Switch the direction of your dryer door
February 06, 2014
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Did you know you could switch the direction your dryer door opens? It’s a little thing, but if you’ve lived with one that opens the “wrong” way you know that it gets annoying after awhile. With ours we were trying to lean over the door to get clothes from the washer to the dryer, and leaning over it again to get clothes out when they were done.
I switched the door direction on our old dryer too so I knew it was a fairly easy job and decided to try this one. It took about 15 minutes start to finish – our old dryer (the old school kind) was even easier to switch.
Of course yours may be a little different but here’s a rundown on how I did it. First up, take the actual door off the machine:

I used a drill to speed things up a bit. Be careful because DANG the door is heavy. I looked at the instructions in our manual later and it warned in big fat words, “DANG THE DOOR IS HEAVY, BE CAREFUL.” OK the dang wasn’t there, whatever.
Just set it to the side for a moment:

On the other side there will be similar holes for the screws – mine were covered with little plates I just popped off:

Go ahead and just put those where the door was hanging before:
Then it was time to switch the hardware on the door. I laid it on the carpet and then took the screws out:

Then used a flat head screwdriver to kind of pop the top part off. That part made me sweat a little but the instructions said to do it so I listened. It came off pretty easily:

I took the top part of the door (the one on the top above) and switched the little latch (the latch that keeps the door shut when you close it):

You just flip flop the hardware from one side to the other.
Then you do the same with the actual hinges on the bottom part of the door (the one on the bottom in that picture above):

You just take the screws out and then reinstall it on the other side. After the hinges are switched just put the top back on and screw it all together again. That’s it!
If you have a screwdriver you can do this, it really is easy. We have an LG set so if you do too yours will be pretty similar I’m sure. Even if it’s a different brand, they're all made to do this. (I think anyway.) Like I said, switching the door on our old dryer took even less time – maybe five minutes.
I got the door back on and it works – score one for me!:

And now the transfer of clothing is easy breezy. It really is the little things, yes?:

Although now I keep trying to open it from the original side, which I’m sure I’ll do for a full six months before my brain comprehends it.
Now I just have to finish the piles sitting in our bedroom. Anyone want to come over? No?
Did you know you could switch the direction of your dryer door? Next I plan to do the same to the mini fridge in the basement. :)
I switched the door direction on our old dryer too so I knew it was a fairly easy job and decided to try this one. It took about 15 minutes start to finish – our old dryer (the old school kind) was even easier to switch.
Of course yours may be a little different but here’s a rundown on how I did it. First up, take the actual door off the machine:
I used a drill to speed things up a bit. Be careful because DANG the door is heavy. I looked at the instructions in our manual later and it warned in big fat words, “DANG THE DOOR IS HEAVY, BE CAREFUL.” OK the dang wasn’t there, whatever.
Just set it to the side for a moment:
On the other side there will be similar holes for the screws – mine were covered with little plates I just popped off:
Go ahead and just put those where the door was hanging before:
Then used a flat head screwdriver to kind of pop the top part off. That part made me sweat a little but the instructions said to do it so I listened. It came off pretty easily:
I took the top part of the door (the one on the top above) and switched the little latch (the latch that keeps the door shut when you close it):
You just flip flop the hardware from one side to the other.
Then you do the same with the actual hinges on the bottom part of the door (the one on the bottom in that picture above):
You just take the screws out and then reinstall it on the other side. After the hinges are switched just put the top back on and screw it all together again. That’s it!
If you have a screwdriver you can do this, it really is easy. We have an LG set so if you do too yours will be pretty similar I’m sure. Even if it’s a different brand, they're all made to do this. (I think anyway.) Like I said, switching the door on our old dryer took even less time – maybe five minutes.
I got the door back on and it works – score one for me!:
And now the transfer of clothing is easy breezy. It really is the little things, yes?:
Although now I keep trying to open it from the original side, which I’m sure I’ll do for a full six months before my brain comprehends it.
Now I just have to finish the piles sitting in our bedroom. Anyone want to come over? No?
Did you know you could switch the direction of your dryer door? Next I plan to do the same to the mini fridge in the basement. :)
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ReplyDeleteThat is great!!! Maybe you need the laundry fairy to visit your house…oh that is right there isn't one and we have to keep trudging on!!! Good luck with doing everything!!!
ReplyDeleteIn my future studio apartment, the fridge door will swing the wrong way. I'm not above taking it apart to switch the swing. I'm sure my landlord will LOVE me for doing that *sarcasm!!*
ReplyDeleteI'm a landlord and have to tell you that any landlord worth their salt SHOULD do it FOR you, instead of you having to do it yourself!!! ;)
DeleteYOUR a brave girl LOVE that and that you showed us how to do it .. I am going to get on that project .. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you could do that! Can you tell me where you got the drying rack on the wall next to your dryer? I would love one of those for my laundry room instead of having the free standing one in my bedroom.
ReplyDeleteIt's from IKEA and I love it! I needed something that would fold away nicely behind that door.
DeleteBrilliant!! I hate the reach over & never even thought of switching it (although I had a kitchen cabinet that opened the "wrong" way & I switched that, but never even thought that the dryer could be done)! My dryer is VERY old school, so I hope it's an easy switch! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI watch plenty of construction and decorating shows and am APPALLED that even kitchen designers don't bother to switch refrigerator doors that swing "backwards"--even right into a wall--when the switch would take just a few minutes. E-how will show you if you no longer have the manual that goes with your refrigerator. Of course, if you buy a new appliance, they can switch it before you bring it home. Grab that screwdriver!
ReplyDelete(Anyone interested in reading our Downton Abbey recaps? No spoilers for unaired episodes. AnybodyCanDoAnything.blogspot.com Links included for season 3, too!) Your reward for doing laundry!
I love this! I have always done this with the many homes we've lived in as a military family. It seems like every one, the dryer/washer hook ups were different so I always had to switch my door hardware. It's such a simple little fix that saves so much hassle!
ReplyDeleteThe one door refrigerators are the same way. Most people don't realize that either!
I have that SAME dryer and in our old house the dang door opened the wrong way, but in our new house it's fine because we swapped the placement. Here's a trick I use: that little door on top of the dryer? the one for adding water to steam clothes? I hide my dryer sheets in there!
ReplyDeleteThat is BRILLIANT! Do you use the steam part and put them in? Or just use it for the sheets?
DeleteI did not know you could switch it!! Feeling pretty good about my non-handy self right now!! The switch is DONE!!! Thanks for this helpful tip!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can do the same thing with refrigerator doors! Funny how these little things can make such a difference.
ReplyDeleteLove the practical quicker fixes you post. It's nice to have an item on the to do that I can do that day! Thanks! Also - Where did you find your clothing rack on the wall. I've been contemplating making one, but I like the metal.
ReplyDeleteJust curious....why not just switch the washer and dryer around? haha!
ReplyDeleteThe washer and dryer have to stay put because of the water and dryer vent hook ups. :)
DeleteI was wondering about the original placement of the appliances. ? Meaning...Just wondered why you put the vent & drain etc where you had them installed if that didn't work so well with the dryer? Perhaps that is what worked best with the location of the plumbing, but I was thinking you got to select placement. Just curious. And at least it's good now!
DeleteI have no idea if there is a construction industry standard location/side for appliances, but I did think it was washing machine on the left. (my husband is in construction, I could ask him but he's sleeping. :) Fortunately, many dryers are changeable as you demonstrate.
We were given a refrigerator, and immediately switched the door. It wasn't too huge of a project. The person that gave it to us was kind of intrigued by that since they had used it in the "backward" awkward way the whole time they had it.
Happy weekend.
Aren't you clever?! You didn't ask for input, but I have some anyway :). There are six of us in our family. I home school and my husband works from home. So, we are All here All day Everyday. Lots of laundry! I've tried so many plans over the years, to no avail. I am an avid laundry-hater. So, I gave myself permission to fail at the "little bits every day" idea. I just cannot remember that one load I put in in the morning. So, on Monday's I do LOTS of laundry. I hang up all day-time clothes, and throw the rest in a hamper. On Tuesday, I fold and put away. That's it until next week! I may do another load or so during the week. But, mostly it waits for next Monday. It works for me! I can stay focused on Monday's to get it done, where for some reason, I can't focus on one load every day. :)
ReplyDeleteMe either! We've let our clothes pile up and once I purge a lot of them I think it will be much more manageable. I hope!
DeleteThis is such a smart idea! And probably not something I would have thought of on my own. Now I'll file it away for when I need it :). Thanks for sharing it!
ReplyDeleteHo.ly.cow. 10 years. I have been suffering with my dryer door on the wrong way for TEN YEARS! I saw that your post was about laundry, then I saw the photo of the door hinges and I thought, "No, it's not- wait, could it be? Could there be a way?" So I read just the first part and yelled, "NO FREAKING WAY!" I literally jumped up from my desk and ran into my laundry room and lo and behold, there were screw holes on the other side and a spot for the latch to go. No WAY! I ran to the garage and grabbed a screwdriver and I had that door switched in under 10 minutes.
ReplyDeleteAnd I may have jumped up and screamed "SWEET VICTORY IS MINE!" after I opened and closed it for the first time.
Just maybe.
Oh my goodness. You have made me so happy today. Thank you. I bow to you, DIY Queen.
Ha! Glad I could help!
DeleteLove your gray polka dot hamper! Where did you get it and the drying rack as well?
ReplyDeleteThank you! The drying rack is from IKEA and the hampers are from the Container Store. :) They were a splurge but I needed a pretty exact size and they're perfect.
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ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to switch the fridge door around in the kitchen. It's next to the back door so no matter what, it always clashes with that door. But before you open it you have to walk past it and squash against the back door, open the fridge and then you're cornered until you shut it again and walk away. Not sure I explained this well but basically, I don't want to dance with the fridge door anymore. It's been like that a year though and I don't think it will ever change.
It definitely is the little things. I fixed Mum's cutlery drawer a few weeks ago after years of her battling to close it. She was so grateful.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea!!! So smart!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you posted this!! Our doors bang together in the middle of the machines and I have to lean around them (in our tiny and cramped laundry room) to transfer clothes. I'm constantly complaining about it but I had no idea the doors could be flipped like this. Thank you thank you thank you!! :D
ReplyDeleteI would still be intimidated even though you make it sound so easy. It's a good thing mine is on the correct side. Whew!
ReplyDeleteWell you're going to have a hard time believing this maybe but I actually like doing laundry. It's one thing that I can keep on top of. Of course, my kids have been heard to say that when they put clothes in the hamper it can be a very long time before they see it again. Surely they are exaggerating. haha Don't faint but it's where I go sometimes before anyone else is up and do ironing while listening to my iPod. :)
I love the floor! Is it vinyl or ceramic and who is the manufacturer ?
ReplyDeleteThanks for this info -- the door to the dryer in our apartment (furnished by the complex) was driving me crazy! After reading your post, it took me about 15 minutes to make the switch; would have been less than 10 but the screws didn't want to go into the holes on the other side. As you say, it's the little things!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you could switch it! You're so smart! Good luck with all that laundry :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the laundry! Smart to switch the door. A tip for laundry: I used to do all the laundry on one day and I HATED it. Now I have a schedule for laundry. I do a load or two every single day. (Mine/Hubby Monday, Towels Tuesday/ one kid Wed-Fri...etc...) I have 4 kids. It's a lot of clothes so I also pare down the amount of clothes we all have to about 10 outfits a piece plus 3/4 Sunday church options. Well, I may have a bit more, but honestly not by a lot. It makes a huge difference.
ReplyDeleteIt does make it easier to have the dryer door going the right way. When I bought my dryer last year they asked me which way I wanted the door to open or I might now have thought about it. Good tutorial showing folks how to change theirs. I noticed you have a top loading washer. I have a He top loader too and have never had the stinky washer issue so many people seem to have with side loaders. What about you?
ReplyDeletethanks so much for the kick in the pants and "aha!" moment so I can try this. I've been frustrated for way to long. With 9 people in our house, we have laundry of epic proportions. Thanks for the tutorial.
ReplyDeleteI had NO IDEA! Mine is fine right now but its good to know when we upgrade to be sure its possible. THANK YOU!
ReplyDeleteActually, I think I did know about being able to switch the swing of dryer and refrigerator doors, but luckily have never had to do it. (Although you gave us a wonderful, easy to follow tut.). My dryer is REALLY old school, and the door drops down from the front of the machine. I just hope I can retain the knowledge you have kindly given us, until the time when I might need it!!
ReplyDeleteI wa wondering where you bought that drying rack for your clothes? Thanks
DeleteSo funny!!! I just finally turned my dryer door around on Monday, after YEARS of thinking about it. Yeah, took minutes. I do really like your gray set! We're just slowly, FINALLY, working on our laundry room. I just painted and moved a buffet table out there, and I love it. It's so great when you realize something you already have, that doesn't work where you have it, but don't want to be rid of, works perfectly somewhere else!
ReplyDeleteHi, you are an amazing woman. My new super hero to admire. I've been married for 28 years to a carpenter. And still don't have the siding on my house (it's been outside in the shed for 7 years now) and the house is not finished in the basement either. Needless to say we have flying squirrels and mice problems in the house, I'm glad I have a good cat who earns her keep. I have all ( and I mean all) the furniture,lighting and bedding for the basement still waiting for it to get finished. But from just finding your site this a.m., I am so inspired to give it a go. I do the stripping, sanding, varnishing and or painting and love it, because it makes me feel empowered. And now I see that I can do much more through your blog. You are great at everything you do, thank you for the blog site, I will continue to learn through you. Blessings for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThis may change my life. Just moved into an older home where our washer and dryer are reversed from before. My doors open "wrong" . Thanks for the tip!!!