Stuff We Love (Holiday Edition)

November 23, 2015

Hello my friends! I hope you had a great weekend! We are so ready for the holiday week which will include a lot of sleeping in, movie watching and EATING. 

Today I'm kicking off a fun "favorite things" set of posts. I've gathered a wonderful, talented group of bloggers to share a few of their favorites. I love this -- I like seeing what others find useful and helpful or just plain fun and that's what these posts are all about! 

I'm kicking it off today with a few of my favorites! These are all items we use and love. You can check out this post to see last year's favorites.

I included these in that post but it was later in the year and since December seems to move at hyper-speed, it may have been too late to enjoy them: 
These 3D "glasses" are SO FUN. You wear them to check out Christmas lights -- we get new ones every year and have tried all of their designs (I think there must be at least ten by now). I've only seen them at Lowe's in stores but they sell out fast -- I usually get ours online. (Much cheaper online too.) These glasses are a holiday staple at our house, we love them!

So this product surprised me in a good way. I have thin hair but lots of it -- I'm picky about my hair care products because my hair tangles easily when wet and gets greasy quick. I found these shampoo and conditioner bars from Basin on our last trip to Disney and I am hooked!: 
These are different than your typical shampoo and conditioner -- you rub the bar into your hair. The shampoo one lathers up fast and I barely have to use any of it before my whole head is soaped up. I have long hair and usually use a lot of shampoo to get all of my hair. 

What I love with theses is my hair feels SO much lighter and it takes much longer for my hair to get greasy, which is a really nice change. 

They were a bit of a splurge (at least I thought at the time) but I was intrigued and was in vacation-mode and had to try them out. Turns out they last a really long time (they say 50-75 uses). I've used mine for a month now and they aren't even half way gone. I wash my hair every other day and I think one bar will last at least three months. The bonus is that they smell really good. :) 

My Dad is a bird nut -- he has a ton of feeders and I'm always on the lookout to find him new ones. I ordered this one and then kept it for myself (I did get him one again too, ha!) because it was too cute:
It's a tire swing! For BIRDS. Gah. Come on! I though it was rubber when I got it but it's ceramic. It doesn't hold a lot of bird seed but looks absolutely adorable hanging in our tree so I can deal with that. 

This porch swing version is another favorite: 
It has a grate at the bottom that the food goes in and this one holds a lot more food. I think the bird thing has rubbed off on me Dad! :)

This time of year I'm all about yummy scents in the house. I've mentioned quite a few times how much I love these wax warmers: 
They have so many cute versions! I just got a Christmas tree version as well…I think I have a problem. ;) I have the one pictured above and it's also a perfect night light in our powder room. 

I'm not a big fashion girl (TJ Maxx is my go-to spot for clothes) but I LOVE makeup! As I get older I have discovered the importance of good eyebrows -- I used to ignore them other than waxing. 

I found this Benefit brow gel about a year ago and it is my favorite:  
You can find it at Ulta as well as online. I'm not great at using a brow pencil -- I feel like you can see it so easily. This stuff is a gel that you just swipe on easily and it seems to magically fill in your brows. It's really a tint but it makes them look SO much fuller. Love this stuff -- it stays on all day and doesn't wipe off. I use it nearly every day -- at least every day that I actually wear makeup. 

I found the greatest candle just this past weekend -- I've only burned it for a couple days but it's fast become a favorite: 
I'm picky about my candles -- I prefer soy, they have to be pretty and if I don't smell it across the room it's no good. I found Unplug Soy Candles at a local sale and loved the way she makes them in old wine bottles (and liquor bottles). I got the Christmas scent and it's perfect -- not overwhelming but the scent fills our main floor easily. They are BIG candles and are supposed to last around 100 hours. 

If you have animals you will thank me for this next one. I've actually been meaning to do a full post about the Spot Bot, we love it so much: 

Let me tell you -- we've had this little machine for at least six years and it rocks. I usually use it once or twice a week…sometimes a lot more. It is the ONLY machine I've found that gets stains out of the carpet quickly and easily. 

There's very little work involved -- you're supposed to fill the container with a mix of carpet cleaner and water, but I make it even easier by just spraying the stain and then using warm water in the machine. It works every time. There's also a hose attachment I use in the car. 

It has been used hundreds of times in our home over the years and still keeps on ticking. LOVE this machine!!

OK ladies. You need this one. Or…your husband needs this one. Have you seen this stuff?: 

My hubby was the one who found Poo-Pourri and decided we should try it. I did not argue this. You spray it in the toilet before you go and this masks…the scent. Let's just say without getting into specifics that it works. It's great to have on hand at parties too! It was a big topic of discussion at one we had over the weekend. :)

There you go! Some of my favorites -- fun, helpful and they all work great! Have you tried any of them? 

I can't wait to see what the other ladies will share this week! 
Here's the list of the bloggers joining in, I hope you'll check them out each day: 

This is such a talented group -- be sure to check out their beautiful homes and projects after checking out their favorites list! Hope you enjoy it!

Some affiliate links included for your convenience! 

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  1. We have been using Poo Pourri for several years. They sent some for review when it was (I think) a new product. Soooo cool!

    You have me very curious about the Basin Bars. I just wonder which kind would be great for my hair. The wrong shampoo can be such a downer, but the right one can make you feel pretty again.

    Love the glasses, too. I can't tell which ones they are offering on that Amazon page, but I love those glasses in general. I can't understand why they aren't super cheap - seems like a thing which should be, right?

  2. I love the tire swing! Do the birds eat from yours? The reviews on Amazon were mixed with some saying squirrels used it more than the birds.

    1. They do! Again, it doesn't hold a lot but it's adorable. :)

  3. Your hair sounds like mine. Which hair bars did you buy? There are a couple of pink ones so I am not sure.

    1. I got the almond scent but didn't realize they were for different hair types (that one is for color treated hair which works out for me too).

  4. I love these fun favorites posts, Sarah! Those glasses are the best! Someone brought the Poo-Pourri to my girlfriend party last year, they were small purse size refillable spritzers! :)

    1. Yes when you order it on Amazon they send a free travel size! :)

  5. I want to try that bar shampoo!!!!

  6. I love this - what a cool idea! I've already been in touch with the candle company to find out how to order.....and the PooPourri is in my shopping cart on Amazon...I've looked at it before but you are the first person I know who has actually used it!

    Hey, wait a minute---this is the second time in a week you cost me money!!


  7. Ohhh, I would like to try benefit brow. I just started using brow pencils so I will have to check it out. And as for Poo Pourri, I bought it off QVC a couple years ago I a holiday pack and I put them in in both bathrooms and it really works.

  8. First of all, thanks so much for putting together this fun blog hop, Sarah! I would love to try the brow gel, and I'm for sure buying the Poo Pourri! Heading off to see Tasha's list. ;)

  9. Awesome stuff, Sarah! I am totally going to order those glasses--my girls will love them. I remember you posting them last year but never got around to ordering them. Won't make that mistake again this year. And I really need to try those wax warmers! Thanks so much for organizing this--it's so much fun!

  10. Love the candles! Jennifer is already putting my Christmas order together! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Sarah - great post! If you want to try another shampoo or conditional try Pureology! I have thick and greasy hair - I am AMAZED at how light and soft and clean my hair feels (even with hard water at home!). It is expensive - but, I wish so bad I could go back and time and have known about it sooner. Bye-bye Head and Shoulders..hello clean!

  12. SARAH! I LOVE your list. LOVE!

    First of all, I had to laugh out loud when you said you get to sleep in this week. When is that going to happen for me?! My kids are up first thing every morning. No one sleeps in. So envious!

    Secondly - those bird feeders!!! I'm ordering a couple now as stocking stuffers for my kids. So adorable and we have a ton of trees around our property that we've been meaning to add little bird houses in. These will be perfect!

    This is such a fun grateful to be a part of it and am now off to see what everyone else shared today!


  13. I think I need a spot bot. Seems like a must-have for a family with pets. Great picks!

  14. Great stuff! I love the bird feeders! I love "bird" stuff since I was named after one. Lol we have the glasses in our car! And the poo pourri really does work. They sell it at our local craft store so we can use a coupon on it! Double bonus! The little saying on the back of the bottle is cute. My daughter changed the one part of it to her dad's name. And she gave it to him for Christmas. Hahaha I carry some in my purse....just in case we r out someplace and somebody has to "go".

  15. I bought all the males in our family PooPourri last year - it works so well! My sister is a wound ostomy nurse and she even recommends it to all her patients with bowel issues!

    For your hair - have you tried rinsing it in cold water before getting out of the shower? Mine always gets greasy near the end of the day, and I asked my hairdresser about it. She said that hot water opens the hair shaft and cold will close it so it doesn't get as greasy. I've been doing it for a couple weeks and I can see a difference!

    Can't wait to check out those candles!

  16. OH my gosh, love them all, the brow gel sounds great, am awful with doggoned pencil. My pencil has gel on other end but it always seems goopy on applicator. My eyebrow drawing skills have lost any talent they ever had so I let my bangs grow.
    As for PouPouri, that cracked me up. We use matches, also good for gas cover up.. Luckily not too many people come to our house for bathroom duties. Where can I find that stuff? What kind of fragrance does it have? not flowery I hope, gag. Cannot stand other kinds of odor cover ups, way too sweety or flowery, yuk. Great reviews. Would love to have a spot bot.WE also have critters in house. Dog has gas something awful sometimes also. (too much people food).
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful THanksgiving sarah.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!