Covering the (nekked) windows

April 11, 2011

Remember those nekked kitchen windows? I loved how much light they let into our formerly dark space. I have lived, quite happily, with nothing on those windows for at least six months now.

I decided I was going to keep them that way until I found just the right covering, at just the right price, that I loved. If I didn’t find all of the above, they were staying nekked…FOREVA!!!

OK, that was a little intense. But I wasn’t going to force anything. I wanted it to be natural. To flow. Be cool.

And over the past few weeks…it all aligned perfectly. :)

It started when I found this purdy fabric a while back at Calico Corners:

I got it for another room, and LOVE it there. Love. (I’ll show you that soon!) But for some reason, I had a ton extra – I think I had planned on making pillows, but I had enough left for some mongo pillows.

So…the idea hit me. The colors would be so freakin’ pretty in our kitchen! I held it up to a kitchen window and was hooked. It took about 45 minutes with my hemming tape and iron and I had some cute cafe curtains:


I didn’t even line them. I might later, might not. I didn’t make a rod pocket either – I just hung them with the clips using this technique.

I live on the edge people.

Remember the pendant light I installed over the kitchen sink? I had taken that shade off to use in the living room and put another drum shade up. It’s not in the best condition, but it was a $1.99 Goodwill find last year, so I’m making it work!

It had black trim on the top and bottom of the shade, so I just took that off:

I found some double fold bias tape in a pretty green color (for less than $2!) and because the shade was still sticky from the black tape, I just stuck the green one on:


You can see how beat up the shade is in this pic, but from the ground it’s not nearly as noticeable. It may not be staying up anyway…but more on that later. :)

Finally, my little window makeover was complete! It’s so fun and fresh and springy!:

I played around with the height, and ended up with something a little longer than half the window. I used a dark tension rod to match the drapery rings, but I may try a white one too. Although I do dig the contrast of the dark rod.

I love the flowers in simple glass bottles on the windowsill:


Best part – the new curtains still let the light in, but if I ever go into freak out mode at night, I can pull easily pull them closed. :)

Awhile back I found a Target rug that pulled in the blues from the family room, and now I couldn’t be happier with how the rug, chairs and drapes are working together:

colors in the kitchen

Because they aren’t right next to each other, (I think) they totally work. They all have the same shades of green and the fabric and rug have the same smoky blue color. All have a supa fun design too. :)

And my covered windows didn’t stop there! A couple weeks ago I came across some clearanced bamboo shades that were the perfect size for the bay windows:

Only $11 each baby!

The shades aren’t the exact tone of those in the family room, so I’ll have to see how they work on a sunny day. Hopefully it won’t drive me nutty.

You wouldn’t think it from this picture, but it was cloudy and rainy today:

bay window in kitchen

Yay!! I still have my light and bright, but with some texture (and privacy if we need it). Can I get a hollaaaa?

I have some ideas in mind to add some color with accessories to the nook too. :)

Only a few more projects to go and our kitchen redo is complete! You know, the one I started almost a YEAR ago? :) Something about that year deadline is getting my booty in gear.

But so far, so good. Me likey:


The cafe curtains are another P. Kaufmann fabric – I wrote down the name and now I can’t find it! I know, hate me. I do know it had the word “citrine” in it, but I can’t find this fabric online. I’ll call tomorrow and get the name to update this post.

So do you have any nekked windows? Like them? Hate them? Waiting for the just-right-treatments to come along? Do tell.

**I found the name! It’s called Spring Vine Opal from P. Kaufmann. And my lovely living room drapery fabric is called Retreat Blue Citrine, also from P. Kaufmann. (I got the names of the fabrics mixed up.)

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  1. Beautiful!! Your kitchen looks so bright and beautiful. I love the fabric you used and those shades are so great too! Lovely!!!


  2. So cute! Love all the greens going on.

  3. Woohoo! No more nekkid. Love that new fabric, Sarah. I was thinking about doing something similar with a tension rod above the sink in my kitchen, so I'm glad to see you can switch it up with the height. :)

  4. Holllaaaaa!! I totally love the curtain and rug together!!!

    Looks amazing!

  5. The window looks great! I think the colors/mix of fabrics looks perfect~ I wish I could luck out and find some clearance blinds~ I need 8 with two being more custom in size and the thought of the cost makes me a little sick to my stomach! I love the shade too! It all looks airy and fresh!

  6. The cafe curtains you made were a great addition to the kitchen. The chandelier in the dining area/ breakfast nook looks very pretty, too!


  7. Looks amazing!! I too have some nekked windows that need addressing :) Maybe I will get to that this summer!

  8. Looks great! I really like all the different elements working together -- great texture! And I love the dark tension rod! I think it looks great.
    I'm inspired!

  9. I want to be like you when I grow up. You have amazing style.

  10. LOVE IT!!! That fabric is terrific and I love that mat too. HECK...I love all yer stuff!! I got sheer stuff thingy's on all my windows, but need to make some darkeners for the bedrooms...gonna try some home made roman shades with that drop cloth stuff.....

  11. Love this fabric and the zippy lamp up-do. Sweet! And I'm a huge fan of nekked windows AND bamboo (I love any sticks, lol). Great find on those shades. I just bought a few yards of something similar to your cafe curtains and tonight I made coasters just bec/ I wanted to keep looking at it but didn't have any windows to cover! (will be posting them later tonight) ~Lori

  12. I love the new springy, fresh fabric. Great job! Makes me ready for the season.


  13. Love how your new kitchen looks.
    You could also pull in black sometime, too, when you get ready to change out that shade over your sink-- because of your black accents in the kitchen-- chairs, etc... and maybe even make your rod black. Black always anchors a place-- but maybe that would be better for winter, not spring, when we are all looking for some freshness! White with black-edged shade, but you might be surpised how a solid shade would look.

  14. Love!! I need to make some curtains ... haven't priced fabric yet but you have inspired me :)

  15. Love how all the fabrics in the kitchen go together but aren't matchy matchy! Just started my own blog after being a follower of yours for awhile- thanks for inspiring me!!

  16. awesome fabric!! Love that you decided on a whim to use it in your kitchen, because it WORKS!

  17. I absolutely adore this treatment! It is perfect! And I love how it goes with the rug...I love it when a plan comes together!!!

    I don't have nekked windows, but I have so super ugly curtain in my dining area..and I'm looking for the perfect thing to go there.

  18. Love your curtains and inspires me to get going in my kitchen! I'm just going to use some kitchen towels from Willow House and clip up with clips just like you did. Thanks for the good ideas! Denise Cosgrove

  19. I love the curtains!!!!!! I have had some of those clips and have never used them, just the perfect idea:). I have a question for you, I have a black sink like you have, what do you use to keep yours looking nice? I have used lemon oil to shine it and take off water spots but I am always looking for new ideas:/.

  20. Beautiful! I love how the soft light still shine through !

  21. Pretty, pretty, pretty! So bright and welcoming! Thanks for sharing.
    Scissors & Spatulas

  22. I love it! Especially the sewing tutorial - I think I could follow it:) I need a pendent light for my kitchen now!!! Need!!

  23. LOVE that fabric!! It is so fun and pretty at the same time.

    But I think you should buy more and make curtains for the bay windows! ;) I know you like them "nekked" or at least now just the bamboo shades but I think those same curtains (maybe just one panel per window) would be so pretty and the white in the curtains would lighten up the space even more without losing your light! :) I am like you about light - gotta have the curtains pulled back and the shades open! :)

  24. Love it all! It would look great in my house. Do you know what the name of that fabric is or who makes it? I fell in love with a rug very close to that one but it was huge, it's at Haverty's if you need another one.

  25. Oh mercy! These are ridiculously cute curtains. Love them!

  26. You are sure inspiring on the ideas you come up with. I love the material it makes it so spring and happy. I think I would do the white drapery rod and maybe even the light fixture, it would match the bead board, making it even brighter but it looks fantastic the way you have it now:)

  27. so pretty! I love how it all came together so nice! :)

  28. Absolutely LOVE it! Calico corners is the best...

  29. Everything looks so gorgeous! You've done such a wonderful job.

    I hope you find the name of that fabric since I think I need a yard or two :) Off to search CC and see what I can dig up!

  30. Love them! We currently have old wood blinds they really need to be replaced and a wooden cornice. I am thinking something similar would work for us. I could leave the cornice, but take down the "dusty" blinds and put up some purdy fabric instead. Great job!!

  31. Loving the inspiration! I am moving into a new house in a few weeks and will have LOTS of naked windows! Some will stay that way, but others will certainly deserve some cute outfits. Thanks for sharing!

  32. I think I need a drum shade like yours and you need a Groceries sign like my Magnolia St sign in my kitchen!

  33. I love the curtains and the way all your touches coordinated. It looks like a fun kitchen.

  34. Ooooh. I love that fabric. I bought some cheap romans at Walmart and would love to reconstruct them with something prettier.

    You have I have similar colour schemes, so I know that would look great. Will be back to check for the name.

    Found a similar fabric pattern called Rossano but it wasn't in those colours.

  35. Oh thank you! You have given me more inspiration ideas! We are in the midst of building/remodeling and I am always looking for ideas. I am planning a trip to the "CITY" next week and now have another place to visit! It is to be a day of leisure searching out inspiration, fabrics and "building" materials for the addition. Right now I have Calico Corners, Arhaus, Pottery Barn, ReStoration Hardware, and the ReStore in mind. Do you have any other recommendations for thrifty shopping? I will be looking for a sink and toilet for a TINY bathroom plus light fixtures. Any suggestions? If all else fails we will pick up the things we saw at Lowe's using our military discount!

  36. I love it all, really awesome kitchen. Your shade turned out really pretty and is just absolutely perfect with those sweet curtains.

    We're moving into our new place next Monday, and there are definitely going to be nekked windows for many months at the rate we do things!!

  37. I love you new window!! It looks great :) Have a great day!

  38. Fantastic job and finds! The curtains and blind are beautiful. I've been toying with making insulated and lined curtains or buying them. There doesn't appear to be any cost savings if for me if I make them. In some cases, making curtains cost more than buying them off the rack.


  39. This all looks so bright and springy! The colors and florals come together so well. And green is perfect for this time of year.

    Great deal on the bamboo shades. I'd love to know where you got them, we have lots of nekked windows too :-)

  40. Looks WONDERFUL! My kitchen windows are nekked too---waiting for the right thing. A tension rod would be a great idea!

  41. The curtains look amazing! That fabric is so pretty, can't wait to see the other project you're using it for. I love the colours, very "Springy" I agree.

    I think the no-sew hemming tape is wonderful. I have a bunch of curtain/pillow projects that I have been putting off because I'm waiting for the time (and guts) to sew them, maybe I should just get some iron-on tape and get them DONE.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  42. I love your kitchen! Great choice on the curtains. All of the fun projects you do, and share.. give me such inspiration to start on projects at my house.

  43. I seriously need you to come visit for a week. So inspiring, these cafe curtains! Yes, I have a nekkid window...BIG Nekkid window! In my living room. The only thing I love is that we got new windows on the front of the house (the rest, which you can't see from the street, got storm windows because we're just that thrifty) and I painted the inside grills/sashes black...I do LOVE them.

    I think I need some sort of window treatment -- a friend said she likes it the way it is -- she calls it "metropolitan", which I love, but still. Still looking... .

    Thanks for the post!

  44. I love all your ideas, techniques and how you much you like change. So much like me, lol. I recently attempted to make the "no sew roman shades" for our game room, which was an epic fail. I loved the fabric we chose but "my" no sew shades just weren't up to par. So my project at the moment is trying to figure out how to fix them, then I'll move on to making my own headboard. lol I'll keep trying but you just make it look so easy peasy.

  45. We are in the process of buying a house with a similar looking kitchen & I totally want to buy the bigger version of that Target rug for our LR. Good taste woman! ; )

  46. hollllaaaaa. love the blue/greens. I need to learn how to coordinate fabrics, thanks for the trip-tych!

  47. What pretty fabric! It looks great in your kitchen and everything still looks light and airy. Those bamboo shades are great, too! :)

  48. Love your blog. I like that the rug, chair and curtains aren't all Matchy-matchy. I think it adds more character and it's original. I was curious what is one your sink? Hand soap, Dish soap? What's white in the clear container? It's a joy when your blog arrives in my inbox and brightens my day at work. Renea. (sorry I don't have any accounts so I'm anonymous!)

  49. Seriously love, LOVE, your kitchen! The curtains look perfect, fresh, and Springy!

    I want to put some Ruffled Burlap valances in my kitchen, just got to find the fabric so my grandma can make them for me!

  50. Please do let us know the name of the fabric! It would look great in my kitchen, too. ;)

  51. sarah, did you get your bamboo blinds at lowes? i grabbed a ton of them a couple weekends ago and paid about 4 bucks for each one. crazy. while the kids were at grandma's (remember?) we redid the boy's room. we're going to put up some drapes on the sides of the window to make the window look larger (love that!). wanna see?

    (ps: i love your fabric choices! the print on the chairs looks like the background on your blog--love!)

  52. The curtains are GORGEOUS! I love that fabric!

  53. ADORABLE!! Your curtains remind me of the shower curtain I just bought at Target (shabby chic).

  54. I crazy love the fabric and colors!!! And, like you I have to be able to close the curtains if I have a freaked out it!!

  55. You rock my socks! Love the fabric, the rug, and the pendant! I'm using those colors in my family room and kitchen! You know, I had planned to pay $250 to have some curtains made for me with some fabric that I paid $250 for from Calico corners. But then I'm like for what? I can make them with the hem tape for the time being!

    Thanks girl!

  56. Love that fabric, retro yet contempo!

    BTW, where I'm from, nekked has a whole 'nother meaning.
    Naked=without clothes.
    Nekked=without clothes and up to no good!

  57. I love that fabrics its so pretty & the flowers in the simple bottles are such a gorgeous touch.

  58. Hi....your kitchen looks great! I'm interested in knowing the name of the curtain fabric, I couldn't find it online just searching P Kaufmann and citrine. Thanks!

  59. I love the new curtains and I really LOOVE that rug from Target! I searched around but wasn't able to find it :( Is there any name on it that you could give me so I could search around and find it or one similar?

    Thanks so much - your house and your design work is amazing!

  60. Love your new curtains!

    When we re-did our kitchen - one of these days I'll get around to blogging it - I went online to Country Curtains and ordered a handful of free swatches.

    I'm glad I didn't buy online right away. Having the swatches really helped me to see not only the colors but also to see the weight and how much light they would let in.

  61. LOVE the fabric on the kitchen window! We've got a large window in our kitchen that gets me nutty at night, too...I just haven't found the right fabric yet!

  62. They look great...that fabric is beautiful! I actually like some "nekked" windows...depending on the view! But, I love dressing them with pretty fabrics too!! I am having a linky party about Iphone apps...would love if you could join! I've been following you since almost the beginning and I remember when you got your iphone...wasn't the old one taped together??? LOL! Anyway, I am sure you have some great decor or DIY apps to share!

  63. That looks wonderful!!! I actually could use some advice if you have a sec... Last year we put in a new door going from our kitchen to back yard. We got the cheap metal door with (I think) 9-panel window. I am desperately needing to cover that window b/c the sun is setting into our dining room and blinding us right about dinner time. I have no idea what to install onto a metal door!!!

  64. Yes, I admit I've had a nekked kitchen window 11 years! I love your fabrics and rug. Thanks for the ideas... maybe no more nekked window for me either.

  65. Ok...I've been on the hunt for the window fabric ever since this post hit...BUT I CAN'T FIND IT! Help! I've searched and searched, but...nothing. Did you grab this fabric a long time ago...maybe it's discontinued? I hate it when I fall in love with something and can't find it... :-( lol If I can't find it, I'll just have to come visit your kitchen more often.

  66. I was at the discount fabric store on Saturday (love that place!) looking for chocolate colored fabric for my windows. I saw a fabric that is almost exactly what you have there (so close it might actually be the same) and I came *this* close to abandoning chocolate. But then I talked myself out of it because I had picked chocolate and envisioned it in the room and I was afraid that a whim choice would be wrong. Seeing it in your room I still think it would have been pretty. Looks lovely!

  67. You have sure lightened up your kitchen in the past 6 months. I love all the light airy purdy. Those cafe style treatments are perfect because they still let a lot of light in.

  68. I love the new curtains! Definitely keep the dark tension rod, it gives good contrast.

  69. very pretty this has been my delima for a while now we have lives here for almost 2 years and i am still usung the temp blinds sad i know but i cant seem to figure out what to do i thnk i will try taht tape sounds really good thanks for the idea


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