My favorite parts of my favorite room

March 09, 2010

I decided about a year ago it was time to start transforming the Bub’s room into his “big boy” room. This one has been a hard for me. 

When I shared a tour of his sweet apple green nursery, I told you how I worked on this room for weeks while I was pregnant, doing most of the work with my Dad.

It is an understatement to say I love this room. Almost every day of our son’s three years, I’ve sat in here at one point or another, looking around, relaxing in the serene that is this space:

I’ve made a few changes over the past month or so in preparation of the changes, but it’s still the same lovely, bright, calming room you see here.

I’ve struggled with what I want to do in his room, so it stayed in it’s nursery state well after I decided to start changing it to a big boy version a year ago. I knew there were certain things I wanted to incorporate, but nothing was really hitting me and making me want to paint over all the calm

Until now. :) Over the weekend, the pieces kind of came together perfectly in my head, and now I’m READY. Excited. I want to start and finish the room in one day, excited. I made a few purchases yesterday and it has me even more ready to get moving.

I have to say, I’m going in a direction I never thought I would, but in my head, it’s going to scream boy and be totally classic, which is important to my husband me. ;)  Do you know how hard it is to create a boy space? Hard.

So today I decided I would show you a few of my favorite parts of my favorite room, because some of what I show you will be changed…not all, but most. :)

I know a blabber on and on and on about the beauty of painted ceilings, and if this room doesn’t convince you of it, I don’t know what will:


The blue ceiling will most likely stay…so I should probably go ahead and paint that vent. ;)

I put a couple phrases on his walls using my stencil technique:

For a little texture, I took some wood star shapes, painted them and then stacked them on the walls in a few spots and just nailed them in:


The whole room was inspired by the Pottery Barn Twinkle Twinkle bedding – it’s a beautiful mix of greens and blues, cutie patootie lambs and bunnies,  stars and moons. Weird mix. But cute. :)

Someone on eBay was selling gorgeous prints with names and birthdates on them, but they were not cheap. So I decided to make my own:



I just painted stripes on a canvas, then stenciled his name in the middle. LURVE. And it was about $7! A little better than the $100 on eBay.

I fell in love with this acrylic lamp at Target, (which I think they still have!) and covered the shade with a super soft star-speckled fabric:


I couldn’t find a dresser I really loved, so I ended up getting an unfinished piece that I painted bright white:



The knobs were from Menards and I used them on the built ins as well:



For some reason I was obsessed with pulling the cutie animals from the bedding and putting them elsewhere in the room. So I sprinkled a few of them here and there:



To get them just right, I scanned the fabric into our computer (have you ever tried it? It works fabulously!), then used the stencil method I mentioned above to put them on the walls. I added the whiskers and eyes with a toothpick. :) These little guys  and their fluffy butts make me smile every day.

I kept looking for cute, functional storage but the only thing I found that I loved were boxes from PB that were, again, NOT cheap. So I bought a few different sizes of the cardboard boxes you can find at any craft store, and painted them in the colors I wanted:



Then I put the labels on with the cutest little star brads youeverdidsee! Obviously, the bibs are long gone. But the boxes are still going strong, so I’ll probably change them up to work in the new room.

Later I layered frames (from Michaels) throughout the built ins:



The “mats” aren’t mats at all – just poster board. I printed off the photos at home (on regular paper, mind you!) and just used double stick tape to center them on the poster board.

Just the look I wanted for el cheapo. That is what I’m talkin’ about. 

I saved the best for last…my very favorite part of my very favorite room…the stripes:



Sigh. Sniff. Then sigh again. I lurve the apple green stripes! Big. fat. puffy. heart. LURVE.

It took some time…but I really am ready to transform this room. I think. I’m pretty sure. OK, I am. But someone may have to hold my hand for that first brush stroke. Or hold the tissue box while I paint.

It’s going to be a true transformation. :) I’ll keep you updated along the way.

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  1. ~Ah. Sarah how sweet is his room. I can see why you are having a hard time letting go. It will be so cool though. I just know it! :)

  2. This room is so darling. I especialy love his "You are a dream come true" sign.

  3. his nursery is so cute...and yes serene, I can't wait to see the big boy room though! I know the hardest part for me is just that "they" are the ones changing! Good luck!

  4. I think the moment you realize your baby is growing into the next phase is just so hard and happy all at the same time. So many memories with his room for him being in his baby and toddler years and yet you are happy to see him getting bigger and more independent. see I can relate...all my babies are no longer...*sniff* pass the kleenex please...O.k. I am better. :) I am sure whatever you are going to do it will look wonderful!! Excited to see what is ahead for your big little boy!! Hugs to you~from one mother to another...:)

  5. Such a special room. :-)

    Love the knobs you chose.

    The Blue Ridge Gal
    (can't wait to see the big boy version)

  6. Such a tough year for you, with the realization that your babe is no longer a babe. But on a lighter note, I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve! I'm on the hunt for ideas for my little girls "big girl" bedroom and can't wait to see what new ideas you have for kids' rooms. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love the nursery! Sigh... My husband is in one city for his job, and I'm in another city to finish my PhD... we'll be reunited shortly before the baby is born, and then we'll probably move back to our home city soon there after (when this work project of his is done). The point is, no nursery :( We stay in a gorgeous 3-BR home in his work city, so there is room, but we can't make a beautiful nursery there for just 2 months... My dream nursery has a lot of yellow!

  8. Yes, my little girl is 3, too. And I keep blocking the thought of changing to a big girl room. Can't wait to see what you do!

  9. It is hard to close a chapter in your life and move on to the next. My babies are 8, 6, & 4. It is hard to see them grow up but exciting at the same time. Just take lots of pictures and write down lots of memories!

  10. You did such a great job. My little guy is 1 1/2 years old...I still have time to copy your ideas before I have to change it in two your ideas. Thanks.

    What colors did you use for the greens and blues...?

  11. You did such a great job. My little guy is 1 1/2 years old...I still have time to copy your ideas before I have to change it in two your ideas. Thanks.

    What colors did you use for the greens and blues...?

  12. I guess it wouldn't help if I screamed "DON'T DO IT!" ?? Such a cute room. . . can't he just upgrade the bed and some pics?? ;)

  13. Such an adorable room! I am so looking forward to seeing what all you do!

  14. I would hate painting over those stripes, too!

    I love the bunnies on the wall :)

  15. My son is only 14 months and I've been thinking about his big boy room for weeks now. It's probably because I helped with a big girl room so that's made me think. I'm so excited to see what you come up with! Get your tissues and get busy!!!

  16. Sarah, thank you for showing us your son's gorgeous nursery. I LOVED everything about it, but most of all how you put your heart into it - that's what makes it so special. My little man is 20 months and I am on the lookout for a great inspiration idea for his BIG boys room, so I'll be hanging to see what you come up with!
    My guy is a mad on cars and trucks, so I'll need to use my 'I've got a son hat' on for this project.
    Good luck :)

  17. We're currently going from yellow and green baby to big boy in our boys' room, too. Question for you...where did you get that white book box?

  18. It's almost like we need to grieve somewhat before we let go.
    Trust me, your son is still at that age when you get to take creative licence with his room. Wait until he's 16 and starts putting Fallout Boy posters on the ceiling! Sorry, I shouldn't scare you like that;o)

  19. Gosh, I lurve those stripes (and those little bunny butts, too!) That's a beautiful nursery. I can't wait to see what's next!

  20. Ahhh heart is bleeding too at the thought of changing E's room. It was so beautifully and thoughtfully done. Time has a way of changing everything and new inspirations are derived from watching our kids grow. I know you will come up with just the perfect "boy's" room. You will be in my thoughts as you do make that first brush stroke and know that I <3 you and your fam. very much!

  21. aahhhh...that is such a darling room, it would be hard for me to change too. As my children have grown, I've learned that each change comes with a mixed amount of joy and "discomfort". It's hard to watch them grow out of something but each new stage has it's own blessings! Keep all those sweet pictures and savor each moment spent there but as you make each change, look forward to the new happy times in the next "stage".

  22. What a sweet and comforting room! It will be so exciting as you unveil the new "big boy" room!

  23. make me want another baby!

    *someone stop me!*

  24. That room is absolutely precious! I feel your pain as you get ready to transform it. I'm sure just the realization that your little guy is ready for a big boy room is painful. My oldest is turning eight and I need to make some changes to his big boy room to make it a bigger boy room. ((sigh)) Can't wait to see what you do!

  25. His room is precious! I love all your knock-off ideas, they worked fabulously! I have 3 boys in a room that are 6, 11 and 11. It is so hard when I could do a totally young look to their room but I know I need to be "big boy friendly". So I am slowly working through the same mentality right now. Trying to change things around from the primary colored room. Good luck and I can't wait to see your changes!

  26. I am also changing up my almost 1 year old's room. I thought I could make it a little bit longer, but this kiddo is all boy and the yellow and green are just not cutting it anymore!!!

    I love the book box... where did you get it?


  27. What a sweet room! I can't wait to see what you're going to do with it!

  28. I was JUST thinking to myself the other day, I wonder when TDC is going to redo the Bub's room? Does that creep you out? :D

  29. I totally understand how you feel about letting go of your babies room. :( I worked so hard to get my little boys room just right and when the day came to roll over my hand painted, bigger than life, crayola crayons and blocks, it just about killed me! BUT, when you find a "just as cute" idea for the new room, it gets better. I'll be happy to come home your tissue box. :)
    Come visit me on my blog sometime, I'd be happy to have you! :)

  30. My son is 2 and I've started the debate, do I switch him to the bigger bedroom from the nursery to give him more space and bigger bed, that requires a full room redo in the other room, then another room redo in the room he's leaving and the thought of painting over the hard work that went into making his nursery unique and special just makes me sad inside. I've also got a vision of what I would like to move him to. And you're so right... boys rooms are HARD.

  31. Such a sweet room. :) I am partial to stripes. The lower half of my oldest's room is done in apple green, pink, and cream stripes. I love the storage you added!

    My oldest is ready for a big girl room, but we're waiting until little sis is old enough to share and they will bunk together in the larger room. THEN I can redecorate. ;)

  32. I understand daughter is about to go to the "tween" room, and my son's room is not exactly what I would like, but it is pretty cool for a star wars theme. I painted one wall black with tiny stars all over. I adored his baby room with vintage looking trains and teddy bears, but keep in mind, the nursery we do for us, and then once you have this wonderful little person, you know what he likes and this time around you get to see his delight!

  33. Can't wait to see what you came up with! Isn't it funny to see your own style change in just three years...

  34. The room is beautiful! Good luck with the transformation.

  35. You can do it!! :) I promise as much as it is hard to let go of the nursery room - the big boy room is totally worth it! I big fat puffy heart love my son's big boy bedroom more than I loved his nursery. I didn't think I'd ever say that because I don't want him to grow up (even though every new thing he ever does is super exciting). *HUGS* You'll be ok... when it's all over with. :D

  36. I identify with your attachment to your son's room - when we moved out of our last house, I bawled my eyes out in the hallway, looking into each of my 3 (at the time, now 4!) kids' rooms. I didn't care about any other room, but I knew we were leaving my kids' "baby" rooms behind. Needless to say, I never got around to decorating the nursery in the new house for #4. It's time to make him a big boy room!



  38. Oh! Sniff! Its so pretty & I know exactly how you feel. I have a 2 & 1/2 year old and a new baby due in June so we are going to move my son into the bigger room (since the nursery is closer to our room and a tiny space)and while I'm excited to decorate a 'big boy' room in the new room I can't decide if I should keep the nursery the same (it's gender neutral since I didn't know what I was having) or re-do it to be a 'new' nursery for baby #2 since I'm all hormonal and thinking if I don't re-do it I will somehow be 'jipping' my second baby their 'own' mommy painted nursery. *sigh* it's so HARD to be a mommy huh? Good luck and I can't wait to see! From the comments it looks like you will have 192,968 people holding your hand as you take that first brush stroke! :)

  39. You did a great job on the nursery, I love the little details.

  40. Such a beautiful room for a little one....but like you said, he is older and its time to move on. You have pics to remember it as it was and they would look so good in a scrapbook from birth till.........

  41. Say it isn't so! You can't change that baby room. I LOVE it too. My daughter and I did her baby room based on your wonderful idea. I too walk in whenever I visit and just sit and soak it in!

    However, now that he's 3, it's time to grow up, right? And I KNOW you're gonna make it amazing.

  42. Those are all my favorite colors and I would definitely be slow to change anything. My room at home when I was a teenager was green and white stripes -- old wood paneling that me and my Daddy painted. Might I say he wasn't too happy about it. That was back in the 70's so I guess that style is timeless.

  43. Oh, those stripes are so pretty! I'd cry painting over them, too. But, I know how exciting a change can be as well. Can't wait to see what you do.

  44. Sarah,
    We are entering the same stages...Eli is going to be moving in with his big brother soon. Eli's room was in a similar green and cream like yours. I am having a hard time taking it down. It will eventually be a craft room. I can't wait to see what you do with yours and I know I will be getting lots of inspiration.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  45. That room is right out of a magazine. So perfect! I think I would have a really hard time moving on too. But you will probably love the new way you do it just as much. It's just hard to make that first move. Good luck!

  46. Wonderful Room! I can see why your would have a hard time saying goodbye to it. When we moved in to our house a few years ago...we went crazy with a surf theme for my son...then 5 years old. It is our it was fun...bamboo moulding and accents...built in tiki hut over the window...vintage surf boards, funky old lockers. NOW my 11 year old son wants to put surf stickers on his lockers and bed and posters on the walls. Uhhhh...are you kidding me???? I LOVE that room!!! My husband is much better at letting them have their own creative say than I am..."sure...stickers on the lockers...not on your bed. Posters on one wall only, don't make a bunch of holes in the wall." Oh well...I guess they have to grow hoo:)

  47. I remember changing my son's room after he turned two. I really missed th baby room so I hope it goes more smoothly for you.

    His room is beautiful.

  48. So sad and so exciting at the same time to be redoing their rooms. I can't wait to see what the new room will evolve into!

    If you need more furniture for the room and want to do it on the cheap you might want to check out I've used some of her plans but since you're already comfortable with some tools (and trim work) you could probably have fun with this.

    Looking forward to seeing the changes!

  49. his nursery is so very cute! It is always hard letting go of one phase in life to the next, but a BIG boy room will be fun!

  50. Your son's room is adorable! I feel your pain... while pregnant I painted the cutest little fairies (inspired by Ciceley Mary Barker) all over my daughter's room. While I was concurrently sleep training my then 2 yr old son. Needless to say it took a looooonnng time to complete. 2 wks after my daughter was born hubby announced we'd have to move to a new state for his job! We had to paint her room AND my son's room. I took tons of pictures and bawled my eyes out as their rooms were covered in 'sell-worthy', neutral colors :(
    But got to put together 2 new adorable rooms in our new house! Can't wait to see what an awesome room you've created for your little-big man!

  51. Cute room. Could you tell me where you got the white Book holder? Or did you build it? I need one for my DD. Thanks.

  52. Oh my! From the adorable baby toes in the picture (with the fake mat, too boot!) to the fluffy bunny tails - that room is adorable!

    But the good that his NEXT room will be cherished by both of you! (Now that he'll be old enough to appreciate it.)

    Take lots of picture of this current room - especially from the point of view you saw the most - rocking chair, etc. So that you can "go back there" whenever you need to.

  53. That is one of the most beautiful little boy's rooms I have ever seen. Love it!!!

  54. I've always loved this room. I'm sure what you do next will be just as great.

  55. you have already come up with my dream nursery-i wish i could just transplant the entire thing in my room!! this is stunning!i love love love your site!!!

  56. Thank goodness for your wonderful blog. What a wonderful pictorial you have forever.
    Personally, I can't wait to see what you come up with for his next phase.
    You can always do what I do - just paint/decorate nurseries for other precious little ones. Since I couldn't have my own children, I especially love painting nurseries. (I have 3 stepsons who were 7, 10 & 12 when they moved in)
    There's just something extraordinarily special about painting for a baby.
    But the same holds true for a lucky little 3 yr old!

  57. Such a charming room, it's impossible not to be nostalgic! I know you will make another beautiful room for him! I look forward to seeing it!

  58. Adorable room - such great details throughout :)

  59. Oh my word! I loooove the room! You are right--it is a very serene, very beautiful room!! Thank you for sharing your favorite parts.

    There is just about nothing more fun to me than copying an expensive element, for very little money. I'm doing our Master Bedroom right now...on a shoestring budget. :-) I REALLY love the ideas you used!!!

    I can't wait to see the Big Boy room!!

  60. Aww it's so beautiful and serene!! Very calming. I am loving what you did with your made up matts in the frames. I am wondering how you got that color. Did you buy the poster board in the particular color? Such a cute idea! Great ideas. Love your blog!

  61. Oh, and I'd be sad too! But I am sure you will have fun with the big boy room which I can't wait to see.

  62. So sad!! I adore our nursery too--I did it six+ years ago for our daughter (gender neutral) and modified it a tiny bit for our little boy. However he now is four years old and really ought to move out of the crib...yes, he's still in the crib--he loves it!--and no, he's not small for his age.

    *sigh* I'm just not ready. But then again, I'm never going to be ready for my babies not to be babies.

    Still, I just keep waiting for inspiration to strike and it just isn't happening.

    ~ Sarah

  63. Oh, now you made me all sniffy for their old room - it took everything I had not to fall asleep in peaceful. Their new room is good, just not the same sweetness - it *is* tough to do a boy room, so I can't wait to be inspired by yours ;-) I hope you have someone to hold your tissues :hug:

  64. What an adorable room! I love the stripes on just the lower half of the wall! It's not too much, not too little, perfect. I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one who cheaps out w/ poster board instead of a mat. =o)

  65. Oh, what a beautiful room! It reminds me of my sons' "Peter Rabbit" room. So peaceful. I am able to keep the same decor for longer, since my 3 year old is now sharing the room with his baby brother. ;-)
    I'm sure the room will be lovely when you transform it, too. But I feel your pain.

  66. I've been a bit of a stalker on your site for a while now - reading but never commenting! I love all of your DIY ideas and admire your ability to create (this room is a beautiful example of all of the personal touches!) I cannot wait to see what you come up with for the transition to the big boy room. I bet your son is excited too!

  67. It is a beautiful room. What I love is that the basics of the room - the furniture, the wallcoverings - are not 'kiddie'. To many people go over the top tyring to make somewhere 'childlike'. The personality added is by the little things, and it looks beautiful and cosy and friendly.

    At least as he grown you can keep the colours, the furniture and some of the little things, and change them a bit at a time!

    I love the bunny rabbit pillow on the chair, and the acrylic lamp and drawerknobs, it adds such lightness!

  68. I know how you feel. I'm getting ready to give my boys a tween room, which will hopefull grow with them into their teens. It's so hard to decorate for boys, and not let my girlie influence into the room. I've chosen an Argyle theme. I'm pretty excited to get to it.
    Good luck with yours, can't wait to see what your going to do!

  69. The nursery is so sweet, you did a great job!

  70. What a beautiful Nursery. The bookcases are fabulous & functional!

  71. Sarah, thanks so much for checking out my blog and making such nice comments. I really appreciate it. I can't wait to see your Bub's new closet!


  72. It's always bittersweet turning a nursery into a big-kid's room! I feel your pain on that one. Can't wait to see the changes you make, though! :)

  73. Just wanted to say thank you for the stencil idea! I just went ahead and did one for my girls reading nook!

    BTW -GORGEOUS room!! I can't wait to see what changes you make!

  74. Absolutely gorgeous! You amaze me. :)

  75. I have to tell you I have the SAME crib for both of my children in cherry wood. I love the white tho! I wish I would have gone with that the first time around. I understand the whole transformation from baby to big kid, I went through the same thing with our daughter who is now turning two. As sad as it is it is also so stinkin' fun to take things you love the most and reincorporate them. Good luck!

  76. I can't wait to see what you do with the room!! I have a little boy as well, and would love ideas!! :-)

  77. I have long since been an admirer of your blog! It is such a FUN blog to read! I absolutely love this nursery! It speaks of everything "baby"! Soft, quiet, peacefullness, gentleness! I can justbsee a mother snuggling her little one so perfectly in this room. Could I trouble you for the paint colors that you used?! My email address is Thank you for your postings & sharing ideas!

    -Mindy Ritchey


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!