Four Cute Playroom Craft Projects Under $5

March 24, 2009

Four easy and fun playroom projects using second hand items.

Remember the little wooden tool box I made over with some spray paint? I got it for $4 at Goodwill and knew it would make a cute art caddy. 

I printed out the wording I wanted to use as a stencil:
DIY art supply caddy

After I spray painted the whole thing brown, I added the stencil to the front:
DIY tool box art caddy(The blurriness is me, not the stencil.)

Then took another trip to Goodwill and found five little glass cups that fit perfectly: Goodwill glasses art storageTotally and completely adorable, no?

I still have to find more art supplies that are scattered throughout the house, but I absolutely adore it: easy crayon and marker storageTotal cost was $4 for the box and $2.50 for the cups. Uhhh...wait...that's more than $5. 

OK, well...whatever. The next two involved the following: polka dot scrapbook paperBasically 60 cents of paper, $1 wood tags and $1.50 decorative knob.

I got this little container from my sweet stepmom last Christmas and loved it, but knew it could be great storage for the playroom: cardboard container with lid
Spray adhesive, scrapbook paper, spray paint and a knob on the top and it's an adorable little storage bin: cardboard container kids space
I used more scrapbook paper and spray adhesive on the wood tags to make DIY basket labels. 

Add in some fun craft scissors, $1 ribbon, the printer and you get this:

I drilled holes, ran the ribbon through and tied them to the baskets:
wood toy bin labels This box was a $1.99 Goodwill find. It's the perfect size for the itty bitty teeny tiny toys little boys love:
toy box wood label Adorable! Less than $2 bucks for all four wood labels: 
book bin labelAnd for my final trick of the evening, I give you 60 cent wood cuties you can find at any craft store: wood cut out magnets

Hot glued magnets to the back and you get new magnets for the kids:

glue strong magnet

I did all of these in just a couple hours and they were F.U.N. I've got a couple more little projects to do to the toy room and then I can't wait to show you!

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  1. You did make some serious cuteness here! Love the art caddy.

    The drunk line made me laugh out loud.

    Yes...I am going to spray paint a little metal outdoor table this weekend.
    Wish me luck. I've never done it before. I'll watch your video again for pointers.

    Have a good one.
    ~Melissa :)

  2. Seriously, SUCH cute ideas!! LOVE the tool box art supplies!

    LOVE the box makeover. I mean really, so cute. I am imagining a whole lotta girly for my makeover.

    LOVE the magnets idea!! Duh, why didn't I ever think of that!! I love all those little wooden shapes at Michaels. Now I'm gonna do that same thing for Saylor!

    Thanks for sharing, you're genius!

    I know you just commented on my Pissy Party, lol, but did you see my Yard Sale Booty post yet?? Go check out my finds girl!!

  3. You have the most perfect timing for my life! I've been scouring for various ideas on tags for bins/baskets and yours may just be the winner! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Too stinkin' cute! I love the prices also!!!

  5. Wow - you are like an organizing super hero! I wish you could come over to my house and work some magic here.

    Such cute ideas!!!


  6. Those are such cute organizational projects! Especially love the art supplies caddy!


  7. Everything is adorable. What a lucky little boy.

  8. Very cute - I love the baskets! I would be in serious trouble if I lived that close to a thrift shop. I would be walking there everyday!
    The only thing that keeps me away is putting the kids in the car and driving 10 min.

  9. Seriously, I love you! :)
    Awesome ideas. What I wouldn't have to have a Goodwill here. The only thing remotely close to it is a Salvation Army and it is dinky.

  10. Wonderful! Spray paint and Goodwill are two wonderful things in your hands. I can't believe you have 3 Goodwills that close to you. My closest one is 10 miles and after that there are 2 about 20 miles away. Waaaa! Good thing they aren't closer, I'd be there everyday.

  11. Those are very Ca-ute! Great ideas! Jen

  12. Great ideas! Love the tool box with stencil!!!:)

  13. I love all of it! You are so creative!

  14. Yes ma'am...this post is FULL
    of ca cuteness....

  15. Sooooo cute...makes me want to color!

  16. oh yes - these are the things that make my heart go pitter patter...hee hee.

  17. I LOVE the labels for the toy boxes! I am leaving for a girl's scrap weekend soon. I may be making some toy tags as well!

  18. Great ideas! I SO need to try and spray paint something. You gave such an awesome tutorial that I feel like I'm a pro at it now.

  19. I needed some ideas for organization! You are too too cute! Ok I might just be inspired enough now to get all the toys organized into bins! Wish me luck!

  20. So clever and artsy of you. Loved the art supply box.

  21. Fun, fun, fun!!!! :) Love the makeover on the box from your'd never know you didn't buy that at a fancy boutique! :)

  22. OMG I love your blog... I found you thru the Bibs and Cribs blog.

    I am a spray paint-a-holic and I will spray paint anything. I even spray painted a wall in my house. It is a brick wall in my laundry room, and I was painting the room black, and I was not about to brush paint the entire thing, so spray paint was the winner and it is GREAT! I think I have a picture of it on my blog somewhere!

    Also, I love the post about your stenciling. I am about to paint a canvas, (like in 10 mins), for our nursery, and I was wondering how to do his lettering! I am SOOOOOO following your blog!!

  23. These were absolutely adorable! I'm in LOVE with the toolbox. I've seen some things like that at our consignment stores, but I can't ever figure out what I want to do with them. NOW I know!

  24. Such cute ideas! You make them "look" easy. :-) Could you post a picture taken farther away, so we can visualize the whole idea in your room?

  25. Sarah,
    I just read through all of your moulding posts and I am inspired!
    I love your blog and all of your creative ideas!
    Would you be willing to do a post on how to install beadboard? I really want to put it in my little girls room, but I really don't know where to start. I am sure it is super simple...but I need help!

  26. Fabulous! Such cute storage ideas, that kid's got one fantastic play room!

  27. I am just returning from a 10 day bloggy break and now looking at all your wonderful ideas. Thank you so much!

  28. Oh, how I love Goodwill! They just opened one 4 miles from me and I can't stay away!!! I love all your ideas, especially the table.

  29. I loved your art box. I loved all the Goodwill finds. You're so creative and inspirational.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!