Cozy green and wood master bedroom tour

February 03, 2009

I love our master bedroom that I transformed with less than $350! Our room has tall ceilings, but the warm green walls, four poster bed and fireplace warm it up big time! 

Those of you who have been with me have already seen it here

The bedding was $25 plus shipping for the duvet, two king shams and two throw pillows:
I got it on Ebay, and while I watched the auction, I realized the seller would lower the price at the end of the auction, hence the $25. Score! Instead of a bed skirt, I used a fitted sheet.

Our favorite part of the room is our fireplace. I wish I could find the before picture. Just imagine big coral/peachy builder grade tiles.  

I found the mosaic tiles and realized I wouldn't need much of them since the 12 x 12 tiles could be cut up -- so we ended up only needing eight or nine of the mosaics and the slate hearth was only $24 (less than $2 each tile):
Wait! I found the before! Notice that I had only painted two walls in this room -- the fireplace wall and the striped wall behind the bed:

You can see how to make that easy wallpaper art here!:

I love the colors in the tiles:

I made the drapes forever ago, back when the room was more purpley. (The before is below.) I was going to redo them, but turns out I love the purple with the green walls. So they stay:

That little chair was $15 at a garage sale. I drove past it about five times before I bought it. 

It's temporary but I love that little thing:
This armoire had a country feel, so I painted it black and added some stencils:
Still not sure I'm loving the decor on the top, but it's been this way for five months, so I guess it's staying:
The mirror was a $10 find at a garage sale. Everything else I repurposed and moved around to new spots:
Here's the only before I can find. Man, I loved the bedding back then!: 
And my favorite parts that I could have easily hidden from you, but ya'll are my buds. 

Magazines and old books raise stuff up:
Isn't it LOVELY how NO bedding is made to fit all the way down on the sides (at least for a king-sized bed)? Add a featherbed to the top and there's no hope. Oh, and my beautiful step stool. ;)

I started using it when I was pregnant and can't live without it now. That bed feels like it's 15 feet off the floor:

Notice anything wrong with this bed? Like, oh, I dunno, two five inch deep ruts on each side? I swear we are not 500 pounds each.

I keep falling in love with our rooms all over again when they are free of clutter and CLEAN.
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  1. It looks great! The fireplace looks so much better now.

  2. Oh...your bedroom is GORG! I am in LOVE with everything about it. I feel your pain on the cord issue. I try to hide one (or 20) and they multiply. GROSS. I am stunned at the deal you got on that bedding. It literally makes me want to jump up and down. I'm such a dork.

  3. Thanks so much for the bedding info. I am in love with it! I do the very same trick with raising things up on high surfaces. Great minds think alike.

    Your bedroom is beautiful!

  4. Hi Sarah,
    The room looks gorgeous!
    You have earned your name in my book. $25 bedding... That is amazing.

    I can't believe the size of your mattress ruts.
    I thought ours were bad. Maybe you should complain to the company and get a FREE one as a replacement. Let me know if you do. Then I'll give it a shot as well.
    ~Melissa :)

  5. Everything looks so beautiful. You have such a natural talent at knowing how to make things look good. I'm kinda jealous here. But also feeling kinda inspired - we'll see what I can come up with as I revamp the place over the next year! Thanks for sharing.

  6. It's BEAUTIFUL!!! Sigh. I love it. My bedroom is covered in the laundry that is hiding from the rest of the house right now. Doh.


  7. Wow!!! Your room looks fantastic! I love the bedding and the fireplace is the best! I am so jealous! What a great room to relax in!

    I will definitely check out the ebay seller!

  8. I worked on my master bedroom today and posted it on my blog, too! I still have a ways to go, but it looks soooo much better than it did a day ago. I had to laugh at the oxygen machine in the corner, because in our bedroom it's a fan. I admit I removed it when I took the photo, but it's always there. I've been sleeping with a fan for decades. I can't sleep without it. I have to have my white noise!


  9. Not only are you are just so darn funny. I am pretty sure I laughed out loud like three times...and that's being modest! ;) I cannot even remember half the things I was going to comment about...The tiles on the fireplace are so fantastic...I love how you can cut tiles! I have some similar as fakey marble countertop in the kitchen. Umm...I am glad you have cords showing...I thought I was the only one and was going to die! Anyways, everything is fantastic as always! Thanks for sharing! :)

  10. Love your room, Sarah! Love the fireplace. I also have problems getting the sheets to cover the entire bed. And it drives me batty. I'm very anal about my bed. lol. Just ask my husband. I literally fix the bed in the middle of the night. Wow, did I just admit that? Well, I blame him because he *pushes* the covers off the end of the bed in the middle of the night.

    Wow, okay, I feel better. :)

  11. I love getting rid of things too and am in the middle of an overhaul. Two rooms done, four more to go. Then it's outside I get to overhaul.

  12. What a fabulous transformation! I love the bedding and the fireplace is amazing. Did you just tile over the old tile? Love it all...what a great feeling to be declutterd!

  13. Okay, so if you DO the spray paint fix for your brass, make sure it's the HIGH HEAT kind, like you would use to paint a grill with. Mmmm....grill in the bedroom. Bet that would turn on your husband. And as long as you're at it, might as well put in a soft serve ice cream dispenser.....a true sanctuary ;)

  14. Yes, please tell more about the mosaic tile..did you tile over existing tile??? My future is dependent on knowing this!! ;)
    LOVE what you've done. It looks fabulous. If you will email me your address, I'll send you the catalog!


  15. Your room is a dream!!! I love it. We're doing some touch up work in our room right now and then I'm decluttering it. I'm having second thoughts on a bedspread we bought in September and have since found one I like better and is such a good price. I'm stupid to buy it right? :)

  16. Your room is beautiful! I hope to get mine master bedroom done as soon as my baby moves to his room. :)

  17. I love that bedding--and such a good deal. I need to learn from you and get some good deals on ebay. I've never found a truly awesome deal on there. And I do the same thing with magazines and phone books to boost stuff on my cabinets!

  18. Sweet... well, all but the drapes, they don't seem to fit the room's decor and color scheme.... The fireplace is spectacular as is the wall color and the bedding... Nice job!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  19. I love visiting your blog. It's like getting to take a drink of ice water in the desert. Wow, that was corny! :) Had to take a de-cluttering hiatus but I can't wait to start again! Thanks for your inspiration :)

  20. Love the fireplace... and I am on my way to ebay right now to check out that seller... What a killer deal!

  21. Oh Sarah I LOVE your room!!! and thanks for the hook up on the ebay seller!! We are on the hunt for new bedding for our room and dd!

    We have a king bed, with a memory foam topper and our bed has the big dips on each side too!

    Thanks for sharing all of this!!


  22. Your room is beautiful - it could be in a magazine!!! The bedding looks so fresh and clean. Everything is elegant. I love that little chair you got at the garage sale. It has beautiful lines.

    You did a fabulous job!!!


  23. The new bedding is great...much more peaceful!

    I love love love your garage sale chair! The garage sales here never have anything cool like that.

  24. Your room is beautiful and very inviting. What is with King size bedding being too short? It doesn't make any sense! I guess it's because we are all supposed to have a footboard on our bed. Well, I'm not going to do it. :)

  25. WOw, It's beautiul! So peaceful - a haven, just what a bedroom should be. Ok, you have inspired me to decorate our ghastly bedroom. Thank you for the kick in the pants!

  26. You do such good work!

    And I am totally jealous of your fab four poster bed!!!

  27. Did you have to rip up the old tiles in your fireplace before adding the new, or are they just glued on? (I am assuming you at least had to rip up the hearth). If so, was it difficult?

  28. So pretty! I've been searching and searching for the perfect bedding, but I'm having such an AWFUL time! My hubby is leaving for a month for work - so I want to surprise him with a lovely little love nest when he comes home.
    Hopefully, I will be able to get it done!!
    You have inspired me!

    Now... to find the perfect bedding!

  29. Looks awesome! I love getting rid of crap... it totally makes me happy :)

  30. I missed your first bedroom post, so I'm glad you did it again. Everything looks gorgeous now!!

    I am in the process of de-cluttering and you are right, it is an amazing feeling to take out loads and loads of junk!!

  31. I can't think of anything nicer than being able to lay in bed and look at a fire! It all looks gorgeous!


  32. I still love your bedroom. You did such an amazing job in there...and for so little money! Great job!

  33. Absolutely lovely.
    Have you not seen these deal-e-os?
    Obviously they can be made by oneself (fancy word). A relative of ours has (no joke) every single cord in her house covered with one of these things.

  34. Your room looks great! How about adding a collection of tall vases on your fleur-de-lis black chest? You could find one in purple to coordinate with your drapes, one in brown, one in white...I think that would look great! Of course in varying sizes.
    If you need a new mattress...I highly recommend Bed In A Box
    We bought ours about 1 month ago & hubby & I are sleeping better than ever!!

  35. Any idea the paint color? I love it!

  36. I envy you. i so want to get my room to be all that it can be....I am still trying..

  37. Your bedroom is absolutely gorgeous. I love the calming color. You fireplace is great. Good job.

    I'm on a purge kick, too. My mother passed away a couple of years ago and my step-dad is now in assisted living. I don't want my children to go through what I am going through.

  38. It's just beautiful. I love the bed and I asbolutely love the artwork. Can't wait to see the how to!

  39. That is a lovely bedroom! CHEERS! Michele

  40. Wow, your room looks fabulous! I love the mosiac tiles on the fireplace. Very nice. =)

  41. Thanks for sharing the pricepoints of different's nice to know you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to get a high-end look. Gorgeous bedroom!

  42. Hey ladies...just wanted to answer a few questions. I was going to just tile over the old, but then my father-in-law insisted on doing it, so they took everything off first. I would highly recommend it. It's not as bad as I thought it would be to remove it -- don't be afraid of the tile!! Smash it!! The wall colors are from Lowes and are called Tornado Watch and Mossy Aura. I used the darker shades on fireplace wall and the striped wall. I think that's it for now...oh and yes I have contacted the store about our bed and have had the paperwork to send in for about six months now. I am so bad at that stuff.

  43. I love your room! What a great transformation. Your bedspread is so beautiful. I can't believe you got it so cheap. I love to clean. Sick huh. But I actually enjoy cleaning my house everyday. I love throwing out crap and cleaning out drawers. My kids say they are nervous about their stuff when they are gone to school. :) Keep up the good work!

  44. I've been working on decluttering my house too. It just makes you breathe again. Love your bedroom, and the new duvet is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to post some of mine when I get through. Debbie

  45. Great room.Love love love your tile on the fireplace. Sounds like you don't like the brass trim. Mine is similar and the trim is just attached with magnets. Pops off easily. Or, if you want, a spray paint is available that is made for high heat surfaces like fireplaces and bbqs. Lots of ventilation, a little spraying and bye bye brassy bling.

  46. I love your room, so well coordinated and put together.

  47. It all looks great! The tile around the fireplace is my fave.

    Getcha some cord covers from Hobby can stuff more than one cord through them...they are all over my house.

    I did my pantry...I'll post about it in a minute.

  48. You can paint that brass on the fireplace. First, tape it off, then tape up newspaper around it. You need a can of black bbq grill paint from Lowes or Home Depot. It's flame retardant! Viola! It's bye-bye brass! Blessings,
    Jennifer Allwood

  49. Stupendous transformation ... such a lovely room. P.S. I thought I had invented the magazine/book trick on top of high chests and cabinets. My entire cookie jar collection rests on "stuff."

  50. Your bedroom is so pretty! I would love a fireplace in our bedroom!

  51. Thank you for making me sick. I now want to redo my whole bedroom. Your room is sooooooo amazing and cozy, I am in love. I am sure my husband thanks you too! =)

  52. Your room looks like a hotel suite! I can't believe your deal on the bedding. Thanks for the inspiring pictures.

  53. I just found your blog, hopping around through SITS, I love before and afters! This one is truly awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  54. Beautiful room, and I love that garage sale chair, what a find.

    I have sleep apnea too (my machine is WAY smaller than your hub's!) and believe me, the snoring is just the icing on the cake. Those machines save our lives!

  55. It's gorgeous, Sarah, a dream bedroom!

    I like the brass...I think silver is overrated, ha! Although the new bronzy colors are nice. But I just love gold and always will.

    My dh has a sleep apnea machine, too and I love it, too!!! It helps me sleep...between the white noise and him no longer snoring...ah!!!

  56. I love, love, love it! Thank you for keeping some of your purple. I have kept some purple in the master because I love it and it is so nice to know someone else out there is holding on to their purple! :)

    I was totally rocking the cleaning and de-cluttering until my son and I got sick. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful reminder of why I need to get back to it!! :)

  57. hey, I know it's a couple of posts late but...where did you buy the plastic containers for your pantry?? I live in Ohio and am going to Ikea today for the first time and I am soo excited, I'm buying the bottles for my oils!!!

  58. I love the makeover. You have now inspired me to get started on the makeover of our master that I have been procrastinating on.

  59. I need like a week with no one in my house to get things done. :( Maybe they could go on vacation without me....and then I could clean and organize!

  60. Pretty room, Sarah! I like the new bedding so much better. It looks like a cozy serene space now.

  61. And now I have the Outkast song, "So Fresh N So Clean," stuck in my head. Sigh.

    But your bedroom is LOVELY. And I absolutely love the tip about using a flat sheet for a dust ruffle. Will a king-sized sheet work for a king-sized bed?

  62. Ahh, purging...(the stuff kind, not the chow kind). It's a great thing!

    LOVING and coveting your bedroom! It's so warm.

  63. I love the new bedding! What a steal for $25! I am now very jealous! It is going to take some work before I can post pics of my bedroom - lots of decluttering needs to happen in there first!

  64. I love you room. Because I'm a relatively new reader of your blog this is all new to me. I have to admit that I didn't think the before was all that bad but I agree that the after is "GORG" as you put it. I love your decorating style. I keep hoping the more I read the more it will rub off on me somehow. I also have to say what a bargain on the bedding. I got my baby boys fish crib set from that same beyond bedding place. I can't remember how much but it was a deal. Also, I don't know where you live but by me they have a Downeast Home and a Downeast Home clearance center. Check it out if you can. On a couple of occasions they have had sales where you can fill a bag (garbage bag) of linens, bedding, towels ect for $25!!! I got my daughters pottery barn bedspread, a whole pile of cute pillow shams, and darling embroidered butterfly drape stuffed in the bag and walked out the door for $25. It was a score, big time!!

  65. Sorry for two comments but I forgot something. I so identify with the cords every pictures. You could have snapped that same picture at our house pre-christmas. We haven't gotton rid of all of them but I bought my hubby a new Iphone alarm clock for Christmas and it cut the number of cords plugged into the wall in half. Who knows what he was doing before, but that clock was the best gift ever, for him and me.

  66. Everything in your room looks terrific! Nice fireplace!

  67. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us...they are terrific. I totally agree about the king sized comforter, we have the same problem. I also hate cords and am trying to figure out the best way to hide them...why do they need do many things with cords...ughh!Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

  68. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us...they are terrific. I totally agree about the king sized comforter, we have the same problem. I also hate cords and am trying to figure out the best way to hide them...why do they need do many things with cords...ughh!Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

  69. I just found your blog and LOVE is now officially bookmarked. Just wanted to let you know (sorry if this has already been said, I didn't read all the other comments) that you can get high heat paint at Home Depot and paint that brass on your fireplace (it comes in a spray can). I love what you did with the tiles, that is exactly what I want to do, but so far all I have done is get rid of that offensive brass! Thought I would share a tip you may or may not know, since you are so generous sharing all of yours.

  70. Where did you get your bed? My hubby and I are in the market and yours is beautiful!

  71. I completely stumbled upon your blog... but let me just say I am in love! I love being crafty and I think you have given me plenty of ideas to be working on for my own home.
    Also... trick for the cords... I am sure you have heard of cord socks. I find them wonderful because I too hate the gosh awful look of the nasty things. They sell them at most craft supply stores, but you could also make them if you can sew.
    Super easy!
    Thanks for all the ideas... I just hope I can get my home looking as fancy as yours! ;)

  72. First let me say what a beautiful room. Secondly maybe I need to get hubby one of those machines and thirdly I have to chuckle that you have NKOTB on your play list! HA! Oh how I use to love Jordan Knight!

  73. Gosh, what a beautiful room! You're so lucky to have a fireplace in your bedroom, and of course I love that Fleur de Lis chest!

  74. I have a few bedding sets from kbmill on ebay! Can't beat the price for the frequency of change in my home! Your bedroom looks beautiful!

  75. great fireplace!! and i love the new bedding, what a great price!

  76. Lovely, lovely room!! You know you can paint that brass don't you. :)

  77. What a great room! Can I ask if your bed is from Bombay Co? It looks exactly like ours minus the canopy (still kicking myself for not buying it)

  78. PUHLEEESE show me how you did that artwork! I am in love!

  79. I love all your ideas and how fun to decorate the laundry room!

    I shop thrift stores and garage sales and spray paint is the way to go. I have found some pretty awful colored things but a can of spray and walla it's perfect.

    Thank you for sharing your pictures. : )


  80. It's great what you've done with the room. Looks roomy and so comfortable.

  81. I love it! I've been waiting for 2 1/2 years for a new bed. Something always seems to come up that's slightly more important.. hot water heater... new roof... rotted windows. I am hoping next summer for our 13 yr wedding anniversary. I've been wishing for a new bed every anniversary. Pray that nothing goes wrong in this darned house. PLEASE!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful space and giving us inspiration. YOU ROCK!!

  82. Hi Chick

    Please share how the Fireplace was done.. Did you have to remove the surround or did you just teat out the old tiles.. I want to change my tiles but not sure if I should remove the surround or not .. Love your post.. I am reading from the begginnig to end.
    You inspire me to make my house a home.

  83. That's so funny, I have the same problem w/ our mattress!! It's embarrassing & we're not 500 lbs either!

  84. Your house is absolutely amazing! It looks like it comes straight out of an HGTV Magazine issue. Wow, wonderful job! (Also, it is darn near impossible for me to clean that well, I have so little storage... guess that's first on my list then, eh? Haha!)

  85. Hi there from Minnesota! I've just discovered your blog last week and it's the thing I'm most excited about when I go online. I do all the boring email stuff first so I can sit back and check out your latest and greatest. :-)

    I noticed that you don't seem to like brass. I also noticed that we seem to have the same fireplace (in your bedrm.) If they are the same model, the brass thingies come right off. They're held on by magnets. (I hope I'm not insulting your, but I feel the same way about brass.)

  86. It looks great! I love the fireplace and that you found most stuff at garage sales - I love garage sales!!


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!