Pretty and organized craft rooms

January 27, 2012

Andrea’s space is so serene and pretty, and the cutting table in the middle of the room is ingenious:

Willow Wisp Cottage

She used two dressers and two dresser tops from IKEA – for less than $150! I LOVE that! And what great storage. I am SO doing this someday. If only IKEA would move closer, darn it.

Brook’s hubby made this a table for her craft space:

Being Brook

And again, only $150 to build it! If you’re handy, it’s a great option. I could see doing something similar with two short bookcases and a butcher block countertop – now my wheels are really turning!! ;)

There were some perfectly organized spaces throughout the links, but I wanted to share a few using pegboard. It’s is supa cheap – and I think it’s a brilliant way to organize!

Kellie makes it look easy with her pretty blue pegboard:


Nest of Posies

And Hayley uses it all over her walls in her basement craft room:

Mouse House Creations

You won’t even believe this space is unfinished! Bravo!

I love how Liz changed up a beat up dresser into a shelving system:

Liz Marie

The beadboard covering the top of the dresser was brillz. And this is a great option for when you want to store TV components in a dresser as well!

Carrie has one of the most organized spaces I’ve ever seen!:

Saving for Six

The girl makes plastic baskets and wire shelving look so good, for real!!

I love seeing how people make the most of awkward spaces! Jen had an unused spot in her dining room and you won’t believe everything she fits behind that wall!:

Jennifer Rizzo

This side looks pretty amazing too! ;)

I loved Julie’s bright craft room with the graphic black and white striped curtains:


Less Than Perfect

And all of the beautiful colors in Kammy’s craft space:

Kammy’s Korner

Love the ceiling and how she mixed all those colors!

So there you go! Some organization ideas and pretty pictures to inspire you! This week I moved my craft space to a different spot in our basement and I LOVE how it’s turning out. These links are making me even more excited for a finished room to decorate someday!

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  1. Thank you so much for the feature, Sarah! I'm happy to report that I managed to spend the whole day in my craft room today =)
    That iphone app sounds amazing. I'm going to have to check it out!

  2. These are great! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Thanks for sharing all of these creative spaces with us but most of all...this APP you speak of. May be the answer to my prayer.
    Must try it out soon! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Wow, that Brook's hubby is uber talented!

  5. This is so timely as I recently did a blog post about how I need my own office space

    I have been dying to get that worktable/bookshelf since I saw an Ikea one at a friend's house.. guess what? Ikea doesn't ship to the Midwest!!

    Love the inspirations, and am now considering having one built instead.

  6. Thanks for the mention Sarah! I love all of these ladies spaces!!! They are all so pretty and inspiring!

  7. All such pretty and organized spaces. Just loving that light sea foam/blue color. A person could just dream and create in that room all day long.

  8. I loved looking at all the awesome craft/office spaces. So fun to see where everyone does their magic.

    Thanks for showing off my table!


  9. Beautiful spaces....I think I could get lots of work done in any one of those!

  10. They are all beautiful! I don't know which one is my favorite.

  11. Beautiful spaces!!! I need to look into this App, it sounds like a miracle worker and somethng that I may need!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Wow! Thanks so much for featuring mine among so many beautiful rooms!

  13. Great features! I wish I had a room like some of those...maybe I'll convert a bedroom....


  14. O my goodness!!! I lost my breath.. It's such an honer to be featured & among so many other amazing posts.. You just made my whole month! Thank you!!!! I am so glad you liked my dresser to shelves makeover :) I hope you have a great weekend!

    xx Liz Marie

  15. I'm so glad you posted about this. I'm in the process of re-doing my office and this motivates me to get going again. Thanks. Love your blog.

  16. Wow, what a huge compliment to have been featured!!! I've never been so excited for a link party in my life and now all that excitement was so worth it!!! LOVE the other rooms too - WOW!

  17. An IKEA much closer might spell danger for a lot of us!!! But seriously though, wouldn't right off 65 in greenwood be amazeballs?!?!?!

    Beautiful work spaces! Thanks for the inspiration

  18. WOW! Those are some terrific spaces. I think my favorite is Brooke's space just because it is set in some of my favorite color tones and it just looked so neat and organised. Now I just need to figure out what room in my house I can do up like some of the ones featured.....hmmmm.

  19. I am quite jealous! My craft room is the corner of my living room, that also happens to be my bedroom since I am disabled and can no longer do the stairs. I want a craft ROOM. LOL. Thanks for sharing these!


  20. I meant to comment or e-mail you that when I got my latest issue of BH&G magazine this month, the next to the last page (left side of back cover) features a dining room turned into a reading room. Didn't know whether or not you saw it, but it turned out fab!

  21. Great post! Love the craft spaces. Makes me want to get it in gear and organize stuff!

  22. I would love to work in any of these spaces!!

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  23. These are so inspirational, especially yours! Thank You. My daughter is in her 2cd year of college and I am thinking I could take over her closet and part of her room for an office. What do you think???

  24. Sarah!

    So honored to be noticed among these AMAZING work and craft spaces!

    Lovin' it!


    {as always....} Lovin' YOU!!!!

  25. Oh what amazing spaces - loads of inspiration as ever - thank you!

    I love the sleep cycle app.

  26. Thanks for another cool post! Love your blog.

  27. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this. I have a workspace that is bright and sunny but totally dull because I have not paid appropriate attention to it...I am now inspired! -- Joann

  28. These are really great examples! It makes me want to go clean up and organize my sewing room. Another great source for quality, thrifty furnishings are office furniture refurb stores.

  29. Beautiful spaces! There is so much talent out there! I got the sleep cycle ap also and it may be a life-changing purchase. I can't believe it does what it does? Lots of talent in the ap-world too! $1 well spent.

  30. I just downloaded that app, I hope it works for me too! Thanks for the tip! :)

  31. A wonderful post! Thanks for sharing all those great spaces/rooms... LOVED looking at all of them!

  32. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful, inspiring link party. I'm currently working on my own basement craft room, and I've studied and studied the ideas that were submitted here...So many great ideas!

  33. Such pretty rooms!

    I'm on my way to download that app! Thanks for the tip.

  34. Nice blog post, once again! I love how you keep giving suggestions to save.

  35. I LOVE the green space! It's adorable.

  36. Thanks for the inspiration... I love an organized craft room!!! Mine isn't always, but I try... hehe. :)

  37. I love, love all of these spaces. Such creativity! That really motivates me to do something with my office space. Hopefully one day soon.

  38. The stuff here is really good and keep up sharing. i would like to thank you for the efforts which you have made in fabricated this article..Your blog is pretty good and impressed me a lot.


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