Adorable DIY Halloween eyeball votives

October 11, 2009

These cute cheesecloth and paper wrapped votives are an easy Halloween DIY decoration! 

I just adore these spooky little votives dressed up for Halloween. I made two versions -- a black paper option and a cheesecloth one that looks like tiny little mummies: 
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They are SO cute! 

For the first version you'll need black construction paper or card stock. I started these paper wrapped Halloween votives by cutting black card stock into strips using my wavy craft scissors

I made sure they were long enough to go around the glass votive once:black strips of paper for Halloween candlesYou can also tear pieces of paper and glue them on, but I thought this was much easier!

Before you glue the paper on, grab a hole punch and make "eyes" all down the strip:
Hot glue the start and end of the strip to the back:
Keep going with the strips till you get to the top. I think I had about five strips per candle, but you could do less if you made them thicker.

Then, I used a black Sharpie to complete the eyes:
black paper eyeball Halloween candlesI made them go every which way -- and some crossed-eyed. Those are my favorites! ;)

For the little mummy votives, I took some googly eyes and hot glued them all over the votive holder:
googley eye mummy votives

It's OK if glue smudges out, you won't see it later.

I took some inexpensive cheesecloth, cut it into strips and wrapped it like a mummy:
cute cheesecloth mummy votivesUM, I know! Cuteness!! I just hot glued one end, then wrapped it and hot glued the other end. I used one long, skinny piece of the cheesecloth for each votive.

I dropped in some LED votives (they are all I use for decor like this anymore -- love them!), and this is what you get:
cheesecloth mummy candle craft
eyeball Halloween crafty candles

Mummy and black eyeball votives
At night, the cuteness really shines through:
Oh my goodness gracious, they are adorable:
black and white eyeball votives for HalloweenWhat a fun project to do with the kids! My guy is still a little too small to do this one, but with some supervision, and an adult handling the hot glue, they could definitely join in.

I made eight of them for ten bucks -- but I bought new votive holders and googly eyes because what I had were too small. Cheap!

See how I used them on our Halloween mantel here. And you can use your extra cheesecloth to make these cute cheesecloth ghosts

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  1. I love these!! I'm trying to think if I have Votives lying around or I might have to make a trip to the dollar. Store. I've been waiting for a new craft for my spooktacular next week. This just might be it.

    Check out my spooktacular posting tomorrow. I hope to maybe inspire you.

  2. These are adorable! I might make these with my class if I can find some cheesecloth cheap.

  3. Very clever & cute idea! YOu did an awesome job......Bonnie

  4. The mummy ones are adorable and the spooky eyes make me laugh! :)

    So cute!

  5. They are ADORABLE! What a cute idea.

  6. Very cute! I think I like the mummy best {maybe because that seemed easiest} but they both came out great.

  7. What a fun idea! I am filing this at

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. I'm so making some of these!!! Total cuteness!

  9. Love it thrifty girl!!!!! I'll do this with my girls who are always looking for a fun project.


  10. Very cute! Love your blog too.

    cristin @ simplified bee

  11. we made those votives last year and I smiled when I found them again this year. I was not as smart as you and did tear the paper into tiny pieces :( But they are super cute!

  12. So cute!! Glad I saw this

    Robyn's Chic Scraps

  13. So cute!! Wish I was doing "crafty" things rather than nailing hardwood flooring this weekend...went much more smoothly once we realize we were trying to nail the boards backwards!! LOL We had such an easy time of it doing the closet, but completely forgot what we were doing in the hallway!! Sad thing is the home improvement store was NO help, and even agreed with what "we" were saying...duh...we were nailing the WRONG side and even THEY didn't get THAT!!! Not asking for their opinion/help again!!! On a side note...the flooring looks fab now that we are headed in the "right" direction!!! LOL

  14. hehe! How cute! Thanks for sharing! :)

  15. Adorable! I love cute Halloween stuff as opposed to the scary stuff that is out there.

  16. I heart those little votives too! Great idea!

  17. Adorable! Good luck with getting your Etsy shop up and running!

  18. Oh my CUTE! I am posting a link to these and making some THIS WEEK!!!

    And can I just say I am SO EXCITED for your Etsy store!! Can't wait to check it out!!

  19. So stinkin' cute! Can't wait to see your new shop!

  20. i saw the little eyes votive in the same magazine! been too cheap to buy some votives, so i'll save this one for next year! loooving the mummy!

  21. You're right, that IS stinkin' cute! Thanks for visiting me on my girlie girl, over 2,500 followers?!? Way to go!

  22. Very Cute! I love those projects that are done in a snap and yield way adorable results! very Very Cute! Thanks

  23. Cute!! The mummy is my fave. :) I love simple little project like this...easy to do while little ones are napping. ;)

  24. Definitely something I will try with my boys - thank you for the awesome idea!

  25. Those are absolutely adorable! I don't really decorate for Halloween but I am tempted, now!

  26. hee hee heee... lovin' the little mummy wrapped ones.... hee hee VERY creative and easy peasy to do too!


  27. Stinkin' caaauuttte! Especially the mummies. I'm not a holiday decorator but I have some cheesecloth so might make them for my tween granddaughters.

  28. Easy, fun and cute!!! Couldn't be better :)

  29. I like the one you designed with the gauze and googly eyes's hilarious! Love 'em!

  30. Stinkin cute is right! I found you on Poppies at Play and linked you in from my blog, hope that's okay!

  31. Love them! Have you ever seen/made glitter pumpkins? These would be very pretty in one of your displays. Here's mine at Martha Stewart did then much better at

  32. Could it get any cuter than that? I mean seriously, a cheese cloth mommy! This one i even made my boyfriend come upstairs and look at! thanks for all your ideas, i tell you what, I might have some of these on my mantle tonight!

  33. Adorable! So creative! Happy belated birthday!

  34. LOVE them! So very cute - great job!

  35. Wow, I love this idea! Really cute!

  36. I have linked you to my blog!
    thanks for the great inspirations!


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