How to make a paper punch fall wreath

September 28, 2011

I had an idea for a couple DIY fall wreaths this year, and the last one turned out to be a total pain in my booty. I thought the second one would go much faster.

Well. It was. Kinda. ;)

No really, it was much faster. It was still time consuming, but the fact that it cost less than $5 made it totally worth it.

Can I get a WHOO?!

I didn’t have a form for this wreath, so I improvised. I saw a little trick on Pinterest (sorry, I don’t think I pinned it so I don’t have the source) where someone took a pool noodle and taped it together:


It worked like a CHARM. In the photo I saw, they cut the noodle at an angle at both ends and then taped it together, but I just put end to end and taped it with duct tape.

Cost = FREE. ;)

And if you don’t have one, they cost about a buck at the dollar store (although I’m not sure if there’s any left right now).

I found some fun fallish fabric at Hob Lob a few weeks ago, and just got a bit of it. I cut it into strips:

And wrapped it around, just to give it a pretty backdrop:

Cause a blue pool noodle doesn’t exactly scream FALL. :)

Then I grabbed my hole punches:

And my scrapbook paper (also from Hob Lob, half off!), an started punching.

Punch punch punch:

I used red, yellow, orange and brown – all warm luscious fall colors of course!

Using the end of a pencil, I wrapped each cut out around the eraser end:

Then dabbed the back with hot glue and stuck them on everywhere.

I LOVE it:


You’ll notice that the density changes throughout the wreath. ;) I started on top and made them really tight next to each other. I realized very quickly it way going to take EONS if I kept that up, so I started spreading them out a bit more.

Then half way in I realized using more of the larger circles and less of the smaller ones meant it would go even faster, so you can see how I used more of the large ones on the right.


It adds interest and dimension. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I took a few hours total, most of which were spent sitting in front of the TV, so I’m not complaining. If you used bigger circles it would go even faster!

You can see here that I didn’t do the sides – that’s why I wrapped it:

Now, our porch is covered and the front door gets NO rain – so keep that in mind if you try something similar.  Obviously this wouldn’t stand up to the elements. I think this would look AWESOME over our mantel as well!

I’m not sure which what decor will go on the door for the rest of the season – it could be my felt wreath:

Or my beauty from last year – the dollar store wreath:

I love my Southern Living at Home container stuffed with fall fillers:

And here’s a couple more ideas from a couple years ago:

So many choices!

I am leaning toward my square wreath or the paper one, just because of their beautiful fall colors:

I can’t wait to show you the porch next week at my party! I have a few changes in store. Buwahahahaaaaa!! Not sure why I just buwaha’ed you – but I’m pretty excited. ;)

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  1. Takes me back to elementary school days when we did this with crepe paper. Such a cute twist!!

  2. Looks wonderful! And I never would have noticed all of the "imperfections" you pointed out. We're our own worst critics - I love it. :-)

  3. love the wreath it turned out beautiful!

    I am so doing this!
    It's so cute!

  5. If The Dollar Tree had any pool noodles left, they'll be sold out after all your readers rush out to buy some. ;)

    Love the new wreath...a nice way to welcome your guests!

    A Pin I saw used some sort of tubing (like a pool noodle) from the hardware store. Also inexpensive, if someone can't get a noodle.

  6. I am loving all of your door wreaths. Love'em all.
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up next :)

  7. Wow I love the idea of using a noodle. My kids always end up with them, and I can not stand them because they end up using them to fight and knock all kinds of things over! A beautiful wreath is a much better use for those noodles!

    I have a ton of colored paper lying around also!

  8. They are all very pretty but the SQUARE one really stuck out for me. It's different =) It gets my vote.

  9. It reminds me of Reeses Pieces. Which, for the record, is the highest compliment ever.

  10. Sarah--you are SO worthy of the awesomeness that is your backyard. From what you have said, I think you put a lot of effort into living a good life and treating others as you wish to be treated. That makes you worthy.

    Gail D.

  11. Lots of DIY choices here! It's fun to see how you've evolved too. This is definitely one the kids can do with me :) Thanks for more fall inspiration!!

  12. Awesome! I wouldn't even have guessed it was made of paper. What a fun wreath!

  13. You're like the wreath guru lol. Looks great! Very creative.

  14. oh, here's the link

  15. Sarah, you are soo painting your door! That's just an inkling I have. You hinted at something like that when you showed us the redo of your front yard, I think anyway. Oh well, it's late, whatever. lol

    Anyway, LOVE the wreath! Soo cute. What a neat idea. The pin you're thinking of is actually of pipe insulation used to make the wreath form. We have quite a bit around my house. My hubby put it on the corner of the walls (he's a huge worry wart) in our house when our daughter started walking. Yeah, she's 5 1/2 now, and there's still one barely hanging on. I just taped one together today in hope of making a Halloween wreath.

    Here's the link for the Pinterest pic if you're interested.

    ~ Catie = )

  16. Great idea to use the pool noodle, much cheaper than buying an expensive craft ring. The wreath look fab, thanks! x

  17. Love the wreath!! How do you have it suspended from the ribbon??? That is an awesome idea!

  18. You do have a lot of choices for your front door. :) Fun!

    Great job on the wreath - you put your thinking cap on and came up with another original idea. Easy, too. That's great.

  19. Wow, this wreath is double clever -- who knew a pool noodle and paper could bear such an adorable child! Thanks for sharing so many of your fall doors -- lots of great inspiration!

    And, by the way, I have the Southern Living door bucket, too. Super easy way to update a door or wall each season. It's still available -- though Southern Living at Home is now Willow House -- at

  20. Beautiful I LOVE IT! Although I'm still enamored with the square leave one. I think that will be my all time fav.

    BTW - How do you hang those from your door? Since I just repainted ours I don't want to stick a hook on it or scratch it. Do you have any suggestions?

  21. I heart the square wreath!!! I like the paper one too. I often have trouble deciding on front door wreaths/decor myself, so I always put one on the inside too.

  22. Wow that turned out so cool! The pool noodle idea is genius. :) Love how those oranges and reds pop against your lovely navy blue door.

  23. You are hilarious! I love reading your comments as much as looking at your beautiful creations! Have a wonderful day, Lisa

  24. You are SO FUN!!! And, YES you DO Deserve all that Awesomeness in your backyard! :) You have worked hard and deserve every bit!

    As for the wreaths, I LOVE you paper wreath! What an awesome idea to use your noodle (pun intended!)! LOL. My FAVE, though is your square leaf one. I love the change of having a square as opposed to the traditional circle, and the leaves are gorgeous!

    Thanks for all your fun posts and ideas you share with us loyal followers! :)

    Love you TONS!!!

  25. I love this wreath, really cute! I would also have to agree with you, either the square or paper one for the outside door! Love them both!

  26. luv this! the noodle idea is great, i tried the foam pipe insulation one. but it didnt work - too flimsy. there is nothing for substinance it doesnt keep its shape when hung up.

  27. AWESOME!!! Love the noodle and the paper and just sticking the little wads in... So simple! That's my kind of DIY.

  28. Great wreaths and just love how you came up with a different use for a noodle.


  29. Love the paper wreath! Did a similar one with a straw wreath, 4" fabric squares (cut with pinking shears) and a small screwdriver to poke the fabric into the straw. Yours is so cute, much lighter and none of that annoying straw to worry about

  30. The colors are gorgeous! Can't believe it's paper! Love it!

  31. Absolutely love your wreath. I would make it, but my hands are still numb from my paper flower project (cutting out paper flowers for my little one's birthday party!)

    I never want to see construction paper again. :(

  32. I really enjoy this idea, but I am curious how the wreath holds up with the weather. I would like to make one for my front door, but am thinking the damp days might make the paper moist and destroy my creation? Is there a product to spray on it? Thanks

  33. Love your tribute (intentional or not) to Dispicable Me. "It's so Fluffy" is the best line in a mediocre movie. Oh yeah, the wreath is serious cuteness!

  34. I love ALL of your door decorations. ALL of them. I think I like the square one best though, just because of it's shape.

  35. what a fun, inexpensive idea! Thanks. I think I might try it with fabric and pinking shears.

  36. This is very beautifully crafted. Pinning it.

  37. I love it!! Finished mine last night and it's perfect! I have a storm door and am forever trying to find things to hang that won't get smashed and/or allow the door to close by itself and this is PERFECT!! Thanks!!!!

  38. Very nice, Love the colors. I saw someone on Pinterest use plumbing insulation foam tubing. I think it's only like a dollar too....I think the noodle is thicker though.

  39. wow such a labor of love! its very did another great job! thanks so much for sharing the photos... sparking many I am sure, to do similar DIY fall projects!
    pbprojecthope at yahoodotcom

  40. How do you attach the ribbon for hanging?

  41. that apricot & sage felt wreath leaves me swooning! i heart it so very much i just had to add it to my pinterest board...thanks for sharing! hugs!

  42. Just wondering if you knew the designer & pattern name of that fabric from Hobby Lobby? I'm looking for an orange fabric for curtains in my nursery. 10 weeks to go before my due date... baby really wants some curtains!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

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