Christmas decor in apothecary glass jars

December 04, 2008

Lately I've become quite enamored with apothecary jars, as I know many of us have. I just didn't want to spend a load on them, so I've been picking up a few as I've seen them over the past few months. 

I've been using them in my Christmas decor and they look so beautiful! 

My sister (a recent graduate who lives with us right now) gives me the stink eye every time I bring one in and fill it with stuff. 

 Me: Look, I filled it with fill-in-the-blank! Isn't it cute? 

Sister: (Stinky look.) Why do you buy these glass things and fill them with stuff? 

Me: (My best you-don't-know-anything-about-anything groan.) It's CUTE. Look! 

Sister: I don't get it. Why can't you just leave them alone? 

Me: (Horrified.) I only get these so I can put STUFF in them. Don't you know anything? 

So anyway, I've had so much fun filling these up for Christmas! Our hutch in the dining room houses most of them:
Buy the cheap pine cones and spray paint them gold! 

I got a bunch for .49 from Goodwill and painted them myself:
This pretty jar with a lid was a Goodwill find for $1.99. I knocked a few women over to get to it. 

It's filled with $2 of bells from the dollar store:
glass jar with gold bellsGot this next one for 50 percent off at Micheal's and filled it with fake snow. Threw in some sparkly ornaments I dug out of the basement:
fake snow in glass jar with lidI think this Goodwill find was meant to be a cheese platter, but I painted the base black so it would look like it is supposed to be another "glass thing to put stuff in:"
cheese dome turned cloche Over the years, I have made our hutch into a sort of wine cabinet. I installed the wine glass holders up above, and put our wine rack inside soon after we got it. 

Now I want to continue the wine theme, so I got some corks and found this beautiful wine carafe at my local consignment shop a few weeks ago for $8!:
I LOVE the huge glass stopper. 

Isn't it GORG? I put a strand of $2 gold beads inside:
I've shown you the next one with a pumpkin in it, it's another cheese plate I transformed in my quest to find yet another "glass thing to put stuff in." I've got problems. 

But it was only $1.99 people! I threw in some garland scraps and gold stars I had from Christmases past...
Have you seen these gold wicker trees at Target?:
Don't buy them! 😂 

Go to the floral area at Hobby Lobby, grab some of the wood thingys shaped like a tree. Spray paint them gold, then spray a coat of gold glitter spray paint over that. 

These were something like $3 each. I made them years ago and they still look perfect!

More glitter:

Pretty eh? I love my glass things to put stuff in.
What do you put in YOUR glass thingys?

And last but not least, I found these at Micheal's too, and actually paid the full price of $4 each for them because I just adored them. Itty bitty apothecary jars!:
But wait. I hate candy canes.
Ah yes...much better. 

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  1. I adore your ideas... Who would have thought bead garland in glass! Stunning! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. I totally want to buy a bunch of these, but I don't know where to put them in my house...good inspiration though!

  3. I love apothocary jars, but I just can't justify spending so much money on them.

  4. You need to tell your sister that she needs to start appreciating you talents. I love everything you have done with the hutch. I can't wait for my husband to be done with law school and we can buy a house; so I can copy everything you do! I LOVE YOUR STYLE! You totally inspire me!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I recently bought my first apothocary jar! It's itty bitty and adorable! I have it on my bathroom counter with red and green disco ball type ornaments in it right now... I don't know what will go in her when Christmas is over?!

  6. Sarah, I get you girl. I understand the weird obsession with all glass thingys that need to be filled with fabulousness! I have a huge one on my kitchen buffet filled with old ornaments. I have 4 more on my mantel filled with gumballs, pepperment sticks, soft peppermint balls, and m&m's. My kids want to eat them and don't understand why I keep saying NO...not for a few more weeks. Then you can eat Mommy's decorations. Yes, I know I am a freak of nature and that I have a serious problem. Like I said...I get you.

  7. It's all awesome!

    I love how every few sentences you're all "don't buy this at Target," when we all know you and Target are totally like BFF!

    Not that I disagree... ;>

  8. Everything looks lovely! Me and Target are toooooootally BFF too, but I refuse to overpay for beautiful things like this too. I just posted about my Christmas decorations last night, and there pictures of my hutch, and there's pictures of my apothecary jar. Go check it out to see what I filled mine with--it's pretty! {Pretty little bulbs} :)

  9. Love all your inspiration! I'm impressed. You are sooo good at finding thrifty ways of doing things. I have a set of 3 jars with soaps and lotions. You're making me want more of them and to think of cool stuff to put in them.
    Love the initial plate! How did you do the gold trio letters? I have some plates I could do that too.

  10. You have hypnotized me with all the sparklies...Lovin all the jars...filled with stuff...important stuff! It is all stunning! I don't like candy canes either...but love how they look in my jars. I'm funny that way. cherry

  11. I love all your apothacary jars and all the creative things you displayed in them!!


  12. I love your posts. Your comments crack me up and "oh" I love the pictures and ideas!!!

  13. You always have such humor in your posts! Love it! You totally game me some ideas on how to vamp up some current decorations and some good ideas for my kitchen. Great post!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous decor! I love all your glass jars and what you've done with them...things I never would have thought of myself! I love how you've draped garland across the top of your hutch...I'm going to have to do that! Thanks for sharing all your pretty decorations with us. I'm for sure heading to the Dollar Tree today to see what little goodies I can find!

  15. I have just gotten three that were my Grandmother's that are filled with shells(this will be my next fave thing post) but I haven't had the heart to take out the shells. There are three more with sea glass in the bathroom. I love them and never thought if some of the cutsie things you put in.

  16. GREAT IDEAS! You "stuff" looks fabulous in those little jars, absolute treasures! You must live where it isn't dusty! :) Out here in the desert in AZ I wouldn't be able to see the cool stuff in the jars through the layer of dust!! Sigh...

  17. Oh yeah I love all your jars...I am on the hunt for them also...but living in a small town so hard to find...maybe soon I will load some up from somewhere...Merry Christmas!

  18. OoooOOOoooHHH... Prettttyyyy.. Shiny... Yay for Christmas and excuses to decorate! *drools*

  19. Ok I'm LMAO off because your china hutch is GORGEOUS but I can totally see why your sister was giving you the 'eye'!! I did take a hurricane glass jar and fill it with ornaments that are the colors of my dining room--sage green, orange, red, and gold. They are awesome. I need to get off my butt and do the favorite things too b/c I've enjoyed looking at everyone elses.

  20. I want to come live in your hutch. I'd pay rent!
    Candy canes are only good for stirring hot chocolate or coffee. Candy cane Kisses on the other hand are only good for ruining my diet.

  21. I have a serious love of Apothecary jars myself...they are addicting. My favorite part is coming up with something creative to put inside. Nice hutch lady!

  22. Oh my cats, I'm loving the wine decanter filled with pearls. I'm copying/stealing that idea TODAY! LOVE the way you fill a bowl/jar.

  23. So pretty , I can not wait till I have a house of my own. With hubby in the military and moving every three years it isn't practical, But I am hording ideas and hubby better start making more money cuz he's in for it!

  24. Thanks for all of the great ideas! Now I need to go fill mine up!

  25. I love all of your ideas! You have a lot of glass things to put stuff in! I need to get some more! :)

  26. that is so beautiful, I've been trying to find those little trees, no luck yet I will check micheals and hobby lobby next...Your house looks beautiful...hugs, lisa

  27. I'm jealous. I've been wanting apothecary jars ever since I saw a great Halloween display with them a year ago. Alas, they are always too expensive...*sigh*

  28. My favorite part was hearing your bargains on all of this stuff! :) Everything is so cute and it reminds me to keep my eyes open at the thrift stores...I have definitely skipped over some cute stuff that would have been perfect for apothecary jars!

  29. I love the way your china cabinet just glows with the lights and everything. It very very pretty!

  30. I love your ideas! Keep 'em coming. I am so going to look for "glass jars to put stuff in!"

  31. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the one with the gold beads in it! What else would you do with an empty glass vessel? Duh, put STUFF in it! Let the light sparkle on all of it's insides and outs! I bet if your sister had an empty one just appear out of nowhere on her dining table, she would fill it. Oh yes she would I bet!

  32. Give that sister the candy canes for not liking apothecary jars. She's got so much to learn in her young years! :O) Love all the fillings! Pretty, pretty. I was wondering how you could have a hutch w/ no dishes. At 1st glance, I thought you had unwrapped those peppermint kisses and put some of those on that snow. I have one, like the glass canisters you put flour or something in that I fill w/ those cherry round jelly bean things, and put bottle brush trees in & it's usually pretty.

  33. I love all your jars! I'm so jealous!!! And now I want them even more (I'm one of the unlucky ones that doesn't have any right now). I also like all the glitter! :)

  34. Your home is simply've done a beautiful job decorating for Christmas.

    I have a set of apothecary jars in my guest bathroom with bath salts in one and hand-collected seashells in the other.

    I bought a small cloche at a boutique store for around $10 last month has small, red glass ornaments in it and it sets atop a piece of my Christmas china...that I found SO CHEAP at an antique store.

    My "favorite" cloche was .59 cents from Goodwill and it has silver bells in it...a-dor-a-ble!

    I am a thrifty shopper for sure...we could totally be BFFs!

    Happy Friday!

    :) Kristi

  35. You have such incredible ideas!!
    Thank you so much for sharing them! HUGS!!

  36. You can NEVER have too many apothecary jars. I love them too...hubby keeps asking where we are going to put them...I love finding them at a thrift store...shouting 'woohoo' and heading for the cash register at a dead gallop!!!! I'm there with you sista!!!

  37. Nothing I love more than sparkly things! Perhaps your sister needs some counseling? I would get her started right away to turn her life around. Wait...maybe We need the counseling? ;-) nah.

  38. No idea how I found your blog...but I sure am glad I did, its is lovely!Chrissy

  39. I love what you've done with jars ~ great ideas! Thanks for sharing.


  40. I love all of your jars and bell jars full of things. I don't seem to find the variety you gals do on blog land. Can you let me know where you find them?

  41. Yes, they are GORG!! And yes, you are crazy-out-of-control with the apoth-jars. Better pack 'em up and send them to me before this gets any worse!

    LOVE IT!

  42. these! i have been looking for some of these for a long time (i've found MANY, just not at that price!) you have inspired me to not loose hope!

  43. I just flove glass thingys that I can put other thingys inside*!* Been scouting for some myself...

    Your blog is killing me~
    I love it*!*

  44. i really love those jars! Hmmmm don't get me going on them. I have a tendency to "collect" things.

  45. I don't have any glass thingys, but now I want them!

    Off to the store!

  46. I love these! Thanks for the inspiration.

  47. loving all the glitter and shinyness...yum! beautiful!!!

  48. Oh.

    I love your blog.

    martha from Elizabeth Hill.

  49. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! I was getting frustrated in finding some small x-mas tree decor and either didn't like what I saw or it was too expensive. Now Im heading to Hobby Lobby and getting some of those trees to spray paint and I have the perfect place to put them. :)

  50. I have another new love now. Jars full of treasures. Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for visiting me at "Choose Joy". I am an artist, art teacher, and jack of all trades. I do a lot of scrapbooking, embellishing, altering, mixed media.....whatever. I love making new treasures out of discarded or found or refound items. Thanks for the comment. I love them and don't get many yet. Carol

  51. Your jars are beautiful! I can never take good pictures of anything made of glass. Your's look great. Wonderful ideas too!


  52. *sigh*

    Coming out here is like heroin to me. I LOVE IT. Although, I've never done heroin, I imagine the bliss is similar. *lol*

    I'm going to go get me some apothecary jars! Cheap ones.

  53. your apothecary theme looks gorgeous!

  54. I also totally get your love of jars! Keep the tips cmoming! I have a hutch that I usually fill with christmas dishes. I would love to see how you display dishes or ideas also:)

  55. I love all your glass jars! I want some of my own, but I haven't found any around here except Michael's and places like that, and I just can't afford to pay their prices right now. I so need to get to Goodwill and to some thrift shops...crossing my fingers for tomorrow!

  56. Thanks for visiting my tree party today. You have great ideas!

  57. Love it all - this makes me want to go out and start finding glass things to put stuff in for around the house!

  58. My mother has some OLD gold glass beads she used to put on our Christmas trees growing up. They are SOOO beautiful, but they are really fragile. Putting them in a glass container like this would be perfect! Thanks for the great idea.


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