our front is east-facing and the front door already has to be repainted after 5 years - the sun and weather just beat it down.

  88. We have full glass doors with blinds in between the glass. Love them! Got them at Lowe's, I think.

  89. I have to toe the party line on this one: if you're in that 1%, having a full (or even partial) window insert will reduce the amount of space you can ninja in :-) That said, I love our storm door not only because of the light it lets in (only when I want it to!) and because it acts as a nice frame for my holiday door decor. I totally recommend a storm door as the "safe" alternative.

  90. Did you know you can get a retractable screen door that slides out of view when not in use? That would be a way to let in light and air when you want without loosing the privacy...
    All the doors look's tempting me too!

  91. Every time I stop by here, I think we could be twins. I have to laugh because I feel the same way about doors. In fact, I was going to write a post just about solicitors. I am a "ninja" when it comes to them!! Seriously I could go on and on about that topic, but I will tell you, my house has two front doors and they are the kind with 9 panels of windows. When we first moved in, there were ugly curtains on it. Then one day, after much courage, I took them off. Took me a while to get over the feeling of someone peeking at us, but much better. If I could get a new door, I'd go for the 6 panel window so that it would be higher up. And yes, I do hide from solicitors and peek to around corners to see who's there!

  92. I have sidelights, and a full blown full windowed front door with antique hinges and door handles. It's a pain because it's a straight shot into the front yard and neighbors. Also, with glass being in the door, it's easier to BREAK INTO your house. They just have to break the glass and reach around and unlock the door. (which is why we have deadbolts that NEED keys to unlock the entire house!) ! I have white curtains over the side panels and they let in they much desired light..just wish they were more tailored for it. SIdelight curtains aren't cheap!

  93. I've also been considering a glass front door, and I had the same concerns about privacy. I'm thinking about putting a curtain rod over the door way, so I can pull the curtain over the door at night. Or putting a roller shade on it to cover the door at night.

  94. Our front door is a regular old door, but we have a storm door. I don't care for the way it looks, but it does help insulate. We have two "half glass" doors on the back, and I love them. I have a roman shade on one to help me not feel weird about it. I do worry about making it easier for people to break in. But that wouldn't be such an issue on a front door!

  95. My front doors (double) are absolutely beautiful. They are extra tall (9ft) and have six panes of glass in each one. We moved in the house and I realized that people could see through my foyer, through my living room, through my eat-in area of my kitchen.... all the way to my bedroom! Creepy!!!!! I LOVED my doors... so.... I bought some of the film that looks like etched glass and very meticulously cut away the 3/4 inch around the edge where my glass is beveled. It looks amazing! If someone really wanted to look into the house they would have to put their face right up against the beveled edge of the panes... by the time they were able to do that, I would have been able to see that someone was outside. It lets in tons of light and actually cut down on how hot my foyer was in the summer time.

    Get glass doors... you will never regret it! Let me know if you want a pic!


  96. You could get a door with "clouded" windows. So no one would really be able to see in, but you'd get all the light.

    I guess MY worry about glass doors is that it would make it easy for someone to break in... then again I have a patio door that's all glass. I have a patio lock but who's to say that someone couldn't shatter the glass and still get in. But i do loe the idea of natural light!!!

  97. My parents live in Florida and just had a glass door company come out and install glass in the door and it is BEAUTIFUL! They type of glass that my mom picked already has frost on it, so they get the light, but the privacy as well. I have no idea how much they cost, but the design is beautiful. I wish I knew how to post a picture so I could show you! Good luck in your decision!

  98. We had a 9-pane front door that we recently replaced. Left up to the DH, we would have had a solid steel door, but I persisted and we compromised on a door a w/leaded glass oval insert that's actually MORE glass than we had before (don't tell the DH though...). Because it's leaded/decorative, you can't really see in/out, but it still lets in enough light for me to be happy. On a side note, for safety reasons, if someone rings your bell, it's best NOT to go all quiet and pretend like you aren't home. If it's a potential intruder, that's what they're looking for. Best thing is to make lots of noise, stomp around, turn up the tv, etc. That way, if it's someone wanting to break in, they know you're home! Just had our local crime reporter come and do a safety presentation at my office...great info b/c I was a 1%-er, too!

  99. I TOTALLY want to do this and have for years! We live waaaay off the road in the middle of trees, so privacy is not an issue. We have a wooden front door though, and I read that glass inserts cannot be put into wood doors. Please let me know if any of you know differently! I NEED a glass front door. :)

  100. I love the look of the glass door. But i don't think i would have one installed i don't feel they are safe I'm going to have to say im the 1% person


  101. I'm in the 1% for safety, would love more light too, but I run around in my short nightie in the morning, loving my privacy so much. We do have a long side window with shutters to open and close at will. Love your site for inspiration, links, giving me a new eye for seeing treasures when I'm out thrifting! Thanks! Debbie from the Northwest

  102. My last house had a glass front door. It had a storm door over that. It did let in a lot of light. However, I promise you, door to door salesman, handyman, etc..., WILL knock, and then put there hand over there foreheads and peak in to see if you are home and coming to answer. This happened over and over again. I bought shears, and that stopped it, but I don't care for that look. Frosted may work.

  103. we have sidelights and a regular wood front door, but also have a glass storm door (from Lowes-Larson brand) so we can open the wooden one and get lots of sunshine and light in thru the storm door. LOVE IT and it opens the dark front hallway up!

  104. I read too many mystery books where a pane is broken out and the door unlocked ...
    So I want a solid door with maybe a row of high window panes across the top but I have the doors in the books that are half glass and love them.

  105. We have one of the doors you are talking about! I love it! I wasn't too keen on it when we first moved into our house for security reasons, however we also have a screen door, a barking dog and a deadbolt that locks with a key from the inside. It, as well as the transom above it, lets in an enormous amount of light (which is needed in our duplex). I cover it with a sheer that I can gather if my son wants to watch the recycling truck pass by and since I can't really "hide" if I'm home but don't want to answer the door, I usually peek out of the sheer and mouth "no thank you" to solicitors, with the dog by my side. ;) It works for us and is original to our home which was built in 1900.

  106. I live in an old house with 3 beveled glass windows in the front door and 2 matching glass windows in both sidelights. When we were looking at the house I thought they were gorgeous. Now I HATE them. It is worth noting that my front door opens immediately into our living room which is connected to our dining room. If there is someone at the door, they will know I'm here. Period. They can also see the complete chaos of the house. No quick 20 second pick up time allowed. I do think though, that if we had a proper entry way, I would love the door again. I really like the look of the door with the windows in the top part. Looking forward to your final decision!

  107. We just moved into a house with a glass door, and personally I don't like it. After living with it for just a few days we decided to put up a light-filtering shade. Yes, the natural light was much better without the shade, but I really didn't like that someone can walk up and see right in our house. Especially since I am a stay at home mom, I don't like being home by myself during the day and knowing that strange people can come to the door and see that I am here. Next house we move into I would prefer to have just a regular old door!

  108. We have full glass door-- it's just one HUGE pane of glass.... I'm thinking it's similar to airplane glass, because it's been kicked and whacked and shows zero signs of breaking. After our house got robbed (we don't live in a great neighborhood) we put up a sheet of security film. It let us keep the beautiful afternoon light but gave us privacy.

  109. We had a similar issue. Our original glass front door warped and bowed so I needed to replace it. I went with a full leaded glass panel with a design that provides privacy (due to the different types of frosted, bubbled, and caned glass) but light. You can see that someone is on the other side of the door but no details.

  110. We are renters so...I'll start with we sorta get what we get...but I looooove our sidelights and glass front door!! I thought I would hate it but I love the light. Ours are decorative and sorta a stained glass look (totally from the 60's...but its super cute with a wreath :) Ahhh...just think of the curb appeal for your new door!

    AND, since you have your main living area in the basement (like we do) if someone comes unannounced...we are usually downstairs...already hiding ;)

  111. My front door is decorative glass that makes like a pretty pattern made of mostly frosted glass and some slivers of clear. There can be no ninja activities undetected, do I just answer the door, but it's not like the person outside can spy on me and see what I am doing. Plus, the light in the foyer makes me happy!

  112. We put a glass door in at our Seattle house so we would have a better view of the lake. I never regretted, not even once. We've been renting for the past 4 years and I am dying for another glass door. It makes a world of difference.

    I say do it!

  113. We have sidelights AND a storm/screen door that is full glass. I kind of hate the sidelights, because it makes a deadbolt kind of impossible and I try not to think about how easily someone could probably break it. Honestly I'd like to fill in at least one of the sidelights, so we can have a deadbolt that bolts to something solid..and then change the main solid door to something with a window or two. The storm/screen is necessary here and its really really nice in the spring/summer to open the big dark door and get all that light and breeze blowing in. Good luck!

  114. Hello - I recently had to replace our front door and chose a fiblerglass door that looks like real wood. It has a small window at the top and akso two sidelights. The glass is stained glass. I posted a picture here:

  115. I have the side window and although I love the light, I hate the window. I can't stand that people/strangers will peer through that window searching for a moving body. It creeps me out. I am going to put the stained glass film over it this year and add a peep hole to the door. I love light, but not people peering through my windows.

  116. I am in the exact same boat. My first floor is one long hallway from the front door to the back and neither end receives a lot of light. Although both doors have the standard window in them I would love to have a full glass door. The pictures you posted were great inspiration! Good luck with choosing a door to fit your home :)

  117. I have this same dilema! I dont like the storm doors on the outside either but their function is great. I have to say, that I just put in a door with the 6 lights similar to your photos and it doesnt give as much light as you would think. I dont think you will be totally happy unless you do the full glass, but they you won't like that either! I just don't want you to be disappointed with the amount of light the 6 lights lets in. I still think about putting a full glass storm door and sucking it up! Good luck :-)

  118. Last year I replaced my front doors because 1) my front doors were actually interior doors and 2) I desperately needed a window to defeat the dark cave that was my foyer.

    I had to special order my doors because the space was narrower than standard double exterior doors. I waited until Lowes ran a special on custom windows and doors and ordered then.

  119. Oh my goodness, I love all the pics of doors you posted. And, yes, I am definitely in that one percent. In fact, I sometimes don't even bother with the ninja antics, especially when my husband is out of town. I just let the dogs bark their fool heads off, which hopefully deters most of the masked murderers that might be knocking at my door!!

  120. I'm in the 1%. We have a beautiful old door that has a full length window in it as our front door with a full length glass storm door over that. We have a sheer on the window but I keep looking for ways to get more privacy but keep the door's original beauty. We live right on Main Street so privacy is a huge issue for me.

  121. Pic number 1 IS an old fashioned screen/storm door (main door is probably opened to the inside of the house), so I say get something like that. you can close the main door when you want more privacy, plus you can change out the glass portion of the storm door with a screen for ventilation.


  122. As much as I too love the look of your black door, anytime you use a dark color in an already dark corner, it gets darker.

    Our neighbors installed a new exterior door that had open window panes in just the top 1/3 portion. It was lovely and it was high enough so no one could see in but it let in tons of light.

    My advice: get the window panes in the top portion of a door (so people can't see in and freak you out)or repaint the door a lighter color to avoid enhancing the dark space.

    If you're in that last 1%...get a handgun and learn how to use it ;-)

  123. Get a closed security camera for your front door so you can see who is there over a monitor, post a sign saying no solicitors (there are some cute takes on these on pinterest), and look into getting a mirror tint on the windows that allows light in, but offers privacy when looking through from the outside. Light curtains on the door would also allow light in while providing for some privacy. At least during the day. People can see through at night. Ooh, I think they make doors with blinds built in between the panes as well! Just some ideas. And no you are not alone. I don't answer the door for strangers either. Not interested in pamplets, products, or home invasion.

  124. We have sidelights ... and after getting tired of having neighborhood kids peeking in them, I covered them with etched window film I found at Home Depot. I love the look of it in my foyer and I still get plenty of light (also helps that I have a 2-foyer with a window up high).

    In your situation, I don't think I'd go for a full glass door - just the windows at the top if a nice look.

  125. omg ok I am that 1% too, and I have those side windows. I *hate* them and yet for the last week or two I've been thinking of replacing our door too because that area is TOO dark. I wonder if it would be like throwing us in the deep end as kids. We'd learn to get over it really quickly through terror. Do let us know what the glass people say. :)

  126. I have double front doors with half glass. But the glass is obscure. I would not want clear glass in front living in the city. I can see shapes through the obscure glass and I can normally recognize friends or family members by their shape. I also have an old fashioned intercom so I can ask who is there without going into the foyer when I really don't want to open the door. I've had a clear storm door and I really liked that option for letting in light, they make some beautiful storm doors. Oh and I love the mission style door on your post. The best option might be a window OVER the door, then no one can see in and you don't need to cover it. I have a BIG window over my front doors, so even if they were solid it would still be light in the foyer.

  127. Thank you for sharing my glass door. What an honor. Here is a post on the privacy issue and how we have dealt with it:

    I love the full length glass pane, I'm so happy with the full view of the front yard and the gobs of natural light it lets in.

    Can't wait to see what you do, thanks again!

  128. By the look of the comments we're not alone! "We" because I am SOO with you on this!! :)
    I actually have a storm door that is full glass, but the top part can pull down to be a screen (it is completely hidden when up). I totally see your point about the looks of the storm doors, but I LOVE having it for the light that comes in and then closing it when I don't want everyone to see my (messy) house! :)
    I DO love that black door with the top half glass panes! I actually went over there and pinned it, but I am completely torn as to wether I'd get rid of my storm door for that one. I seriously love having it but I also don't always answer the door! My boys are trained too. When someone rings the bell we all duck & they creep over to look out one of the front windows so they can whisper to me who it is before I open it! It's pretty funny! :)

  129. I think that 1% stat is a lie. There must be way more than 1% of us that sneak around like ninjas. I don't even answer the door when my husband isn't home (unless it's my ever present UPS man fulfilling my online shopping needs), so there is NO way that I could do all glass. A few panes of glass above the eye level would be nice though so that some light filters in.

  130. I am TOTALLY in that 1%! We have a little ('bout 8"x12") "decorative" window in the middle of our door. We also have a window (covered with a sheer silhouette window covering) on one side of the door. I STILL creep up to just where I can see who's at the door but not close enough that they can see me. Haha! I say, DON'T do an all or even half glass door--especially if you're in that 1%. Gives me the chivers just thinkin' about it. :)

  131. I am clearly part of that 1%. I'm not sure I could do a large glass door because I would be so nervous about someone smashing the glass and then just unlocking the front door and walking right on in.

    My parents have a storm door that's entirely glass and it looks very nice. Now a days, you can choose the door frame's color, the handle finish, and if you want the glass to have an etching. Definitely worth checking out!

  132. Great minds think alike...just noticed this last night watching Guillana & Bill's show. Their's has a beautiful bambo shade on the back for privacy. Up for sunshine...down for privacy. I love it on a crisp black window pane door!

  133. I use the peep hole. But only b/c I live in an apt and couldn't change the door if I wanted to. I just wanna say though that I am loving the glass doors. And I donno if it will help you but my grandma had a half glass door and all she did was hang some sheer curtains on the door over the glass that she could hide behind and move out of the way whenever she wanted. It's an idea so that you're able to enjoy glass doors and can still be a ninja when you need to.

  134. I used to have a full length glass storm door and I loved it (I've moved). It is HARD to sneak up to the door if you have glass. I don't understand putting the frosted glass on glass. I want as much light as I can get. I'd rather have a blind or something (you can really position those guys for sneaking). Just sayin'.

  135. We have glass in our front door and the previous owners covered it with a very dated country curtain. So I took down the curtain and frosted the glass. It helped with the privacy and light issues at the same time! And if you are concerned about someone breaking the glass to enter your house, consider a double key lock. If someone were to break the glass while we aren't home, there would be no lock to turn, as the internal and external lock mechanisms require a key.

  136. What about a glass screen door so you have the option of full light and view...or complete dark with privacy? The house we bought has both and it is lovely to be able to have the option of bringing the outside in - or leaving it closed. The glass door has a slide up pane over the screen...which is also a nice feature. I do love a 9-paned door...but where's the privacy!

  137. I have a glass door and sidelights and got tired of trying to cover them with blinds etc. I feel like people can see right into our home at night without any covering. So I went to Lowe's and got a lovely translucent but opaque contact film with leaves scrolling. It lets in a ton of light but you cannot see through it at all except for the shadow of someone's shape. I have a very nice No Soliciting sign up and it is amazing how much it has cut back on the crazy visits at random times. I have a sliver of glass that is uncovered where I can look at he porch to see if there is a package waiting. Perfect solution - light plus privacy!

  138. i think glass doors are pretty but i don't like mine. it's hot in the summer and doesn't offer much privacy.

  139. DON'T do it! ;) I have a sidelight (I still don't know why just one...I didn't build the house, I just bought it!) AND glass in the window (just one pane in the center top). AND I'm in the 1%! I HATE the glass! My husband and I really want to figure out how to get rid of it, but it's nearly impossible to find those one-sidelight doors especially without the sidelight. I hope you figure out the answer for you! I might have to steal it to deal with my door!

  140. Okay I'm the same way right now! I can't get the idea of a glass door out of me head! We already don't have much natural light into our living room/foyer and just by adding a glass door we could add SO MUCH MORE light. Now if only the hubs would let me indulge in a new door or storm door...hmmm...

  141. WE have a full glass front door. Not going to lie, I'm the 1% who freaks out when the doorbell rings and I'm not expecting someone. I ended up frosting our front door simiilar to how you did your pantry door,and now I love it! It does take some getting used to, but the frosting makes me feel better. I still peek out the dining room windows though so they cna't see me coming!! haha...crazy I know. You can see my front door and frosting project here.

  142. We have a very thick metal door and then a second wooden door; it's quite typical here in Ukraine. Plus, it's an apartment so there is no light from the hall! And we have a nifty little phone/video that shows who is in the hall- I can talk without opening the door if I want. We have had sidelights at previous homes and I've been able to make a window treatment to add privacy while allowing light to come in. And I figure if I don't want to open the door and someone knows I'm home, that's my business!

  143. Hi Sarah,

    I don't have a blog, but love reading yours! At our last house we had 9 panels of windows, and we solved the privacy problem by installing an enclosed blind. I think you can even buy doors with enclosed blinds in them. They actually looked better than they do in the pictures. I know you don't have french doors, but this gives you the idea of what I mean (
    That way you could decide whether to have the blinds open or closed, depending on your mood/bravery!!


  144. Hi Sarah! I gave up blogs for lent and now I'm catching up on what I missed over the last 6 weeks! We have sidelights, but our foyer isn't open to the whole first floor, and I can see my front porch from the bay window in the kitchen, so when the doorbell rings I can spy on the person at the door from the kitchen. I love the light from the sidelights so I don't have any kind of window treatment on them (some people put shirred sheers over them) but it freaks my hubby out at night that people can see into the house so he always opens the powder room door (on one side of the foyer) and the coat closet door (on the other side) which block the sidelights- if that makes sense. Can you spy on your front porch from another window in the house? If so, I'd say go for it! Oooh- or maybe you could get some super-high-tech spy camera on your front porch so you can see people coming?!

  145. Am in the same spot! Plus, my door NEEDS to be replaced. This is what I am looking at. It brings the light in but nobody can be peeping in:

  146. I am totally part of the 1%! My husband thinks I am crazy, and I had just succumbed to the fact that maybe, yes, I was crazy.

    We have a door with the top half in glass. I have a curtain on bottom half of the window(above normal height) so I get the light in, but someone can't just walk up and see in.

  147. We have a Pella door that's full glass with Venetian blinds inside. We can close the curtain at night or when we want privacy. It's nice to be able to see who's at the door before we get up close. That way, if it's a scary guy holding an axe with murder in his eye, we can run and get a gun before he chops his way in. ;)

  148. We do have glass on our front doors (we have double doors in our new house, which I *love* and have always wanted). However, the glass isn't plain glass that you can look through and see easily. It's more of a stained glass consistency (without the stained glass coloring, if that makes sense). So, it's a good balance in that it still gives some privacy, but also lets in the light. (But no, you can't hide from people coming to the door). ;-)

  149. We had a full wooden door with sidelites and we had a wooden storm door on the outside. I loved the light, but I hated the storm door. It was a pain going in and out of the house with kids, bags, bookbags in tow. So, we found a gorgeous wooden door with 3/4 glass on craigslist and had it installed. I love it! We have a dark cellular shade to pull down at night (because I didn't want a white shade showing through the glass), but when it's up during the day, you hardly even notice it! This gives enough privacy for us.

  150. We have double doors - each with six panes - and I love them, even though I'm a 1-percenter like you. Our glass is semi-mirrored so that in the daytime you can't see in unless you lean over and get very close to it. At night we are more visible if the lights are on, but the solicitors are day creatures so I don't worry too much.

    And I promise the doors don't look all 70s. :)

  151. Sarah, I'd love to have a glass front door, but my husband vetoed that early on. We have a solid front door like yours, so I put in an all-glsas storm door with a very narrow trim piece. It almost looks like one of those low-profile glass shower doors, because the trim is so thin. We leave the solid door open all day when we're home on weekends, but keep it closed while we're at work or away from the house. That way, we get the best of both worlds. I love your idea of doing a modified approach, though!

  152. Another one for the 1%. Sure sounds as though there are more than 1% of us ducking and hiding.

    I have a solid steel door with sidelights on both sides. When we moved in, I immediately covered both with gathered sheers. I never open the door unless I am expecting someone. There are limited "line of sight" opportunities to peek at the visitors, so I'm exploring a camera arrangement and barking dog audio players. Our cat only howls at night.

    So no, a glass front door is not for me.

    Fortunately, we have an above the door transom that lets in light. But if we didn't have it....I still would not consider glass front doors.

    Additionally, we never leave the house without a radio blaring and have numerous 7 watt small lamps throughout the house which are on 24/7. Out home looks lived in even when we are gone for the evening, or a weekend.

    BTW, I am a retired from law enforcement and live in a low risk neighborhood.

  153. we have a full length glass front door.
    I'm suspicious every time there is a knock at the door!
    Of course we live in the country-- and hardly anyone, who isn't family, EVEN COMES TO THE DOOR.

    I say go for it!


  154. We have glass in our front door, just like you want. We have a wood blind on our door that we can close when I don't want people seeing right into our living room, like at night when it is dark outside and light inside, that kinda freaks me out. Other than that I love it. Have been thinking about frosting it though.

  155. With all these comments, I am not sure you will read mine, but I just thought I'd add my two cents since we have a half glass front door. For all it's pro's like light and stuff, I hate it! It is impossible to not answer the door. My kids run right to the door when the doorbell rings and then I'm caught EVERY TIME. I've had to talk to salespeople, tree removal people, creepy strangers, people who lost their dog, our Bishop, the missionaries, friends who want to pop on over, all at times where if I had a different door, I would have just let them believe I was not home. That may sound bad, but I've had to literally stop nursing and then hold a screaming infant while trying to make myself modest in order to answer the door or drag my sick flu-ridden self from bed or run to the door in my pj's--all because they can see my kids through the window. If we lived in a somewhat less safe place, that would totally freak me out in and of itself. They can literally talk to my kids through the door! And we have a pull down shade, which is nice a night, but does nothing to deter my kids from seeing who it is during the day.

  156. wow tons of comments. I usually don't comment much on blogs but i thought I would since I'm in the minority here. I have lots of uncovered windows in front and side windows on my door. I love it that I can totally see everything thats going on in the front! i do live on a quiet street so its not to busy out my front door but i see who's driving or walking up right away and theres plenty of time to hide if i dont want to answer the door (lol) or if i missed that and theres already a knock i can peek around the corner and see who is standing there. I can see them! nobody is ever usually standing at my door looking in the window. also, living in fear of who's at the door? that might be a different issue to work out? Be prepared for what ever but dont fret yourself with so much fear. and usually i think they can hear you peeking out and sneeking around no matter how quiet you are and they are probably getting a little paranoid about that! lol! Do it (put the windows in) you will love it!

  157. I am a 1% gal BUT I am now enjoying a lovely oval glass insert front door WITH side lights. My husband begged me for these and I fought like a tiger until he found some lovely spray-on frosting at Lowe's. Our oval glass insert has a beautiful design and he sprayed the entire thing from the inside. You cannot tell it from the outside plus it still looks attractive inside as well. He did the same thing on the side lights. I now have tons of light in that part of the house, it looks beautiful in and out, AND I still have privacy. I could never do a full glass door as I wouldn't feel safe but this does the trick just fine for me! We have since had many, many friends come take a look and do the same thing with their doors and side lights. Really looks much nicer than curtains. Thanks for your blog. I really enjoy it!

  158. So funny! I am in total agreement about hating to answer the door when I don't know who is on the other side. Yet, my front door is full panel glass (albiet frosted) with full length glass sidelights! (You can see my set up on my blog, I have to say, you cannot see through the frosted glass from the outside but it does let in lots of natural light. I really think (minus glass sidelights) it's a great option for privacy and allowing in light. We just bought a standard full light glass door through Home Depot and had the glass frosted by a local company. I say go for it- just continue to creep around like a ninja when the doorbell rings!

  159. An option to consider IF you do go w/ glass in your front door, and its a steel door...there are magnetic curtain rods that are made for steel doors. I bought one for my brother-in-law but have since kept it becuase I love it! I was skeptical on its durability and strength BUT I was surprised to find it has 2 a VERY strong magnets. I found them at KMart and I think my sister-in-law seen them at Lowes as well. They came in a few different finishes, but as you know a can of spray paint can be used on just about anything ;) This would allow you the option to use a sheer panel or valance or to cover up all the glass or half or 3/4 of them, AND the rod just pops off cuz its magnetic!!!! You could have loads of fun w/ different fabrics and patterns. For the holidays you can use seasonal fabric!!! Oh the possibilites! One day you decide you want all the light to shine in, just pop off the rod; then when the sun sets and you don't want peepers, pop the rod on and tada! Privacy :)

  160. I have full glass and side-lights but we have a north facing house too and without it it would be so dark! Here is an image (taken a while back with my camera phone)

    I also painted it black last year and like it so much. Privacy is sort of an issue since we live on a big walking street too but we have a tall hedge and a fence so that makes a difference. Plus I have a "no soliciting" sign but it doesn't always work. I've thought about adding a curtain (with a rod at the top and bottom to hold it) or frosting the glass but I like looking out so much. The door is original to the house though (1902) so I definitely wouldn't switch it out. I love a dutch door but have heard those are very expensive. I like the Mission style examples you posted too with panes just on the top. Can't wait to see what you do!


  161. We have a little half circle of glass in our door, but it's too high for me to see out of - or anyone to see into. The door was pretty affordable, which is why we went with it and I really wanted a door that was half windows, but they get pricy quick and we were on a very strict - and low - budget at the time.

    I like it but... I'm not in the 1%, but I do like knowing who I'm opening the door to. Fortunately, our door configuration is such that there's a window perpendicular to the door in the living room, so I can peek out and they're generally faced the other way.

    Still... go for the windows!

  162. I like the idea of glass inserts -- I never knew that they could be added to an existing door! But I am with you -- I don't like people being able to see me approach the door. Maybe you could just add a few inserts?

  163. I have a glass front door and love the light but HATE cleaning it 3-4 times a day (a toddler, a preschooler, and a huge lab). I have roman shades on it to close for privacy reasons. I am wondering about people who wonder about the safety, is the glass in your windows not breakable? It would take major nerve to break in through a front door so I don't really see it as a safety concern but you can't be ninja like in answering your door.

  164. We have a full glass front door with sidelights and a transom window above the door and sidelights. It makes our foyer bright and sunny (though I try to creep around like a ninja when someone knocks on the door). For privacy, especially at night, we hung drapes that we can close. We felt that blinds or shutters would block too much light and make the space dark. During the day we open the drapes and push them back so that they do not block the door or sidelights. We find it funny that we've received more complements on the drapes than anything else in our home. We used the Peyton Drapes from Pottery Barn in the double-width for extra fullness and visual balance. It's been the perfect solution to allow sunlight when we want it and privacy when we need it.
    :) Ashley

  165. Our original front door had a 9 panel window in it. So I made a curtain for it, cause I am a 1%! Now I have a daschund watch dog, which helps, but I won't answer the door if I don't know who it is. Our new door has beveled and wavy glass and we have an awesome screen door as well. I found the screen door at I am local so I picked it up from them, but I think they sell to Lowes and HD as well. If you look on their gallery page, that is my door as an example of style 364F4! In the summer it is nice to be able to open the door in the evening and let the breezes blow through, only if DH is home though! ")

  166. I'm in that 1% too. I have side lights and a large window above the door but it's in an alcove. I didn't want to cover the sidelights with mini-blinds so I came up with a solution using contact paper and a Moroccan tile cut out pattern. Basically, light comes in an no one can see in. It looks like etched glass now. We have had issues with ding dong ditchers, cars being egged and even a person walking into my garage in broad daylight and taking my blower.(we've only lived here 6 months and it's in a great area) But I know crime happens anywhere. So let's just say I am even more ninja than ever. I love the look of the door but I would not be able to do it where I live and with the security issues I've had. I think that people just have a lot of gaul and will have no problem checking out everything through your front door. That being said your situation may be different and your door may be less exposed than mine. Good luck with your decision.

  167. I have glass sidelights AND a glass front door. I absolutely DETEST it. NO privacy, whatsoever. And since I'm one of the girls that loves to stay in her Costco pajamas way past when it is reasonable, it is pretty embarrassing. We will switch this out soon.

  168. I'm with Donine and am also going to suggest a Phantom Screen You get a screen door without the look of a screen door. They're expensive but awesome and definitely worth it.

  169. My friend has glass in her front door & sidelights & was just telling me about being trapped in her office in her underwear because someone was at the door & she couldn't leave without being seen! We have a front door with a little window at the top--too tall to see into, but it lets some light in.

  170. I have a little skinny pane that is designed etched frosted on the door and the two side ones far people can't tell when I'm peeking on the other side but I get the light
    I looove my door

  171. lol. I am definitely that 1%. I don't like people seeing me right away when someone is out there... We don't know who it is, lol!

    XO Lori

  172. You can do whatever you want, and I didn't read all 172 comments before me, so maybe this has been said, BUT...
    We had a house that cried out for a screen door, but it was an awkward entry with no place for the screen to swing. So we got one of those rolling invisible screen doors and we LOVED it! We bought ours at a local ACE hardware, but I'm sure you could find them at other retailers.
    Something like this one...

    Maybe that will solve your dilemma without having the whole world see inside your house all the time?

  173. We have storm doors on all our doors that go outside (4). I think they are hideous (at least ours), but definitely functional. Yesterday I was loving the extra light coming in when I had the door open. What about making a huge semi circular window above your front door to let in more light?

  174. We have a glass front door that we put in when we built our house two years ago. I really wanted water glass or something that would obscure the view into our home, but that wasn't in the budget. I've really grown to love our front door, and I've found that the only people who stand close enough to see through it, or put their faces up to the windows are the neighborhood kids who come to play with my girls. I don't mind that so much at all...just the fingerprints they leave behind.

  175. Hi, my name is Claudia and I too am a Ninja. We live in an older house. Our front door is 1/3 glass - I have a sheer covering. Back are French doors - and yes more sheers.

  176. I have a solid front door but windows on the top and sides of it. I also put in a screen door so I could have it open to let the breezes come in. What I did with my house is I tinted all the windows in my house not just for hurricane protection, keep out the hot sun, but also privacy. You can see out them but people can't see in them. I love all the light my house gets, but I love my privacy too.

  177. OM Gosh!! I am having the same obsession. I have been pointing them out to my husband for so long that he just grunts at me now. But I too have been held back by my illogical ninja like need for privacy...what is a girl to do.

  178. I couldn't live without my screen doors. Once the weather turns my front and back doors are open and the light and breezes are part of my everyday.
    At our lakehouse we have sliding glass doors on the lake side and a 9-panel glass door on the drive side, with a screen door.
    Again, until we go to bed at night, everything is open to light and air, but the screen doors are locked...
    I'm less about how they look and more about how we live, so the windows and screen doors are our choices.

  179. We have the side windows as part of our front door and I don't like it. I need to be able to check out who is at the door first, especially if I'm home alone. We've thought about covering them with some kind of film as a short term solution, but what I really want to do is get a new door and also a screen door. So much dirt gets blown in the door when we haul in groceries etc.

  180. I have a 1950s full glass door as well as glass sidelights. For a while, I had it "frosted" with that Gila film. The light was still amazing, but I took it off after awhile. Kinda hated to mess with the character of the door. Most people come to my back door anyway and if it's solicitors, it gives me a second to gather myself and be ready to hit them with Thanks, but no thanks right away.

  181. We have a full glass front door. I like that it lets in light to our dark entryway. But our house is set up such that you can't see anything but the coat closet from outside the door. I think frosted glass or half glass would be good in your case. I don't like the idea of people being able to see us hanging out in the living room, especially at night. Hello, fishbowl effect :)

  182. If I'm home alone, there's no way I'm answering the door, unless I'm expecting you. If you're just dropping by unannounced, well too bad, you should've called first. I'm not usually hanging out in the foyer so when the doorbell rings I stay back in the kitchen or cower in the bedroom. Oh, but I love our front door! Actually, we have french front doors (which, now that I've had them, I don't think I could ever live in a house that didn't - do you know how freakin' easy it is to get the Christmas tree in and out without pine needles ending up everywhere?!). We have two panes of stained glass in each door (red and clear, in a geometric pattern), so while I can sort of make out someone's shape to determine who it is, if I do decide to risk it and answer the door, they can't really see me because I'm in the shadows of the house. Love it.

  183. Our current house has a glass insert. It's pretty - inside and out - BUT I am a huuuuge chicken. I have always envisioned someone with one of those glass cutting tools cutting a hole in my window, reaching in, and unlocking the locks. The house we are buying now has a solid door and sidelights. Again, the sidelights are totally freaking me out. I am just a big chicken and want to stick to solid front doors with no lights even though I prefer the look of doors with windows.

  184. While I like the idea of all that lovely light pouring into the room, I don't want people seeing inside my home. What a loss of privacy! Also, I live in Florida, where we've had some pretty fierce hurricanes. I can imagine that glass being blown out, or something coming through it.

    Isn't there a type of glass that allows you to see out, but no one can see in? That might be a soluton since you love glass doors but don't want to give up privacy.

    Let us know what you decide.

  185. I'm not at all a chicken and I STILL hate my full glass door...I prefer a little privacy! :) in my old house,I installed a door with two glass panels that reached 3/4 of the way down the door, but they were frosted. Perfect!

  186. So with you on this one. I love the way lots of glass looks...but i'm afraid i would be creeped out!! I love your pantry door with the frosting maybe that i your happy compromise?!

    ~ Jillian

  187. I'm definitely the 1% on that. I like glass doors for the light, but not for the security(even though we have one). It's much easier to break a window pane than bust down the whole door. I liked the dutch door with panes at the top.

  188. I think we may have been seperated at birth! I am also in the 1% (along with being a piler and a naturally messy person) We have a glass door with a side light. The door is covered with a bamboo shade and the side light has a sheer curtain and I also frosted the glass and I still don't like that they can see shadows! When our doorbell rings, my kids turn the TV volume down and sit quietly while I go "investigate"

  189. I can not wait to share this with my husband so he knows I am not the only one! Even if it is only 1% of the rest of the population!
    I had side windows and frosted them, it worked great. Still had the light but still had the much necessary privacy!

  190. I'm a one-percenter- I'm kind of shocked, I thought everyone was a one percenter on this topic! But i have something like this with side-windows as well ( with parts of the glass on the main door frosted and parts unfrosted. I hate the unfrosted parts. I want to be able to walk around my house in pj shorts that I don't want to be seen in! We put solar screens on the side windows, but I agree with a previous poster- opt for fully frosted glass, or get a door with glass you can frost yourself. Still lets in light, and keeps out creepers. =)

  191. i'm a ninja. dark ninja. i'm the 1% of the 1%. if someone rings my doorbell without calling or texting first i usually assume it my freakishly annoying naighbor. i feel like the biggest idiot being afraid of a ten year old, but she is downright freakishly obsessed with my baby! i usually ignore the door. doesn't stop her she knocks on my window! luckily i'll be moving soon. i hope.

    BUT, i do have a better reason for commenting. you CAN get tinted glass. it lets in light one way and so you can have privacy while still having light come through and then at night when the light comes from the inside you can just close a curtain or shade. i actually want to do this on all my windows.
    not sure how much it costs though. haha and if gives a slight mirror effect so you can invisibly watch your knocker fix their hair or makeup while they're waiting.

  192. WOW! I thought I was the only one who crawled around and hid when the doorbell rang and I am home alone! Good to know I am not alone! :) I have a door that is half glass and I love it, it is partially frosted with a stencil design and works great for us!

  193. Get one of the thin retractable screens from Lowes or Home depot. They don't really show when closed. You could paint the frame to match the trim.

    I have a door with leaded lights and side lights and I love it. It completely chamged the entire house inside and out. If you're worried about strangers, just don't answer the door, who cares if they know you're home. You dont HAVE to answer the door. Its your house you set the terms.

  194. I grew up in a house with a full glass front door. There was always a curtain over it though - very thin but not shear - so it let tons of light in with out allowing any creepy peekers to see what was going on.

  195. I hate answering the door too but we have a full lite door with clear half lites on the side and we are going this weekend to special order another full lite door with a swirly pattern on them and full side lights to match. (It's the one in the upper corner without the transom: ). That might be more decorative than you are looking for though. We get the privacy, the light and honestly I have no problem with not opening the door when I am not expecting someone. I mean they know someone is home because the garage door is up anyway. lol

  196. I'm definitely in the 1%. Never mind strangers, zombies anyone???!!!

  197. The glass door would look so beautiful, but I don't think I'd want people to see in either... maybe just the windows at the top would be best??

  198. Our last house had a half light leaded glass door with 2 plain glass side lights that I hated. The final straw on those side lights was when I was coming out of our powder room which was off the foyer, still pulling up my pants to find some random sales person peeking in the house and at me pulling up my pants. We had the glass in the sidelights replaced with a custom leaded glass design that matched the front door. It was worth every penny. Our new house has a 3/4 light solid glass insert that I had replaced with flemish glass and metal scroll inserts that open (The glass opens.) Very handy to help get a cross breeze.

  199. I have sidelights & LOVE the light, but (we just moved in) am also in the 1%...was thinking about getting plantation shutters for them at night (since I currently open the foyer closet door at night for privacy) until I saw Emily's foyer and LO-OVE it! It still wont help your daytime woes, but Ive gotten to where if I need to check and they see me checking I figure I dont know the stranger solicitor man & will never see him again so who cares if he thinks Im a freak :) (p.s. WHY the crap do MEN come to solicit during the DAY when most likely the only people home are stay at home MOMMAS or WIVES...erg!!!!)


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