Delicious Mountain Dew Soda Apple Dumplings

February 27, 2025

This apple dumpling recipe is made with Mountain Dew and is absolutely delicious!

soda apple dumpling recipe

Yes, these apple dumplings have odd ingredient that made me pause the first time I made them. Soda? Won't they get all mushy and gross and taste like...soda?

But I went with it and I'm so glad I did! How can something so simple and easy taste so good?


These sweet dumplings take about ten minutes to prepare and 40 or so minutes to bake. 

apple dumpling ingredients
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Here's what you'll need to double the recipe for a larger group. This option makes 16 apple dumplings:

Easy Mountain Dew apple dumplings
(makes 16)

Two Granny Smith apples 
Cinnamon (as much as you'd like) 
Two packages crescent rolls 
One tsp vanilla 
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
Two sticks unsalted butter, melted (just do it) 
Twelve ounces Mountain Dew

I rarely make that many dumplings (mostly because I know I'd eat them all). 

So I prefer to half the recipe as follows: 

Halved Mountain Dew apple dumplings 
(makes 8)

One Granny Smith apple
Dash of vanilla 
1/4 + two tbsp (or six tbsp) sugar
1/4 + two tbsp (or six tbsp) brown sugar
One stick unsalted butter, melted
Six ounces Mountain Dew 
(see below for more info on the soda amount)

To start, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Peel and slice your apple(s). 

I peel first and then slice using this apple slicer/corer that makes cutting the apple into sections super easy:

apple slicer/corer

You'll have eight perfectly cut slices for your eight crescent rolls. 

Lay out your crescent rolls, dust with cinnamon and wrap your apple slices:  

crescent cinnamon apple dumplings

Wrap them up well and place in a 8x8 or 9x13 dish: 

cresent roll apple dumplings in pan

Either size pan works -- you may want to adjust the amount of soda you use for each size. I'll share more on that in a bit. 

I close up the ends of the dumplings so the apples are completely covered. 

Mix the sugar, brown sugar, (melted) butter and vanilla in a separate bowl. 

It will look like thin applesauce: 

sugar mixture for dumplings

This part is where I think I made these even more spectacular, on accident years ago. ;) 

We didn't have enough sugar the first time I made this recipe, so I figured brown sugar would work as well. I used half brown sugar/half sugar instead of all sugar like the original recipe called for. 

I think that little change makes these extra AMAZING.

Spoon your applesauce sugar mixture over the dumplings: 

apple dumpling ingredients

Did I mention these aren't the most appetizing before baking? Push on my friends. 

Finally, pour the Mountain Dew into the pan around the apples: 

Mountain Dew apple dumplings

You can pour it all over or around -- I prefer to pour it into the pan to ensure a browned, crispy top on the crescents rolls.   

When I use this smaller 8x8 pan I don't use quite half of the Mountain Dew. Just enough to cover the bottom of the pan. If you're using a larger dish, you can add more as it will take more to cover the bottom. 

Bake the dumplings in a 350 degree oven for 35-50 minutes. I know that's a wide window, but it will all depend on your oven and how crispy you want them to be. 

I bake them closer to 50 minutes. If you want them extra crispy on top, I recommend doing the same: 

apple dumplings in pan

Just keep an eye on them towards the end!

I doubted these when I first saw them out of the oven -- they looked like they would be total mush all the way through.

But I persevered.

And added some ice cream:

Mountain Dew apple dumpling dessert
Find my pretty beaded dishes here

Vanilla ice cream really should be an additional ingredient. It's almost mandatory. :) 

They are SO GOOD. I cannot express the deliciousness of these easy apple dumplings. 

The best of both worlds...the bottom is mushy, the apple is tender:

crescent roll and apple dessert

And the top is crispy and flaky!

classic apple dumplings with ice cream

You will not be disappointed! YUM. 

I may have eaten a couple for lunch today. 

Variations on these delicious apple dumplings... 

  • If you don't have Mountain Dew, any clear citrus clear soda will work! Sprite or Squirt will taste just as good. 
  • Drizzle caramel or sprinkle powdered sugar on top for a little extra somethin'.
  • I hear peaches are just as delicious in this recipe!
  • Many of my readers overseas don't have crescent rolls -- you can use a puff pastry or any refrigerated dough. 

Go get some apples and brown sugar and make them immediately. You can thank me by sending a few our way. 😁

Have you tried these easy apple dumplings yet? Any other easy dessert recipes I can’t live one more day without?

Pin this one for later with this image!: 

soda apple dumpling recipe

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  1. Oh gosh...I know! I have made these before...swoon! So easy and yet so yummy...a dangerous combination!

  2. Mountain Dew too? How good is that! I have some crescent rolls in the fridge for pigs n blankets but I may have to try this instead!

  3. Love these they are amazing, mountain dew comes home and my kids scream " apple dumplings". I got it over at pioneer womans website a few years back. I add crushed walnuts with brown sugar and cinnamon on top , yummy!!!!

  4. I've made these before too and they are Ah..Ma..Zing! Don't know what that Mountain Dew does, but I will never question it. Served with ice cream is the best. Yum.

  5. This sounds terrific! I will have to try this! Isn't it amazing how time flies when you're on the computer?!
    Have a great night!

  6. *WE *WILL *LOVE * THESE :!! Pinterest is so fun!
    You got me interested in blogging, btw. I am just a beginner with alot to learn, but I love it. Thank you for the inspiration.

  7. Thanks for sharing...I just pinned this! Sounds really yummy...

  8. MUST.TRY.THIS. Seriously.

    What I have tried is the chocolate chip cookie bottom, oreo middle and brownie top dessert. Yummy and rich are the ONLY ways to describe it. It is smack your momma good!

  9. Going to try this before the New Year and the new diet! Cause they look dangerously gooood!

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I just made this same recipe last week and I concur, So simple and so good. Yours did come out prettier than mine though. Yum!!!

  11. HA that poster is exactly my relationship with Pinterest! I pinned this recipe a few months ago but still haven't made it. Glad to know it's amazing! You made my mouth water just a bit :).

    I just love your blog. You are so real and refreshing. Just thought you should know!

  12. I pinned these too and wondered how good they are. Gonna need to add them to the grocery list. Since they have real fruit could they be a breakfast item? Can't be worse than a poptart, right?

  13. I have to try this. Yum. Is that one apple slice per crescent roll OR two? Thanks.

  14. Wow, that looks SO yummy!Have you ever visited Pioneer Woman Cooks? I know your not the biggest cook, but most of her recipes are so so so easy. I get all of my recipes there, and my family thinks I'm Rachael Ray :) Im gonna make her easy peasy Christmas Rum Cake, its base is a cake mix!

  15. Thank you for changing my life...that is when I make these!

  16. Yes ma'am I have that little recipe too. To die for!!!!
    So incredibly delicious and easy!!
    Pinterest is fantastic!

  17. I'm sooooo making these for my next GNO. The girls WILL hear me? DIE!

    Thanks for sharing!

    PS: how good would this be with caramel ice cream...WHAAAAT!

  18. I live in Australia, and really really need to know what crescent rolls are? Is it like instant puff pastry cut into shape??? This looks soooo delicious, I want some now!

  19. I LOVE these! My mom makes them and we all love them. I must try them with brown sugar. We have also heated some caramel ice cream topping and drizzled a little over the rolls and ice cream - extra yummy!

  20. I saw this and have been wondering ever since about the mountain dew in it. They look sooooooooo goooooooodddddd. Gonna have to try now:) yum!

  21. Imma gonna try 'em! I love stupid easy recipes :)

  22. That's my favorite Christmas recipe to make for Christmas morning! I had planned to post that one this year, but ran out of space on the old calendar. ;) It is sooooo tasty!!!

  23. I will try them tonight. Just might be what I make for our romantic fireside Christmas Eve dinner. Yum!

  24. I don't cook. But every so often...two prerequisites: simple and fast. Still... I had to check out how many ingredients. check...not many. Good start. Mountain Dew? Are you serious? Ok...but do they sell Mountain Dew in California? Hmmm....well I just might have to try this for the holidays. I gotta cook something for the holidays I guess.....

  25. Yummers!! Great for breakfast I presume? LOL

  26. Yes, these are amazing. I have made this recipe over and over again by popular demand..However, my recipe does not call for Mountain Dew, just sugar..So I will have to try it with the "Dew"

  27. Oh this little gem is a favorite family recipe! Glad you found it- it really is life changing!! : )

  28. I have crescent rolls and apples. I am so making this!

  29. DELISH!!! I've been making this reciepe for years! I got it from a Pampered Chef consultant at least 10 years ago! My family still loves it til this day! Super easy, quick, warm, yummy......sorry gotta go make a batch!

  30. My friend made these for our small group and they are super yummy!!! :) Great idea for a simple dumpling recipe! It would also be nice to show off when you have company for a nice dinner. haha.

  31. OK.. I wish I had NEVER seen this recipe on Pinterest... since first making them about 3 weeks ago, i have lost count of how many times I have since baked these delites... I use Splenda Brown Sugar, double vanilla, diet Sprite and Saigon Cinnamon (I do cut the butter in half)... OHHHHH heavens are they addictive... if they are not on the daily menu, my husband asks WHERE ARE THEY!!!! wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas.. for me, i will be strapped to the gym for the next 10 years for eating so many of these little dumplings!!!

  32. K,WHO THE @#%* Thinks of adding Mountain Dew to an apple dish?Right? I guess I've made some crazy things before,like peanut butter and chocolate popcorn.Yeah it's good.

  33. My MIL has been raving about these for months. The Mountain Dew thing is just so weird... but I'll probably wind up trying it at some point. They do look good.

  34. I made this a few weeks ago for a Christmas party and everyone LOVED it! So easy and so yummy!

  35. Well, O.K.! O.K.!! I'll try them already! LOL! If you feel THAT strongly about it, I'd better pick up some crescent rolls on my next shopping trip!! Thanks for sharing the recipe, and I will let you know how they come out.. Hmmm.. if I even NEED to???? (0; Thanks for sharing the recipe, and hope you're enjoying the holiday season! ~tina

  36. i love this recipe. i make it a ton. except i use 8oz. of sprite b/c i like the taste better and like to have less liquid running around in the pan. such a great dessert that everyone enjoys! :)

  37. We make these with a can of sprite and they are amazing!

  38. love, love, LOVE this recipe. like you i found it on pinterest. have made it a couple times. we're not a mtn dew family so i used sprite and it worked just the same. yum, yum!

  39. These look SO DARN GOOD!!! I will be trying it this week, when my husband is home, and can share it with me, otherwise, I may just eat it all to myself, and the crazy amount of time I spend at the stinky gym will be a waste!! Thanks for sharing.

  40. About a year ago, I went to a potluck dinner and one of the desserts there was called peach enchiladas. I tasted one and thought I had died and gone to heaven. It's this exact same recipe, but instead of apples it called for fresh sliced peaches. Since then, I've made this recipe many times using peaches and changing it up and using apples.

    It is to.die.for!

    Especially with vanilla ice cream. ;)

  41. We have made these before but with sweet potato pieces inside. They were to die for! I am going to have to try the apple version. We added chopped pecans to the top of our sweet potato ones too...yum!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Hi, I am from England so could use a couple of translations please. Crescent rolls? Are they the same as croissants? And also MountainDew is not a product we can get here, is there a similar alternative? Thank you to anyone that can help!


  43. I have not tried these yet, but I totally understand what you mean about Pinterest and food! Look up Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta! This is my family's new favorite meal! Oh my word it is so good! The Plain Chicken website (where I saw the recipe) is a great one!!

  44. OMG! This looks amazing and super easy!!! I can't wait to try these out for Christmas :)

    Thanks for the recipe!!

  45. Yep these are bomb. The other one that I thought sounded yuck-o but was delic. was the one where you put a marshmallow inside the biscuit dough and wrap it in cinnamon and sugar. Soooo good thought it would be sticky and too sweet, but it's like a gooey cinnamon roll. I've seen it on pinterest, so you can definitely find it there.

  46. I make a fruit crumble that can be microwaved- so easy and DONE in ten minutes...(I also use any kind of fruit in season except banana)

    3 c. raspberries, blueberries, blackberries OR
    12 or 16 oz. frozen berries
    2 tbsp. lemon juice
    2/3 c. packed brown sugar
    1/2 c. all purpose or whole wheat flour
    2/3 c. quick cooking oats
    1/3 c. butter, softened
    3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
    1/4 tsp. salt

    Spread raspberries in 8 x 8 inch baking dish. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix brown sugar, flour, oats, butter, cinnamon and salt. Sprinkle on top. Microwave, uncovered on high (100%) until berries are hot and bubbly, 7 to 10 minutes.
    Let stand 10 minutes.

    Serve warm with ice cream or cream :)

  47. I will be getting the ingreds. ASAP and making these SOON!!!! Thanks!!! Xo, pinky

  48. A-mazing! Made these last night and they were simply delicious! My boyfriend even made the comment that it was the best thing I've ever made and pretty sure he thought i put a lot of time and effort into it....which as you know couldn't be further from the truth. So good and easy. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  49. Maybe a dumb question, but do you think it would be okay to use Diet Mt. Dew? That’s usually what I have on hand.

  50. Interesting; something to ponder about: using Mt Dew as added recipe ? The screen is not jumping around as much; I was able to read the recipe with no trouble. Thank you for sharing!


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