Create a chalkboard anywhere with paint

August 04, 2009

I am starting to develop an itsy bitsy problem. It started a year or so ago with my first chalkboard experience, and I just keep adding to my collection. 

I'll show you my first one in a minute, but first, my most recent chalkboard from Goodwill...

I got this blast from the past on a recent shopping trip:
I actually passed by it a on a couple different occasions, and this time -- I saw the potential in those hideous little bears. 

Here's a close up just to show you how cute they were circa 1986: I needed a new spot to hang our clean clothes since I removed the interior door in this room, and I thought with a little bit of work, this could do the job.

I gave it a quick sanding, took off the board that the bears were on off the back and spray painted the shelf like mad. I turned the bears over and painted the backside with chalkboard paint, replaced it with glue and then put hooks were the pegs were:
I stacked some little bowls I got at Goodwill for a buck each and a little vase on top, and it's good to go for now. Love it! And since I put it in with anchors, it will hold plenty of clothes. 

When I do the laundry that is, which is not so often.
Not bad for $2.99. Not bad at all.

I've shown you this chalkboard I already had in our yellow and black laundry room:
It says "I love chalkboards," for those of you who can't read my scratchings. Good thing I'm not a teacher. I wanted a clock, I wanted a chalkboard. Perfection -- a clock and chalkboard in one.

My first chalkboard creation was well over a year ago, and it's still my favorite. 

When the Bub was little, I thought it would be adorable for him to have a chalkboard to play with in the kitchen. We have an odd wall in there that was perfect. 

This is it most days:
This is it when we have parties or I need to show it off on a blog:Ahhhhh yes.

It was super easy to do -- I taped off a large rectangle with painter's tape. Then used magnetic paint and did about three, nine twelve coats. It really helps to shake the can a lot. Alotalot.

Then a couple coats of chalkboard paint and that's it! I added some molding I just wiped down with a quick stain:
But you can just leave it as is -- no need for molding. 

I found a container I screwed into the wall for the chalk and magnets, but I need to find something that will hold up to a two-year-old:
The day I added this cute chalkboard on the wall, I stood back to admire my handiwork, asking Hubby, "Isn't it the cauutest thing ever?"

His brilliant response -- "So if we let him to color on the walls there, what will keep him from coloring the walls all over the house?"

Excellent question. 
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  1. (1) Love all the projects!!

    (2) Have you seen the new colored chalkboard paint?

    (3) I don't think a chalkboard intervention is necessary...yet! :)


  2. Love it! What a great idea! Goodwill is one of my favorites; treasures just waiting to be made!

  3. Leave it to the hub to point out the downside. Garsh. Why can't they just say, "Darling, you're marvelous!"

    And then also write it on your chalkboard.

    Love it !

  4. Yes, that was a very well spent $2.99. Looks awesome as do all of your chalkboards. I bought some chalkboard paint a few weeks ago so that I can get on the bandwagon too!

  5. That shelf is amazing. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself. You did an excellent job on's a totally new piece!


  6. You are awesome as always! Love it!

  7. If you've got to have an obsession I'd say this is a good choice!

  8. Love them! I love your laundry room so much!

  9. Love your chalkboard projects. So cute! I love it too. I find myself looking around my house and envisioning everything covered in chalkboard paint. lol


  10. You're a freakin GENIUS!!!!!!!
    I have been craft craft crafting away and I cannot seem to do my DIY projects and keep up on my blog...
    How do you do both so often and so awesomely? oh and I have issues with like starting 10 projects and then getting busy and leaving them for weeks (at least) without finishing them... *sigh* I bought hobby lobby out of some metal sign that had a weird Sarah Palin quote on it and I was going to spray paint it black but I am totally going to spray it into a chalkboard - it's already magnetic and it was $1.20 (I bought 12 of them gah! i want to do Christmas presents for my siblings and nieces/nephews with them!!!) K super long post :) I love your new obsession!

  11. i think im sharing your chalkboard obsession! i just found out there spray chalkboard paint haha but i love what you do with yours..very creative! i love your blogs, they are very inspiring!keep them coming!

  12. Great Shelf redo- I love all the chalkboards and the idea of making them magnetic and a chalkboard is such a great idea! Your blog is such an inspiration to me- wish I would just get around to doing something with the ideas instead of storing them on my computer!


  13. I HAVE AN IDEA FOR YOU!!!! I don't know where you are but of you have access to an IKEA they have great things that would hold the chalk, erasers, magnets etc and are cute too! I bought one for the very same idea, but have yet to create a chalkboard wall-too chicken are your walls textured? THey have these metal bars that hang all different kinds and colors of containers that are awesome! Check it out if you can!

  14. I just barley barley barley got back in from the garage where I just finished chalk board painting a soon to be sign. It is for a "Family Home Evening" sign in which every week a different family member will have a different responsibility for family night. Thanks for the inspiration! I am super excited to get it done! I also did the chalkboard rulers on my shelves in the pantry. My hubby thinks I am crazy to feel the need to label the shelves, but we all know that it is so darn cute!

  15. I just wanted to say I totally love your blog! It is the first thing I check when I get on every day! Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with the WWW!

    As for the chalkboard paint, you aren't kidding when you say you need 12 coats for the wall. I did a chalk wall in my other house and I think I put about 6 coats on. It never looked good though. I thought it was just my walls. Now I realize I didn't use enough. Make sure you put a TON of coats of that chalkboard paint!

    Again, thanks for everything!

  16. Sarah, I adore your blog! You always make me laugh! These chalkboards are so very cute! I have been working on a couple of things with my chalkboard spray paint...we will see when I get them finished with the other 101 projects! lol

    Hugs to you,

  17. Wow, I would have never seen the potential in that teddy bear shelf. I love it. {{{i know this will sound horribly nit-picky, but is it slightly off centered? or am I crazy?}}} sorry, I don't mean to make you twitch, I really do love it.

  18. It doesn't say "love" it says "luurve" IS a good thing you aren't a school teacher HAHA

    I'm so sad about the teddy bears....they would've matched my knitted teddy bear cardigan perfectly (Okay, I couldn't even type that with a straight face).

  19. Very nice! Love what you did for so little money. ;)

  20. from now on i need to put my thinking/ creative hat on when i go to the thrift stores. cause im just not good at seeing the before and after possibilities.

  21. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your laundry room! Mine is halfway painted a color a decided not to use. LOL, eventually. I don't know how you get anything done with the Bub. I can't seem to find time to even go potty. LOL. Great job on all three projects!

  22. Oh.My.Gosh! You are hilarious! I absolutely love this post and will be hitting my local Thrift store this afternoon in hopes of finding something I can resurrect from the dead. Unlike you I don't have that crafty, creative eye, but maybe I can try?!

    I did not even know that chalkboard paint existed, funny. (So you just spray it twenty times and you can write on it with chalk?)

    I love your home, oh my lord, hopefully one day I'll have something. . . close!

  23. Lovin all those chalkboards.

    I, too, have quite the obsession with them. Alas I only have one. That I made. Out of a canvas. Fits perfectly on the end of my high cabinets...only place to put it since my kitchen is the size of Mother Hubbards!

    Anyway, one day, can I come to your house to play? You know, get all the inspiration I can :>)

  24. So glad you gave those precious little bears a redo. I love the finished product...beautiful!

  25. A friend and I were pondering the possibility of a magnetic chalkboard, and now I'm glad that I haven't painted my chalkboard wall yet!

  26. What did you use for the baby's chalkboard thing....I did one for my daughter and it didn't turn out well at all wondering what you used to begin with or if you used a pre-bought chalk board where did you get it from?

  27. Love it. I want to paint a wall in my kitchen (small wall presently holding our message center) AND my hubby says the same about the writing ANd that they would always be in the kitchen then. I might do it when camp ends and he's not home.

  28. I am obsessed with your friggin cute chalk boards!! well everything you do but when I get back to my home I will definitely be makin me one of those! I already have a fram I think I want to use!!

  29. I love how you see the possibilities in items! I'm working on it.
    I love all the chalkboards!

  30. I love this project! Thanks for sharing how to, as I was reading I was wondering how the magnets were up there until I read about the magnetic paint. Can you get that in a spray can? You have such an eye for projects!

  31. I love the new chalkboard--and the older ones--especially the clock. Dare I admit that I still have about a dozen of those actual bears? They are packed away somewhere cuz hubby won't let me get rid of them--they cost too much! But poor things haven't seen the light of day in years. Now if you could come up with a way to rehab THOSE, we'd be in business!

  32. I love all your versions of chalkboards. Your husband, by the way, is brilliant.

    It would never have crossed my mind that putting a chalkboard at child height would be inviting my kids to draw on all my walls. As it is, my 19 month old grabs stray pieces of chalk that fall and tries to eat them. Ew.

    I love your latest reincarnation! :)

  33. Love the one for your kiddo! How bad is the dust around it?

    I'm a bit OCD about dust!

  34. Love the chalkboards. Been reading your blog the past few days and have decided that you and I may be long lost sisters separated at birth! I too am a Goodwill junky and I refuse to spend full price to decorate my home. Thanks for giving me my fix each day. I luurve the blog!

  35. Absolutely LOVE the new shelf. It goes perfectly under your sign, and I love to see ideas using a color other than white!

  36. You never cease to amaze me! Your new obsessions are slowly but surely transforming into my new obsessions! Note: my husband is none too please with you ;)


  37. Love the latest project! Such a creative mind you have :), I think I'm creative, but I'll admit that I never would have given those bears a second glance! LOL!! It looks perfect in your laundry room.

  38. I adore chalkboards too. In fact, I turned my kitchen pantry door in to a huge chalkboard. Love to leave messages to everyone including the dog on it. Visitors love to draw and leave words of their wisdom as well. Sea Witch

  39. I LOVE the way you transformed the 80's shelf into a darling chalkboard! I recently did a post on my blog about my new chalkboard that I found on Etsy, you can check it out here I think a chalkboard party may be in order! You have just now inspired me to turn a thrifty find into a new chalkboard to put somewhere else, perhaps my office!

  40. you always have great ideas! ive been wanted to do some chalkboard painting myself, so maybe this will inspire me. you know you always see random stuff like that shelf at Goodwill or garage sales and most people would walk right by it and not look twice, i know i would of! Great job!

  41. Cute! I'm using chalkboards in my wedding and I'm so excited!

  42. Great chalkboards! Have you considered making a "window box" to hold the chalk and magnets?

  43. Love the new chalkboard. I've seen so many of those shelves around and just thought, U.G.L.Y. But you really cuted it up. :)

  44. I like chalkboards too {and bulletin boards, and magentic boards, and memory boards . . .} if they are pretty. I like the way you redid this bear one, and the hooks you replaced the pegs with. I have an old, cheap pine shelf thing in our garage by the entrance to the kitchen door, which works well for rain slickers and wet coats; not so pretty but no one else sees it. When we move, I'll do something pretty!

  45. I've been wanting to put a chalkboard on the wall for my daughter (who is 3), but she has had some wall coloring incidences (with black permanent marker!!!)...oh and a china cabinet coloring incident, so I've decided to forgo the chalkboard wall. But I would love to have one!!! Maybe when she is older and not so color happy!

  46. I love all these ideas - we have a great "outside pub" type sign that says "BEST BEERS" at the top - it sounds tacky but it's quite charming - it's already a chalk board so I want to keep it that way but, in passing @ my mother's old home I found tons of great old frames w/out glass OR backing so I figured as soon as I get my desk area set up in the new house, they are becoming bulletin boards and magnetic chalk boards - thanks for all the tips!!! P.S. Is it wrong that I'm completely obsessed/in love with your laundry/mud room!!! It's so wonderful! ox

  47. From one chalkboard lover to another, I don't see a problem at all.

    As for the chalk holder, I think you should make a smaller version of your flower box!

  48. I love chalkboards too! And from looking at all the comments I see we aren't alone. ;)

    I only have ONE so far but I keep looking out for new projects. haha

    Love the shelf in the laundry room!

  49. LOVE that shelf in the laundry room. It looks like a million bucks!

    It also cracked me up when you said "When Bub was little" cuz, yeah, he's sooooo old I guess it's all relative :).

  50. You are so awesome and You inspire me!

  51. Crickets...chirp...ha hee!

    I too love chalkboard paint. It's dangerous.

    I just finished decorating my little boys room. Come by!

  52. Since I can't get enough of your blog - seriously...I gave you an award on my blog today so others can come and enjoy it for themeselves.


  53. Hi Sarah

    Let me congratulate on your ideas they are simply outstanding . i have been searching for home decor blogs and just got stuck on yours . All your ideas are real and for real homes and they are simply superb . I would like to surely purchase a consult from you but first i want to get the joy of doing couple of things on my own .

    I want to do the wall paper art and had some questions . If you can please answer them i would be on my way to get my first hand made decor piece which i can really hang on to my walls and show them.

    i got the same wall paper as you from home depot it was on sale i got it for 5.97 but the other stuff was pricey as i did not have any so i got the glaze for around 18 bucks i will surely put use it for some thing .

    My question the wallpaper is 21 inches in width and all frames i am getting either 24 in or 18 inches as my fireplace mantle is 6 ft wide i thought i will get 3 nos 24 inch wide with a height of 3 ft (36) so can i stick 2 pieces of wall paper to cover the frame if i get a 24 or 36 inch wide poster board.

    what are the frames you used and how long and wide they are , where do you get them.

    I am sorry for so many questions but i would really appreciate if you respond as i have all the material ready and am waiting to make and hang them over my fire place .

    Eagerly waiting for a reply

  54. i could actually enjoy doing laundry if my room were that darling!

  55. Some lady on blog-land chalk painted her entire refrigerator this week!!! Did you see it????

  56. WOHOO!
    love it!
    Can't wait to buy my house so I can pay you to design it ~

  57. The new shelf is just poifect there! I love chalkboard, too! I think I've mentioned my office closet doors are entirely chalkboard. Great big surfaces - woo-hoo!

  58. As "cauuute" as the teddy bears were, I like the "after" version even better!

    I'm going to tell you a secret now--I've got a chalkboard phobia. I can't stand the sound they make--my teeth actually hurt when someone draws on one, and the idea of fingernails on them, well, really sends me over the edge. Even if I'm watching a movie and there's a blackboard in a scene, I get all nervous that someone will write or scratch on it, and I can't concentrate on the scene. It's crazy! I probably need therapy to get over it. Ha.

    Let's just say I hung a white board for my kids to draw on instead, but it doesn't look nearly this nice! :-)

  59. Your blog and a few others have really inspired me to look beyond the present condition of an item and really work to re-purpose it and make it both beautiful and functional. Once fulfilled both with this post!

  60. That is an awesome makeover on the shelf. I love the idea of making chalkboards with that paint... I'm already starting to think what can I do in my own home?!!
    Thanks for the many great ideas.

  61. I love chalkboards, and I'm sooo itching to make one!! I love all the ones you made!!

    Lisa B.

  62. i just found your blog, too cute! love all your projects, can't wait to start some of my own!

  63. I've been contemplating painting my refrigerator and painting a chalkboard on the lower half. One day, one day I'll get around to it.

  64. Hi there....I just found your blog today; it's great! Omgoodness, I love the easy roman shades you made for your bay window area. That's a project I will do! I been wanting to make some for a my sunroom and even went and purchased the hardware, but I have found myself putting off the just seemed to complicated, but not now!!!
    I love decorating blogs!!!

    Nola @ The Bloom Girls
    Nashville, TN

  65. Love love love your chalkboards, too bad for those lovely bears though...
    I've been known to paint a swipe of chalkboard paint on anything in my house that sits still for a few minutes. The kids are next!

  66. I to have a chalkboard paint addiction, it is WAY too much fun! Speaking of that, I need to go spray a bit on something soon. (something to hold my kids crayons)

    Love all of your projects!

  67. More GREAT stuff! Nice job :) Can you please tell me where/what kind of chalkboard paint you use? I also have a mild obsession w/chalkboards, and want to create something for my son! Thanks!!

  68. thank you for FINALLY posting about this! You and me are kindred've seen my kitchen table right??? I saw another idea on Uppercase Living tonight that I'm GOING to do...probably this week! I loved it! You'd love it too!

  69. I haven't attempted a chalkboard yet but I am dying to try it. Which do you prefer to use the spray paint or brush on?

  70. OK Darlin', Now you're in BIG trouble! I thought my accent lamp addiction and throw pillow obsession were two teeny tiny controllable issues, but now, you little enabler you, you've got me HOOKED on chalkboards! I think I'll turn the backside of an ugly door into a huge one. The only problem is that my penmanship isn't as beautiful as yours, more like chicken-scratch...

    ANYWAY, because you're such a giver, I thought I'd give back and share the link to a $10 off SHERWIN WILLIAMS COUPON which will come in handy to offset some of the cost of the 12 coats it takes to create a beautiful finish. It's good through September, so I hope all your thrifty followers can save a few bucks and create some lurve-ly chalkboard works of art. Thanks for your inspiring projects Sarah!

  71. Love the chalkboards!
    You have been such an inspiration to me. I can't wait to get my new entertainment center in once the paint dries and show it off. I have been lustily looking at one of the walls in my kitchen and garage for some time now to paint up with chalkboard.
    And now that I am planning my own laundry room makeover I also planned molding and chalkboards accents.
    If you are obsessed, then so am I!

  72. I've passed on a blog award to you! Come to my blog to get it. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  73. Didn't have time to read all the comments, so sorry if this is a repeat, but check out:

    They have a bunch of cool colors for chalkboard paint.

  74. wonderful chalkboards. Love that new one.
    Barbara jean

  75. LOVE it all, especially the 2.99 hideous bear shelf turned uber cute hooks! And I will admit it...I have an unhealthy addiction to chalkboard paint too! Cannot help myself.


  76. I have an idea! How 'bout make one of those nifty type boxes that you did out on your deck to hold Bub's stuff under the chalkboard? Would that work? I'm not as nifty as you with all that handiwork, but the idea struck so I thought I'd mention it!

  77. I think it's a great idea! Definitely not a cause for fact, I saved it to my own (growing out of control) crafty inspiration folder. That could be totally handy at an entrance to remind you to bring something out.

    Totally snagging it! :)

  78. I have got to get some chalkboard paint!

    And you're on twitter?! How did I not know this? I do now. I luuuurve twitter.

  79. All I can is, Awwesoome!! I never heard of chalkboard paint til now..I just luuv your blog!!!

  80. I love this idea! I get so much inspiration from your blog. Thanks for another great idea!

  81. Wow this is the first time to you blog, I stumbled up on it and i'm in awwww. I love all these chalkboard ideas. I didn't even know there was magentic paint let alone chalkboard paint. I'm so uncreative. I look forward to finding somemore great ideas here on your blog.

    I'm adding myself as a follower, I think i'm number two thousand and eleven. lol

  82. loving the chalk board paint...i can't really get enough of it honestly. i'm always looking for something to use it on b/c it's so much stinking fun!

  83. Fabulous! I love it! I have a friend that did one on the wall and she used rain gutter pieces to make a chalk dust catcher and place to hold the eraser and chalk as well. They have all kinds, I thought of the white metal one instantly, but she actually found a tray style one at Home Depot for about $8 I think, and it has held up.
    I have also seen people use edging parallel against the wall as well.

  84. I love the chalkboard paint also. I put green chalkboard paint on one side of the length of our hallway, chair rail down. The kids and their friends can all line up and LOVE it! (We've never had the problem of them writing on other walls either.) I plan to put chalkboards in place of the louvers on closet doors also!

  85. Love your redo! I have seen some small metal flower boxes at Target for about $1.00 that would be excellent underneath your wall board! Your blog is great, don't stop!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!