Pretty rust and cream bedding redo

September 23, 2010

So…you may or may not remember my post a couple of months ago about our bed, and why it made me cry I never made it.

I told you then I was on a search for new bedding…and I found it, over time. I big fat LOVE IT.

And oh yeah – IT FITS THE BED. Can I get an AMEN? 

This process was not a cheap one, and I splurged more than once. So if you don’t like it when this Thrifty Chick splurges, please…just step. away. from. the. blog. now.

We like to sleep and we sleep as often as possible and I believe we deserve some sahhweeet bedding. And we paid for it all in CASH. :) (Don’t hate Dave Ramsey!)

So anyhoo…the transformation started with new sheets. I had my eye on a new duvet cover, and when I decided it would be the one, I knew I wanted luscious chocolate brown sheets to go with it.

We had brown before, but these are luscious chocolate brown. There is a difference:

chocolate brown target sheets

I love that pretty detail! Oh, and did I mention they are 500 count sheets? LUSCIOUS.

And they actually FIT and stay put:

I believe the package said they fit mattresses up to 18 inches, and ours is a tad over 17 – and they really fit, they weren’t just saying that.  ;)

Total cost was $80 I believe? (At Target.) Totally WORTH IT.

Next up was a biggie – a blanket. We needed something that would go from summer to winter with no issues – not too heavy, not too light.

On a trip to Pottery Barn for my family room pillows a while back, I saw the most simple, beautiful blanket called the Fisherman Knit Blanket. I may or may not have brushed it against my cheek. I’m serious – it was crazy soft.

And so incredibly expensive. About $150 expensive. I know, stop choking. I know.

But I couldn’t get it out of my head. I was obsessed. I looked it up on Ebay for weeks, hoping to find a deal and nada. I looked it up on PB for weeks hoping it would go on sale and nothin’.

And then I saw something that sealed the deal. One customer who reviewed the blanket online said it was just lovely, but to watch out because it stretched…a lot.

Ding ding ding!!! It was the one. I knew it would fit over all sides of our monstrous bed!:

I bit my lip and went in and bought the blanket – the most expensive blanket I’ve ever owned. And it is so freakin’ fantastic, I cannot even stress it to you how fantastic it is. It is like cuddling up with a cloud.

You think I’m kidding. I’m not kidding. I caress it every single night:

One of my biggest complaints of our old comforter/duvet was that it wouldn’t hang over our thick, king-sized mattress. One day I finally realized why. First of all, the duvet cover had shrunk over time (the whole set was only $25 on Ebay, so I’m not surprised) and when I took the comforter out of the duvet, I laid it down to measure it.

My “king-sized” comforter wasn’t king at all – it was a queen. Yeeaaahhh. Four years and I never realized. Really? I know it said king on the package.

So off to Target I went again, to buy a real king size comforter. For reals this time. I checked. :)

The best part is that it has tabs inside so you can tie the duvet to it:

I love smart stuff. I thought only the fancy schmancy duvets and comforters had that little ditty.

And then…it was onto the duvet cover. I was trying to avoid another duvet…I just didn’t want to deal with it again. But this one at Target had been calling to me for months. Every time I went in I would put it in my cart, put it back, put it in my cart, put it back.

And one day, when I had the cash saved up, I got it. And it’s lovely:

target duvet

It’s all creamy and rusty and chocolatey and soft and it’s SO US. There was very little color in the room other than the walls and drapes before, so I wanted to add a pop of something. And the rust color was that something.

The final splurge was a throw for the end of the bed. I see pictures of beds with a throw laid across the bed and it just screams luxury to me. There was a rust colored throw and shams set that worked perfectly with the duvet (also from Target):

rust and chocolate pillows

The only part of the bed I haven’t splurged on is the pillows – the throws are all from before.

So now, this bed, that took a good 45 minutes of my life every time I made it:

Has turned into this soothing spot:


rust and chocolate bedding

(Ignore the purple drapes falling off the rod, umkay? They’re going.)

And this mess of a side:

Is now this:

target rust beddingBest part? It took less than 20 minutes to make, from start to finish. I have actually been known to make our bed lately. Can you believe it??

Close your gaping mouth, it’s true.

So there you have it, our new bedding, step by step. I bought everything over a couple months, as we had the cash to spend. There’s still SO much to do to this room! I’d like some pillows to fill up those shams a bit better , I need to make a (LONG) bedskirt and I have a few ideas in mind for the wall behind the bed:

Plus new lamps, nightstands and drapes! I’ve made a few other changes in here already that I’ll show you soon. The redo is going to happen slowly, but that’s how I do it best. :)

I adore how warm and cozy it is – of course the colors are perfect for fall, but we love them year round. And they work great with the greyish green color on the walls. (Valspar color called Tornado Watch, from Lowes.)

I’m trying to decide what color to do the bedskirt – cream or chocolate? Or maybe rust? Is that too much rust? We’ve gone without a skirt all this time and I really want to get one on there. I’m tired of seeing the extra dining table leaf sticking out from under the bed. ;)

I had fun taking pics for this post with a little somethin’ somethin’ that followed me home from the camera store today:

Isn’t it amazing?! Oh my goodness…I have so much to learn! Can anyone recommend a web site that explains aperture and all that good stuff?

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  1. Oh my word! LOVE it! I've been pondering doing our master bedroom in chocolate, aqua and pumpkin....

    And...for some reason, I've never noticed the striped wall before...maybe because of the bright white bedding.

    Anyway, it's GORG girl! :)

  2. GORGEOUS!! That blanket does look soft like a cloud! Beautiful colors!

    And how exciting about your camera!!! Yay - you are going to love it!!!


  3. Everything looks luscious! Good for you paying cash for everything! I'm anxious to head out to Target to get a look at their bedding options, but have to get me some cash first! Thanks for sharing your lovelies with us!

  4. Canon has a great photography forum. I have the XTi and love, love, love it.

  5. Looks great! Now maybe you will want to make the bed every day;-)

  6. Here's the link


  7. FANTASTIC!!! I am not sure what I love more but I have to say that I love my Target comforter with the little tabs for the duvet covers! The whole room looks just beautiful! :)

  8. Visit Pioneer woman and her very clear and well written explainations on exposure and composition.

    Best of luck and happy shooting!

  9. WOW! Lots of wonderful things! The bed looks all sorts of comfy and less stressful ;) I think you should do the bedskirt in rust or cream... the chocolate would just blend in with the bed too much. Super jealous of your camera, fun!!!

  10. I need "another" new camera! Anywho, LOVE the new bedding girl! And yes, everything was totally worth it! Its just so cozy looking now!

    I'm so glad I was able to meet you in NY! You, Rhoda, Kate, Janell, and Jade was the best company a girl could ask for!

  11. Love the new bedding!
    You will fall in L.O.V.E. with your DSLR camera! I think I break mine out every day!!! Do you have a Wolf or Ritz camera store near you (or maybe that's where you bought it?) Anyhoo, they offer classes to help teach you how to use your new fancy camera! If you go to they have the info there! Good luck & can't wait to see the great pics you take with it!

  12. I love your humor...and LOVE the new bedding! Those colors are so us, too! I just peeked at our own bed and thought how pretty those rust pillows and throw would look here too! ...wish I didn't know they are available at Target...must resist! ;o)

    I think a cream bedskirt tucked behind the wooden frame would be really pretty...

  13. It all looks very comfy and cozy! And it all hangs so much better now. Here is a blog that I follow that just did a quick post about it today and I'm sure she could lead you in the right direction for more in depth stuff.

  14. And I forgot to say, with all the negativity with nate day on the blogs, I went ahead and posted my feeling on my experience. Feel free to read it if you have a chance!

  15. wow Sara, love what you have transformed thus far. i have been chatting (in my head) of all the things i want to do to our bedroom. you have inspired me.

    oh, congrats on the camera. the best-est advice i can give you...go straight to You Tube and search tutorials for your camera. i'm a 'hands on girl' and this way was the best learning for me. i can NOT sit down and read that darn manual that comes with the camera. lol i just have my camera in hand and walk through the steps on You Tube and pause the videos as needed to learn as i go.

    have fun! :)

  16. Love your beautiful bedding. Isn't it fun to have some that actually fit and feel so wonderful too. Everything looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  17. UUUUUU very pretty. It looks much much better.

  18. I love it! I can totally relate to the size issue as well. For ten months, I thought I had a full sized bed. My full sized jersey sheets fit, the full sized bed set fit...though it did seem a little short. It wasn't until I went to move the new full sized headboard that something didn't look right. Tried the new cotton sheets, and sure enough...Queen. Sure am glad I'd ordered a Queen bedset!

  19. MUCH BETTER! Doesn't it just make a difference in your attitude when you just decorated something and it looks like that is how it should have always looked like? The colors are perfect!

    OH and I noticed you removed a certain item from your ads...Is JITC going to actually make any money?

    Oh and can not wait until we can buy a camera just like yours! That will be one of our splurges once we pay off our debt.

  20. Where did you get the iron art above the bed? I love it.

  21. Your room looks fabulous! Very inviting, I am sure you will be sleeping well in this dream room!

  22. LOVE your new bed! Doesn't it feel WONDERFUL when you hit the hay each night? I actually like your old throw pillows with the new stuff. Saves you some bucks too.

    So my two cents on photography help:
    The Pioneer Woman is a GOD...Goddess of self taught photography.

    And Manic Mother always has some great tricks and here she lists her favorite sites:

    Good luck and congrats on the new camera!

  23. Looks gorgeous! Great job.

    I have a Nikon now but used to have a Rebel and I LOVED it. They've listed some great forums above in the comments, so that help! Just use it as much as you can, in all kinds of light and situations, and then try to learn one new thing per week from the manual and the forums. You'll be a pro in no time!

  24. Beautiful! I think it's absolutely worth splurging sometimes.

  25. I highly recommend He interprets the instruction manual of just about every make and model!

  26. Looks beautiful -those are my favorite colors too. On the camera - I have the same one and it's wonderful. I receive lots of comments on the photos I take with it - as if I had anything to do with it! A great place to learn about photography might be your local community college. I work at one and we are always offering non-credit stuff. (I learn best from a teacher actually showing me how...) Anyway good luck and I love the room is coming together. :)

  27. Literally when I saw the "after" of the bed I just breathed a huge sigh and said, "Ohhhh!" It just makes me want to crawl in and go to sleep! Maybe it's because it's 10:30 and I'm pooped. But anyway.

    Great photography tutorial (and great blog in general)-
    It's short, sweet, and to the point. I'm getting my new camera as soon as my professional photographer friend gets back from her trip! (it's her old Canon Rebel and she's selling it to me with all its goodies- yay!!) Can't wait!

    Good luck and thanks for the AWESOME blog!!!

  28. sarah, get the 50mm lens (when you can) and the 24-70mm (omg. love.). you will love using a canon.

    there's a great GREAT post on cameras over at Kevin & Amanda's blog:

    good luck and enjoy!

  29. Love your new bedroom, it's gorgeous.

    My favorite blog just did a good tutorial on this also.

    Good luck!

  30. The pioneer woman has great photography tips in the layman's terms.

  31. Looks AMAZING!!! I too, never noticed the stripes on your walls. But it looks so restful and peaceful. You did a great job. I definitely think you should do a chocolate colored skirt. :)
    -Jill D.

  32. Beautiful bedding Sarah! You had me cracking up because yes my eye went right to the hanging purple drapes. He! I think cream drapes and a rust bedskirt would be fabulous. LOVE the new rust color by the way. It totally updates the room. GREAT job!

    Happy Fall! ~Melissa :)

  33. I just took this online class from Angie Seaman. It is a 4 week class, and she does a great job! I learned so much about using my Rebel. Maybe someday I will buy photoshop and take her photoshop class.

  34. Your new bedroom has me inspired. Maybe a little paint will go up in mine soon. As for the camera....LOVE it! I have an older version of the Rebel and it is amazing. Try the Pioneer Woman blog for some photography instructions. She has a whole bunch of amazing tutorials on there and one just happens to be about aperture.

  35. That is gorgeous. I love it and now I'm super jealous. So, buying expensive bedding must be worth it, huh? Man, wait'll I tell my hubby this. :)
    Love it!

  36. As far as the bed skirt goes, if you have wooden slats as supports for the box spring/mattress, then you can't have a bedskirt unless you hang it down over the outside of the bedrails/frame.

    If you try to have it under the wooden rails, the slats get in the way and it won't work. Just something I learned along the way.

    Love the duvet cover though. Gorgeous!

  37. Where in the world have I been? I didn't even know you had stripes on the walls in your room??!! I guess it's the Rebel quality now. Seriously. OH, but I LOVE your bedding!!

  38. GORGEOUS! I love those colors and it all looks just beautiful. I say "ditto" to lovin' the sleep and when we get in bed at night my hubby and I always say, "isn't this bed the best thing ever?" Is that too much information? :-)

  39. I love the new bedding, it looks so much more inviting and that blanket, I am a nut for texture. It may be hard to get out of bed on a cold morning! As for your bedskirt, I have a similar bed and I put a brown skirt, I am not crazy about it, gives the illusion of wood and looks heavy at the bottom. A medium brown or goldish brown color could be pretty, it's hard to see the exact colors in your duvet. Can't wait to see the finished room!

  40. Awesome! I love the whole thing. And yes, I can imagine the blanket was well worth the money. I admire your saving up and not giving in to instant gratification. I'm working hard to adjust my thought processes and your blog has inspired me many times. Congrats on a comfy bed!

  41. Oh, curse those extra-thick mattresses!!! We have them too. I found winter sheets at LL Bean that were thick enough. but the summer sheets, ugh. they said they were thick enough, but they weren't!! Need to find that LL Bean catalog now...

  42. The bedding is gorgeous! I love the colors!

    As for the camera, I would suggest reading the manual. Take the camera and the manual and plop down on your new gorgeous bedding and just get to know the buttons. That way when you find a site you like and they are talking about adjusting your shutter speed or your ISO you will know where those buttons are!

    I am so glad you bought it! Happy shooting!

  43. Have fun with that camera. THe thing that helped me the most was Canon REbel Xsi {I am sure they make one for XS} for Dummies. No lie. :) It is really good.

    I love the new Fall look for your bedroom.

  44. So pretty! Target just seems to be getting better and better!

  45. We have the same bed and although it's beautiful, I hate it (until I saw this post). Thank you for helping me appreciate our bed again....and for motivating me to make it look pretty like yours! :)

  46. It's absolutely beautiful! I have been doind the same thing at Targe' (buying what I really want little by little). Like you said, we do it for our kiddos, why not us? :)
    Kerstin @

  47. What an improvement, so warm and inviting now! Love it! :)

  48. Very nice camera, might I add... same as mine, I LOVE my rebel... its such a good camera, and that white blanket of yours does look like a cloud!

  49. Beautiful new bedding! Love the bench at the foot of the bed as well.

    New camera! Lucky duck. I want one too - let us know how you like it.


  50. Your bedroom looks so beautiful. I love the warm cozy colors.Today online, JcPenney has some curtains in those same colors on clearance. They are a reversible solid and a buffalo check on the other side. At a whopping 12.99 a piece, it might be worth checking out. I actually bought some a few months ago in the bronze, but they were not the right color for me. They were really nice.
    Here is the link if you are interested|71887

  51. When my husband and I started our photography, he used Ken Rockwell's website. A lot. He explains all about using your camera and how to take good shots of different subjects, plus he does equipment reviews, in case you need to look into different lenses at some point. The bedding looks fabulous!

  52. I have had a Rebel for years and only recently figured out all the fancy buttons... magic website...
    Her photography is great and her tutorials are in English. :)

  53. The bed looks awesome, perfect for autumn!
    As for camera information, the best book is Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure" - it is so easy to follow. I'm sure you'll have others recommending it too.

  54. I LOVE your bed and bedding! I will have a king size beauty just like yours one day! :)

    Oh and a good !!!

  55. I have a Canon Rebel EOS, and I love it. You're gonna have so much fun with yours! By the way, I love the new bedding. The rust colors really look good.

  56. Love the transformation! And, yes the Fisherman Blanket is the best. I have owned one for almost a year now (PB bedding was a Christmas gift to me from my hubby last year). I had to have items that could be washed more frequently to help ease my severe dust mite far so good. The blanket does stretch, but goes right back into shape after each wash. It has held up beautifully!!

  57. Your new bedding is really wonderful and congratualtions on your new camera.

    I would recommend the following site for articles, tutorials and maybe even more important challenges to keep you inspired:

    If you want to actually take a course then I can also recommend The courses can seem expensive but I have come away from the ones that I have taken with a lot of new skills and knowledge.

    Good luck!

  58. I think that your bed looks amazing and I love rust as the accent colour! Well done you!
    I have spent years trying to work out what accent colours to use in our bedroom and am still working it out - but I am with you on the need for a killer throw for the end of the bed (it's next on my pretty list for our bedroom!).
    Good luck with the rest of the room - I'm looking forward to it's evolution!

  59. Oh my gosh! You have the camera I want! I am not jealous, I am not jealous.

    I have to do all sorts of acrobatic poses to get a good pic with my point and shoot!

    You deserve it! :)

    Great blogs for photography tips?

    Pioneer Woman

    Lovvvvve your bed.

  60. Looks fantastic!!! Given the amount of time we spend in our beds, I think the splurges were well worth it.

    As for a photography/camera website, try There is a section just for Canon cameras that should be helpful.

  61. Beautiful! Target is almost a daily trip for me. A suggestion on filling those shams (got this tip from a stager)- Save your old flat bed pillows, fold in half and stuff 2 into regular size shams- you may need 3 for a king size sham.

  62. I am no help on the camera...


    I searched Targets website for the rust colored throw and shams. Would you mind sharing the item number or who it is made by?!?! :)

  63. Oh, here's another tip- for a bedskirt, use a quilter's basting gun to attach fabric at desired length to your box springs- no need for the flat part of the bedskirt that goes between the mattress and box springs. The basting gun uses those plastic thingies like some price tags are attached with. When you want to wash or change, just clip the plastic thingies and remove! You can get the basting guns on JoAnn Fabrics website, and probably in the store.

  64. oh wow! It looks sumptious! I wouldn't want to leave the bed or get into it so I wouldn't mess it up.

    I'm thinking chocolate box-pleat for your bed skirt.

    Here's a link I came accross recently for a quick tutorial for your DSLR.

  65. It looks beautiful! Great job!

  66. Don't know if anyone's said it yet but get the book "Understanding Exposure". Best book ever explaining all that fancy camera stuff. Have fun! I love my Canon so much I'm taking two classes next month on improving my digital photography and improving my Photoshop skills.

  67. Gorgeous. I have a burning question....Do TDCer's change their bedding seasonally? I do. For example, your white bedding might be perfect for spring and the new look Fall, Winter - I dont go crazy - perhaps a seasonal throw or new pillows.... Vs. I have a friend who has had the same comforter on her bed since about 1999....???

  68. It's like you won first prize at the Science Fair!

  69. I love this. The colors are gorgeous - so rich and luxurious looking.

  70. That looks great, Sarah! I love the pattern in that duvet cover! Gorgeous colors, too. I'm lazy about bedskirts and go with something that goes with my room and basically all my bedding. Bedskirts are the thing I only change out when I get tired of the look of it.

  71. One of the most helpful things I have done to learn my camera is a twelve week course (FREE!) here:

  72. First of all, I blame you for my lack of energy this morning. You see, I saw this post last night around 10pm when I should've been heading to bed. Instead, I went to our bedroom and started cleaning it. I even hung up all of my husband's extra clothes he brought out for winter. Now, I feel justified in buying some new bedsheets and maybe a comforter! It gets cold here in Albuquerque. LOVE this set up and LOVE that you found most of it at Target! YAY!

  73. Oh how I love that bedding, would be amazing for my sister's home. I'm also redoing our bedroom. It's going from Chocolate brown and Robin eggs blue to a white/green/blue combo.


  74. It looks great!! As for photography, check out It's a great website for just about everything, but there are some great tutorials on photography.

  75. Now I want that blanket! Great stuff, I loved that your comforter was a queen-size, I have so done that :) For photography tips and tutorials that will not make your head hurt go to Pioneer'll thank me later.

  76. In reference to the making the bed post: I have had to revert back to those AWFUL sheet clips (which probably work about as well as just leaving them off) because my husband somehow manages to remove all our sheets at night. And I think the last time I made our bed was when I took a picture of it to send to our parents. :)

    Anyways, I feel your pain but all your work and money was well worth it. It is nice to see a blog where the house doesn't look like it is straight out of a cottage magazine. We love warmer colors also and our house looks like it could be decorated for fall year round. I love the colors in your house and the new bedding is GORGEOUS!

    Thank you again for showing us that cottage chic isn't for everyone, and even if you don't follow the cottage decorating style, you can still be a successful designer. Very refreshing for me!!!

  77. Hi! Im a weeklong visitor to your blog, & I love to read about fabulous home makeovers. Your new color scheme is wonderful! For the skirt, I would go with a cream only because I have been a victim of a self induced overly indulgent chocolate brown bedroom (add in the brown furniture) and there wasnt enough lamps and windows to lighten up this dungeon. Go cream ,and it will follow you to another wonderful color scheme come spring!!

  78. Amazing! AMAZING! What a transformation. It looks easier to make AND it's beautiful. Great job :)


  79. I didn't read all your comments so maybe someone already said this but instead of a bed skirt maybe you should by a cheap fitted brown sheet to go over your box spring and it would just disappear.

  80. I loooooooooooooooove the room!
    So pretty, so romantic...

    Ahhhhhhhh, makes me dream!

    A site that is lots of fun, tons of tips, plus fun assignments every week.... AND it's FREEEEEE!

  81. Awesome!! Its beautiful! Amazing how new bedding totally makes you rethink making the bed :) Once I got my new duvet, I went from NEVER making it to making it almost every day!! :)

  82. It looks so good!!!

    Congrats on the new camera!! :)

  83. Great post..LOVE the new look!! On the camera...I'm learning a lot from the Pioneer Womans site. She has tutorials on different aspects of photography. Have fun!!

  84. I am currently redoing our bedroom too! I found a pillow at Target and it is the inspiration. Can't wait to see more. Also check Pioneer Woman's website, she has some great camera tutorials!

  85. I love your bed makeover! I'm having some non-committal issues with my own, but yours is so fabulous!

    I love my Rebel XS, and I would highly highly recommend reading the camera manual before anything else. It took me 18 months and I've learned so much more than any of the digital photography websites, etc could have taught me. Just practice with your camera as you are reading. It is sooo helpful!

    Also, if you find yourself dissatisfied with your white balance, like I do with our CF bulbs, I recommend shooting in RAW. If you have Photoshop, even Photoshop Elements, you can edit your photos a lot easier in the RAW editor, you will just have to download the plugin so that it will be able to read your .CR2 files. I've been amazed at the difference in my photos. Then I save them all as JPEGs (which take up about 1/3 or less of the space, and can delete the RAW files. I think the software the comes with the camera can read the RAW files too, but we've never installed it. We figured Photoshop was more powerful, but after reading the manual I'm curious to see what the software is like.

    Also, the kit lens isn't as bad as a lot of photography people make of it. Once I started understanding what I was doing people started asking me if I got a new lens. New lenses can make a huge difference, especially with indoor photos. But there's a lot you can do with that kit lens when you have plenty of natural light. Just get out of the Automatic/Creative modes as soon as you start beginning to understand, and don't use the built on flash.

    I absolutely love my camera and hope that you and yours will get along just swell!

  86. I love your new bedding and the colors...YUM! It is almost like you read my mind LOL...I have been trying to do choclate and rust and just nothing has popped out at me. Thanks for sharing!


  87. I am SO jealous of the camera! Go Sarah!!!!!!

    The bedroom redo is wonderful and very "I don't WANNA get out of bed" looking! Guess I'll go home and dream on what to do to mine which has no decor at this point!

    Did I miss the post? What ever happened to the pantry door? Been thinking about that one.


    I read two blogs daily, yours and hers. Start with the "What the heck is aperture?" article.

  89. THANK YOU for posting this!!! We got a beautiful large printed duvet cover for our wedding (that I love). But now that we are settling in, I have no idea how to make it work. with the Bed. I feel like it might have too much pattern. Thank you for showing step by step instructions (and a final product) as to how to pull it off!!! I am excited to get home now!

  90. Good for you...on the camera and new bedding. The bed looks so comfy and luxurious. Great job! And I'm so excited for you about the new camera. I just got a new laptop and it's so fun to have new electronics that help us better our blogs, right? :)

  91. bedskirt: cream with a chocolate brown stripe across the bottom :)

  92. pretty pretty! I vote for a light colored bedskirt :D

  93. Aw, I just got my first canon rebel last week for my birthday. I am loving it! SO fun huh. BTW, love your room. so perfect.

  94. Your bed looks soooo gorgeous! I love it!

    It looks like you have lots of great blog recommendations...I am going to check them out as well!

    I hope that a book recommendation will be ok...I recently got the rebel T1i and picked up the "for dummies" book that was specific to my model. I LOVE it. I found the manual to be just about as useful as the box. This book explains EVERYTHING about your camera and what aperature, iso, white balance, etc are. And it's got lots of purty color pictures. Here's a link to the book specific to your model! :)

  95. I like my turndown service at roughly 10:00 p.m.

    Thanks. ;)

  96. I found this little post from a blog I read regularly.

    It's a good starting point. As soon as you really learn this stuff, then start poking around The Pioneer Woman's Blog.

  97. What a great improvement!! I love the colors I am a cool color person. Have your walls always been striped or I have I just never noticed?

  98. Seriously, buy this book (The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby).
    Read it, and you will learn how to use that camera! Also, I know it sounds boring, but read the manual to really learn all that your camera can do!

  99. Love it all!
    I love the runner along the bottom of the bed with the matching shams. I have been looking for that for my bed for a while and haven't found it. Is it just a blanket and shams or a set? Where did you get it?

  100. I recently got the Canon Rebel T1i and I LOVE IT!

    This site has helped me a lot:
    It explains everything in layman's terms and has lots of examples to show you what they mean.

    This blog is also really good too:

  101. I LOVE IT!!! Looking at those pictures makes me wanna go jump all over that bed - it just looks so cushy and inviting! It's just gorgeous!

  102. Looks perfectly heavenly to me!

    I love Click'n Moms - There is a small fee, but it was worth it to me. I have the Rebel as well and I'm always learning!

  103. So so pretty, I wouldn't typically choose those colors, but I love how they work with your bed frame! Lovely!

  104. Ooh, I love that!! It's gorgeous!

    I've been wanting to redo my bedroom - we have a chocolate and white comforter (a bit like yours) and icy blue. It's so not me. I adore fall (like you!) and want more warm colors like orange, red, etc in my bedroom.

    Hmmmm, methinks I'm going to have to copy off you! :)

    Love your blog. You crack me up on a regular basis.

  105. Sarah,
    I really, really love your bedding! It's beautiful! The colors are so warm and cozy.

  106. Beautiful Bedding! Looks so cozy.... however you really have me wanting that blanket now. Whoo-hoo for a great camera. I spent time trying to learn about my DSLR and photography on my own without much "learning." However, I recently took an online class (photo 101) by Nichole Hill Gerulat. It was the best class and I walked away with so much knowledge. I'd highly recommend her class and/or her Photo 101 book.

  107. I've always loved your blog for obvious reasons - but also, I mean seriously, you crack me up & you are almost as funny as me. ;o)

    What a coincidence - I'm redoing our master bedroom in browns & burnt orange. I call my 'rust' burnt orange, I guess. Teehee. :)

    But you lost me on the bedskirt. I HATE bedskirts! I will not use them & if I get one w/ the comforter, I...gasp...throw it in the trash. I'll be watching yours! :)

  108. I say brown for the bedskirt...
    my litte bit of tid for you is to check out and order the sham pillow stuffers! They are so thick and keep their loft and shape wonderfully!

  109. Beautiful!!! It is so super cozy I can just imagine how awesome it is to crawl into! My vote is cream for the bed skirt. Brown next. I think it might be a bit much to do the rust. Can't wait to see more updates as they come.

  110. Love this - it is beautiful! As for Aperture - I have read so many books and The Pioneer Woman's posts finally broke it down for me so I could undertand - here is a link to the Aperture posts -

    I hope you love your new camera - they are the best! If I could recommend one lens - 50mm 1.8 - you can get amazing portraits with it and it is around $100. Enjoy. :)

  111. Great camera advice from Ree Drummond on
    She has a complete section devoted for photography.

  112. Hey! I love your blog and I love seeing the projects you come up with. Thanks for giving me some inspiration, motivation, and tips/techniques. My favorite photo site for learning the basics is


  113. Your new bedding is so gorgeous! Just perfect for fall, though I'm like you and have fall colors year round in my home. Too funny that your old duvet was a queen size for your king bed. We actually had the opposite problem for a while. A king size feather bed (didn't realize it was king) for my queen size bed. Sheets weren't fitting and it was impossible to make the bed. I lived with that for nearly 2 YEARS before I got a new one. I just thought it was extra fluffy or something!

  114. *content sigh* I love that. Just. Plain. Love. It. I'm only starting to get into decorating more, but one thing I have a weakness for is bedding. There are so many that I love. I'm wondering if Hubby would be upset if I bought yet another set... Thanks for all of the inspiration you have given me!

  115. I L.O.V.E. the striped wall in your room....FABULOUS! What two colors did you use to do the strips...I'm just smitten!

    You'r bedding looks great too! I got new bedding at Target and love it so much more than I thought I would.

  116. LOVE it! Totally worth the splurge! I'm loving the bench at the end of the bed too! Spill it- where's it from?!

    WOW! I am BlOwN AwAY! I just love a good before and after! :) Love the warmth that the new look brought to the room. I know you must be in heaven every night when you climb into bed! I hate to admit this.. but we have had the SAME comforter for 7 years. I just adore it! I also have my dining room leaf under the bed and I hate to see it too!
    Beautiful job. Really. Stunning.

  118. I'd recommend for a photo class. Totally affordable. Often interactive. With downloads you can listen to on your iPod. It's a site with well thought out and sequential classes. Most of it is scrapbooking or digital scrapbooking stuff, but they often carry classes on photography. Go...explore. See if you can find a free class on creativity or something, just to try one out.

  119. My vote is cream for the bed skirt. Brown next. I think it might be a bit much to do the rust. I am, sarah, fan of all good decorating ideas

  120. If you're going to splurge on anything, it should be sheets! Cheap sheets are yuck! I love all of your new bedding. I can just see how luxurious that blanket is. That's a good splurge too. And lucky you getting a new camera! That's the one I want if I ever can afford one. :)

  121. I have similar giant mattress issues and a white mattress and box spring against a wood bed, yuck! The other day I bought a spare set of sheets(dark chocolate) at Ross for 12 bucks and used the fitted only for my box spring so as not to see it jump out at me every time I walk in the room.. I despise bed skirts for the most part. I think it would finish off your set perfectly!

  122. It's looking fabulous! I love the duvet cover...gorgeous :)

    For the bedskirt, I'd recommend going with cream that has a chocolate band along the bottom. Just a suggestion.

    Can't wait to see the rest of the room!

  123. Love it! I have the same issues with my 18" pillowtop mattress-nothing fits-sheets, duvets, nada. I always have one side gaping open, looking disheveled and driving me crazy. My husband doesn't understand my constant search for new bedding and your post has inspired me to start looking again. Love it!

  124. I haven't been reading my fave blogs lately so I had lots of catching up to do and this post reminded me why I love TDC! I heart the new duvet cover and appreciate the much needed inspiration to update our master bedroom.

  125. I haven't read through all these comments (so please excuse if this is a repeat), but you might want to check out the 10-minute no-sew bedskirt idea on the hgtv forum. It's made with a painter's drop cloth, molding and staples. Nice blog!

  126. I know it's been a good while since this was posted. I was in love with it then, and I still am enough to find it again just to stare and dream! I wanted to ask-- where did you find the matelasse set? I want that color for my room-so rich and makes everything pop.

  127. I love your room!! You mentioned that one color of the wal was Valspar Tornado Watch, but what is the other color in your stripe? They go perfectly together!! Thank you!

  128. I Love the bedding in your bedroom. I saw that you purchased it at Target. Do you happen to know the name of the bedding?


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

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