Where I write witty, brilliant things...

February 22, 2009

I painted the office last weekend. I was going for a rust color the first time I painted it and for about three years, I walked in every.day. and HATED the color. It wasn't right -- too orange, not enough rust. 

I took advantage of a paint sale to break my neck break my back paint the whole room again -- ceiling included. Oooooh yeah, I said ceiling. I redid it in a darker, brick color that I think I love. (It wasn't sunny out today so the walls look a little orangy in this light):

Drapes are half widths of fabric, hemmed with hemming tape. Custom, long and EASY!:

I got rid of the $20 office chair I bought years back and found this parson's chair at Kirkland's for $60 last year. LOOOOVE it! And it's comfy!:

We have a lot of pieces from our travels in here. These my hubby got for me while in Japan:

The kitties mean good luck:

The top art piece has our favorite place to eat in NYC in it, the middle is a poster I framed of the skyline, and the bottom is a pic I took at Ground Zero just a few months after 9-11:
Told you I painted the ceiling! :) More about that later. 

The print up high is a picture of the Statue of Liberty in the dock in Paris, getting ready to come over to the U.S. Such a cool picture:
I'm a freak about Kleenex boxes. They have to match and I about squealed when I saw this one:
I love cigar boxes for storage and my sweet friend sent me this one to add to my collection! It's perfect!:

I moved most of my son's toys to our loft and LOVE IT. There are still a few toys in here. The two larger bins were $5 (total!!) at the consignment shop -- on sale and with my credit.

The basket was white-washed and I painted it black:
My son wanted Bear to be in a picture:

See those little hands, waiting so patiently....
He finally just held him there...so he wouldn't have take his hands off of him. He loves that bear, just a little. :)
OK, no more office pics for a while, I'm sure you are officed-out.
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  1. What a score on those baskets! Everything looks FAB...of course...ala Sarah.

    Those pics of your cutie patootie and Mr. Bear are precious!

  2. What a cozy and comfortable room! I will picture you in it as I read your posts from now on!


  3. Your color and curtains are perfect! And sweet job on the ceiling!!!! Your son is soooo sweet.

  4. The color is great! And it is HARD to paint ceilings! Kudos.

    I like the cigar boxes as a storage solution. Classy.

  5. Ahhh, everything looks so beautiful Sarah. Love the color! That color would look great in my house with my african theme. Humm... my wheels are turning!

    Thanks for doing the Tag. :)

    Ellie Mae

  6. Can I ask your favorite place to eat in NY? Headed there soon. Love the paint.

  7. Great office! It looks very warm and cozy. I love the parson chair. I'm on the lookout for a replacement for our desk chair, but I haven't found a good deal yet. I'm still holding out.

  8. What a fun post! My daughter is just as attached to her kitty as your son is to his bear. If she's there, kitty is there.

    Too cute!

  9. Love that color you painted the office. And how sweet of your son and his love for that bear!

    Jamie :-)

  10. I love the color. It looks so good! Wait..how did you redo a whole room in the last week and I'm only half way through my bathroom update?! Sheesh!

    Bub's so cute! I love his sweet little hand holding his favorite Bear. Awwww, makes me remember when my own bub was that age...sigh.

  11. What a great office! Is it also for crafts, or do you have an uncarpeted place for that?

  12. Great color! Your office looks so tidy! Love all the photos!

  13. I can't believe you painted the CEILING! Oh my, you must be seriously sore today. It looks fabulous! Love the baskets too. I'm off to check out your Q & A page, great idea!

  14. Love the paint and that fact that you had the courage to go so bold.... it looks GREAT!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  15. LOVE the color! What is the Behr name for it?

  16. Great color!

    And I love that you have NKOTB Twisted on your playlist. LOL LOVE that song. It's even better live. hahaha

  17. Love the color and the ceiling, brave woman! I also, have many a picture of hands zooming into the screen right as I'm about to snap a shot! They're some of my favorites! And I am still just kicking myself I missed the paint sale- I need TONS of it! Grrr.

  18. This is such a fun blog! I love the question and answer blog too! Your little boy is precious!!
    Have a blessed day!

  19. I like the orange rust color! Our bedroom is a pumpkin/terra cotta color. I love it. Our ceiling is painted, too. I think we a strong color like that, a white ceiling would just look strange.

    Bear is very photogenic. ;)

  20. Everything is "just right". I know you are loving that room now...and the leather chair is a great addition. I sure do like the wicker chair! Linda

  21. You get SUCH good deals! I am a shopping fanatic... And I am jealous of your basket find. Touche.


    Love the office. I'm sure the color is MUCH better now!

  22. I love love LOVE your office! Very pretty. Oh and yea, I flipped over your tissue box too! LOL ... ahhh the things we do.

  23. What a great room! So many good ideas.

  24. Such a cutey pie he is! I can see how you could just eat him up with a spoon.
    Oh, and the room looks fantastic, too!

  25. looks fabulous! i like the new color and the drapes are so sophisticated!

  26. I must say that Bear looks beautiful......also, please tell me 1. where you got that picture of the Statue of Liberty in France (I am from NYC and would love to have a print of that!) and 2. where oh where did you find the stylin' Kleenex box? thanks much!
    Ursula at uswood1@optonline.net

  27. I love those baskets - $5!!! Score. I also love that you put things that mean something to you.

  28. What a beautiful room you have to blog in! I love the color you chose! My word, I don't know where you find your time to do all your projects. Have a great day!

  29. I love your office! We DID have an offic but it now a playroom...

  30. Your office looks great! I love that you painted your ceiling - that's so cool!


  31. Everything looks very nice. We have never painted a ceiling but we see it more on HGTV.

  32. Chick...I LOVE YOU!!!! You are my very favorite blogger! The best things about your blog.....the ideas are realistic in the budget and skill department.

  33. The whole room looks fantastic! You've really warmed up the space.

  34. I love a home filled with personal items. Very nice!

  35. I think the warm Orange paint color is just beautiful!
    Very cozy. Love it!

    I just did a Fleur-de-lis post so you know I "want" that tissue box.
    If it's missing it may be at my house. HEHE!

  36. Your room looks great! I love your son's attachment to the bear. My oldest was that way with Curious George. :)

  37. You crack me up. I bet you drink Mountain Dew all day long to have that much energy! I bet that ceiling took several coats of paint! I can see why your neck/back hurt! :O) Looks good!

  38. Now I'm looking up cigar boxes on ebay :)

  39. Looks great! I love the color in there- very cozy!!

  40. Sarah...I commented on your answer to my question on the other blog. I sent you a link to some pics of the problem 'great room'. Thank you so much for helping!

  41. Just had to say I'm glad there's someone else who takes Kleenex boxes as seriously as I do! I get really irked when I go to the grocery store and all that's left are ugly ones that won't match any of my rooms.

    I want to start a petition for tissue-box designers to please start giving us some in solid, ordinary colors. Like, I could use some plain white ones in a room or two, but plain white boxes are impossible to find. What's with all the bizarro colors they come up with, anyway? Or wild floral patterns?

    Okay, just had to get that off my chest. :-)

  42. Sarah I'm so glad you posted this beautiful office! I do remember it.
    Oh my do I ever ADORE the awesome paint color!!!
    It definitly makes the room and feels so warm and inviting.

    Come by and see mine if you have a chance.
    Have a great day.
    ~Melissa :)

  43. YOu have such a cute and fun office! I love it and love everything that you have done. I am gonna keep up with your blog, you have some fabulous ideas and I love reading!!

  44. lovely color s- and I need to find me a $60 parsons chair

  45. Beautiful rich color and so organized! And how cute is your son with his bear?!

    ::off to check out the rest of your blog::

    Have a great weekend!

  46. love the color and you got some great deals. How cute was your son for wanting the bear in the pic. Love the good luck kitties. Maybe I need some of those...

  47. Love your office, it looks so warm and cozy!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!