A cozy window nook!

March 29, 2010


One of the first changes I made to our son's room was his window –  it looked like this for quite some time:

beforeI’ve gone back and forth for years now about adding a built in window seat in this spot. Some day I think we will, but for now, I needed a spot to put the rocking chair. The addition of a big boy bed made for little room for it. It fit perfectly into this little area -- so I decided to make a little “reading nook.”

Then it was time to address the window. I’ve slowly but surely been replacing all of our two inch blinds with bamboo roman shades (LURVE) and that was the first step:


I loved the shutters (found at an antique store) but with the move to a big boy room, they just felt too “nursery” to me. Or maybe I was just tired of them. I’ll go with the former. ;)

I played with a few ideas in my head. One was to make shutters like I did for the windows on our deck and hang them to each side of the window. I loved that idea, but I also had plans to add more light to this spot. It was going to look odd having the light sconces I had in mind installed on top of the shutters.

I wanted it to be light and airy feeling – and then I remembered the white muslin fabric I had bought for another project. I had a ton of it (I need to get more now for the other project, then I’ll share that one!), and it was only $1.99 a yard, and 40 percent off of that.


It was perfect!:

white drapesI found the swing arm sconces at Home Depot ($30-something each?) and they were EXACTLY what I was looking for! Squeal! They are so gorg. And they even had drum shades, with a yummy basket weave-like fabric. (Just like the wallpaper I used in this space!)

I still wanted to add a little something to the white drapes, so I decided to use extra fabric from his headboard project (coming soon). I started by hemming up the ends of the muslin with my iron and hemming tape:


Then I made panels of the accent fabric, hemming the edges with the no-sew tape:

And then I just ironed the panel to the muslin:

I rarely ever sew drapes – I always use hemming tape! I cannot stress how easy it is to use! I always buy the super weight and it holds up great – for years and years and years. You can even wash items you use it on. I buy mine everywhere – Joann’s, Hobby Lobby, I think even Walmart has it?

This project would probably have been faster with a sewing machine – but by the time I get my little machine out and then try to sew a straight line, I’d rather just use hemming tape. ;)

Now the little touch of navy blue really grounds the drapes, both literally and figuratively:


The extra fabric at the bottom helps to make them a bit more substantial and they hang much better now.

I planned to make the panels a little thicker than they are, but I didn’t have enough fabric. They ended up being eight inches tall:

accent fabric

I love love LOVE how they look next to the built ins:

Wooeee, I am in love with this navy and white combo! Classic.

Each sconce takes a 75 watt bulb, so it adds a TON of light:


The sconces are on the wall behind the fabric – and to make it so the arms came through the fabric, I separated the panels of muslin – one slightly thinner panel on the left, one wider on the right. So the arm of the sconce comes right through the fabric:



I can still close the wider section when I want, so they are operational.

I’m thinking about adding a cornice at the top, but I’m a little wary that it will get too busy, so I’m holding off for now.

I am so thrilled with the transformation! Before:


nightI especially love this area at night! It’s so sweet to sit in this chair with the Bub – during the day, looking out on the land behind us. At night, reading, talking, just being.  :)

All in all this spot was in the cost of the sconces and the bamboo shades (from Lowe’s). The fabric I already had for other projects. It is one of the first things you see when you walk in, so I felt like it was worth it!

The room is coming along just as I saw it in my head. Lurve. Lots still to do in here – art, accessorizing, molding, painting, painting and more painting. :) I can’t wait to show you the rest!

P.S. You can see peeks to other parts of the room in these pics – I know I said before I was trying to avoid primary colors when I started thinking of the redo a year ago. The whole irony in all of this is that primary colors are all that are going in here! AND I love it! :)

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  1. looking good...can't wait to see the rest! and Navy Blue is sooooo boy! love it!

  2. wow i am blown away. the final result is absolute gorgeousness. great job!

  3. Loves em...I can totally picture them in my head now since seeing the space. I can't wait until you show the gorg bedding. Gasp! Yum!

  4. What a wonderful transformation! The blue fabric at the bottom of the drapes ties in perfectly with that gorgeous wall color! And I love those swing arm reading lamps, really pretty!

    Kat :)

  5. I loved the whole transformation! We just hung white drapes in our master bedroom, but I'm inspired now to add an accent panel to the bottom to give it a little something more. :) You did a fabulous job!

  6. Very nice. In the words of TDC, I lurve it!

  7. oh my gosh! you did great! i love it! you don't need the rest of the house. you could LIVE right there!

    ps. I am laughing really hard at my last post. checkitooooout!


  8. hem tape is amazing - it saves me from having heated conversations with my temperamental bobbin thingy! I love the lamps - I think I may have to have some of those in my office...bee-u-tee-mous!

  9. I always have avoided sconces because I don't have power preset into the wall for them. How did you manage to do the sconces in this room? Did you already have power set up there for them??? I love how they look and am amazed at the transformation. Very cool!

  10. That looks amazing!!! I love it!

    Are the bamboo Roman shades expensive? I am in the middle of a bedroom makeover for my soon to be 10-year-old daughter (like the reveal will be FRIDAY--aaahhhh), and I have been contemplating something like that for her windows--under white polka dot sheers, with turquoise blue, brown, and apple green stripe panels...

  11. Wow, it looks lovely! I wish I had your patience (and talent!)!

  12. Came out fantastic! I love the extra fabric touch at the bottom! And the lamps make it feel like the perfect spot to sit and read!

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  13. My god it is fantastic room!!
    If I can fit in I wanna get it for myself not for my kid.

  14. Looks beautiful. Thanks for the tips on drapes...I'm headed down that road in the near future too.


  15. Anytime you want to invite me for coffee, I'd love to sit in your house and chat. Very inviting, very comfy! :)

  16. Love, love the transformation.

    I am wanting to put similar sconces on either side of my headboard for reading lights that don't take up night table space. Are yours wired through the walls? Or did I spot a cord running down to plug in somewhere? I can't seem to find a plug in one anywhere!

  17. Check out that adorable airplane pillow. Sometimes it's all about the little things in a room, isn't it?

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  18. The nook looks great! I love those lamps, they really add a lot to the window.

  19. Love it! The window nook has been transformed and looks both grown up and sweet. Great job!

  20. What a great deal on those sconces! Love the drapes and the bit of navy blue you added to the bottom.

  21. Great job!! You always amaze what what jobs you do, keep it up!

  22. Such beauty! I love this, would want this area in my own bedroom. Lucky guy. :)

  23. I've been eying those very sconces for my living room but was afraid it wouldn't be enough light - thanks for the review! They look so pretty here!! The room is coming together loverly!

  24. You've created a great space here. I love a good navy and white combo. :) Can't wait to see the rest of the room.

  25. That looks really nice.
    You might want to consider painting under the window the same blue as over the window and on the built-ins. The green looks a little out of place to me surrounded by all the blue.

  26. Very very nice Sarah, the transformation is great. I did like the shutters but now I think I love the curtains better. I would never ever have thought to put sconces where you did and they look fabulous.

  27. Ooo! I can't wait to see the rest of the room! I have really enjoyed the transformation. On a side note, I have been looking at those swing arm lamps for my bedroom. I have been worried that they are too small of a scale, but I love the style of them!

  28. Very, very cozy! Such a nice, warm, comfortable spot. Enjoy yourself with your big boy!

  29. I love bamboo blinds with muslin drapes .... beautiful look.

  30. It looks great! I LOVE the navy and white together.

  31. Wow!! So warm and cozy. :) I love the bamboo paired with the panels. Looks fantastic!

  32. Where do you get those bamboo shades? Thanks!

  33. oh my, i'm very impressed with what you've created in this space. i would have never thought of those light fixtures but LOVE the idea. very inspiring. =]


  34. It looks wonderful! I love the color contrast with the navy and white. He will love that room for years to come.

  35. Such a "big boy" room now....I'm a big fan of that window treatment. I've done that in my dining room using drop cloths and sheets and now I'm making some for my sunroom windows and french door. I would love some scones to put up at our window seat in the kitchen but haven't really looked for any...guess I'll check out the HD selection.


  36. I love how it turned out and the idea of the swing arm lamps coming through the two panels is genius! Great job!

  37. Gosh, I love this!! It looks GREAT!

  38. I love the nook!! And I love the lamps. I had actually purchased one but due to a long sad story I took it back. It took my breath away to see it in your sons room. I love love love the way it turned out.

  39. What a perfect reading nook! I love the drapes and the lighting...and I bet it is great to be there at night. Amazing transformation!

  40. What a difference! I am loving the way the room looks, but so sad that he is getting bigger!!

  41. It looks fantastic and so grown up for your little Bub! Love it!

  42. Love, love, love it! Seriously--it is big boy...and yet still soft. A beautiful balance.

    Can I make one little suggestion? It's probably already something you've thought of--but what about spraying the curtain rod to match the color of the arms on the lamps?

    Just a thought! :)


  43. I really like your swing-arm lights. I've been looking for just the right ones to put above my window seat. Just haven't found the perfect ones yet.

    ~Liz~@ the Brambleberry Cottage

  44. Love it! Looks fantastic.
    I am also completely in love with those sconces. I have been looking for some for my big boy room project - I home my Home Depot has those! And hope you don't mind if we both have the same sconces....


  45. oh I absolutely love this little space. Great job. And I love the bamboo, adds a touch of natural feel. Love, love, love. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

  46. WOW! I love the no sew curtains. I don't have a machine and I don't sew so this is the perfect solution.

  47. Take the shutters and make shelves or toy hangers. You can buy S-hooks and hang them on the shutters (if they are the kind that has the slats)...hang toys in the closet...or hang on the back of the door to the bedroom and hang art work on it...idea for thought.

  48. So Beautiful! One question- how did you hide the cords from the sconces?

  49. Hemming tape huh?....(quickly jots it down on walmart list) I think I may have a new best friend :D


  50. I love,luv,luff you! I just discovered your blog and literally sat for 3 hours and devoured everything you have posted! You are amazing and have inspired me to get off my keester and start the laundry list of things I only make mental notes about. First on my list is to purchase ORB and change a horrible gold light fixture. Keep the excitement coming. Thank you


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